Методические указания по обучению чтению на английском языке по специальности «прокатка»

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ТипМетодические указания
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Part I.

American steel industry – Past, present and future.
For a 200-year period prior to the Civil War, America had what can be accurately described as a small iron industry. In 1645, the country`s first blast furnace was built. Iron produc­tion spread slowly through the north central states with the construction of blast furnaces. The early blast furnaces, which were built of stone and resembled trunkated pyramids, gave way at the beginning of the I9th century to cylindrical iron shells lined with brick. In the 1950's, the air blast was heated, making greater and faster production possible. The early furnaces pro­duced 2 to 5 tons of iron a day as opposed to 50 to 40 tons a day by mid-1800's.

By I860 iron production throughout the U.S. totaled 987,000 tons while steel output, produced principally by the crucible process, amounted to 11,000 tons.

Steel production beginnings.

The first continuous commercial pneumatic steel facility which operated successfully was installed at Wyandotte, Mich., in 1864. This was called the bessemer process after its inventor Henry Bessemer, an Englishman.

The number of bessemer plants increased rapidly so that, by I876, 13 had been built. In 1880 output of bessemer plants in operation in the U.S., rose to 1,2 million tons and the in­dustry was firmly established*

During the early years of the steel industry's operation, virtually all the output was rolled into rails. For example, in 1870 there were 42,000 tons of steel produced from which 54,000 tons of rails were rolled. By 1880, the steel rail was rapidly replacing the iron rail.

Throughout the 1880's rails continued to be the dominant steel product as the era of transcontinental railroad construc­tion placed an extremely heavy demand on the iron and steel in­dustry, not only for rails but also for car and locomotive buil­ding materials. As steel output grew to 4,1 million tons by 1890, other uses developed. These included the construction industry which made significant progress during the period. In 1884 one of the world's first skyscrapers, a 10-story building, was com­pleted in Chicago using structural steel.

Shipbuilding became another substantial steel consumer as the regenerated U.S. Navy involved the construction of 40 vessels made of steel.

In the mid-1890's the U.S. surpassed Great Britain in steel production to lead the world, a position which it held until 1974.

Nowdays the U.S. steel industry moves down to the third place - USSR is first with 168 million tons and Japan is second with 122,8 million tons.
III. Вставьте слова соответствующие содержанию текста.

1. The early blast furnaces were built of ...

and resembled ...
2. The ... process was called after its inventor Henry

3. At the beginning of the steel industry`s operation all of

the output was rolled into ...
4. Steel was used both in ... and in...
5. Nowdays the USSR is ... and the USA is ... in steel


the first


the construction

truncated pyra­mids


IV.Прочитайте текст ещё раз и выполните следующие задания:
1. Укажите в каком году была построена первая доменная печь.

2. Объясните чем вызвано повышение производства стали в 1880-90гг.
V.Составьте план к тексту.

I. Прочитайте новые термины.
open hearth – мартеновская печь

cold-reduction mill – стан холодного редуцирования (труб)

coil – рулон (полосового металла)

hot rolled coil – рулон горячекатаной полосы
II. Прочитайте переведите текст.
Part II
American Steel Industry - Past, Present and Future
As the industry grew the amount of capital required for the construction of facilities, such as blast furnaces, bessemer converters, open hearths and rolling mills, increased to a point where it was no longer possible for individual persons to raise the necessary funds for the construction of a complete steel plant. Thus, the iron masters, who operated small blast furnaces were replaced by corporations. The larger and most powerful was the Carnegie Steel Co. The second largest combination was the Federal Steel Co. formed by the Morgan interests.

After the turn of the century, the steel industry grew rapidly to supply the nation's steel requirements. In the years between 1899 and 1905, many of today's large steel corporations were formed. These included National Steel Co., the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., the American Rolling. Mill Co., now Armco Inc, etc.

In the first 20 years of the present century, the bessemer process gave way to the open hearth, the iron and steelmaking units became larger.

In the 1920`s with the growth of the automobile industry the steel industry underwent a revolutionary change. It had been known as a producer of heavy products including rails, structu-rals, plates and. pipe. However, as the automobile industry expan­ded from a production of 2.2 million vehicles in 1920 to 5.5 miliion in 1929. Its demand for steel sheets increased enormously. The industry produced sheets on hand mills and so, it could not meet the automobile demand.

Thus, a new rolling process, the continuons hot strip mill was developed. Armed continued to develop the hot strip mill for the production of sheets. By 1929 there were 7 hot strip mills operating in the industry. The continuous hot strip Bill was a major technological advance which revolutionized sheet rolling in the steel industry.

General growth in the 1920's brought output to 63 million's tons by 1929. This period of expansion was followed by the 1950's a period of deep depression. Steel output dropped as low as 15 billion tons in I952. Almost all the major companies installed hot strip mills, while cold-reduction mills (which reduced the hot rolled coil and improved its surface) were also installed by a number of companies in the 1930's. Light flat rolled products constituted 35 to 40 % of steel industry output during the I950's.
III. Найдите в тексте интернациональные слова и дайте им соответствующие русские эквиваленты.
IV. Просмотрите текст ещё раз и опровергните или подтвердите данные утверждения.
1. Steelmaking facilities such as blast furnaces, bessemer converters and open

hearths became to be widely used for the production of steel.

2. The open hearth process gave way to the bessemer in the steel industry.

3. The demands for steel sheets increased with the growth of the automobile


4. The continuous hot strip mill was developed for the produc­tion of sheets in

the 1920's.

5. Steel output increased in the 1930`s.
V. Составьте план к тексту.

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