Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra

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НазваниеПрочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra
Задания для формирования

познавательных метапредметных результатов обучения

Код 2

Логические умения


Давать определение понятиям; обобщать понятия — осуществлять

логическую операцию перехода от видовых признаков к родовому

понятию, от понятия с меньшим объёмом к понятию с большим объёмом; осуществлять логическую операцию установления родовидовых отношений, ограничения понятия


Описывать изученные объекты, осуществлять сравнение

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra.






  1. Hadrian’s Wall is the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain. It was a fortification (yKpenjiem/ie) in Roman Britain, 120 km long from the North Sea in the east to the Irish Sea in the west. The Romans began building it in AD 122, during the rule of Emperor Hadrian. Hadrian worked on reforms and united the Roman provinces. He built the wall to keep Roman Britain safe from attacks. For much of its length, you can walk on foot or go by bike by Hadrian’s Wall Path. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Northern England.

  2. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official and main royal London home and workplace. It is situated in Westminster. The palace is a setting for state occasions. The building was for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705. George III bought it in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte, and it was known as “The Queen’s House”. Buckingham Palace finally became the official royal palace of the British monarch and Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there in 1837. Buckingham Palace is used also for the administrative work for the monarchy. It is here in the state apartments that Her Majesty receives and entertains guests invited to the Palace.

  3. London’s Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The east of London became extremely crowded in the 19th century and a bridge across the Thames in that part of the city was a necessity. On June 30th, 1894, the Tower Bridge was opened by King Edward VII. The design of the Tower Bridge was done by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry. The architects decided to create a moveable bridge to allow big ships to pass. The mechanism to open the bridge is in the two towers. The middle part of the bridge is lifted up when big ships pass through that way. In the past, the bridge was lifted nearly 50 times per day.

  4. The Cenotaph is a war memorial situated in Whitehall, London. It was built as a temporary structure for a peace parade at the end of World War I. Later a war memorial replaced it. Each year a National Service is held there on Sunday, the nearest Sunday to 11 November (Armistice Day) to remember soldiers who died in the two World Wars and later conflicts. The monarch, religious leaders, politicians come to pay respect to those who gave their lives defending others. Everybody observes two- minute silence. The ceremony ends with a march of war veterans, a gesture of respect for their fallen comrades.

7 класс

Выберите утверждение, которое дает правильный ответ на вопрос об изученном грамматическом явлении.

  1. Which tense do we use for repeated actions in the past?

past simple/past continuous

  1. Which tense do we use for an action in progress in the past when another action happens?

past simple/past continuous

  1. What’s the emphatic past simple of ‘I did it.’?

I did done it /I did do it

  1. Which is correct?

be used to do/used to did/ used to do

  1. Which is correct? would to do/would do/ would did

  2. When can we NOT use ‘would’? For repeated actions/situations and states in the past.

8 класс

Выберите утверждение, которое дает правильный ответ на вопрос об изученном грамматическом или лексическом явлении.

  1. In the passive, we use the verb have/be/do for all tenses followed by the full infinitive / the bare infinitive/the past participle.

  2. In the causative form, after ‘have/get + object’ we put the infinitive/the past participle/the bare infinitive.

  3. This piece of furniture is made of /by/with wood.

  4. Glass can be recycled/polluted/broken out.

  5. If you have an argument with someone, and stop being friends, you fall/hand/make out with them.

9 класс


Устанавливать причинно-следственные связи; строить логическое

рассуждение, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей

Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа (исходя из изученного лексического материала).

Read the text and choose the right options.

Are You a City Mouse, or a Country Mouse at Heart?

These days, the difference isn’t so great (1) city and country life in America, but it still (2) . We recently moved from

Brooklyn to a sweet pastoral home. I kept telling (3) , “If it

doesn’t work out, we still have a great (4) to live.” It worked

out and we have our own farm now. We have two young children,

and will miss the (5) of walking to school and running

(6) _ classmates on a daily basis. We will miss having the

world at our fingertips and the endless possibilities (7) the

corner: theatres, cinemas. Since moving to the country, our girls

have seen rabbits and a spider web the size of (8) . old

bedroom. This morning, the ducks were defending their pond from a pair of intruding (9) . Our children will have a com

pletely (10) upbringing.


a) for

b) between

c) opposite


a) exists

b) is

c) has


a) me

b) my

c) myself


a) spot

b) room

c) place


a) convenient

b) convenience

c) comfort


a) after

b) for

c) into


a) around

b) at

c) by


a) theirs

b) their

c) them




c) geese



b) different

c) happy

7 класс

Выберите правильный вариант ответа (исходя из изученного грам-кого материала). Иногда правильным может быть более, чем один вариант.
Choose the correct option (a, b, or c). Sometimes more than one word or phrase may be correct.

1. Lots of people the X-Files TV series.
a watched b used to watch

c would watch
2. Even though I sometimes didn’t understand what was happening, I never an episode.
a missed b used to miss

c would miss
3. I waiting a whole week to see

the latest adventures of the two agents, Scully and Molder.
a never used to like b wouldn’t like

c never would like
4. Did you watching the series?

a use to enjoy b would enjoy

c enjoyed

8 класс

Закончите текст, используя правильную форму глаголов.
Complete the text using the correct causative form of the verbs.
Computer Blues!

Computers aren’t my speciality. So, when my home PC developed a virus problem last month, I (1) (it / fix) by a technician who

charged me €40 for his services. Three days later, as I was trying to get my email, the screen went completely blank. The technician I called told me that I should (2) (it / replace)

because it was too old and couldn’t be repaired.

I (3) (a new monitor / deliver).

That cost €200.

A week later, I found that my photo software wasn’t

working properly. I (4) (it / test)

in a computer shop. The shop assistant said that my software was out-of-date and suggested I buy some new software. I paid extra to (5) (the

software / install) by a professional.
This morning, as I was talking to a computer programmer friend of mine who had been away for

a month, he laughed at my problems and said that he would (6) (all those problems /

solve) very easily and cheaply if he had been here. I was speechless!

9 класс


Осуществлять сравнение, самостоятельно выбирая основания и

критерии для указанных логических операций

7 класс

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra.






  1. Hadrian’s Wall is the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain. It was a fortification (yKpenjiem/ie) in Roman Britain, 120 km long from the North Sea in the east to the Irish Sea in the west. The Romans began building it in AD 122, during the rule of Emperor Hadrian. Hadrian worked on reforms and united the Roman provinces. He built the wall to keep Roman Britain safe from attacks. For much of its length, you can walk on foot or go by bike by Hadrian’s Wall Path. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Northern England.

  2. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official and main royal London home and workplace. It is situated in Westminster. The palace is a setting for state occasions. The building was for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705. George III bought it in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte, and it was known as “The Queen’s House”. Buckingham Palace finally became the official royal palace of the British monarch and Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there in 1837. Buckingham Palace is used also for the administrative work for the monarchy. It is here in the state apartments that Her Majesty receives and entertains guests invited to the Palace.

  3. London’s Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The east of London became extremely crowded in the 19th century and a bridge across the Thames in that part of the city was a necessity. On June 30th, 1894, the Tower Bridge was opened by King Edward VII. The design of the Tower Bridge was done by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry. The architects decided to create a moveable bridge to allow big ships to pass. The mechanism to open the bridge is in the two towers. The middle part of the bridge is lifted up when big ships pass through that way. In the past, the bridge was lifted nearly 50 times per day.

  4. The Cenotaph is a war memorial situated in Whitehall, London. It was built as a temporary structure for a peace parade at the end of World War I. Later a war memorial replaced it. Each year a National Service is held there on Sunday, the nearest Sunday to 11 November (Armistice Day) to remember soldiers who died in the two World Wars and later conflicts. The monarch, religious leaders, politicians come to pay respect to those who gave their lives defending others. Everybody observes two- minute silence. The ceremony ends with a march of war veterans, a gesture of respect for their fallen comrades.


Осуществлять группировку, сериацию и классификацию, само-

стоятельно выбирая основания и критерии для указанных логиче-

ских операций; строить классификацию на основе дихотомическо-

го деления (на основе отрицания)

Прочитайте приведённые ниже слова и определите, какими частями речи являются каждое из слов под номерами.

1. Краб 2. Креветка 3. Стрекоза 4. Паук – крестовик 5. Муха

6. Омар 7. Скорпион 8. Клещ 9. Пчела 10. Рак

Объедините данные слова на три группы.

Запишите номера слов, входящих в каждую группу, в таблицу и напишите общее для группы название.


Название группы

Номера слов






Комбинировать известные алгоритмы деятельности в ситуациях,

не предполагающих стандартного применения одного из них


Осуществлять выбор наиболее эффективных способов решения

задач в зависимости от конкретных условий


Планировать оптимальный порядок действий или принимать оптимальное решение

Код 3

Смысловое чтение и работа с текстом


Поиск информации и понимание текста


Формулировать информационные запросы



Определять основную тему, общую цель или назначение, главную идею текста. Различать темы и подтемы текста. Структурировать тексты, включая умение выделять главное и второстепенное



Отвечать на вопросы, используя явно заданную в тексте информацию



Выстраивать последовательность описываемых событий, делать выводы по содержанию текста

Прочитайте текст, разделите его на абзацы и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Read the text, divide it into paragraphs and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).
After years of discussing moving to the country, we found a cottage on the bank of a river. There was a studio where I could paint - my old dream. A year later, the cottage was transformed into a beach style house. Light came in through huge glass windows and as I looked out on the river that ran past our door, I felt happy. It was only a mile walk to the town. There was a station with a connection to London and fantastic English countryside right on our doorstep. I threw myself into country life, taking the dog for walks in fields and woods, writing for the regional newspaper and painting. Jim found a new job in Cambridge and I as a writer could work at home. We really lived our dream. It was during our third winter that I realized how I felt about the different contact we now had with our children. We still spoke and emailed, but meeting my daughter for a coffee meant a three-hour drive. Then there were the old friends who we missed. We made friends in Suffolk, but most new people were older or much younger with growing families. I discovered how lonely you can be even when you know a lot of people. I felt empty. I didn’t see the beauty of the countryside any more. It was my daughter, visiting for a weekend, who noticed my melancholy mood. ‘Why not sell up and move back to live in the flat?’ she said. It seemed such a simple solution. Jim felt the same. We sold the house and set about returning to London. We love being back home in the city, with our family. We don’t regret our country adventure. One thing we have learned is that location isn’t everything - it’s people that count.
1. The lady’s dream was to write novels in the countryside. _____

2. They loved their new house because it was modern

and close to Nature. _____

3. Their beach style house was too far from London. _____

4. The wife and the husband enjoyed their country life. _____

5. They often go to London to see their children and friends. _____

6. It took to the wife three years to realize how much she

missed London life. _____

7. It was impossible to move back to the city. _____

8. Jim and his wife were very happy to return to London. _____

9. They remember their country adventure with pleasure. _____

10. They often go to Suffolk to see their new friends. _____

7 класс


Сопоставлять основные текстовые и внетекстовые компоненты: обнаруживать соответствие между частью текста и его общей идеей. Сопоставлять информацию из разных частей текста


Объяснять назначение карты, рисунка, пояснять части графика или таблицы и т. д. Понимать смысл терминов


Работать с метафорами — понимать переносный смысл выражений, понимать и употреблять обороты речи, построенные на скрытом уподоблении, образном сближении слов


Преобразование и интерпретация информации


Структурировать текст, используя нумерацию страниц, списки, ссылки, оглавления; проводить проверку правописания слов


Преобразовывать информацию из одной знаковой системы в другую, используя формулы, графики, диаграммы, таблицы (в том числе динамические, электронные)




Обнаруживать в тексте доводы в подтверждение выдвинутых тезисов; делать выводы; выводить заключение о намерении автора

Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа, чтобы закончить предложение.

1. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

Family life in England
Hi, my name is Craig. I am English because I was born in England, but I’m British because England is a part of Great Britain and is in the UK. I live in a typical English family. I have a father, a mother and a sister and we all live together in a house in the south-eastern part of England. At the back of our house there is a small garden.

The day starts at about 7 o’clock when Dad and Mum get up. We get up half an hour later. We have breakfast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast my sister and I put on our school uniform. We all leave the house by 8.30. Dad goes to work. He works with computers. Mum, my sister and I walk to school. My mum has to take a bus as she teaches in a different school. I take a packed lunch to school which contains things like sandwiches, fruit and a bag of crisps. Sometimes my friends and I swap our food. My favourite subjects at school are Science and History. My favourite topic in History is learning about ancient Egyptians. I also enjoy PE lessons - we play football, netball, cricket and sometimes we go cross-country running.

We usually come back home at 4 o’clock. Dad gets home at about 6 o’clock. We eat together at about 7.1 help Mum to wash up after dinner. I also tidy my bedroom. In the evenings I usually do my homework before watching telly. Mum sometimes helps me with my homework. My family likes to watch Eastenders and Coronation Street (English soap operas).

On Thursdays I go to karate and my sister goes to ballet on Wednesdays. I am a Cub Scout and I like going camping. I like building fire and cooking on it. It is fun sleeping in the tents too.

We usually go camping about twice a year. I enjoy playing on my computer and skateboarding. I have a pet rabbit called Sooty. I bet you can guess what colour it is. Black, of course.

  1. It takes Craig to get ready for school in the morning.

a) an hour and a half b) an hour c) half an hour

2. Craig’s father works with computers and his mother is .

a) a doctor b) a librarian c) a teacher

3. During the lunch break Craig usually .

  1. eats in the school canteen

  2. goes to his mother’s school

  3. eats food that he brings from home

4. Craig loves History, especially he is interested in .

  1. western countries

  2. the history of the UK

  3. old civilizations

  1. Craig usually has dinner .

  1. when the whole family is at home

  2. whenever he likes

  3. at six sharp

  1. After dinner Craig .

  1. reads and watches TV

  2. does some house chores

  3. helps his father with the computer

  1. Being a Scout means .

  1. climbing mountains

  2. going in for sport

  3. going camping

  1. While camping Craig learns to .

  1. play on the computer

  2. snowboard

  3. set tents and make fires

Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа, чтобы закончить предложение.
2. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

Knowing what to do during a fire in your home is important to survive. Here are the basics of what to do.

  1. React to the smoke alarm. If you hear your smoke detector or alarm going off, get out of bed, wrap yourself in a blanket if there’s one handy and get out of there! Do not take the time to tie your shoes.

  2. Feel the door. If your door is closed, feel it for heat with the back of your hand. If you feel down towards the bottom of the door and it is really cool, that’s good. Open it slowly. If there is a lot of smoke and it goes up towards the ceiling area, stay lower to the ground and crawl to get yourself out. Wake everyone up, get the kids out of bed, and get outside as quickly as you can. If you feel the door and it is hot, there is a lot of heat on the other side. Do not open it; go to the window and try to get out of the house that way.

  3. Protect yourself from smoke inhalation when inside. Take a T-shirt or a rag and wet it. Place it over your nose and mouth if you have to walk by or through a heavily smoke-filled room. Smoke inhalation can make you disoriented or you can become unconscious.

  4. Have a pre-determined meeting place for all family members.

If anybody is missing, tell the fire brigade immediately on their arrival. Re-enter the building only if it is safe to do so.

  1. Call your local emergency services number. Call 911 in North America, 000 in Australia, 111 in New Zealand and 999 in the UK or 112 from your mobile, it is the emergency number in all of Europe.

6. Getaway from the structure. Keep a safe distance between you and the fire. Check yourself and family members to make sure that there are no injuries. If there are, do what you can and when the fire department arrives, you can ask for directions and help.

  1. If you feel the smoke .

  1. stay in your room until the fire brigade comes

  2. put on what is handy and quickly leave the room

  3. get fully dressed before getting out

  1. If the closed door to your room is hot .

  1. open it to cool the door

  2. wrap yourself in the blanket to get out

  3. find another way out

  1. If the door is cool and there is only smoke .

  1. go slowly out

  2. stay in your room

  3. keep to floor and get out crawling

  1. To protect yourself from smoke inhalation you must .

  1. wash your face

  2. put wet material on your nose and mouth

  3. drink a lot of water.

  1. If somebody is still inside the house .

  1. run back to help

  2. call them loudly to check

  3. inform the fire brigade

  1. When you get out you must .

  1. stay at a good distance from the house

  2. take pictures of the house

  3. try to save your belongings

7 класс


Формировать на основе текста систему аргументов (доводов) для

обоснования определённой позиции. Сопоставлять разные точки зрения и разные источники информации по заданной теме


Использовать информацию из текста при решении учебно-познавательных и учебно-практических задач


Критический анализ и оценка информации


Оценивать утверждения, сделанные в тексте, исходя из своих представлений о мире; находить доводы в защиту своей точки зрения


Откликаться на форму текста: оценивать не только содержание текста, но и его форму


На основе имеющихся знаний и жизненного опыта подвергать сомнению достоверность информации (обнаруживать недостоверность получаемой информации, пробелы в информации) и находить пути восполнения этих пробелов


В процессе работы с источниками выявлять содержащуюся в них

противоречивую информацию


Высказывать оценочные суждения и свою точку зрения о прочитанном тексте


Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconОдномерные и двумерные массивы Раздел описания типов
В разделе описания типов пользователь может определять свои типы данных, присваивая каждому из них определенный идентификатор. Синтаксис...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconРекомендации для описания предмета закупки, примеры для описания...
Заявки от подразделений на поставку товаров, выполнение работ, оказание услуг формируются по соответствующей форме и подаются в отдел...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconКонтрольные задания для студентов 1 курса по специальности «Педагогика...
Соотнесите названия концепций с их представителями: а М. Вертгеймер 1 Когнитивная психология

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconГосударственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
Задание. Основой для конкурсного задания служат отрывки классических литературных произведений, в тексте которых встречаются описания...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconУчебное пособие по курсу Начертательная геометрия. Инженерная графика
В пособии содержатся данные и описания индивидуальных графических работ для самостоятельного выполнения. Перед описанием каждой работы...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconТеория и практика составления словарей. Основная задача разработка...
Типы словарей. Лексикография теория и практика составления словарей. Основная задача разработка принципов и приемов словарного описания...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconВведение 2
Значение применения гармонизированной системы описания и кодирования товаров на арене международной торговли 6

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconОписания комбинаторных алгоритмов
Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconТребования к описанию книжных коллекций Ниже представлены образцы...

Прочитайте описания изученных достопримечательностей Англии. Соотнесите данные названия и описания. Одно название лишнее. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra iconТребования к описанию книжных коллекций Ниже представлены образцы...

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