Учебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А

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182.В следующих предложениях прокомментируйте употребление выделенных форм. Эксплицируйте ситуации, описанные в каждом из них. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She had finished packing by three o’clock.

2. When they had finished dinner, Eliza looked at her watch.

3. By this time he had understood that all was not well.

4. He had never experienced it before.

5. By then, William had rearranged his capital.

6. He had seen that band somewhere before, but he couldn't think where.

7. By the end of March he had invited four employees.

8. On Tuesday at twelve he had finished testing the boys.

9. They had not gone far when the car stopped.

10. He realized that he had just made the worst mistake in his life.

11. I had hardly come out into the sunshine, when a man touched me on the shoulder.

12. No sooner had he joined the guests than the servant announced the arrival of the painter.

13. He had just left the house and was pacing along.

14. The girl shook her head. "Do you think I hadn't thought of that? I went through all the books last week; took them out, shook them. Nothing there."

15. You see, we'd counted on it a bit.

16. You know that he had actually written to Evans.

17. She repeated the story of what had happened at school that day.
(В) 1. With patience they learned a good deal about the late Mrs. Spenlow.

The late Mrs. Spenlow had begun life as a maid in a large house. She had left that position to marry the gardener and with him had started a flower shop in London. The shop had prospered. Not so the gardener, who before long had sickened and died.

His widow had carried on the shop. She had continued to prosper. Then she had sold the business and embarked upon matrimony for the second time - with Mr. Spenlow, a middle-aged jeweller who had inherited a small business. Not long afterwards they had sold the business and came down to St. Mary Meed.

Mrs. Spenlow was a well-to-do woman.
183.Найдите все формы Past Perfect Simple, передающие длительные действия. Объясните их употребление.
1. After some conversation, the Director asked how long he had known Montanelli.

2. The Continental Trust had handled the Richmond account for over thirty years.

3. He had a pad of blanks in front of him and had already used up more than half of them. Obviously, he had been at work for some hours.

4. It was what he had wanted to do all along.

5. You see, he'd only just come back, and before that I hadn't seen him for ten years.

6. The house had been empty for years until this American doctor took it.

7. I went back to the steps and waited patiently I had sat there perhaps five minutes when I heard Aunt's voice: "Where is Frances?"

8. The old fortified lines had lain in Soviet hands since the winter war.

9. He was an experienced military man. He had served in the navy since boyhood.

10. There was something tragic about the whole story. He had always felt it from the first moment when he had looked at the man.

11. Nine years ago my uncle had died in this room, and since then nobody had wanted to sleep in it.

12. He commanded the Soviet troops in the winter war on Finland. He had known Leningrad since the days of the Revolution.

13. He had lived there for three years when the terrible thing happened.

14. There, since that time they had had their lodgings.

15. He said he couldn't take part in the performance, he had worked at the case for a week and had only come home late that afternoon.

16. He had grown along with Abel and was now his most trusted lieutenant.

17. They had been gone about two hours.
184.Прочитайте следующие предложения и прокомментируйте их структуру и употребление глагольных форм. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. No sooner had Simmons reappeared than he announced his intention.

2. No sooner had he thrown a piece of coal at the monster than another one came at him, then another and another.

3. No sooner had I turned away to go downstairs than I heard a strange laugh.

4. Scarcely had they got out when the darkness wrapped them up.

5. Hardly had he opened the door when somebody grabbed him by the collar.

6. Hardly had he mounted the steps when his knee began to pain him again.

7. The door had scarcely closed when the secretary came in.

8. He had hardly got over under way when he addressed me with a touch of arrogance.
185. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Не успел я сделать и несколько шагов, как вспомнил, что оставил окно открытым.

2. Едва зазвонил телефон, как она схватила трубку.

3. Не успела я накрыть на стол, как появились первые гости.

4. Не успело еще стемнеть, как разразилась сильная гроза.

5. Едва он пришел в сознание, как почувствовал сильную боль в ноге.

6. Не успела я сказать и нескольких слов, как экзаменатор остановил меня.

7. Едва она вспомнила о ссоре, как улыбка исчезла с ее губ.

8. Едва он открыл дверь, как собака бросилась в темноту двора.

9. Не успел актер открыть рот, как все громко рассмеялись.

10. Едва Дед Мороз появился на пороге, как дети с криками побежали к нему.
186.Закончите следующие предложения.
1. No sooner had I left ...

2. No sooner had it got cold ...

3. No sooner had she returned ...

4. No sooner had it begun snowing ...

5. No sooner had the sun set ...

6. Hardly had the bell rung ...

7. Hardly had she entered the room ...

8. Scarcely had she washed up ...

9. Scarcely had he stepped inside ...

10. He had hardly opened his eyes ...
187.В следующих предложениях найдите придаточные времени и прокомментируйте употребление в них форм Past Perfect Simple и Past Simple.
1. When the red light had faded from the summits, Montanelly turned and roused Arthur.

2. When everyone had finished speaking, he made a few practical suggestions.

3. He made no comment when she told him.

4. When she caught sight of me she turned away.

5. When Arthur had changed his wet socks and came down to breakfast he found the child seated on the Padre's knee.

6. When she entered he took up the letter again.

7. When she had gone he got up and began to pace to and fro.

8. Not more than three minutes passed when I heard on the telephone his voice.

9. When he saw it he smiled.

10. She was gone only a minute when she reappeared through the door.
188. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Сколько предложений ты перевел до того, как прозвенел звонок?

2. Мать приготовила ужин до того, как мы пришли из школы.

3. Дождь перестал, но было еще холодно.

4. Мы прошли около двадцати километров, прежде чем решили разбить лагерь.

5. К семи часам все гости уже собрались.

6. Ты не знал, что этот тип тебе наврал?

7. Когда я подбежал, кто-то из пловцов уже вытащил ребенка из воды. Он был жив, хотя еще не пришел в себя.

8. Когда я выбежал из кассы, на платформе никого не было: поезд уже ушел.

9. Я уже почти оставил надежду, как вдруг натолкнулся на статью по тому же вопросу, о которой раньше ничего не слышал.

10. Когда он, наконец, проснулся, в доме никого не было, ночные гости, к счастью, уже исчезли.

11. Когда солнце зашло, они разложили костры.

12. Прежде чем он заговорил, он внимательно осмотрел присутствующих.

13. Мальчик сказал, что забыл ключи дома.

14. Он охотно говорил о дочери, о том, что она говорила и делала в детстве.

15. Оказалось, что он давно знал эту семью.

16. Вдруг он вспомнил об обещании, которое дал своим коллегам.

17. Когда он вернулся, он рассказал обо всем, что видел.

18. Они подождали, пока машина не исчезнет из виду.

19. Мы не проехали и 10 километров, как вдруг кто-то вспомнил, что не выключил свет в холле.

20. Едва он открыл дверь, как услышал, что в комнате кто-то ходит.

24. Не успела я выйти из кухни, как кошка впрыгнула на стол.

22. К этому времени он уже понял, что не все идет, как надо.

23. Он чувствовал, что умирает от голода: он ничего не ел со вчерашнего дня.

24. Я едва узнал брата. И немудрено: я не видел его с 1990 года.

25. Сколько времени вы были женаты, когда уехали в США?

26. Они прожили в провинции около десяти лет, прежде чем переехали в Петербург.

27. Второй свидетель сказал, что знает подсудимого с детства.

28. Мать сказала, что все ушли купаться примерно с час тому назад.

189. Comment on the use of the Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Winifred rose from the Empire Chair in which she had been sitting.

  2. "I'm coming all right, "said Mr Oakroyd, who had been shivering for the last ten minutes.

  3. I realized that he had come away with me in order to discuss once more what he had been already discussing for hours with his sister-in-law.

  4. Mrs Gerhardt made no sign, but her very immobility told something. Jennie went over to her and quickly discovered that she had been weeping.

190. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Jack (clench) the pencil he (use).

2. He (know) from the redness of her eyes, there (be) times she (cry).

3. Turning away, Gwen (move) to close the cupboard Demerest (look) into.

4. Through the open window he could see the chair where Eliza (sit) the previous night.

5. He (look) up again after Mr. Oakroyd (stand) there a minute or two.

6. He (sit) down opposite her and (lift) the large glass of tomato juice out of the ice in which it (rest).

7. So he (listen) graciously when Mrs. Gerhardt (venture) to put the question which (revolve) in her mind all me afternoon.

8. Carefully she (close) the magazine, turning down* the comer of the page that she (read).

191. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. That evening, that Monday evening, I (get) a phone call when I (eat) dinner at the club.

2 .My sister's birthday (be) the only thing anybody (talk) at home for the last two weeks.

3.I (go) back to the hotel and up to my room, where I (expect) my parents at six-thirty.

4. Presently he (turn) to greet her, who (stand) at his elbow.

5. Scarlett, who (fan) herself with a turkey-tail fan, (stop) abruptly.

6. He just (leave) for the airport when Dip (call).

7. "What are you thinking of?" he (ask) after he (look) at me for a few seconds.

8. At nine in the morning she (stand) on the steps in front of the hotel, shivering in a linen dress.

9. He (not say) where he (sleep) and (have) the appearance of not having slept at all.

192. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. He (leave) a message that he (call).

2. A young man who (stand) on the pavement (come) forward.

3. She (meet) her daughter's eyes, but (seem) not to hear what she (say).

4. The young man at whose feet she (sit), (rise) and (stand) before Michael.

5. He again (come) to the village where he (live) in childhood.

6. They (be) silent a moment. She (wait) for him to speak.

7. James (return) to the book he (read) when his parents (enter).

8. The town (be) not large, but he (not be) sorry he (come) there.

9. Michael (go) back into the drawing-room. Fleur (stand) near the window.

10.1 (try) to remember what I (do) during that time.

11. When their visitor (leave) Jon and his mother (stand) without speaking.

12. When he (dress) he (go) downstairs, (write) a long letter to his parents and another to his sister.

13. "You are welcome," she (say) and (walk) back to where she (sit) with her little son.

14. When he (come) home, he (see) that something (happen) to his daughter.

15. While she (read) this notice a middle-aged woman (appear) in the doorway.

16. She (sit) at the table only five minutes when a car (come)

17. Their father (be) still silent, even when they (have) coffee.

18. Eighteen years (go) since he first (go) into this house.

19. John (wait) until Eliza and her brothers (go).

20. The three (sit) down to the meal mat Susan (prepare).

21.1 (not be) here ten minutes before they (come) in.

193. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect Comment on the use of the Future Perfect
1. We (finish) all the housework by 6 o'clock this afternoon.

2. I (read) this book by tomorrow evening.

3. Thousands of people (see) this exhibition by the end of the month.

4. They (build) their house long before the end of October.

5. They (do) half of the journey when they reach the Volga.

6. I (write) my composition by the time you come back.

7. We've got five days in Leningrad: we are leaving on Monday; but I'm sure that we (see) everything of importance by then.

194. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Perfect
1. I (suppose) when I (come) back in two years' time they (pull) down all these old houses.

2. "Your face (be) dirty, Tom." "All right, I (wash) it."

3. "You have just missed the last train." "Never mind, I (walk)."

4. When we (take) our exams we (have) a holiday.

5. "You (know) the way to the Bolshoi Theatre?" "No." "Then I (show) you."

6. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work.

7. "May I use your phone to ring for a taxi?" "Oh, there is no need for that; my son (drive) you home."

8. By the time he (come) they (go).

9. I still (be) here next summer but Tom (leave).

10. I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.

11. If you (think) it over you (see) I am right.

12. Tm going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches." "You (be) late. By the time you (get) there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home.

195. Put the following into the Passive mentioning the agent where necessary.
I. 1. We hear a sound of a violin in the hall. 2. His father always praises him when he works hard. 3. My sister often takes Bob for his brother. 4. My mother wakens me at 7 o'clock every morning.

П. 1. She found the envelope at last behind the dining-room clock. 2.1 bought this book a week ago. 3. A great artist painted this picture 4. John broke the window the other day.

  1. 1.1 shall post that letter tomorrow. 2. They will discuss your report next week. 3. The secretary will change our time-table in a week. 4. Tom will meet us at the station.

  2. l.The secretary has recently brought this letter. 2. Jack has just spilled the milk. 3. My little brother has broken this cup. 4. She has dusted the room awfully.

  3. 1. He felt better when he had reached the post office, bought a registered envelope and posted the letter. 2. By the time the director came she had typed the letters. 3. They went home after they had finished the work. 4. He wondered why we had not visited him before.
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