Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию

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5) Примерный список вопросов к устному экзамену (1 курс, 2 семестр)
Exam Questions

Unit 1 Friends

  1. Speak about yourself:

  • When and where were you born?

  • What nationality are you?

  • Who chose your name?

  • Did you happen to live anywhere else besides Petrozavodsk or the place you were born in?

  • How often do you go to see your parents (if you don’t live with them) or your other relatives? How do you feel about big family get-togethers? Why?

  • What do you enjoy doing when you have some time to spare?

  • What are you good at?

  • What places have you been to? What were the most memorable events/things during those trips?

  • Have you made any new friends since you began your studies at the university?

  • Do you still keep in touch with your school friends (former class-mates) or have you lost track of them?

  1. Speak about a close friend (St.B., p.10 Anecdote)

  2. Have you got pen-pals? How long have you known them? What do you know about them?

Unit 2 Relax

  1. How do relaxed people differ from stressed out people? What sort of person are you?

  2. Describe your typical working day and your typical weekend. (What do you normally / frequently / occasionally, etc. [see frequency adverbs St.B, p.16] do?)

  3. Have you ever seen yourself on video? What were the circumstances? Were you surprised at how you looked? How did you feel about it?

  4. What books (films, music) do you enjoy reading (watching, listening to)?

  5. How do people usually choose a book to read? (St.B. p.20) What about you?

  6. What book are you reading at the moment? What’s it about?

  7. Have you got a favourite place to read? When do you usually read? How much time do you devote to reading?

  8. Speak about the last book you read. (Anecdote, St.B.p.21)

  9. Do you prefer watching a film to reading a book? Why?

  10. Speak about the last film you saw. (Anecdote, St.B. p.21)

11. Have you ever looked for information about a film on the internet? Do you think net reviews can give a good idea about a film?
Unit 3 Dating

  1. Speak about a couple you know (friends or family): how they met, whether there were any problems in their relationship, if the parents were supportive of their choices, if the relationship has survived, how long they have been together.

  2. What are chat-up lines? Which chat-up lines do you know? What do you think of this way of starting a relationship?

  3. What is your Ki personality number? What does it say about you? Do you agree with it? Which description best suits you? How about the identity of your ideal partner?

  4. What ways of tactful criticism do you know? Give examples of different situations where you could use these expressions.

  5. What could a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s worst nightmares be?

Unit 4 Adrenalin

  1. When was the last time a view took your breath away? Describe in detail the circumstances. (Use the absolute adjectives and the appropriate expressions!)

  2. Are you a risky type of person? Your attitude to risk-taking.

  3. Which sports do you do or watch? Do you know anybody who’s addicted to sport? Do you think there are sports that are unsuitable for women? Why? Why do you think people take part in dangerous sports? Have you ever put your life at risk voluntarily? If you were given a chance to try some risky sport which one would you dare to do? Why? Compare 2-3 daring sports using the comparison structures.(St.B. p. 40)

  4. Speak about your personal experience which has given you the biggest “adrenalin rush” (St.B. p.38 Anecdote)

Unit 5 Kids

  1. What makes a good parent / a good kid? What were your parents/you like when you were a kid?

  2. Your first memory (the most memorable event of your childhood).

  3. Your life at the age of eight (Anecdote, p.49).

Unit 6 News

  1. How do you feel about tabloid press?

  • Do you find celebrity gossip and scandal boring?

  • Should tabloid press be banned / controlled?

  • Do you think highly paid film stars are public property?

  1. What was the most interesting piece of news you’ve recently read about or heard?

  2. Tell about your personal experiences that were thrilling enough to make news. (Have you ever been:

  • searched by customs? - mistaken for sb else?

  • injured playing a sport? - photographed by a local newspaper?

  • given a present you didn’t like? - let down by a friend?

  • interviewed on radio or TV? - questioned by the police?

  • stopped for speeding?)

4. How do you react to sb’s good news? / bad news?
Unit 7 Party

  1. Speak about a festival you know / have been to.

  • What is it called? - What do you know about its history?

  • When does it take place? - How do people celebrate?

  • How long does it go on for? - How does the festival end?

2. What language would you use to invite sb out? How do you accept an invitation? / turn it down?

3. What sorts of parties do you know? Speak about a party you’ve been to (Anecdote, p. 63).

  1. Are you a party animal or a party pooper?

(consider the following situations:

  • invited to a party, but working the next morning - invited to a party full of strangers

  • celebrating your birthday - dancing policy

  • invited to a party you don’t know very well - playing party games)

  1. Speak about different messages you write on different occasions. (p.66)

Unit 9 Soap

  1. Draw your family tree. Describe each member of your family (age, appearance, character, occupation, etc.)

  • What are they like? - How often do you see them?

  • What sort of lives do they live? - How well do they get on with each other?

  • What is their relationship to you? - Which relative do you get on best with?

  1. How many people have you talked to so far today (this week)? Try to remember one thing you said to them and one thing they said to you.

  2. Write predictions: about your life (in terms of your daily routine, occupation, marital status, etc.) and about our country (in terms of family life, economy, important discoveries, etc.)

Unit 10 Time

  1. What English saying about time do you know? What’s your favourite one?

  2. How punctual are you? (p.83) Are you good at managing your time?

  • attending an important meeting - dealing with an unexpected friend’s call

  • meeting a friend downtown - doing unpleasant work

  • who’s a hardworking person? (organizing one’s time in an effective way / maximum efficiency / minimum stress…)

  1. What time-saving tips do you know?

  2. List making: 2 types of people. Do you ever make lists of things to do?

  3. Time management matrix – what is it?

  4. What were the rules and regulations you were to hold good when you were at school? How different are they at the university?

  5. What office cultures sound more preferable to you? (working hours/dress code/smoking/ eating…)

  6. What tips would you give to someone who is going to apply for a job?

Unit 11 Journey

  1. What are the most common reasons why people travel? Would you go traveling for any of these reasons?

  2. What interesting places have you been to? Describe the location and tell us what it is like.

  3. Speak about your dream weekend (Anecdote, p.95).

  4. Speak about the most exciting journey you’ve ever been on (Anecdote, p.97).

  5. Have you ever traveled by air? Are you afraid of flying? Your favourite means of traveling.

Unit 12 Basics

  1. Your eating habits:

  • Do you often eat out? - Are you a good cook?

  • Do you have a healthy diet? - Do you eat a big breakfast?

  • Do you drink a lot of coffee? - Do you often eat fast food?

  • Do you ever have wine with meals? - Do you usually eat lunch at home?

  1. Your attitude to eating out. Speak about an enjoyable / unenjoyable evening at a restaurant (Anecdote, p.103)

  2. Speak about your favourite food/your favourite dish.

  3. What’s the strangest/ the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?

  4. What interesting facts connected with our sleep do you know? (use some info on pp. 106-107)

  5. Speak about your sleep habits:

- Are you an early bird or a night owl?

  • Do you get enough sleep?

  • How many hours do you usually sleep on weeknights / weekend nights?

  • Do you take a nap during the day?

  • How often do you dream in colour; have nightmares; talk in your sleep; sleepwalk; suffer from insomnia; fall asleep in front of the TV/while travelling; have a lie-in at the weekend?

Unit 13 Communication

1. Speak about the telephone language conventions: talking to a friend / talking in a formal situation.

  1. Speak about superstitions you know. Are you superstitious? What superstitions do you believe in?

  2. Are you subject to stereotypes? Would you say that you re a typical young man/woman for our country? Why?/Why not?

  3. Male/female roles in a family. What chores is each member of your family responsible for?

  4. What things have changed in your lifetime for the family? / for women? / for men? Can you draw any parallels with any other countries? (Use some info on p. 113)

  5. Speak about some differences between men and women (their attitudes to phoning, dates, childcare, birthdays, attraction and marriage).

Unit 14 Style

  1. Speak about your morning routine. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

  2. Speak about your style. What kind of clothes do you prefer? What do your clothes tell about you? (Use some ideas on p. 117)

  3. Speak about your favourite items of clothes or accessory (Anecdote, p. 118)

4. Can you tell anything about a person from a first impression? Are your first impressions usually right?

5. Describe a person you know very well.

6. What do you know about Jon Bon Jovi?
Unit 15 Age

  1. Have you made any bad decisions in your life so far? Do you have any regrets?

  2. Your attitude to age limits (for:

- getting married - starting a new career

- having children - dancing to pop music in public

- learning a new language - learning to ski

- traveling around the world - riding a motorbike

- worrying about how you look - wearing jeans

- leaving home)

Are there any other activities you think have age limits?

  1. What’s ageism? Your attitude to it. Does it exist in Russia? What is to be done?

  2. Have you ever lied about your age? Under what circumstances would you?

  3. What do you think about couples who have a bid age gap?

  4. What’s the best age to be? Why? Have you ever wished you were older or younger?

What are taboo subjects in our country? How would you put a question about a delicate subject?

7. Изменения в рабочей программе,

которые произошли после утверждения программы

Характер изменения в рабочей программе

Номер и дата протокола заседания кафедры, на котором было принято данное решение

Подпись заведующего кафедрой, утверждающего внесенное изменение

Подпись декана факультета (проректора по учебной работе), утверждающего данное изменение

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