Методические указания по обучению профессионально- ориентированному чтению и устной речи для студентов 1-го курса

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John: If you are unable to accept an invitation you should promptly inform those who extended the invitation. Politely express your regret at not being able to accept. Sometimes you may with to suggest an alternative date or to extend an invitation of your own. You may use the following plan.
First, express your regret repeating your understanding of the details including date, time, place.

Second: explain why you are unable to accept the invitation.

Third: close politely with an expression of appreciation for the invitation.

Джон: Если Вы не можете принять приглашение, необходимо дать
быстрый ответ тем, кто Вас пригласил. Вежливо выразите
сожаление по поводу отсутствия возможности принять приглашение. Иногда вы можете предложить в ответ дату, удобную для Вас или послать своё приглашение. Вы можете использовать следующий план:

– во-первых, выразите сожаление, повторив детали, дату, место и время;

– во-вторых, объяснить, почему Вы не можете принять приглашение;

– в-третьих, в конце выразите благодарность за приглашение.

Read and translate Прочтите и переведите

Expression of regret Выражение сожаления

"Thank you for your recent invitation. I regret that it is not possible for me to join the Management Committee for lunch at 11.30 a.m. Tuesday, December 14, at the Grand Star Hotel."

The regular meeting of the Gilbey Business College Board of Directors is held the second Tuesday of every month. Unfortunately, the fourtenth is the second Tuesday in December. At a meeting I am responsible for making a presentation of our plans.

Appreciation Признательность

Please let me know it there will be another such meeting of your group in the near future. I am very interested in discussing your company's projected management staff development program and I look forward to having an opportunity to meet with the committee on an alternative date.
Write down words and phrases and memorize them.

1. words represented by the first letters

2. thoroughly тщательно

3. invited from the very heart

4. to ask the pleasure of you company

5. to differ отличаться

6. the addressee адресат, получатель

7. to get получить

8. from the management от руководства

9. to look forward ожидать с нетерпением

10. to have dealings with smb. вести дела, иметь торговые связи с кем-л.

11. importance важность

12. thanks to благодаря

13. appreciation признательность

14. significance важность

15. recipient адресат

16. to accept принять

17. cordially invite сердечно приглашать

18. abbreviations сокращения

19. properly как следует, тщательно

20. to request the pleasure of your company просить разделить удовольствие вместе с Вами.
Match the phrases to make sentences that correspond to what John says.

1. Informal invitations may vary in length…

2. It is always proper…

3. If you are unable to accept the invitation…

4. Sometimes you may wish to suggest…

5. Express your regret…

6. Close politely with…
A. to express appreciation for the invitation.

B. you should promptly inform those who extended the invitation.

C. but the following plan can be helpful.

D. repeating your understanding of the details, date, time, place
You are a new secretary. Ask about:

1. How to write a formal invitation.

2. What the difference between formal and informal invitation is.

3. What plan can help to write an informal invitation.

4. How to answer the invitation.

5. What to write if you accept an invitation.

6. How to decline an invitation politely.

Unit 6

Job responsibilities

Look through the following job advertisements. What type of people would you expect to be given these jobs? What responsibilities would you expect each job to involve?
Должности и обязанности
Просмотрите следующие объявле-ния. Какими качествами
должны обладать люди, которых
примут на эти места? Каковы их

будущие обязанности?

Small business advisers
The Ministry of Overseas development is looking for Small Business Advisers to help train business people in Third World countries. The Ministry has fifty advisers working abroad at the moment engaged in work, which has a lasting effect in the fight against world poverty and hunger. Each adviser finds the experience richly rewarding. Single people only. Please, apply by letter to the Director of Overseas personnel, Ministry of Overseas Development, 372 Whitehall, London SW 1

Консультанты по созданию небольших компаний

Министерство по содействию
развивающимся странам ищет
консультантов по созданию
небольших компаний, чтобы
помочь подготовить бизнесменов в странах третьего мира. В Минис-терстве 50 консультантов, работа-ющих за границей в настоящее время, их деятельность постоянно способствует борьбе с бедностью и голодом в мире. Каждый кон-сультант считает, что он одно-временно и сам приобретает бога-тый жизненный опыт. Требуются только неженатые люди. Просим присылать письма с заявлениями руководителю отдела кадров, для работы за рубежом.

Rider Instruments Inc.

Sales manager

We are a world known US Corporation that leads the international field in office furniture.

Мы являемся всемирно известной корпорацией США, лидирующей в области производства офисной мебели.

Corporate plans for growth in the UK call for the appointment of a key professional to lead and coordinate a small team of salesman and to ensure that sales targets are met. You must be hungry for results and already have at least ten years of highly successful sales experience. Call for an appointment. Phone Steve Hudson on 0517-097050.

Корпорация планирует расширить свою деятельность в
Великобритании, для этого потребуются ведущие специалисты для руководства и координации небольшой группы продавцов и обеспечения реализации целей по сбыту. Вы должны активно добиваться результатов и иметь, по крайней мере, 10 лет успешного опыта работы по реализации продукции. Встречу можно назначить по телефону. Обращаться к Стиву Хадсону тел: 0517-097050.



Frank is describing to Susan his role as marketing director of a holiday tour company.

Фрэнк рассказывает Сьюзен о своей деятельности в качестве директора туристической компании по маркетингу.
Susan: What do you actually do?

Сьюзен: Чем Вы фактически занимаетесь?

Frank: Well, I carry responsibility for the marketing activities; it actually includes a product planning role and a brochure production role. There is then an advertising role, which covers TV advertising, marketing research, public relations (PR).

Фрэнк: Я несу ответственность за маркетинг, фактически это включает в себя планирование продукции и производство брошюр. Кроме того, я занимаюсь рекламой, сюда относится телереклама, изучение рынка и связь с общественностью (СО).

Susan: So, you handle PR as well?

Сьюзен: Так Вы занимаетесь СО тоже?

Frank: Yes, yes. So, it's a department of about fifty people and functionally that's what I do. Now if you say what am I responsible for, it is profit.

Фрэнк: Да, да. Итак, отдел состоит примерно из 5 человек, а это мои функции. Теперь на Ваш вопрос насчёт ответственности - это прибыль.

Susan: Oh, really? You are in charge of the profit centre?

Сьюзен: Правда? Вы отвечаете за получение прибыли?

Frank: Right. Well, there are two sides to the job. There is budget which covers advertising and cost of producing brochures and that's the cost side. But each program has got a sales target in terms of number of holidays sold. So the responsibility for achieving those targets is with me or my department.

Фрэнк: Верно. Но есть две стороны моей деятельности. Существует бюджет, который включает рекламу и стоимость выпуска брошюр, эта сторона связана с затратами. Но у каждой программы есть цель: сбыт товара, в данном случае туристические путёвки. Так что ответственность за достижение этой цели лежит на мне или на моём отделе.

Susan: Yes, I see.

Сьюзен: Да, я понимаю.

Frank: So, it's more accurate to say it is a sale and load factor that are important, which means that you've got to fill a certain proportion of the seats on every flight to the level that you actually cover your costs.

Фрэнк: Итак, говоря точнее, важны факторы продажи мест и загрузки, это означает, что надо заполнить определённую часть мест на каждом авиарейсе так, чтобы покрыть ваши расходы.

Susan: Yes.

Сьюзен: Да.

Frank: And that leads to profit.

Фрэнк: И это ведёт к прибыли

Susan: Yes, I see.

Сьюзен: Да, я понимаю.

Frank: But I mean clearly if the marketing department puts the wrong program on sale and it doesn't sell, that is going to be a major influence on the profit.

Фрэнк: Но точнее, я имею в виду вот что: если отдел маркетинга выдвинет неправильную программу для реализации и она не реализуется, то это сильно повлияет на прибыль.

Susan: Yes.

Сьюзен: Да.

Frank: Now, that profit responsibility is actually shared with three other main-line directors who also control large areas of cost.

Фрэнк: Итак, эту ответственность за получение прибыли я делю с тремя другими главными директорами, которые также контролируют основные затраты.
Choose the best answer

1. To handle something is

a) to be involved with

b) to take care of

c) to manage or direct

d) to deal with
2. A sales target is

a) a number of sales that a firm expect to make

b) the number of sales necessary to make a profit

c) a number of sales achieved by a firm in a particular period

d) the maximum number of sales possible in a particular period
3. A product line is

a) a factory system in which products are put together while being carried slowly along the belt

b) a factory system in which products are put together by computer-driven robots

c) a group of goods or services offered by a company

d) a particular service or type of goods offered for sale by a company
4. A profit centre is

a) a department of a company that tries to find ways of increasing the company's profits

b) a department of a company whose objective is to make profits

c) the most profitable of all the activities of a company

d) income received by a company after its cost have been earned back from sales
5. Advertising is

a) the practice for creating a good image for a firm

b) the practice of creating good relations between a firm and members of the public

c) a public notice or short film to let people know about a product or firm
d) the practice of creating and showing public notices and short films about products or firms.
6. A program is

a) a machine that processes information and does calculations

b) a group of related plans, activities or products

c) a sum of money set aside for a particular purpose

d) a notice or short film about a firm or one of its products
7.To say something accurate is to say something more

a) clever

b) informative

c) true

d) interesting
8. A costing is

a) the money actually spent on a product

b) the money calculated as needed when planning a product

c) a statement of the price that will be charged for a job

d) a demand for payment of the agreed price for a job
9. To overprice a product is

a) to raise the price

b) to charge too much

c) to sell so much that demand exceeds supply

d) to sell so little that supply exceeds demand
Check your answer:

Key: l)c 4)b 7)с

2)b 5)d 8)b

3)c 6)b 9)b


Here is a list of responsibilities of marketing director. Tick (V) those he is responsible for and cross (X) the others.

В приведённом ниже списке отметьте птичкой обязанности директора по маркетингу и крестиком другие.

1. Marketing 6. Advertising

2. Product planning 7. Education and training

3. Computer systems design 8. Market research

4. Brochure production 9. Public relations

5. Accounting 10. Reaching sales targets
Check your answer

1. V 5. V 9. X

2. V 6. X 10. V

3. X 7. V

4. V 8. V


Read the text. Note which of the following statements is true (Т) or false (F). Прочтите текст. Определите правильные (Т) и неправильные высказывания (F).

1. There are three main roles in Frank's responsibility for marketing activities.

2. Frank's main responsibilities are for TV advertising, market research and public relations.

3. Ken is surprised that Frank has responsibility for a profit center.

4. Reaching sales targets is part of Frank's profit responsibility.

5. A ''load factor'' means that a company must operate a minimum number of flights in order to make a profit.

6. The marketing department has put the wrong program on sale it is not selling because it is overpriced.

7. The two sides of Frank's job that is controlling a cost centre and controlling a profit centre are of equal importance.

8. There are three main-lines directors of the company.

Check your answer:

1. T 5. F

2. F 6. F

3. T 7. T

4. T 8. F


Ken has written an article for a trade newspaper based on his interview with Frank. Here is a part of it.

Fill in the missing words from the list below. Then translate the text.
Frank Sanders is one of the most successful people in the Holiday industry today. As a Marketing Director of Peterson Holidays, he is _____ for _____. Among his responsibilities is _____ ensuring both that there is_____for new products that all the company's products are marketed ________. His marketing______includes _______ using both. TV and newspapers and______ he has to explain the company's policies and activities to the public and sometimes its problems.

He is one of four ______ who decide the _____ every year, which covers the cost of advertising and of producing the ______ that describe the holidays, as well as the cost of holidays themselves. But his main responsibility is not just controlling a _____, but ensuring that____ are met and that the company makes a ______. He has had a_____ on the impressively consistent profitability of Peterson over the past five years.

advertising реклама

brochure брошюра

budget бюджет

cost centre отдел затрат

efficiently эффективно

main-line director директор, ответственный за основные направления

деятельности компании

major influence основное влияние

market рынок

market research изучение рынка

planning планирование

products товары, продукция

profit прибыль

public relations связи с общественностью

responsible ответственный

role роль, функция

targets цели


Unit 1. Writing the message……………………………….……………………..4

Unit 2. Orders…………………………………………………………………….7

Unit 3. Business correspondence……………………………………………….12

Unit 4. Applying for a job………………………………….…………………..17

Unit 5. Formal and informal invitation…………………………………………24

Unit 6. Job responsibilities……………………………………………………..29


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