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Task 17. Think of a profession. Try to guess what professions your partners have in mind. The following YES/NO questions may help you:

  1. Do you work indoors / outdoors?

  2. Do you work in shifts?

  3. Do you wear uniform?

  4. Do you deal with ...?

  5. Do you use any special tools?

  6. Do you meet a lot of people?

  7. Do you have to speak foreign languages?

  8. Do you have to go on business trips?

  9. Do you need any special skills/education?

  10. Is your profession prestigious / well-paid?

Task 18. Complete the sentences.

  1. The Customs is the state body which ...

  2. The duties of the customs officer include ...

  3. If you want to be a customs officer you should ...

  4. A person can't be a customs officer if...

Task 19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a customs officer. Make a list:



it Is prestigious...

Customs, officers Have to worte Lia shifts ...

Task 20. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 21. What sort of personality characteristics are most important for: - a customs officer / - a flight attendant? Mark three of the following:










self- disciplined






Compare your choices with your partner.

Task 22. If you were unemployed would you take a job in:

a Customs warehouse, a scientific research centre, an Internet café, the Customs Academy, a police station

a hospital, a shop, a library, a theatre, an airport

a factory, a bank, a bakery, a restaurant, a school
See if your answers are the same with your partner's and if you answered «maybe» say what it would depend on. What jobs would you hate to do and why?
Task 23. Role -play.

a)You are a customs officer. Answer these questions for a school leaver interested in a career in the Customs.

  1. What qualities does a Customs officer need?

  2. Why do you think it is a difficult science to study?

  3. Which subjects should I study if I want to be a Customs officer?

  4. What career opportunities are there for someone who has studied Customs matters?

  5. Do all Customs officers do the same kind of the work?

  6. What type of work is being done in Customs in Russia?

  7. Why do some people say career prospects in the Customs Service are very good?

  8. Why do you say a career in the Customs Service could be very exciting in future?

b)Discuss your answers in class.

Task 24. Group work. In groups decide on a job vacancy, e. g. a customs officer, a dog handler, a customs broker, etc. Three students then role play the job interviewers. One is sympathetic, one aggressive and one is neutral. The other students role -play the applicants. Several people are interviewed for the same job. The interviewers then discuss them, comparing their abilities. The group can decide who gets the job.


the Customs


the Customs Service

таможенная служба

customs warehouse

таможенный склад

customs check-point

таможенный пост

to work in shifts / overtime

посменно / сверхурочно

indoors /outdoors

в помещении / на открытом воздухе

to wear uniform

носить форму



law, legal act


to apply

зд. применять



to clear

зд. оформлять



to deal

иметь дело с чем/кем-либо

transport means

транспортное средство


инструменты, приспособления


высокотехнологичное оборудование

metal detector


X-ray machine


canine enforcement team (K-9)

бригада кинологов

drug detector dog

собака, обученная находить наркотики


взрывчатые вещества



to pass through

проходить через

to process documents

оформлять документы

to inspect syn. to examine, to search, to check, to control, to rummage


to punish


penalty, fine,


to require


to break law

нарушать закон

traveler, passenger


to detect


to collect


to charge, to impose




personal and professional conduct

личные и профессиональные качества

to interdict

предотвращать, задерживать

smuggling, contraband


fair trade

честная торговля

traffic of smuggling

провоз контрабанды

career prospects

перспектива карьерного роста

staff, employees, personnel

штат; сотрудники


существенный, неотъемлемый

the Russian Customs Academy

Российская таможенная академия

Border guards

пограничная служба



Choosing an Occupation

One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do about a career. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old "know" that they want to be doctors or pilots or customs officers, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify'11 for a particular kind of work, or may find out that you will need to get some actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to counsel you and to give detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions. But even if you get other people involved in helping you make a decision, self evaluation is an important part of the decision-making process.

Note: qualify for ['kwɔlifai] be equipped by training; have certain experience

Ex. 1. Comprehension questions.

  1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person?

  2. Why don't the majority of young people know what they want to be?

  3. When do they make a decision about an occupation?

  4. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupation?

  5. What should one do to qualify for a particular job?

  6. Whom can you turn to for advice when making your decision?

  7. What is the most important part of the decision-making process?

Ex. 2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) столкнуться с проблемой, 2) сотрудник таможни, 3) большинство из нас, 4) выбор профессии, 5) обладать квалификацией для определенной работы, 6) обнаружить, 7) приобрести знания, 8) обсудить, 9) привлечь других людей.

Text A.

Employment Agencies

In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first job. Careers Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions.

One business organization that you may use when you are job-hunting(1) is an employment agency. There are the state employment services and nonprofit agencies that do not receive fees for finding jobs for people. There exist also some private employment agencies which receive a fee. Some employment agencies see applicants without an appointment. These include the state employment services and nonprofit agencies. Counselors there may spend a few minutes with each applicant.

But an agency that deals with technical and higher-salaried jobs spends much more time with each applicant. Appointments are necessary in this type of agency, where a counselor may be able to see only a few applicants a day.

An interview for any kind of job, whether the interview is obtained through a friend, classified advertisement, or an agency, generally requires an appointment. It is important to be on time for your appointment. If you have made an appointment and cannot keep it, or if you will be more than ten minutes late, you should always call the interviewer. If you do not cancel' the appointment or notify the interviewer that you will be late, you will create a negative impression on your possible employer.

To make efficient use of time, American business people schedule their days hour by hour. In most American business situations, appointments are a necessary courtesy.


job-hunting — looking for work
Text В.

"....They Live by the Appointment Book."

Victor had recently arrived in the United States, and he did not completely understand the need for appointments. He thought his friend was exaggerating.

One day he went to an employment agency. This agency specialized in placing people according to their qualifications. Victor wanted to star- working as soon as possible so that he could afford his own apartment.

When he arrived at the agency at 10 a.m. the receptionist said to him "Do you have an appointment?" Victor looked around the office and said "No, I don't, but I see that there are very few people waiting here. I'm sure the counselor can see me. "The receptionist answered, "I'm sorry. This agency works by appointment only." She told him to leave his resume fill out an application, and make an appointment. Victor did not have a resume, but he was able to get an appointment in two days.

Before dinner that evening, Victor dropped in on his friend Andre. H. told Victor again why sometimes in America you cannot just drop in Victor then turned to his friend and said, "Andre, you are right. In America: you don't live from day to day — you live from appointment to appointment

(adapted from "Working World" by Baskin M)
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