Программа кандидатского экзамена по иностранному языку по программам подготовки научно-педагогических кадров в аспирантуре

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6. Задания для самопроверки уровня освоения дисциплины аспирантами

На кандидатском экзамене аспирант (соискатель) должен продемонстрировать умение пользоваться иностранным языком как средством профессионального общения в научной сфере.

Аспирант (соискатель) должен владеть орфографической, орфоэпической, лексической и грамматической нормами изучаемого языка и правильно использовать их во всех видах речевой коммуникации, в научной сфере в форме устного и письменного общения.

На экзамене будет предложено три задания:

1. Изучающее чтение оригинального текста по специальности и перевод на русский язык. Объем 2500–3000 печатных знаков. Аспирант (соискатель) должен продемонстрировать умение читать оригинальную литературу по специальности, опираясь на изученный языковой материал, фоновые страноведческие и профессиональные знания, навыки языковой и контекстуальной догадки. Необходимо максимально точно и адекватно извлекать основную информацию, содержащуюся в тексте, проводить обобщение и анализ основных положений предъявленного научного текста для перевода.

2. Беглое (просмотровое) чтение оригинального текста из периодической печати общественно-политического характера, связанного со специальностью экзаменуемого. Объем – 1000–1500 печатных знаков. Необходимо отработать умение в течение короткого времени определить круг рассматриваемых в тексте вопросов и выявить основные положения автора, передать информацию на изучаемом языке.

3. Беседа с экзаменаторами на иностранном языке по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой аспиранта.

Примерные образцы экзаменационных заданий приведены в Приложении.
Методические рекомендации по самостоятельному освоению иностранного языка
Для самостоятельной работы по изучению иностранного языка рекомендуется использовать учебники, учебные пособия и лексико-грамматические справочники из электронной и классической библиотеки МУИВ. Не рекомендуется использование электронных переводчиков.

Помимо этого в настоящее время неоднократно отмечается ценность аутентичных материалов (из зарубежных интернет-источников) для изучения иностранного языка: они полностью независимы от дидактики и демонстрируют использование языка в реальных ситуациях, поскольку созданы носителями языка в первую очередь для носителей, а не в учебных целях. Необходимо организовать самостоятельную работу аспирантов таким образом, чтобы они получали как можно больше языковой практики на основе материалов подобного рода.

Существуют следующие основные принципы самостоятельной работы аспирантов по изучению иностранного языка.

Систематичность. Специфика иностранного языка как учебной дисциплины такова, что успех в её изучении зависит не только от общего количества часов, затраченных на её освоение, но и от того, насколько равномерно это время было распределено. Изучение иностранного языка будет эффективным только в том случае, если занятия, в том числе внеаудиторные, будут носить систематический характер. Уделять понемногу времени на занятия каждый день значительно более эффективно, чем заниматься много часов один раз в неделю, даже если общее количество времени, затраченного на изучение языка, при этом будет больше.

Посильность также является фактором, неучёт которого может привести к неудачи в самостоятельном изучении иностранного языка. Его необходимо изучать постепенно, переходя от простого к сложному: от базовой лексики и элементарных грамматических конструкций к специализированным словам и более сложным грамматическим правилам. Причем речь здесь ведется не только о качественной, но и количественной сложности. Не следует браться за объёмные материалы, если нет достаточного опыта освоения небольших. Это поможет избежать психологической боязни, способной поколебать уверенность аспиранта неязыкового профиля в себе.

Сознательность, являющаяся важным фактором любого обучения, лежит в основе одного из дидактических принципов. В её отсутствии, самостоятельное изучение иностранного языка превратится в механический процесс. Если уделять внимание только лингвистической стороне вопроса и некритически относится к получаемой на иностранном языке информации, то иностранный язык станет немотивированной целью, а не средством познания, и следовательно практическая польза от изучения иностранного языка будет сведена к нулю.

Постоянное повторение изученного. Здесь вернемся еще раз к специфики иностранного языка как учебной дисциплины. Одной из существенных ее особенностей является то, что в ее рамках крайне трудно сразу усвоить весь изученный материал. Кроме того многое, что сначала казалось усвоенным, затем забывается и запоминается только со второго или даже с третьего и четвертого раза. Поэтому при изучении иностранного языка повторение и закрепление изученного материала играет не менее важную роль, чем изучение нового, а по объему затрачиваемого на занятиях времени почти всегда превалирует. Самостоятельная работа аспиранта необходима также потому, что в рамках сравнительно небольшого количества часов, отводимых на аудиторные занятия иностранным языком с аспирантами нелингвистических вузов, организовать закрепление материала в должном объеме не удается.

В наше время огромную роль в жизни молодых людей, в том числе и аспирантов, играют различные социальные сети, которые тоже могут служить источником повседневной коммуникации на иностранном языке.

Во время общения в социальной сети, аспиранту не следует бояться допустить грамматическую или речевую ошибку, что вызвано спецификой коммуникации в интернете, подразумевающей употребление простейших конструкций для быстрого письма и не строгое следование правилам грамматики. Общение в социальных сетях может происходить не только с иностранцами, являющимися носителями языка, но и с другими аспирантами российских вузов, например, на профессиональные темы.
7. Критерии оценивания ответа на экзамене
При выставлении оценки на экзамене преподаватель руководствуется следующими критериями


Оценка «отлично» ставится в случае, если ответ аспиранта отвечает следующим требованиям:

1) полнота ответа;

2) правильное произношение, отсутствие или незначительные лексико-грамматические ошибки;

3) четкость и логичность изложения;

4) правильные ответы на дополнительные вопросы.


Оценка «хорошо» ставится в случае, если ответ аспиранта характеризуется следующими признаками:

1) полнота ответа;

2) неточности в произношении, периодические лексико-грамматические ошибки, не препятствующие пониманию высказывания;

3) некоторая нечеткость ответа;

4) некоторая нелогичность изложения;

5) правильные ответы на дополнительные вопросы.


Оценка «удовлетворительно» ставится в случае, если ответ аспиранта характеризуется следующими признаками:

1) ответ неполный;

2) изложение ответа не совсем четкое и логичное;

3) существенные искажения в произношении, понимание затруднено из-за достаточно большого количества серьёзных лексико-грамматических ошибок;

3) аспирант затрудняется в ответах на дополнительные вопросы.


Оценка «неудовлетворительно» ставится в случае, если ответ аспиранта характеризуется следующими признаками:

1) ответ неполный;

2) неправильное употребление лексических единиц и нарушение базовых грамматических правил;

3) изложение ответа нечеткое и нелогичное;

4) аспирант затрудняется в ответах на дополнительные и наводящие вопросы.

8. Рекомендуемая литература
основная литература:

1) Актуальные проблемы межкультурных коммуникаций в современном мире. Монография под ред. Н.А.Рыбаковой, Э.Р. Гатиатуллиной, О.В. Флерова. М.: МУИВ, 2015. 189 с.


2) Вильданова Г.А. Эвфемия и принцип вежливости в современном английском языке. М.: Директ-Медиа, 2015. 162 с.


3) Гарагуля С.И. Английский язык для аспирантов и соискателей ученой степени. М.: Владос, 2015. 328 с.


4) Сорогина Т. И., Нестеренко Е. Ю., Беляева И. В. Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации. М.: Флинта, 2017.


5) Флеров О.В. Иностранный язык (профессиональный). М.: МУИВ, 2017. 84 с.


6) Флеров О.В. Актуальные проблемы подготовки студентов к профессиональной межкультурной коммуникации. М.: МУИВ, 2016. 132 с.


7) Холхоева Л.В. Деловая переписка на английском языке: учебно-методическое пособие. М.: МУИВ, 2017.

дополнительная литература:

1) Губина Г.Г. Английский язык в магистратуре и аспирантуре. Ярославль: ЯГПУ, 2010. 128 с.

2) Клочкова О.Ф. Практическое пособие для аспирантов по переводу научно-технической литературы. М.: МИФИ, 2011. 128 с.

3) Левицкий Ю.А. Синтаксис английского языка. М.: Директ-Медиа, 2014. 166 с.

4) Мордовина Т. В., Гливенкова O. А., Никульшина Н. Л. Учись писать статьи на английском языке. Тамбов: Изд-во ФГБОУ ВПО ТГТУ, 2012. 172 с.

5) Шушунова Е.В. Наиболее употребительные идиоматические выражения в научной литературе. М.: МИФИ, 2011. 68 с.

6) Губина Г.Г. Структура английского предложения. Ярославль: ЯРПГУ, 2011. 124 с.

7) Кадрович И.К. Английский язык. М.: Книжный мир, 2012. 272 с.

1) http://www.franklang.ru/ - мультиязыковой портал Ильи Франка

2) www.thefreedictionary.com – мультиязычный многофункциональный электронный словарь

3) https://www.merriam-webster.com/ - электронная версия словаря американского английского языка Н. Уэбстера

4) http://www.cambridgeenglish.org.ru/exams-and-tests/academic-professional-english/ - тестирование по академическому и профессиональному английскому языку

Приложение 1

Образцы текстов для первого экзаменационного задания.

Образцы текстов для первого экзаменационного задания.
The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.

The words "maximum prosperity" are used, in their broad sense, to mean not only large dividends for the company or owner, but the development of every branch of the business to its highest state of excellence, so that the prosperity may be permanent.

In the same way maximum prosperity for each employee, means not only higher wages than are usually received by men of his class, but, of more importance still, it also means the development of each man to his state of maximum efficiency, so that he may be able to do; generally speaking, the highest grade of work for which his natural abilities fit him, and it further means giving him, when possible, this class of work to do.

It would seem to be so self-evident that maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with maximum prosperity for the employee, ought to be the two leading objects of management, that even to state this fact should be unnecessary. And yet there is no question that, throughout the industrial world, a large part of the organization of employers, as well as employees, is for war rather than for peace, and that perhaps the majority on either side do not believe that it is possible so to arrange their mutual relations that their interests become identical.

The majority of these men believe that the fundamental interests of employees and employers are necessarily antagonistic. Scientific management, on the contrary, has for its very foundation the firm conviction that the true interests of the two are one and the same; that prosperity for the employer cannot exist through a long term of years unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the employee and vice versa; and that it is possible to give the workman what he most wants-high wages-and the employer what he wants-a low labor cost-for his manufactures.

It is hoped that some at least of those who do not sympathize with each of these objects may be led to modify their views; that some employers, whose attitude toward their workmen has been that of trying to get the largest amount of work out of them for the smallest possible wages, may be led to see that a more liberal policy toward their men will pay them better; and that some of those workmen who begrudge a fair and even a large profit to their employers, and who feel that all of the fruits of their labor should belong to them, and that those for whom they work and the capital invested in the business are entitled to little or nothing, may be led to modify these views.
What is the point of HR?
Manager Sumit Mehrotra was never much of a fan of his human resources department. He saw HR people as meddling, enforcers of silly rules dictating who could get a pay rise or a promotion.  

So in November 2013 when Mehrotra, vice president of global supply chain for infrastructure parts manufacturer Circor International was told to set up a new global team for his company, he figured input from HR would be limited to recruitment and hiring.

“As far as being frustrated with HR, who hasn’t (been)? I think a lot of managers just see them as getting in the way,” said Mehrotra.

But when Mehrotra began hiring his team – which included people working from Brazil, China, France, Germany the UK, and the US – the HR department raised questions he hadn’t even thought about; how was he going to keep everyone talking? And what was his strategy for bringing his team's new ideas to upper management?

“They were good questions that I hadn’t considered,” Mehrotra said. “I started looking at HR as objective and unbiased people who bring human factors that maybe I didn’t consider.”

Many young bosses have a negative perception of HR. But management experts say tapping into this department’s skills is essential for managers to truly excel. Exploiting HR to its full potential can mean working more effectively with other departments or bringing in someone with another perspective.

But HR has an image problem. The phrase “human resources” has become synonymous with the idea of needless corporate policies that get in the way of growth.

Elizabeth George demonstrates that widespread opinion in the HR class she teaches at the School of Business and Management of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, or HKUST. At the start of every course, George asks her grad students to raise their hands if they have a favourable view of HR.

“I’m lucky if one hand goes up,” George said. “I have students from all over the world, and they all have the same negative feelings about HR.”

For young managers, that often translates into excluding HR wherever possible. That’s a mistake, George said, because HR people can often offer insights bosses would otherwise lack. For instance, managers working on a project that crosses different departments can benefit from working with HR, because the department, by definition, deals with all facets of the company and can offer a lay of the land.

“It’s really about building collaboration with HR,” George said. “If you as a manager can reach out to HR to seek ideas, you’ll start to see the value in HR instead of just thinking of how they get in the way.”

As chief HR officer for customer support firm iQor, Mason Argiropoulos has seen that first-hand. He has seen managers who involve HR and ask for ideas and others who simply ignore the department and suffer.

“There is the perception that HR is this group off in the corner that doesn’t understand the company strategy and is rather just an evil cost of doing business,” Argiropoulos said from his home outside Rochester, New York.

That happened in the early days at iQor’s offices in Asia, where the company now has about a third of its 30,000 employees. As the company grew, it brought in some managers from other regions to oversee the call centres. Some were unaware of stringent local labour laws requiring strict procedures when, for example, sacking an employee. That meant Argiropoulos’ team had to make sure managers were involving HR early in any process involving staffing issues to promote better planning and open lines of communication.

Argiropoulos acknowledged, though, that HR needs a makeover. HR was once known as the personnel department until the phrase became synonymous with red tape. Now HR has the same connotation, and Argiropoulos predicted someday soon there might be a new name for the department. Google, for instance, calls it People Operations in an attempt to avoid the HR stereotype and explain the department’s function as “the champions of Google’s colourful culture.”

The HR field is also undergoing a change in the type of people companies place in HR positions. Instead of solely hiring experienced HR managers with related degrees, companies are now mixing in managers with non-HR backgrounds. That equals a more well-rounded HR department with broader connectivity to the goals of the company, Argiropoulos said.

“In these next few years, we’ll see a movement where companies will take a more progressive approach to HR,” Argiropoulos said.

Until then, managers stuck with an HR department that is more obstructionist than partner must still find a way to get along, George said. HR heads often have power in a corporate structure, and bosses who understand that have a better shot at advancement.“If you go through your career making partners out of HR instead of antagonising them, you’re going to go farther,” George said.

Mehrotra has worked for both kinds of HR people, those who seem bent on stifling rules and corporate paperwork and others who are proactive, engaging and who bring new ideas to projects. One former HR boss taught him the value of letting employees fail so they can learn from mistakes. Another showed him that reviews aren’t about yearly meetings but regular check-ups.

From setting up his global team, Mehrotra also learned the benefit of including HR in any new plan right from the start.

“I look for someone in HR with strong people skills who can just look at what we’re doing and add a human element to it,” Mehrotra said from his company’s office in Corona, California. “If you do that, HR can become a good neutral party.”

If you’ve always seen HR as a hindrance, that might seem like a pretty wild idea. But with a more inclusive approach, maybe your HR department will become your new favourite collaborator.
Why a no-boss office is not so good as it sounds
“Someone rang the other day and asked to speak to the boss and when I told him we don’t have one, but that he could talk to any one of us, he just couldn’t understand it,” says Ken Barlow, commissioning editor at Zed Books in London, a publisher where every worker has the same status and earns the same salary.

Zed publishes academic, left-wing books and the company structure is part of that ethos. No one person is ultimately in charge even if people volunteer to take responsibility for particular areas.

While ditching managers entirely may sound like heaven for some stressed-out workers there are drawbacks. At Zed, decisions are made by every member of the 12-person team, which Barlow says can lead to “epic meetings” but “as long as we have an agenda and aims and we stick to those they can be really productive”. And yes, that means they do thrash things out ‘til the bitter end. While there’s a growing trend toward flatter organisations – which means fewer middle managers and therefore fewer people to report to – Zed is one of only a handful of firms with no captain at the helm. Barlow doesn’t feel this makes it less efficient. “We don’t have to refer up the chain of command, which in other organisations can mean decisions take ages,” he says. In his former job, he felt the hierarchy meant he wasn’t able to demonstrate his skills and judgement as openly. “Even when I could predict that there could be problems with something, I would be pre-empting what my boss wanted rather than doing what I thought to be the right thing,” he says.

Deborah Ancona, director of Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Leadership Center, says this is part of a bigger global trend. Many firms “are trying to shed their bureaucratic chains and become more agile,” taking away levels of hierarchy, Ancona says. On top of that more decision making is being given to teams, job descriptions are getting looser, she says. So can this system ever work beyond a tiny company?

Gore, a long-established US manufacturing company, perhaps most famous for creating GoreTex, still has a CEO but uses a much flatter structure than many organisations of similar size. Its 10,000 or so workers are known as “associates” and organised in groups with a small number of leaders — what the firm describes as a “lattice”. Staff business cards don’t even have job titles, describing everyone as an associate. Henri Bryan, marketing and communications associate at Gore says she “would be lying” to say it’s a perfect set up all of the time but has thrived in the flatter world of Gore. “I enjoy the buzz, I enjoy the things I work on. Lots of us are a bit like that. I think that the type of organisation (Gore) is, is a significant reason I enjoy my job,” Bryan says. “If things need to change you do feel that you can contribute to that.”

Bryan says the structure has broken down traditional boundaries between managers and non-managers.  She says one of the unique things about working at Gore is that “if you don’t do what you commit to do, your team will tell you that you’ve let them down.” The egalitarian approach is also cheaper. Fewer managers mean fewer fat cat managerial salaries or company cars to pay for. But opinion is split over whether or not equal pay across an organisation makes for greater productivity; some studies claim it does have a positive effect.

Digital marketing firm Niswey, based in Delhi, India, switched to a flatter structure for its 12 full-time and 75 part-time staff back in 2014. Co-founder Abhinav Sahai says it came from a need to be more efficient. “We were getting into a roadblock of managers, we’re not ok with this culture where people are just hired to watch other people doing the job. We started to see that inefficiencies were creeping in.” Niswey consulted extensively with its staff before making the change which Sahai says is working. He says since the change the company no longer use recruiters as they “get 5 applications a day” from job seekers. “In most cases they increase their chances of being hired because they’ve already shown they’re the right of people for the company.”

Among the other advantages of creating loose corporate structures is the ability to spur innovation by taking advantage of the collective intelligence of the staff rather than relying solely on top management, MIT’s Ancona says. “Top management is still important, but these firms are trying to have entrepreneurial leadership at all levels.” Still, the flat-hierarchy model clearly doesn’t work for everyone. There were a number of firms that BBC Capital looked at who had adopted then rejected the flat model. Tech firm GitHub was one of them, it reinstated middle management in 2014 after two years as a flat company. “As a company grows, it’s difficult to maintain a completely flat structure,” company spokesperson Nicole Numrich told BBC Capital. “We realised that to better support our users, as well as the development of our employees, we needed to add some structure to our management approach. As a result, our teams at GitHub are stronger and more productive”.

Randall Peterson from the London Business School says in the absence of hierarchy how do you tackle things like conflict?  Peterson says you can pretend you don’t have hierarchies but “if we don’t have shared values, then the only way to resolve the status desire is by politics. It becomes like high school in the worst sense of that description.”

There are also other drawbacks, according to Peter Gahan at the University of Melbourne in Australia. “[Flat hierarchies] obviously have benefits around adaptability but people can get lost and be less accountable for what they deliver,” Gahan says. “Some individuals might find that looser arrangements are more difficult to manage on a day-to-day basis. If you’ve got a flat hierarchy, there’s often no clear pathway for development and building on your strengths.” Peterson at the London Business School warns that everyone ends up being clones of each other that can also be bad for business. “Danger can be created with an overly-homogeneous organisation where everybody thinks alike and acts alike and perhaps looks alike,” he warns. “You have to actively seek out difference to guard against this.” (BBC Capital)
London School of Economics

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world class centre for its concentration of teaching and research across the full range of the social, political and economic sciences. Founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, LSE has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence.

LSE is an unusual university. Few university institutions in the world are as international. The study of social, economic and political problems covers not only the UK and European Union, but also countries of every continent. From its foundation LSE has aimed to be a laboratory of the social sciences, a place where ideas are developed, analysed, evaluated and disseminated around the globe.

LSE was founded in 1895. The decision to create the School was made by four Fabians at a breakfast party at Borough Farm, near Milford, Surrey, on 4 August 1894. The four were Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw.

LSE was founded after a bequest to the Fabian Society of some £20,000 by Henry Hunt Hutchinson. The Hutchinson bequest coincided not just with the Fabians' ideas but also with a wider movement in society.

The aim of the School was the betterment of society. By studying poverty issues and analysing inequalities, the Webbs sought to improve society in general. Sidney Webb in particular, noted Beatrice in her diaries, had a vision of 'a centre not only of lectures on special subjects but an association of students who would be directed and supported in doing original work.' Other donations were solicited to add to the Hutchinson legacy and the School developed rapidly through private philanthropy.

LSE held its first classes in October 1895 in rooms in John Street, moving a year later to 10 Adelphi Terrace. In 1900 LSE was recognised as a faculty of economics in the newly-constituted University of London and in 1901 the Faculty degrees were announced as the BSc (Econ) and DSc (Econ) - the first university degrees principally dedicated to the social sciences.

In 1902 the School moved formally to its present site, in Clare Market and Houghton Street, off the Aldwych. In May 1920 King George V laid the foundation stone of the Old Building.

The School's motto was adopted in February 1922. Suggested by Professor Edwin Cannan from Virgil's Georgics, the phrase rerum cognoscere causas means to know the causes of things. The industrious beaver emblem was chosen in the same year.
Why Christmas creep makes us cringe
For Mary Nicotera, the Christmas season begins when she hears radio adverts for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, a rock band best known for its dramatic holiday music. This year, she heard the ads for the first time in August.

“By the time November and December comes along, I’m already sick of Christmas,” says Nicotera, a vice president and senior bank manager at M&T Bank in western New York.

In the United States, Thanksgiving typically marks the start of the traditional holiday season and in western Europe, Christmas kicks off with the first Advent around the end of November or early December. But retail watchers agree that every year the Christmas season seems to start a little earlier, with stores putting up holiday displays and airing seasonal ads soon as four or five months before the actual holiday.

But many of us find Christmas creep annoying at best and maddening at worst.

“There is no live and let live when it comes to this subject,” says Kit Yarrow, a professor emerita of marketing and psychology at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. People had extreme reactions, including anger and panic, to “seeing Christmas trees before Halloween,” she says, referring to a study she conducted. “The fact that people do care means something deep is going on.”

Complaining about Christmas creep isn’t entirely new, according to Ana Serafin Smith, senior director of media relations at the National Retail Federation. Retailers have seen benefits of early ads as far back as the late 19th century, she says. But the volume of early Christmas has vastly increased.

We’re bombarded with messaging through a variety of media — think the dozens of memes a week in your Facebook feed decrying the dwindling weekends left until 25th December, radio ads, flyers in shops, online pop ups, store Santas and even the set-up of Christmas-only shops as early as September. What’s more, competition for our holiday spending has become fierce — which goes a long way to explain why we’re suffering from early Christmas onslaught.

“For some retailers it can make or break their entire year,” says Herbert Kleinberger, a professor at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. Even tight-fisted consumers open up their wallets around the holidays, making it a crucial few months for retailers’ bottom-line numbers.

The last few years, holiday sales have been weak, prompting aggressive efforts to compete for limited consumer spending, Kleinberger says. And with most of us watching our wallet and setting our budgets for gifts early, retailers are starting earlier and earlier to grab their share.

Because that first move advantage does help many retailers, Kleinberger says that Christmas creep is a trend that will be around for years to come.

“I don’t see this changing anytime in the near term,” he says.

But the rush to the season has left many of us with a feeling that time is slipping away. We’re already time-pressed and juggling too many things at once. Christmas creep, experts say, also makes some of us feel robbed of not just time, but of our fond memories.

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