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Текст 2.2

Shareholders in Royal Bank of Scotland said they would support its £12bn rights issue but indicated that they may want to discuss boardroom changes once the capital raising is complete.

David Cumming, head of UK equities at Standard Life, which owns 3.5pc of RBS, said: "The rights issue deals with concerns over the balance sheet. Sir Fred Goodwin [RBS chief executive] justifies continued support. However, he has to fully engage with his shareholder base and a strengthened non-executive board to maintain that support." Another large shareholder said that given the dramatic change in strategy, it was surprising that neither Sir Fred nor RBS's chairman, Sir Tom McKillop, had offered to resign. "We won't destabilise the rights issue process, but once that is over we will want to resume discussions [over board changes]", the investor said. RBS yesterday had few surprises for investors. The bank confirmed plans to launch a £12bn rights issue, cut its dividend and sell a series of assets to shore up its ailing balance sheet.

Текст 2.3

The first question that will face the 24-member international board of directors—and the governments they represent—is the process for choosing a new World Bank boss. Since its creation in 1946, the bank has always been run by an American citizen. The first was Eugene Meyer, publisher of The Washington Post. Other notable bank presidents have included former Defense Secretary (and auto executive) Robert McNamara, former Representative Barber Conable (co-author of the Reagan tax cuts), and investment banker James Wolfensohn.

But Bush's 2005 choice of Wolfowitz, a deputy defense secretary and close White House ally, was deeply unpopular in most of the world. Wolfowitz, who had no banking experience, was seen by Europeans as a political patronage pick and an unwelcome reminder of a war that has isolated the U.S. from many of its historical allies. As the Wolfowitz conflict-of-interest saga unfolded, Japan was the only nation on the World Bank board that stood firmly with the U.S. in defense of the embattled chief executive.

Many diplomats and academics are suggesting a radical overhaul of the selection process to make it both transparent and merit-based. A group of 190 economists, development experts, and World Bank veterans created the New Rules for Global Finance Coalition. The group advocates an end to the informal convention that has allowed the U.S. to name the World Bank president while the European governments designate the director of the International Monetary Fund.
Текст 2.4.

Americans: Higher Education Moving in the Wrong Direction

ABOUT SIX IN 10 Americans believe that higher education is moving in the wrong direction, according to a new Pew Research Center study. However, opinions vary along party lines and among generations.

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to disapprove of the direction higher education is going, with almost three-quarters (73 percent) of people in the party believing the institution is headed in the wrong direction. Democrats are more evenly split. A little more than half (52 percent) say higher education is moving in the wrong direction, compared to 46 percent who say it is moving in the right direction.

However, there is a split even within the Democratic Party. Sixty-one percent of younger Democrats, those aged 18 to 34, believe higher education is moving in the wrong direction, compared to 54 percent of Democrats aged 35 to 49, 48 percent of Democrats aged 50 to 64 and 40 percent of Democrats aged 65 and older.

Opinions about the direction of higher education are about the same among all age groups of Republicans, according to the survey. However, the reasons they believe education is moving in the wrong direction differ among the generations.

Most Republicans aged 18 to 49 said higher education is moving in the wrong direction because tuition costs are too high. Most Republicans aged 50 and older said it is because professors are bringing their political and social views into the classrooms.

Furthermore, Republicans' reasons differ from those of Democrats. Juliana Menasce Horowitz, an associate director of research at Pew Research Center said Republicans were more likely than Democrats to offer "more negative assessments of the impact of colleges and universities as well as more negative views of college professors."

Democrats' top two reasons for concern include tuition costs being too high (92 percent) and students not getting the skills they need to succeed in the workplace (56 percent). While 77 percent of Republicans believe tuition costs are too high and 73 percent believe students aren't receiving the skills they need, Republicans also worry that there is too much concern about protecting students from views they may find offensive (75 percent compared to Democrats' 31 percent) and they worry about professors bringing their personal beliefs into the classroom (79 percent compared to Democrats' 17 percent).

Pew's survey was conducted from June 19 to July 2, 2018 among 4,587 people.


Текст 2.5.

Angry people might not be as smart as they think they are
People who are quick to lose their temper are more likely to overestimate their own intelligence, a new study from The University of Western Australia and the University of Warsaw in Poland has found.

The investigation examined the role of trait-anger (people who get angry as a disposition) in the overestimation of cognitive ability in undergraduates from Warsaw, Poland.

The participants were asked to answer questions assessing their trait-anger, stability, narcissism, and how they would rate their intelligence on a 25-point scale, before taking an objective intelligence test.

UWA Senior Lecturer Gilles Gignac, co-author of the paper with Professor Marcin Zajenkowski from the University of Warsaw, said the study found an interesting relationship between those with a clear tendency to become annoyed at things, big and small, and their perception of their own intelligence.

"Trait anger, in some cases, may be a consequence of less emotional stability, such as anxiety," Professor Gignac said.

"However, for others, there is no anxiety fuelling the frustration, nastiness, and angry outbursts. Instead, for them, it looks like it may be narcissism. Consequently, when you ask this type of trait-angry person to rate their own intelligence, they tend to overestimate it."

The results of the newly published study answer important questions about the dynamics between trait-anger, emotional stability, and narcissism. By understanding more about how trait-anger functions, it will allow clinicians and members of the general public to deal with it better.

The study also leads into some important speculations that could be examined in future research.

"A narcissist, especially what we call the grandiose narcissist, has, as a defining characteristic, an inflated positive self-image," Professor Gignac said.

"So, it's not surprising to see a link between narcissism and the overestimation of one's intelligence.

"The interesting element is that trait-anger appears to be involved in this process. It may be speculated that, for many grandiose narcissists, trait-anger develops over time, as they begin to gain some awareness of the difference between how important and good they think they are versus the reality of what they can do and what they have accomplished."

The research paper has been published in Intelligence (Elsevier).

Текст 2.6.

Going off the grid with Google is harder than you might expect.
Google services on Android devices and iPhones track and store your location data even if you turn location history off in your privacy settings, according to an Associated Press investigation.

You can turn off location history any time, but some Google apps still store your time-stamped location data, the AP reported. Google also reportedly uses this location data to target ads based on users' specific locations.

Turning off location history just appears to remove your location from the Google Maps Timeline feature, which shows you where you've been in Google's data.

You can turn off web and app activity tracking, which is enabled by default, and delete your location data in your Google account at myactivity.google.com. However, as the AP notes, this may affect how some services work, such as ride-hailing apps.

To find out if you're tracked by Google, you can go to your Google Maps Timeline, and from there you can check your phone's location settings and make adjustments.

Tech giants have been under fire for scandals related to data privacy. Even the protection of location data has concerned Congress. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce last month sent a pair of letters to Apple and Alphabet, Google's parent company, inquiring how the companies protect users' privacy. Apple has responded with detailed answers to each question; Alphabet hasn't.

"Location History is a Google product that is entirely opt in, and users have the controls to edit, delete, or turn it off at any time," a Google spokesperson said in an email statement. "As the story notes, we make sure Location History users know that when they disable the product, we continue to use location to improve the Google experience when they do things like perform a Google search or use Google for driving directions."

In a statement to the AP, a spokesperson for the search giant said: "There are a number of different ways that Google may use location to improve people's experience, including: Location History, Web and App Activity, and through device-level Location Services. We provide clear descriptions of these tools, and robust controls so people can turn them on or off, and delete their histories at any time."
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Источник: “The Economist”, June 2015, p.10-14

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На основании решения заседания кафедры ППСГД__ Протокол № 1 от 30.08.18

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1) актуализированы перечни основной и дополнительной литературы

2) банк заданий дополнен актуальными аутентичными текстами

 Изменения внесены Флёровым О.В., Екимовой Н.В.





Заведующий кафедрой к.психол.н. Е.А. Алямкина

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