Рабочая программа по английскому языку в 8 классе подготовила учитель английского языка

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Приложение №2

к рабочей Программе

учебного предмета «Английский язык»

на 2014-2015 учебный год

для учащихся 8 класса


Тема контрольной работы

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Лексико-грамматический тест



Лексико-грамматический тест



Лексико-грамматический тест



Лексико-грамматический тест

Progress Check - I

1 Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to destroy

a) to kill b) to break c) to fight

1.to damage

a) to be out of luck b) to hurt c) to be in trouble

2.a disaster

a) danger b) trouble c) luck


a) an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration


a) terrible b) hard c) exciting


a) stormy b) foggy c) rainy

2 Choose the word which best completes the sentence. Underline the word you have chosen.

Example: I'm sure that one day the scientists will ... most of medical problems, a) take b) solve c) explore

1.The famous actor was shaking ... laugh, a) with b) from c) to

2."Why is the little girl crying?" — "She has dropped her cup and ... it."

a) broke b) brought c) destroyed

3.He was ... hurt during the earthquake, a) quickly b) badly c) well

4.A modern spaceship was ... 3 days ago. a) taken b) flown c) launched

5.Where is she doing her research ... this serious problem?

a) of b) on c) in

6.The hurricane did a lot of ... to the town,
a) damage b) disasters c) problems

3 The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.


More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.


The young ... has received a small grant to continue his exploration.


Have you read his article about space ... ?


It's a ... day isn't it?


... disasters, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, can damage houses and hurt people.

5. FOG

I'll stay at home. I hate walking on a ... day.

6. OUT

The spaceman climbed into his spacesuit and soon he was in ... space.

4 Make all the changes and additions neces­sary to create sentences from the following sets of words and phrases. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past continuous and the past simple).
Example: The children I play / tennis / for two hours / yesterday.— The children played tennis for two hours yesterday.

1.The little girl / cry I the whole evening / yesterday.

2.It / snow / all day long / yesterday.

3.What / you / do / at 4pjn. / yesterday?

4.He / look / thp dgp / when / the boy / touch / him.

5.The old lady / watch TV / when / the tele­phone / ring.

6.Where / you / stand / when / you / hear / this terrible sound?

5 Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past perfect and the past simple).
Example: The girl... never (hear) his name before the concert.— The girl had never heard his name before the concert.

1.The terrible hurricane ... (destroy) all the houses by that time,

2.The pilot ... (finish) his flight by 3 p.m. yesterday.

3.When the professor ... (come) the students … already ... (collect) their thoughts.

4.She ... already ... (read) the article when I …(phone) her.

5.... (find) already you the documents when they ... (come)?

6.What ... (see) Steve ... before he ... (change) his mind?

6 Choose the correct answer. Underline it.
1.He ... troubled yesterday.

a) looked b) is looking c) had looked

2.They ... football from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m.

a) played b) were playing c) had played

3.He ... his work by that time, a) finished b) was finishing c) had finished

4.What ... you ... at 7 p.m. yesterday? a) did ... do b) were ... doing

c) had ... done

5.Where ... you ... your summer holidays?
a) did ... spend b) were ... spending

c) had ... spent

6.How many countries ... they ... by that time?
a) did ... visit b) were visiting c) had visited

7 Read an article about Antarctica. For questions 1-3, choose an answer (А, В, C, or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
What is Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent that is right at the southern tip of the planet. If you try to find it on a globe, you will see that it is at the bottom.

It takes up one-tenth of the Earths surface and is covered with a blanket of ice that can be 1500 thick metres. The South Pole is right in the mid­dle of Antarctica.

Antarctica is the coldest continent, as well as the driest, the highest and the windiest. Very few people live there all year round. Scientists stay there for short periods, living in specially built research stations.

Summer in Antarctica is between October and March. During this time there is non-stop daylight. In winter, April to September, the opposite happens and Antarctica is dropped into six months of constant darkness.

In Antarctica it is colder than you can possi­bly imagine, even in the summer! The South Pole is the coldest part of Antarctica. The average temperature for January, the middle of the summer, is minus 28 degrees Celsius (-28 °C).

In winter, April to September, the average temperature at the South Pole can be as cold as -89 °C. When it is that cold, a mug of boiling water thrown in the air would freeze before it hit the ice. Sometimes the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples’ warm.

samples — образцы

1.Antarctica is the coldest place on the Earth. What other records does it hold?

A.driest and cloudiest

B.wettest and windiest

C.windiest and driest

D.cloudiest and highest
2.Why do most people who visit Antarctica choose not to go there between April and

A.because it is summer in Antarctica

B.because there is non-stop daylight during this time

C.because it is a period of constant darkness

D.because it is too dry and sunny
3.Why do the scientists have to use fridges to keep their samples warm?

A.because it is too hot outside

B.because of wild animals

C.because of constant darkness

D.because it is too cold outside

8 Write a letter inviting your English pen friend to come to your home town. Write about what your place is famous for. Describe the weather and climate in your area. Use the following guidelines:

Dear …

Best wishes,


9 Listen and find out what weather will be in the capitals of the English-speaking countries tomorrow. Fill in the table.



Temperature, °C






10 a) Imagine that you are the winner of the TV show "The Last Hero". You spent thirty days on an island in the Pacific Ocean on your own. Tell about one of your days there.
b) Discuss the weather with your partner. Make up "a weather dialogue" using the phrases and expressions from Unit one.

Progress Check - II

1 Match the words (and phrases) which have opposite meanings.

1. to prohibit

2. to protect

3. to pollute

4. to throw

5. to drop litter

6. to be in danger

7. to avoid doing something
a) to damage

b) to clear rubbish away

c) to be out of danger

d) to allow

e) to enjoy doing something

f) to clean

g) to catch









2 Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.
pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown, in danger, prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up.
People get a lot of food from the sea. But we have made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful, ... will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea.
A lot of rubbish ... into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are ... . Some animals try to eat the they die.
Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste ... the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds.
Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and ... it. They say polluting the sea should be strictly .... Groups of people who care about the ... spend their free time ... litter from the beaches. People collect bottles and ... and put them into different... for further recycling.

3 The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form

a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.
Example: RECYCLE

After "the clear up day" in the park the students took the rubbish to the local recycling centre.

... is one of the most serious and crucial world's problems of our day.


The young woman didn't know where to look for... .


Some of the first... organizations in the world started in Britain.


It was a very ... journey.

5. USE

When the young people first came to Ireland, they weren't ... to cold weather.


Smoking is strictly ... in the office.

4 Fill in the definite article the if needed.
The official name of the country is ... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain and ... Northern Ireland. The country is situated in ... British Isles. The two main islands are: ... Great Britain (in which are ... England, Wales and Scotland) and ... Ireland. ... United Kingdom is not far from ... Europe.

... UK is washed by ... Atlantic Ocean in the east and by ... North Sea in the west. The high­est mountains are in ... Scotland and ... Wales: ... Ben Nevis (1,343 metres) and ... Snowdon (1,085 metres). The longest rivers are ... Severn (345 kilometres) and ... River Thames (346 kilometres).

... UK is one of the world's smallest countries (it is half the size of ... France or ... Spain). The largest cities of ... Great Britain are ... London, ... Birmingham and ... Glasgow.

5 Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.
Example: If we ... (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.— If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.
1. If people ... (take) bottles, newspapers and cans to special bins, they could be recycled.

2. If I ... (be) you, I would join Greenpeace.

3. If we didn't pollute our seas, they ... (be) full of fish.

4. If I were you, I ... (continue) the exploration.

5. If you had read these books, you ... (know) more about this environmental problem.

6. If we had protected the environment seriously, our planet ... (be) out of danger.

7. If people ... (avoid) damaging nature, many species of animals wouldn't have disappeared.

8. If she ... (hear) the conversation, she wouldn't have come there.

6 Choose the correct translation of the sentences.
1. If you took the medicine, you would feel better.

a) Если бы вы приняли лекарство, то чувствовали бы себя лучше (сейчас).

b) Если вы будете принимать лекарство, то почувствуете себя лучше.

c) Если бы вы принимали лекарство, то вы чувствовали бы себя лучше (тогда).
2. If people had thought about their future, they wouldn't have cut down forests.

a) Если люди будут думать о своем буду­щем, то они не будут вырубать леса.

b) Если бы люди подумали о своем буду­щем, то они не вырубали бы сейчас леса.

c) Если бы люди думали о своем будущем, то они не вырубили бы леса.

7 Read the text. For the questions (1, 2, 4) choose the answer (a, b, с or d) which you think fits best according to the text. For the questions (3, 5) write a short answer.
Dead Sea in Danger

The Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becom­ing smaller and smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters.

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point of the earth, almost 400 metres below sea level. It is 50 kilometres long. Just 40 years ago it stretched 80 kilometres in length.

One of the main reasons for the sea's shrink­ing* is lack of water. 90% of the waters that flow from the Jordan River, which traditionally goes into the Dead Sea, is taken for drinking and ag­riculture in Israel and Jordan.

Besides, local industry adds to the Dead Sea's problems. They use the water for getting neces­sary minerals. It's a real disaster for the Sea.

Now hundreds of thousands of tourists come to the Dead Sea every year. Its water is so salty that a man can read a newspaper comfortably while lying on his back on the water. The water contains a lot of sulphur**, and the thick black mud*** that is found at the seas beach is very use­ful for people with skin diseases. Tourists treat their bodies with the black mud, but they don't think about the Dead Sea's troubles.

It can be saved — but time is running out.


* shrinking — уменьшение

** sulphur — сера

*** mud — грязь
1. Where is the Dead Sea located?

a) At the highest point of the Earth

b) At the hottest place of the Earth

c) At the lowest point of the Earth

d) At the coldest place of the Earth

2. According to the text how long is the Dead Sea now?

a) 400 metres

b) 50 kilometres

c) 80 kilometres

d) 40 kilometres

3. Find and write down the sentence that says why the Dead Sea is in danger?

4. What are two main reasons for taking off part of the Dead Seas water?

a) Thousands of tourists come to the Sea to treat their diseases; the Dead Seas water is used by local industry

b) People take water from the Jordan River for their needs; they use the Dead Seas water for getting necessary minerals.

c) Local industry uses its black mud; people take the Seas water for agriculture and drinking.

d) 90% of the Jordan waters is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan; thousands of tourists come to the Sea for treating.

5. Why does the text finish with the words:

It can be saved — but time is running out? Explain your answer.

1   2   3   4   5


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