Учебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А

НазваниеУчебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А
ТипУчебное пособие
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123. сделайте упражнение по образцу.
A: John's reading The Times

B: No, he isn't. He's reading the Telegraph.
A: Tom was waiting for a bus.

B: No, he wasn't. He was waiting for a taxi.
The student must disagree with the first remark and repeat it with

another suitable noun.
Remember that the first auxiliary isn't, wasn't etc. will be strongly stressed

but the second one will carry the normal weak stress.

  1. She's buying bananas.

  2. They're going to Rome.

  3. He was eating fish and chips.

  4. She's ordering chops.

  5. They were living in England.

  6. He's writing a novel.

  7. They're drinking gin.

  8. He's playing the trumpet.

  9. She's dancing with Jack.

  10. She's working for a stockbroker.

  11. He was working beside Ann.

  12. She's smoking a cigarette.

  13. They're speaking Italian.

  14. She's complaining about the food.

  15. They were listening to the news.

  16. They're coming back on Monday.

  17. They're arriving at six.

  18. She was picking apples.

  19. He was looking for his sister.

  20. She was lying on the floor.

124. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в формах Past Continuous или Past Simple. Где возможно, давайте по два варианта, объясняя специфику каждого.
1. Я вышел на улицу. Светило солнце и дул легкий ветерок.

2. Все были заняты: отец читал газету, мать накрывала на стол, дети делали уроки.

3. Что вы делали вчера в девять часов?

4. Он говорил очень медленно и ни на кого не глядел.

5. Что ты сейчас читал?

6. Три комнаты были пусты, в четвертой кто-то лежал на кровати.

7. Том оглянулся; какие-то люди выходили из дома напротив.

8. Тем временем машина быстро двигалась в сторону города.

9. Я вышел на улицу. Ребята уже ждали меня.

10. Я неплохой водитель, но в тот день я вел очень старую машину.

11. Когда он наконец сел и взял свою чашку, его рука так дрожала, что он расплескал кофе.

12. А я думал, что она плачет.

13. Мы оглянулись. Ребята сидели на траве. Они играли со щенком.

14. Я старался не показать, как я испуган.

15. Доктор стоял в дверях, когда услышал, что больной снова зовет его.

16. На следующее утро он уезжал на восток.

17. Она уже надевала пальто, как вдруг зазвонил телефон.

18. Когда он снова заговорил, его голос звучал устало.

19. Он стоял у окна своего офиса, глядя на город внизу.

20. Пока преподаватель говорил, все молчали.

21. Она сидела в мягком кресле и смотрела телешоу.

22. Парень вел машину быстро и не слушал, о чем говорили его спутники.

23. Семья брата должна была приехать еще вчера, но их что-то задержало.

24. Когда Джек шел в тот вечер домой, он встретил своего старого приятеля.

25. Я подождала несколько минут, пока ребята приводили в порядок комнату.

26. Мальчик так надеялся, что отец наконец подарит ему компьютер.

27. Слава Богу, теперь все в порядке, но у меня были большие трудности с получением визы.

28. Весь вечер он чувствовал себя неважно.

29. Почему ты так глупо вел себя в тот вечер?

30. Теперь он начинал понимать, в чем было дело.

31. В тех местах постоянно шли проливные дожди.

32. С парнем постоянно случалось что-нибудь неожиданное.

33. У нее был скверный характер, она все время ссорилась с подругами.

Упр. 125. Объясните употребление форм Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

(А) 1. Jennie never told them she was not coming back. 2. I didn't know this job was coming my way. 3. Oh, I thought you were never coming. 4. I ordered dinner for you 11 my place, as you wrote you were coming this evening. 5. You must go and see father. He knows you were coming today. 6. I did not know you were leaving so soon. 7. She said she was coming next Thursday. 8. You see, I promised to keep her company as long as she was exploring that horrid place. 9. He asked the boy to keep watch while he was changing. 10. He said I only must wait patiently while he was inquiring into the matter.

(В) 1. If I'm not mistaken, you were coming to town last Tuesday? 2. You see, she was arriving two days ago, but they met with some kind of accident on the way. 3. I was going there too, but then changed my mind. 4. They were arriving at the place a week ago, but didn't. At least nobody has seen them yet.

126. Tenses: present simple and continuous, past continuous

This is an exercise for three students. We shall call them Jack, Tom and Mary.

Jack rings Tom at 5 a.m. and we hear the first part of this conversation.

Later, say at 10 a.m., Jack mentions his call to Mary.
A: (prompt only) Polish my shoes.

JACK: Hello Tom! Are you in bed?

TOM: No. I'm polishing my shoes.

JACK: Do you always polish your shoes at 5 a.m.?

JACK: I rang Tom at 5 this morning.

MARY: Poor Tom. Was he in bed?

JACK: No. He was polishing his shoes.

MARY: What funny time to polish shoes!

  1. Tune the piano.

  2. Cook breakfast.

  3. Listen to the radio.

  4. Take photographs.

  5. Paint the ceiling.

  6. Write poetry.

  7. Practise the piano.

  8. Do exercises.

  9. Play cards.

  10. Brush the dog.

  11. Clean the windows.

  12. Do my accounts. (Use your in the answer.)

  13. Sew in my buttons. (Use your in the answer.)

  14. Plan my next holiday. (Use your in the answer.)

  15. Make jam.

  16. Bake a cake.

  17. Clean my room. (Use your in the answer.)

  18. Peel potatoes.

  19. Do a crossword puzzle. (Use puzzles in the answer.)

  20. Repair my motorbike. (Use your in the answer.)

127. Tenses: negatives of the simple present, present continuous

and simple past

A: Do you finish at six?

B: No, we don't finish till seven.
A: Did she get home on Monday?

B: No, she didn't get home till Tuesday.
A: Are you starting in July?

B: No, we aren't starting till August.
The time in the response should be an hour later or a day later

or a week or a month later as appropriate.

  1. Did you start at eight?

  2. Did you arrive on the third?

  3. Does the lesson begin at nine?

  4. Do the shops shut at five?

  5. Does he get up at seven?

  6. Are you going on Wednesday?

  7. Did he call you at six?

  8. Is he leaving on Friday?

  9. Did he pay you at the end of the first week?

  10. Did he get there on the twenty-fourth?

  11. Are they coming in July?

  12. Do you expect to be ready by April?

  13. Is the play being produced in May?

  14. Does the post come at eight?

  15. Are you starting your new job this week?

  16. Are you seeing the solicitor on Thursday?

  17. Did they report it on the first?

  18. Was he arrested that day?

  19. Did they operate on the fourth?

  20. Are they releasing him today?

128. The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее Перфектное Время)

To have + P II

  • He has just gone out.

I have just washed that floor.

Would you like some coffee? I have just made one.

  • I have read the instructions but I

don’t understand them.

Have you had breakfast? – No, I haven’t had it yet.
Tom has had a bad car crash.

The lift has broken down.

I’ve washed the car.

He hasn’t come yet.
I have seen wolves in that forest.

John Smith has written a number of short stories.
3. Tom has rung up three times this morning already.

Have you seen him today?

There have been some changes lately/recently.

He’s had a bad luck lately/recently.

Since my accident I have written with my left hand.

He has been in the army for two


We have waited all day.

He has lived here all his life.

The Present Perfect для действий: завершенных недавно (часто с just). Как правило, действие завершено.

произошедших недавно или давно. Очень важно! Не указывать место и время совершения действия. Имеет значение только то, что действие было в прошлом без указания где и когда.

начавшихся в прошлом и продолжающихся до настоящего момента. Это может быть ряд единичных действий (часто указывается весь период действия) или непрерывное действие/состояние (часто с такими словами как for, lately/recently).

Для указания начала действия в прошлом используется since

Важно! Действие, выраженное глаголом в форме Present Perfect, всегда связано с моментом говорения (действие произошло в любой момент до момента разговора или мы наблюдаем результат).

I have read the instructions but I don’t understand them (прочтение инструкций могло произойти в любой момент до момента разговора. Важен сам факт прочтения).

Tom has had a bad car crash (вероятно, Том все еще в больнице).

The lift has broken down (лифт все еще не работает, и нам придется идти пешком).

I have seen wolves in that forest (вы еще можете увидеть этих животных в лесу)
129. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense, and fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary.

1. Where you (be)? ~
I (be) to the dentist.

2 .You (have) breakfast? ~
Yes, 1...

3.The post (come)? ~
Yes, it . . .

4 .You (see) my watch anywhere? ~
No, I'm afraid I . . .

5. Someone (wind) the clock? ~
Yes, Tom . . .

6. I (not finish) my letter yet.

7. He just (go) out.

8. Someone (take) my bicycle.

9. The phone (stop) ringing.

10. You (hear) from her lately? -
No, 1...

11. I just (wash) that floor.

12. The cat (steal) the fish.

13. You (explain) the exercise? ~
Yes, 1...

14. There aren't any buses because the drivers (go) on strike.

15. You (have) enough to eat? ~
Yes, I (have) plenty, thank you.

16. Charles (pass) his exam? ~
Yes, he...

17. How many bottles the milkman (leave)? ~
He (leave) six.

18. I (live) here for ten years.

19. How long you (know) Mr Pitt? ~
I (know) him for ten years.

20. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) some.

21. Mary (water) the tomatoes? ~
Yes, I think she . . .

22. You (not make) a mistake? ~
No, I'm sure I . . .

23. Why you (not mend) the fuse? ~
I (not have) time.

24. You (dive) from the ten-meter board yet? ~
No, I...

25. You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? ~
No, I...

26. I (ask) him to dinner several times.

27. He always (refuse).

28. You ever (ride) a camel?

29. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

30. He (post) the letter?

31. Why he (not finish)? He (have) plenty of time.

32. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

33. You ever (eat) caviar? ~
No, 1...

34. We just (hear) the most extraordinary news.

35. The police (recapture) the prisoners who escaped yesterday.

36. I (not pay) the telephone bill yet.

37.I don’t know this man. (meet)

38.Let’s go to the cinema. Peace and War is on. (see)

39.Where is Nick. (go out)

40.Don’t you know what the story is about? (not read)

41.Don’t worry about the letter. (post)

42.I know N very well. (be)

43.I can’t find my bag. (take)

44.Where is my key? (put)

45.Do you speak Greek? (study)

46.Do you know where he lives? (move)

1. Do you know her? She has just come from Italy.

Your sister has just told me everything.

My dear fellow, I have just remembered who she is.

If what you have just said is true, you are a complete fool.

You can’t see her, she has just gone out.

I have just discovered a dead body in the Long Barn.

He’s just called me up to say he doesn’t object to my proposal.

I’m a busy man now. I’ve just taken on a big job

What are you waiting for? Your bus has just passed.

I’ve only just met your friend.

2. Thank you very much. You’ve done me a great service.

I’m sorry but I don’t understand – what has happened?

I think you can guess what I’ve come to see you about.

Stop, stop! I haven’t done anything wrong.

What the devil are you doing? Have you gone crazy?

Don’t worry he hasn’t gone far.

I’ve come to say good-bye, Dickey.

I can’t do it. I’ve promised not to tell anybody.

I’m very sorry about what has happened.

Is he back? What has he found?

3. I’ve already seen him. He is as obstinate as ever.

“What is it all about?” “I’ve already told you”.

Poor soul, she has already seen more than enough.

I can’t follow that order, I’ve already lost five men.

Don’t worry about his words, I’ve forgotten them already.

You’ve already heard of the tragic end of his wife.

4. You can catch up with him, he hasn’t gone far yet.

Oh, you haven’t shown me your room yet.

You see, I haven’t found a suitable place yet, so we must wait.

It’s very early, I don’t think the train has arrived yet.

I don’t think he has settled his affairs yet.

Have you seen the doctor yet?

Has the car come back yet?

Have you spoken to Father yet?

Can we begin? Have the family all gathered yet?

Have you told the police about your discovery yet?

5. The book is wonderful. It’s the best thing he has ever written.

I think Edward is the best man I’ve ever known.

This is something quite different from what you’ve ever done.

I cannot believe it Have you ever heard anything so crazy?

Have you ever spoken to my cousin?

Do you really think I’m stupid? Haven’t you ever thought anything else of me?

James is the best navigator I’ve ever come across.

Robert says the boy is the best secretary he has ever had.

6. I’ve never heard about his first marriage.

You’re wrong, I’ve never done anything of the kind.

I’m proud of your friendship; I’ve never had such a friend as you.

“Her name is Sibil Vane.” “I’ve never heard of her.”

Have you never been able to forget her?

I really mean I’ve seen you before.

I’ve told you before I can’t marry you.

Why haven’t you told me all before?

I can’t say anything; I have never seen any of them before.

Your face seems familiar to me. I think we have met before.

7. I don’t know how they are getting on. I haven’t seen them of late.

How do you do? You have quite neglected me lately.

Don’t you know why she has been in low spirits lately?

He has several times recently proved that he is no coward.

I know the place, I’ve been there again recently.

How is he? Haven’t you met him of late?

He has recently married a Miss Axton.

God knows what they have been up to recently, I feel a bit uneasy.

8. It’s the first time I’ve heard her voice.

Don’t be too hard on the fellow, it’s the first time he has done such a thing.

It’s the third time I’ve got pneumonia.

I believe it’s the first English country house you have stayed at.

This is the first time he has ever been off work.
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