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    1. Write 8-12 sentences on the topic:

I am happy when..

You’ll know it’s my house when you see…

Sunday mornings are great for…

Ten years from now I will…

People like me because…

If I forgot my homework…

I wish my teacher would…

10 good reasons to stay up late

I was embarrassed when…

Here are 5 great things about me

If I couldn’t sleep..

Dear Me, This year I really want to …

I feel sorry for…

It bothers me when…

I wonder about…

If I had three wishes…

When I broke a rule

Sometimes I worry about…

Right now I would like to be…



You are members of a heart transplant surgery team at a university hospital in Washington, D.C. At the moment, you have six patients who desperately need a transplant if they are to have any chance of living. All six patients are classified as “critically ill” and could die at any time.
You have just received the news that the heart of a 16-year-old boy, who was killed in an auto accident, has become available for transplantation. Speed is extremely important as you decide which of the following patients is to receive the heart; not only might one of the patients die, but also the donor heart will soon begin to deteriorate.

  1. The age and sex of the donor has no relationship to the age and sex of the recipient. In other words, the heart of a 16-year-old would work well in a 50-year-old woman.

  1. Rank the patients in order. 1 – first to receive, 6 – last to receive.


  1. Jonas Kasperak, male, age 55. Mr. Kasperak is employed as a steelworker. He and his 47-year-old unemployed wife have seven children (ages 8-22).

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

  1. Elena Rodriguez, female, age 31. Ms. Rodriguez sings first soprano in the Washington Metropolitan Opera. She is divorced and has two children (ages 2 and 3).

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

  1. Franklin Johns, male, age 42. Mr. Johns, a research scientist at George Washington University, is the leading authority in the world on bacteriological disease. He is unmarried.

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

  1. Hiroki Tanabe, male, age 10. Hiroki, the son of the Japanese Ambassador, is a student in an elementary school. When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor.

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

  1. F. Lincoln Bradley, male, age 65. Mr. Bradley is the Vice President of the U.S. He is the father of three grown children, and the grandfather of five.

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

  1. Helen Jackson, female, age 39. Mrs. Jackson, a recent widow, is unemployed and on welfare. She has three children (ages 4, 8, 10).

Reasons he should receive the heart:

Reasons he should not receive the heart:

Conclusions of the transplant team:

Speaking: Organising a schedule

    1. Часто сами авторы УМК предлагают выполнить упражнения на развитие критического мышления. Например,


As part of the “twinning programme”, you are going to look after a family of foreign visitors from your twin city for the weekend. You have never met them before. They will be staying in a hotel. They are going to stay for three nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Look at the information below and decide how you will entertain them. Create a programme for the weekend that will satisfy everyone.


Mother: Sharon (age 45)

Loves: sightseeing, clothes shopping, eating out

Hates: fast food, sport

Father: Nick (age 47)

Loves: sightseeing, traditional markets, eating out

Hates: high street shopping


Lucinda: (age 17)

Loves: shopping, the beach, dancing, fast food

Hates: sightseeing

Alex: (age 14)

Loves: swimming, watching sport, fast food

Hates: sightseeing, eating out in restaurants






Arrive by bus. Welcome party.



Farewell party at hotel

E. Интересной с этой точки зрения может быть работа с УМК «Звездный английский» в 10-11 классе, где включены ссылки на видео из обучающих и новостных программ зарубежного и отечественного телевидения.

Фильм о Изабель Каро, которая скончалась от анарексии был предложен к просмотру по теме «Еда и здоровье». Во время обсуждения видео нами были затронуты очень важные для подростков темы:

  • красота и здоровье,

  • нужны ли жиры для организма,

  • что еще помимо питания необходимо для полноценной жизни,

  • как научиться любить и принимать себя таким какой ты есть,

  • как научиться позитивно относиться к жизни.

Полезные ссылки: http://o-ch.ru/reviews/critiacal/

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