Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов II курса факультета мэо

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ТипУчебное пособие
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22. Answer the teacher’s questions.
23. Fill in the gaps with proper words from the box in proper forms.

to emerge


to supply

to challenge



to commute

to resist



1.He was unable __________ the temptation to read the file. 2. This proposal is meeting some __________ at the UN’s headquarters. 3. Three important factors ___________ from our discussion. 4. Recent discoveries pose a serious ___________ to accepted views on the age of the universe. 5. This problem has intrigued and ____________ scientists for many years. 6. Many fail to explain the _____________ popularity of this singer. 7. If you __________ by train, you’d better buy a season ticket. 8. People living in multicultural communities need to show more ___________ of each other. 9. This nuclear power plant _________ power to northern part of the country. 10. The conference aims to cover a ____________ range of problems.

24. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Считается, что серьезные климатические изменения могут вызвать новую волну миграции населения. 2. Ученые связывают исчезновение многих видов животных и растений с процессом глобального потепления. 3. Неужели Марк настолько некомпетентен, что допустил такую грубую ошибку? 4. Общеизвестно, что правительства некоторых европейских стран прилагают большие усилия, чтобы уменьшить свою зависимость от нефти и газа как основных источников энергии. 5. Не может быть, чтобы вы не ценили культурное и этническое разнообразие страны, в которой вы живете. 6. В американских школах огромное внимание уделяется воспитанию терпимости среди учащихся. Неужели вы этого не знали? 7. Скорее всего, процветание этого небольшого городка зависит от потока туристов, приезжающих сюда каждое лето. Местные власти прилагают огромные усилия для строительства новых объектов социально-культурного и бытового обслуживания. 8. Улицы больших городов забиты транспортом. Нет сомнений, что ежедневные поездки на работу требуют большой выносливости. 9. Скорее всего, Анна чувствовала себя разочарованной и подавленной, когда узнала последние новости.
25. Get ready to retell Text 1.

Step III



Модальный глагол might может употребляться для передачи упрека или просьбы с оттенком упрека:

e.g. You might have told me about it yesterday. – Ты мог бы мне

вчера сказать об этом.

You might be more polite. – Ты мог бы быть и повежливее.

26. Develop the conversations as in the model:

Model: St1: – Julie was frustrated yesterday. It was her birthday and she didn’t get a phone call from her boyfriend.

St2: – What a shame! He might have phoned her at least.

St1: – If you ask me, he should have brought her flowers and taken her out.
1. We felt very embarrassed yesterday. Jackson hadn’t told us about the meeting at the CEO’s office. 2. Steve brought his new girlfriend to the party last weekend. Just imagine how Sally was frustrated! 3. We had a sleepless night yesterday. My sister returned home at 3 in the morning. The parents were furious. 4. Last week Chris invited me to his new house in the country. When I arrived at the station I realized I didn’t know which way to go.


27. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary.

1. With a length of one mile, it’s the region’s longest bridge. 2. His career lasted for over half a century. 3. She still visits her ex-husband. 4. Some tribes travel from place to place with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 5. The first manned spaceflight was an event of world importance. 6. The police suspect that the two crimes may be connected. 7. His French seems perfect, but then I am not able to judge. 8. The country needs foreign aid and support and cannot exist without it. 9. The firm that used to provide us with computers has gone out of business. 10. Numbers of butterflies are diminishing rapidly as the environment changes. 11. This lawn mower is driven by a small electric engine. 12. They have put up with poor working conditions in order to finish the job. 13. Parks and swimming pools are just some of the local infrastructure. 14. The town’s wealth comes from the textile industry. 15. My father was successful in business, and bought another shop. 16. Little kids are often annoyed and disappointed by their inability to express themselves to adults. 17. California is the place where numerous Hollywood studios are situated. 18. It is most important that all students should develop these basic skills. 19. She speaks French excellently. 20. The car is being filled with petrol in preparation for the race. 21. People’s fear of crime is often provoked by sensationalist reports. 22. We cannot exist much longer in this desert without water. 23. Her fame will last forever. 24. Several interesting new poets have appeared in recent years. 25. One of the biggest and most difficult tasks facing the present government is that of creating new jobs. 26. There has been a lot of opposition to the new law. 27. I am sick and tired of your complaints.
28. Make sentences using the suggested words and phrases:

1. over a span of ... / a(n) ... increase in production / to achieve; 2. heat trapping gases / to believe / to be linked with / global warming; 3. cannot / to be competent / to run a company; 4. in recent decades / to turn into / a city vibrant with life; 5. to move nearer to / to get fed up with / to commute; 6. people’s fear of... / must / to fuel / by sensationalist reports; 7. to grow / a sense of frustration / among the indigenous population / over ...; 8. the people / to endure / a decade / economic hardship; 9. the tune / to conjure up / romantic nature / his college years; 10. social amenities / to be crucial to / developing areas.

29. Insert the required prepositions.

1. Police have evidence linking the man _____ a drug-importation operation. 2. Rock music has often been linked _____ drug culture. 3. Children depend _____ their parents _____ food and clothing. 4. You can always depend _____ Kathleen to be there when she is needed. 5. Why doesn’t Christine find a job and end this dependence _____ her parents? 6. Although the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776, the USA won independence _____ Britain only in 1783. 7. If you have a motor car you are independent _____ train, trams an buses. 8. Promotion is dependent _____ your record of success. 9. Aerogenerators are now widely used in Europe to supply power _____ farms and towns. 10. During the American War of Independence the French government supplied the insurgents _____ money and weapons. 11. Nothing could divert her thoughts _____ her sad loss. 12. Teachers called on the government to divert the extra money _____ schools. 13. Mr. Jackson is not very tolerant _____ criticism. 14. Tumour cells can develop a resistance _____ certain drugs. 15. We are all fed _____ _____ your lies. 16. According to the minister’s report, serious crime is _____ the rise.
30. Develop the ideas.

1. Children must study the past in order to understand its links with the present. 2. London is remarkable for its cultural and ethnic diversity. 3. Shakespeare’s work is an enduring monument to the triumph of the human spirit. 4. The world community must find ways to meet the enormous environmental challenges that lie ahead. 5. The EU’s educational policy is to instil tolerance in the new generation. 6. Measures should be taken to ease racial tensions in the multiethnic capitals of Europe.


31. Translate into English. 

1. На протяжении жизни одного поколения произошли поистине драматические изменения в среде обитания человека и других живых существ на нашей планете. Научно-технический прогресс достиг такого уровня, что поставил под угрозу само существование Земли. Сегодня мы, как никогда ранее, осознаем неразрывную связь человека с природой, его зависимость от природы и уязвимость природы от деятельности человека. Бывшее море-озеро Арал исчезло с карты Средней Азии. Такая же судьба может постигнуть и Азовское море, которое с каждым годом уменьшается в размерах. Строительство электростанций на крупных реках Сибири сопровождалось затоплением обширных территорий, что вызвало массовую миграцию не только людей, но также животных, птиц, рыб.

2. Сегодня для человечества исключительно важно использовать альтернативные источники энергии, чтобы противостоять процессу глобального потепления. С одной стороны, мы все зависим от углеродосодержащего топлива. С другой стороны, выбросы углекислого газа в атмосферу увеличивают парниковый эффект. Во многих странах Европы и в США уже активно используются ветротурбины. Несколько аэрогенераторов образуют электростанцию, которая может снабжать электроэнергией даже большой город. Хотя ветротурбины немного дороже обычных тепловых электростанций, они имеют и некоторые преимущества: не производят выбросов в атмосферу вредных веществ.


32. Answer the questions using must and the phrases given in the box.

Model: T – Why was Mike so depressed?

St – He must have quarreled with his girlfriend.

to book sth in advance

rock singer

to be ill-tempered

to be delayed

to deliver by plane

to separate


to be exhausted

33. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Infinitive.

1. These shoes are very good quality. They must __________ very expensive. 2. I was woken up by loud music last night. My next-door neighbours must _________________ a party. 3. Don’t worry that Betsy is late, she might ________________ the train. 4. Look, Kate is putting on her new dress and high heels. She must _______________ to a party. 5. The burglar might ____________ back, so change all the locks. 6. He couldn’t _________________ the painting without anyone knowing. 7. Let’s find my glasses. I must _______________ them somewhere on the terrace. 8. The weather has changed dramatically. It must __________ _________ for at least three hours. The city has come to a standstill. 9. Can Anna really ________________ for a job? Her husband earns enough to keep the family. 10. You may _______________ your wallet in the shopping mall. Or you may ________________ it in the car. 11. It rained every day during the weekend they spent in the country, so they can’t _______________ a good time. 12. Why is he red in the face? – He might ___________________.
34. Develop the situations using the hints given in brackets.
Model: – Jill didn’t come to the party last night. (might / not want)

– Jill didn’t come to the party last night. She might not have wanted to see us. Perhaps she found some of our jokes


1. How on earth did the burglar get in? (must / break) 2. Harry didn’t look surprised when I told him the news. (may / know) 3. We haven’t seen Marian for over a week. (may / go) 4. Look, there is no one at the bus stop. (must / miss) 5. I wonder how they got to know about our plans. (might / guess) 6. I can’t understand why Pete didn’t look me up when he was in the office. (may / have) 7. It’s odd that they didn’t speak about their plans to move to New Zealand. (might / change) 8. I wonder why Alice hasn’t written to me for so long. (must / forget)
35. Paraphrase using the modal verbs may / might, can / could, must.

1. I’m sure that you haven’t met this woman before. 2. Nick can’t open the door. It seems to have got stuck. 3. I’m sure Val took your mobile phone by mistake. 4. It is possible that the two parties will not reach agreement tomorrow. 5. I doubt that she is trying to avoid Greg for fear of being asked personal questions. 6. Pay no attention to what the manager said. I’m sure he wasn’t serious. 7. It’s a pity you didn’t tell me the truth at once. I even felt a little hurt. 8. Let’s not wait any longer. It’s possible that Bill and Wendy won’t turn up at all.


36. a) Read the text filling in the gaps with the proper words.
JFK – John Fitzgerald Kennedy airport in New York

VP – Vice President

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