Методические указания для обучающихся практические занятия тема: Эндодонтические заболевания

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НазваниеМетодические указания для обучающихся практические занятия тема: Эндодонтические заболевания
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Тема: Эндодонтические инструменты
Цели занятия:

А) Профессиональные

  • Развитие коммуникативных умений в речевой деятельности (чтение, говорение).

  • Овладение языковыми средствами (фонетика, лексика) в соответствии с темой.

  • Развитие общих и профессиональных учебных умений.

Б) Воспитательные

  • Формирование у обучающихся потребности изучения английского языка и овладения им как средством профессионального и межличностного общения, познания, расширения кругозора.

  • Формирование у обучающихся ответственности, дисциплинированности и приобщение к реалиям страны изучаемого языка.

Учебная карта занятия
Организационный момент (тема, цели и ход занятия)
Задание 1: Проверка домашнего задания:

– Предоставьте перевод текста по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков).
Задание 2: Прочитайте и переведите текст «Endodontic instrumentation».
Endodontic procedures are a common and specialized process that has become routine in the dental community. Having the proper endodontic instrumentation can help expedite and ensure a successful root canal procedure. There are instruments for every step of the procedure from endodontic burs and files for canal shaping, to endodontic apical obturation instruments for filling the root canal, and everything in between. Many of these instruments can help make the root canal procedure more comfortable and efficient for both the patient and dentist. Although almost all these instruments were designed between 50 and 100 years ago, important changes have occurred in recent years with regard to their quality, efficacy, and standardization. Root canal instruments are available as hand instruments and many of them as engine-driven instruments.

Broaches and rasps. These instruments represent the oldest forms of root canal instruments. The broach is used to extirpate the vital pulp. It is introduced into the pulp and rotated so that the barbs engage the tissue. The pulp can then be removed, often in one piece. In modern endodontics this method is not recommended, as the pulp tissue is torn somewhere near the apical foramen, often impinging on the periodontal ligament as well. Rather, an instrument is used that cuts the pulp tissue at the desired apical level before it is removed. The rasps, or “rat tail files,” are used to instrument and enlarge the root canal. Cutting occurs by longitudinal movement of the rasp toward the canal wall. The instrument is effective, but is not widely used today, since the barbs readily fall off during instrumentation and end up in the root canal.

Recently, two instruments with a cutting surface somewhat similar to that of the rasp have been brought onto the market, namely the Rispi file and the Sonic Shaper. These instruments have circumferential grooves rather than single barbs and they hold up in use considerably better than the rasps. At present these instruments are available only with automated devices.

Reamers and files. Reamers and files are by far the most widely used root canal instruments. Traditionally, this group of instruments has been made from stainless steel and comprises two basic designs, the K-type instruments (K-files and Kreamers) and the Hedstrom file.

The K-file is used to enlarge the canal with a longitudinal filing and a rotational cutting action, or rather by a combination of the two. The reamer may be used in an identical fashion, but is most effective as a rotary cutting instrument. Recently new technology has been developed whereby K-type reamers and files are machined from round wires rather than twisted from square or triangular blanks. This has opened up interesting perspectives in terms of properties like stiffness, sharpness, and flexibility of the instruments. The versatility of the K-type instruments was further greatly improved by the introduction of instruments made of nickel-titanium. This material is superelastic and instruments made of nickel-titanium are extremely flexible. With a noncutting tip they will follow curved canals well. In curved canals the nickel-titanium instruments offer real advantages because of their flexibility. The nickel-titanium files are machined from round wires and cannot be twisted. The Hedstrom file is made from a round blank. The Hedstrom file is designed to be used with longitudinal filing motions and is not a rotary cutting instrument. To reach its full potential it should be used in combination with rotary cutting instruments.

Standardization of instruments. K-type instruments and Hedstrom files are today standardized. This means that all manufacturers make their brand of instruments according to a standard or specification for root canal instruments as determined by standardization organizations. The numbering of the instruments is identical with the diameter of the instruments at their tip (D1) expressed in hundredths of a millimeter. Thus, no. 40 instrument has a diameter at the tip (D1) of 40/100 mm, which is 0.4 mm.
Задание 3: Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: endodontic procedures, to become routine, dental community, endodontic burs and files, canal shaping, endodontic apical obturation, quality, efficacy, and standardization, to be available, engine-driven instruments, broaches, rasps, to introduce into the pulp, rat tail files, automated devices, reamers, stainless steel, a rotary cutting instrument, stiffness, sharpness, flexibility, made of nickel-titanium, to offer real advantages, manufacturers, the numbering of the instruments, to be expressed in hundredths of a millimeter.
Задание 4: Определите истинное или ложное утверждение:

  1. Endodontic procedures are a specialized process that has become routine in the dental community.

  2. None of the instruments can help make the root canal procedure more comfortable and efficient.

  3. Root canal instruments are available as engine-driven instruments.

  4. Reamers and files are by far the most widely used root canal instruments.

  5. The versatility of the K-type instruments was not improved by the introduction of instruments made of nickel-titanium.

  6. Instruments made of nickel-titanium are extremely flexible.

  7. Not all manufacturers make their brand of instruments according to a standard or specification for root canal instruments as determined by standardization organizations.

Задание 5: Ответьте на вопросы по теме «Эндодонтические инструменты»:

  1. Have endodontic procedures become routine in the dental community?

  2. What is the proper endodontic instrumentation needed for?

  3. When were the first instruments designed?

  4. What types of root canal instruments are available?

  5. What are the oldest forms of root canal instruments?

  6. Are reamers and files the most widely used root canal instruments?

  7. What kind of material is superelastic and extremely flexible?

  8. Do all manufacturers make their brand of instruments according to a standard or specification for root canal instruments?

  9. Is the numbering of the instruments identical with the diameter of the instruments at their tip?

Вопросы для подготовки по теме занятия:

Подберите текст по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков) и подготовьте письменный перевод.
Вопросы по теме для самостоятельного изучения: Виды местоимений в английском языке.

Тема: Новые направления в стоматологии: наностоматология
Цели занятия:

А) Профессиональные

  • Развитие коммуникативных умений в речевой деятельности (чтение, говорение).

  • Овладение языковыми средствами (фонетика, лексика) в соответствии с темой.

  • Развитие общих и профессиональных учебных умений.

  • Приобщение к реалиям страны изучаемого языка.

Б) Воспитательные

  • Формирование у обучающихся потребности изучения английского языка и овладения им как средством профессионального и межличностного общения, познания, расширения кругозора.

  • Формирование у обучающихся ответственности, дисциплинированности и приобщение к реалиям страны изучаемого языка.

Учебная карта занятия
Организационный момент (тема, цели и ход занятия)
Задание 1: Проверка домашнего задания:

– Предоставьте перевод текста по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков) .
Задание 2: Прочитайте и переведите текст «The changing trends in dentistry: Nanodentistry».
Extending nanotechnology into the field of dentistry makes nanodentistry an emerging field with significant potential to yield new generation of clinical tools, materials and devices for oral health care. Nanodentistry is said to be the future of dentistry where all procedures are to be performed using nanorobots that may become a replacement to the present day dental assistants, technicians & hygienists.

The discovery of nanodental materials such as nanopowders and nanocomposites reinforced with nanofillers are the most rapidly developing group of materials with excellent prospective for application in the field of dentistry.

Nanostructured yttrium stabilized zirconium oxide ceramics is widely used for fabrication of crowns, bridges, inlays and other dental elements for which high strength, durability and better aesthetics are required. Nanoparticles of varying composition and chemistry have been engineered to prevent the biofilm from attaching to the tooth’s surface which is the prime cause for development of plaque and calculus.

Some nanomaterials have also been developed to help with the remineralisation of the teeth after significant decay. Precisely, it brings forth a new era of local anesthesias, dentifrices (tooth paste), better treatment modalities in the management of gum problems, dental caries, tooth hypersensitivity and oral cancer by the usage of morphological, biophysical and biochemical properties of the oral cavity.

The diagnosis of the associated problems will become easier due to smaller diagnostic machinery and nanodevices with ultimate correctness in the results within shortest span of time. It also promises to reduce the span of cosmetic procedures with faster healing and improved aesthetics.

The painful procedures, mortality and morbidity rates thus associated will be reduced spontaneously in the future. With such possible innovations any disease can be relevantly treated at any stage with great efficacy.

Advantages of Nanodentistry:

1. Superior hardness, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, translucency, durability of Nano-dental materials and excellent handling properties of all nanodental products.

2. Faster and accurate diagnosis of oral diseases with small diagnostic machinery.

3. Reduced span of treatment procedures with faster healing properties.

4. Reduced mortality and morbidity rates thus associated with certain oral diseases.

5. Better aesthetics.

6. Reduced frequency of visits to the dental clinics for patients and less fatigue for the practitioners.

7. Obvious better outcome of the treatment procedures.

8. Economical.

Disadvantages of Nanodentistry:

1. Numerous ethical issues to deal with (social acceptance is necessary).

2. Toxicity thus associated with the nanoparticles is harmful to human beings as well as to the environment.

3. Subsequent irretrievable genetic information loss that was essential for better prospects of nanodentistry and nanotechnology in general.
Задание 3: Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: an emerging field, to yield new generation of clinical tools, oral health care, nanorobots (nanobots), nanodevices, nanomaterials, nanoparticles, nanopowders, nanocomposites, nanofillers, application in the field of dentistry, nanostructured yttrium stabilized zirconium oxide ceramics, fabrication of crowns, inlays, to prevent the biofilm from attaching to the tooth’s surface, development of plaque and calculus, a new era of local anesthesias, dentifrices (tooth paste), to reduce the span of cosmetic procedures, mortality and morbidity rates, advantages and disadvantages of nanodentistry, better outcome of the treatment procedures, harmful to human beings, as well as, subsequent irretrievable genetic information loss.
Задание 4: Закончите утверждение:

  1. Extending nanotechnology into the field of dentistry makes nanodentistry ________ with significant potential to yield new generation of clinical tools, materials and devices.

  2. Nanodentistry is said to be the future of dentistry where all procedures are to be peformed using ______ that may become a replacement to the present day dental _________________________.

  3. The discovery of nanodental materials such as _______ and _______ reinforced with nanofillers are the most rapidly developing group of materials.

  4. Nanostructured yttrium stabilized ______ is widely used for fabrication of crowns, bridges, inlays and other dental elements for which high strength, durability and better aesthetics are required.

  5. The painful procedures, _____ and _____ ___ will be reduced spontaneously in the future.

  6. Reduced span of ______ __________ with faster healing properties.

  7. Obvious better ________ of the treatment procedures.

Задание 5: Ответьте на вопросы по теме «Наностоматология».

  1. Why is nanodentistry thought to be the future of dentistry?

  2. What new nanomaterials and techniques were developed?

  3. What helps to fabricate crowns, bridges, inlays and other dental elements?

  4. Is it true that the diagnosis of the associated problems will become easier?

  5. Can the span of dental procedures be reduced?

  6. What are the advantages of nanodentistry?

  7. What are the disadvantages of nanodentistry?

Вопросы для подготовки по теме занятия:

Подберите текст по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков) и подготовьте письменный перевод.

Тема: Будущее стоматологии: 3D стоматология»
Цели занятия:

А) Профессиональные

  • Развитие коммуникативных умений в речевой деятельности (чтение, говорение).

  • Овладение языковыми средствами (фонетика, лексика) в соответствии с темой.

  • Развитие общих и профессиональных учебных умений.

Б) Воспитательные

  • Формирование у обучающихся потребности изучения английского языка и овладения им как средством профессионального и межличностного общения, познания, расширения кругозора.

  • Формирование у обучающихся ответственности, дисциплинированности и приобщение к реалиям страны изучаемого языка.

Учебная карта занятия
Организационный момент (тема, цели и ход занятия)
Задание 1: Проверка домашнего задания:

– Предоставьте перевод текста по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков) .
Задание 2: Прочитайте и переведите текст «The future of dentistry: 3D dentistry».
Medical technology has been improving at an incredible rate for the past several decades. This is especially true for the dental industry.

The next time you go to the dentist or orthodontist in need of a night guard, braces or a crown, chances are increasingly good that you won’t have to get a gooey impression and wait a few weeks for your appliance or restoration.

Instead, the dentist may wave a digital wand in your mouth to scan your teeth and email a digital file to a printer in the office or a dental lab, where your parts will be 3D printed in FDA-approved materials directly to fit your mouth. A custom night guard these days could take all of 45 minutes.

How Does 3D Dentistry Work?

The 3D dental imaging process starts with taking a scan of the lower half of the face to create an image. The most widely recognized and technologically advanced method of completing this scan is with a cone-beam computed tomography machine, also known as a CBCT machine. This machine takes a scan of the mouth using a series of small beams of radiation, each of which produces a digital image. This series of images is formed, collected and compiled, at which point they can be converted into a three-dimensional model and used for a variety of dental purposes and procedures.

3D dentistry can be used for simple diagnostics, showing angles and features of the teeth that may not have been visible with a traditional 2D X-ray scan. However, this 3D CBCT scan can also be used to develop a complete 3D model of the skull and teeth, which can be used for complex diagnostics and comparative data.

In addition to this diagnostic use, 3D dental imaging can now be integrated with digital impressions of teeth. CEREC technology allows a dentist to take digital impressions of the teeth with extreme accuracy. These digital impressions, which are used to create dental restorations, can then be merged with the 3D CBCT scan. This allows for a planning of complex treatment such as dental implants, customized sleep appliances and corrective devices.

The hottest market right now in the 3D printing industry is actually the dental market, where more than $4 billion in prostheticorthodontic and other dental parts are made each year. Dental laboratories, orthodontists and dentists are rapidly adopting 3D technologies in pursuit of the “digital dentistry” of the future.
Задание 3: Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: an incredible rate, braces, a crown, to wave a digital wand in the mouth, to email a digital file to a printer, a dental lab, FDA-approved materials, to fit your mouth, a custom night guard, to create an image, widely recognized and technologically advanced method, a cone-beam computed tomography machine (CBCT), to produce a digital image, to be converted into a three-dimensional model, comparative data, in addition to, CEREC technology, customized sleep appliances, to adopt 3D technologies, digital dentistry.
Задание 4: Просмотр и обсуждение видеофильма «How to 3D print PFM dental crowns // Glidewell Laboratories» (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LQGIYqqzRk)

  • Просмотрите видеоролик без звука и выскажите предположение о содержании ролика. Затем посмотрите фильм со звуком.

  • Вспомните и запишите фразы, которые встречаются в фильме.

  • Кратко или подробно расскажите содержание фильма.

  • Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What companies are manufacturers of crowns, bridges, implants and other dental lab products?

  2. Do they use specialized software to orient incide the crown?

  3. What do technicians do to print dental lab products?

  4. How long does it take to print a product?

  5. How many crowns copings and anatomical top units 3d printed are being produced per day by Glidewell laboratories?

Вопросы для подготовки к занятию:

Подберите текст по пройденной теме (объемом 500 печатных знаков) и подготовьте письменный перевод.

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