Словообразование в английском языке Методические указания

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Participate — 1. We are … of the competitions. 2. … in this concert made me famous.

Athlete — 1. I like … .  2. He is very … strong.

Задания на образование разных частей речи (развитие навыков словообразования)
EX.1. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. Herald Tribune has got a lot of (read).
2. Jim was (help), no one could help him.
3. Ron had a very (pleasant) talk with Mr. Willson, he looked very sad.
4. BBC and CNN work (professional).
5. Comics is a (fun) reading.
6. The flower smells (wonder).
7. I do grammar exercises (regular).
8. Columbus was a great (travel).
EX.2. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1.(Fortunate) he lost all his money.
2. I stay away from (cruelty) people.
3. I feel (depress) when I am very busy.
4. John is a drug (addiction). He has had this (addict) for several years.
5. Sandra has never felt such (humiliate).
6. What a (fail)! Evidently our team is losing the game.
7. What room (serve) can you offer?
8. It’s often said in newspapers that all people are (equality).
9. I’m talking (serious), stop laughing now!
10. What a wonderful (image) Jane has got! Her story is really beautiful and touching.
11. I’m sorry for (interrupt), but I must deliver this important information.
12. This program is really (entertain).
13. Did he (threat) you? — Oh, no. He just warned me.
14. It was an (forget) concert. The music was live, we enjoyed it a lot.
EX.3. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. The kids played (cheer) in the yard.
2. It’s the first time I have been to London, I am a (strange) here.
3. He tried to (concentration), but in vain, the headache was splitting.
4. The Hermitage is a real (treasure) of Russian art.
5. The (quiet) of the house was very unusual, so they decided to enter. At the (enter) they were stopped by an old man.
6. It’s a strange (feel) as if I have been there before.
7. It’s a little (peace) village situated far from the city.
8. Matilda had never had the feeling of (lonely), how could she be lonely if she had lots of books around her.
9. I like Christmas (cheerful).
10. The baby was sleeping (peace) in his crib.
11. Amanda has never spoken a word of (wise), I have never seen such a stupid girl.
EX.4. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. People have made a lot of (discover).
2. Ron is (skill), he can’t do anything.
3. Edwards is a famous (production).
4. Space (explorer) is very important for any country.
5. Americans were the first to (flight) to the Moon.
6. Mary has a very good (memorable), she can learn any poem in 5 minutes.
7. (whole), I understand the topic rather well.
8. (Create) of a spaceship is a very difficult process.
9. We had a very long (argue) about the terms of the experiment.
10. Alice has a deep (know) of Chemistry.
11. The tool was (use) for us, you needn’t have brought it.
12. How did you (achievement) such results?
13. Japan is a (lead) country in developing new technologies.

Задания на словообразование из разных вариантов ЕГЭ
EX.1. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слово в соответствии с контекстом.

Greener cars  for a greener future

Can you imagine the day when you won’t need to stop for fuel at petrol stations? Or how about 1 … in your own car?  Let’s see what Dr Stephen Green, director of Cars of the Future International says. “Well, our job is to design and test cars that don’t cause the environment 2 … . Scientists from all over the world work for the company. These cars don’t run on petrol. They use alternative sources of  3… such as solar power,  4 … or 5 …  gas. Of course, they can be very expensive, but we are not the 6… . Last year we presented the results of 7… of our solar car at the conference in Tokyo. We are going soon to start work on a flying car. No more traffic jams, can you imagine it?








EX.2. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слово в соответствии с контекстом.

Leo da Vinci

1____ you have already read The Da Vinci Code or seen the film. But who 2____ was Leonardo da Vinci? Well, he was born in 1452 in Italy. He is 3____ for his painting, the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was also an 4 ____ who designed a helicopter and a submarine before they were invented. Leonardo thought that by 5_______ how each part of a machine worked, he could change them and then put them together in 6 _____ ways. In this way he could improve existing machines or create new ones. He drew his ideas so well that 500 years later his sketches were used for 7_____ perfect working models.








EX.3. Прочитайте связный текст и измените слово в соответствии с контекстом.


Products in supermarkets are 1 ___ presented in plastic bags, boxes or trays. People use 2____packaging. But ask yourself what is more important-content or the wrapping?  Yes, we do need packaging. It preserves goods, protects them from damages and makes them look presentable for 3____. Most packaging is not 4____. It is dumped in landfills or burnt.  This results in more 5____. But supermarkets are now working to cut back — packages become smaller, so 6_____ use less energy to transport them.  All this got to do with you, consumer. Choose products that use minimum packaging, it can be 7 ____    You can use glass jars for storing things. 8_____   a lot of people in Europe started sorting rubbish, which reduces the number of landfills as the rubbish is taken to the 9____ factory  and a lot of new goods are produced of the recycled materials.











Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.
Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement - achieve, resistance - resistant, assistance - assist - assistant, celebration - celebrate, difference - different, city - citizen, nation - national - nationality, measure - measurement, develop - development, act - active - activity, contain - container, discover - discovery - discoverer, literature - literary, graduate - graduation - undergraduate - post-graduate, educate - education, progress - progressive, act - action - activity - active, govern - governor - government.
Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.
Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.
Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment. Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave, amuse, argue, advertise, invest.
Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt,
Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect, fashion, flex.
Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.
Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

Strong, long.
Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -Lу и переведите их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.
Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.
Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.
Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft, airspace, Air Force , summer-resort, rest-house, custom-house, dining-room, dining car, living-room , fireplace, nightlife, newsagent, sunglasses, popstar, snowboarding, bungee jumping, earthquake, greenhouse, laptop, software, science-fiction, solar system, so-called, haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, sunrise, sunset, sunflower, body-piercing.
Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent - to accent, a contract - to contract, a content - to content, a contest - to contest, an increase-to increase, a convict - to convict, a perfect - to perfect, a record - to record, a effuse - to refuse, a refugee-to refuge.
Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre sent. 10. He presented me with a book.
Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.
Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.
Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.
1. A thing for opening tins - ... . 2. A machine for playing records - ... . 3. A machine for mixing food - ... . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) - ... . 5. Things for warming people’s legs - ... . 6. Stuff that kills flies - ... . 7. A liquid that removes paint - ... . 8. A tool that opens bottles - ... . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes - ... . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup - ... . 11. Stuff for freshening the air - ... .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.
Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behavior intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic/ economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.
Ex.20 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.
Например: camp..., building..., bomb... – campsite, building site, bomb-site.
1. ...test, ...pressure, ...donor. 2. ...fall, ...melon, ...skiing. 3. ...house, ...grocer, ...salad. 4. ...club, ...mare, ...shift. 5. brief..., suit..., book... . 6. paper..., plastic..., shoulder... . 7. ...bow, ...coat, ...drop. 8. ...shine, ...rise, ...set. 9. ...works, ...sign, ...rage. 10. black..., floor..., notice... . 11. ...light, ...break, ...dream. 12. ...shake, ...writing, ...book. 13. ...cube, ...berg, ...rink. 14. ...cake, ...present, ...card. 15. ...scape, ...lady, ...slide. 16. ...car, ...center, ...ground. 17. address..., visitor’s..., note... .
Ex. 21Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the ... (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the ... (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some ... (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my ... (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a ... (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that ... (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty ... (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The ... (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The ... (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your ... (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the ... (film, end)? 12. Here is ... (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest ... (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my ... (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The ... (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a ... (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The ... (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local ... (school, state). 19. The annual ... (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any ... (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a ... (coffee, cup)?
Ex.22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.
1. It is my personal ... that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep ... and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the ... . 4. Drug ... is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun ... . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a ... to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take ... and I’ll take ... .” 8. Can you show me how to ... this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are ... in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no ... for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to ... after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my ... . Never marry for money. Marry for love.
Ex. 23. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.

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