Учебное пособие по английскому языку казань 2017

НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку казань 2017
ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14


cost – стоимость

hindsight  взгляд в прошлое, оценка прошлых событий

waste  отходы

subsidy  субсидии

fossil fuel  ископаемое топливо

exemption  освобождение от налогов

mortal  смертельный

to tax  облагать налогом

mining  добыча

emission  выпуск

hazard  несчастный случай

similar  подобный

tax code  налоговый кодекс

to quantify  подсчитывать

adequately  адекватно
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопрос: Is it cheaper to use solar energy or wind energy?

Exercise 2. Найдите правильные переводы выражений на английском языке, приведенных в правой колонке.

1. To focus on the fact

1. Отходы

2. Negative social cost

2. Смертельный риск

3. Fossil fuel use

3. Несчастные случаи на производстве

4. Waste product

4. Весь путь, начиная от…

5. The mortal risks

5. Обратить внимание на тот факт

6. Occupational hazards of production

6. Стоимость негативного социального воздействия

7. All the way from

7. Использование ископаемого топлива

8. Tax codes

8. Налоговый кодекс

9. Similar considerations

9. Подобные соображения

10. To drop somewhat in price

10. Тем не менее, по оценкам

11. It should however also be added

11. До

12. There is still quite a bit of uncertainty

12. Расходы на производство и выпуск продукции

13. Nevertheless, it is estimated

13. Было бы намного эффективнее

14. It is unclear whether it is necessary

14. Есть еще небольшая доля сомнения

15. It would still be much more effective

15. Снизить стоимость чего-либо

16. Costs in production and emissions

16. Неясно, необходимо ли

17. Up to

17. Следовало бы, однако также добавить

Exercise 3. Согласны ли вы с кратким выводом по содержанию предыдущего текста?

The most important point in this text on energy is to stress not only that there are ample reserves of fossil fuels but also that potentially unlimited renewable energy resources definitely are within economic reach.

Exercise 4. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Which kind of energy is cheaper? 2. Why can’t we agree that coalfired energy is cheaper? 3. How many projects have been realized to examine all costs associated with electricity production? 4. How much do these studies evaluate the extra social cost of a new coalfired plant? 5. What is it necessary to do in order to make renewable energy competitive? 6. Does the renewable energy fall in price fast? 7. How is it possible to support the development of renewable energy?

Text B. Solar energy
The largest part of the energy on Earth comes from the sun. Only a small part comes from radioactive processes within the Earth itself. The sun gives off so much energy that it is equivalent to a 180-watt bulb perpetually lighting up every single square meter on Earth. Of course energy is not distributed equally – the tropics receive more than 250 watts whereas the polar regions get only about 100 watts.

The solar energy influx is equivalent to about 7,000 times our present global energy consumption. The yearly solar energy by far exceeds any other energy resource. Or put in a different way: even with our relatively ineffective solar cells, a square area in the tropics 469 km (291 miles) on each side – 0.15 percent of Earth’s land mass   could supply all our current energy requirements. In principle this area could be placed in the Sahara Desert (of which it would take up 2.6 percent) or at sea. In reality, of course, one would not build a single, central power plant, but the example underscores partly how little space really is necessary to cover our energy needs, partly that the area can be placed somewhere of little or no biological or commercial value.

The remote Indonesian village of Sukatani was changed literally overnight when solar cells were installed in 1989. The equatorial nights, which last 12 hours all year round, previously left little to do. But today, children can do their homework after supper, the village sports a new motorized well pump providing a steady supply of water for better sanitation, and now some of the local waning (shops) are open after sunset and television sets provide entertainment and a window on the wider world.

Solar energy can also be exploited directly through heating and indirectly by growing plants, later to be burnt (biomass). In Denmark it is estimated that direct solar energy can provide about 10-12 percent of our energy. In the US also, biomass is predicted to have substantial growth. The US Energy Information Agency estimates that solar energy could cover the entire American energy requirements more than 3.5 times over. But for this to become reality a lot of ingenuity is required.

Japan has started integrating solar cells in building materials, letting them become part of roofs and walls. Others have produced watertight thin-film ceramic solar cells to replace typical roofing materials. In Wales an experimental center open to visitors has chosen solar cells not only to supply the building with electricity, but also because it can save costs for traditional roofing.


adioactive  радиоактивный

pump  насос

bulb  лампочка

steady  постепенно

perpetually  бесконечно

supply  снабжение

influx приток

sanitation санитария

cell  элемент

to exploit  эксплуатировать

to exceed  превышать

ingenuity  изобретательность

to illustrate  иллюстрировать

watertight  водонепроницаемый

requirement  потребности

thin-film  тонкопленочная

to underscore  подчеркивать
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where does the largest part of the energy come from? 2. How much energy does the sun give off? 3. How is the sun energy distributed on the Earth? 4. Does the solar energy influx cover our present global energy consumption? 5. How much area in the tropics is required to cover all our current energy consumption? 6. How did the Indonesian village change when solar cells were installed in 1982? 7. How solar energy can be exploited? 8. How are solar cells used in Japan? 9. What is done in Wales for using solar cells?

Exercise 2. Найдите соответствующие переводы словосочетаний на английском языке.

1. To leave little to do

1. Распространять равномерно

2. The example underscores partly

2. Поток солнечной энергии

3. Watertight thin-film ceramic cells

3. Пример частично подчеркивает

4. For this to become reality

4. Не представляющий коммерчес-кого интереса.

5. To change literally overnight

5. Масштаб взаимоотношений

6. To illustrate clearly

6. Ясно показывать

7. The solar energy influx

7. Тотально измениться за одну ночь

8. To be of no commercial value

8. Оставлять мало времени для жизнедеятельности

9. To let to become the part

9. Позволить стать частью

10. To distribute equally

10. Чтобы это стало реальностью

11. Or put in different way

11. Водонепроницаемые тонкопле-ночные керамические фотоэлементы

12. A steady water supply for better sanitation

12. Постоянное водоснабжение для создания лучших санитарных условий

13. The scale of these relationships

13. Или пойти другим путем

Text C. Wind energy
Wind energy has been exploited through millennia. Long before the Current Era, ancient Civilizations in China, India and Persia used wind to pump up water and to mill grain. Already in early medieval times windmills were a known technology throughout Europe, and the windmill remained the primary energy source till the arrival of the steam engine. In countries such as Denmark that did not have their own coal supply, the windmill continued to have a central position. In 19l6 alone Denmark built more than 1,300 new windmills.

Being the world leader in wind power, windmills in Denmark still produced only about 9 percent of all Danish electricity in 1998. In the US, windmills produced just 0.1 percent of the total electricity production in 1998.

But problems will arise if a significant part of a nation’s electricity requirements are to be met by wind power. Close to inhabited areas windmill noise can be a nuisance. Moreover, to be effective, windmills need to be placed in open environments, and here they easily mar the scenery. The only long-term solution is placing windmills far out to sea. Not only will there be few if any esthetic problems but windmills are typically 50 percent more effective here.

Critics of windmills often point out that they are still not profitable, that they require much energy to produce, and that they kill birds. As we saw above, windmills are still not fully competitive, although they are probably no more than 30-50 percent more expensive, and even less when including the social and environmental costs of continued use of fossil fuels. In the longer run, they will undoubtedly be competitive or even cheaper.

It is also objected that windmills themselves demand quite a bit of energy to be produced: the steel has to be mined, smelted and rolled, and the windmill itself has to be transported and in the end disposed of. However, going over the extended energy account, it turns out that a modern windmill can produce the energy used for its own production within just three months.

It is true that windmills kill birds, although the problem will be much smaller at sea. In Denmark it is estimated that about 30,000 birds die in collisions with windmills each year. In the US the number is about 70,000.


to mill  молоть

undoubtedly  несомненно

grain  зерно

steel  сталь

steam engine  паровой двигатель

to mine  добывать

inhabited  населенный

to smelt  расплавлять

noise  шум

to roll  прокатывать

nuisance  помеха

to go over  внимательно изучать

to mar  портить

account  счет

scenery  пейзаж

collision  столкновения

esthetic  эстетический

extended  расширенный
Exercise 1. Соедините переводы с соответствующими выражениями на английском языке.

1. Задолго до нашей эры

1. A technology known throughout Europe

2. В начале средневековья

2. In the end of disposal

3. Известная во всей Европе технология

3. It is also objected

4. Продолжает занимать центральное положение

4. Not to be still fully competitive

5. Будучи мировым лидером в чем-то

5. Long before the current era

6. Значительная часть национальных потребностей в электричестве

6. In early medieval times

7. Долгосрочное решение

7. To continue to have a central position

8. В долгосрочной перспективе

8. Being the world leader

9. Еще не быть до конца конкуренто-способным

9. In the long run

10. Также выдвигаются возражения

10. The only long-term solution

11. Конечный пункт назначения

11. A significant part of a nation’s electricity requirements

12. Иметь собственные запасы угля

12. Quite a bit of energy to be produced

13. Удовлетворить требования

13. To have own coal supply

14. Не только из-за каких-то эстетических соображений

14. Not only will there be few if any esthetic problems

15. Дальнейшее использование угля

15. Continued use of coal

16. Производится достаточно мало энергии

16. The requirements are to be met by

17. Взглянув на расширенный расчет стоимости энергии

17. Going over the extended energy account

Exercise 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How long has the wind energy been exploited? 2. How was the wind used by ancient civilizations? 3. When did first windmills appear? 4. Where did the windmill continue to have a central position? 5. How much energy do windmills produce in Denmark? 6. How many windmills were built in Denmark in1916? 7. What problems do the modern windmills have today? 8. What do critics of windmills often point out?

Text A. Global warming
Climate change and especially global warming has become the overriding environmental concern since the 1990s. Most discussions about the environment end up pointing out that, despite all other indicators that may show us doing better and better, we still have to change our current lifestyle dramatically because our way of life is now changing the climate and causing global warming.

The consequence is that we must change our industrial ways. Worldwatch Institute tells us that «the only feasible alternative is a solar/hydrogen-based economy». Greenpeace equivalently tells us that although we may have lost of oil, global warming prevents us from using it – «we are in a second world oil crisis. But in the 1970s the problem was a shortage of oil. This time round the problem is that we have too much». The only solution is choosing «a fundamentally new energy direction based on clean renewable energy, like wind or solar power».

In this way, climate change has become the environmental trump card –possibly we are not running out of raw materials, possibly we are actually doing better and better on almost any objective indicator, but if global warming demands a change, all other arguments will be of lesser import. Worldwatch Institute actually envisions how in the twenty-first century «the climate battle may assume the kind of strategic importance that wars both hot and cold have had during» the twentieth century. Backed up by a number of leading scientists writing in Nature, Worldwach Institute asserts that to develop the necessary technologies to combat climate change will require a monumental research effort, conducted with the urgency of the Manhattan Project or the Apollo space program.

These drastic efforts are justified by a general understanding of the severe consequences of global warming. In many people’s view, climate change is linked to drastic increases in temperature and catastrophic climatic shifts. We fear that global warming could result in the destruction of our ecosystems, widespread famine, more and more powerful hurricanes, the melting of the ice caps and the oceans flooding the Maldives, Bangladesh and other low-lying areas on Earth.

This is no wonder, given the constant media barrage of possible greenhouse related catastrophes. Almost any weather event is now linked to climate change. In Leonardo DiCaprio’s March 2000 interview of the President, Clinton told that if we do not change our ways, what will happen is «the polar ice caps will melt more rapidly; sea levels will rise; you will have the danger of flooding the sugarcane fields of Louisiana; island nations could literally be buried. The whole climate of the United States, for example, could be changed where you would have more flooding, more heat waves, more storms, more extreme weather events generally».

overriding  важнейший

to assert  утверждать

concern  забота

to conduct  проводить

feasible  реальный

urgency  безотлагательность

equivalently  то же самое

drastic  решительный

shortage  недостаток, дефицит

widespread  широко распространенный

trump card  козырная карта

shift  изменения

objective  цель

famine  голод

indicator  индикатор

hurricane  ураган

to envision  предвидеть

to assume  принимать форму

barrage  заграждение, плотина

sugarcane  сахарный тростник

literally  без преувеличения

to bury  хоронить
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When has the climate change become the environmental concern? 2. What do we have to change in order to avoid global warming? 3. What must future energy direction be based on? 4. Is the problem of global warming explained by shortage of oil? 5. Does the climate battle assume the kind of war? 6.What is important to develop the necessary technologies to combat climate? 7.What is climate change linked to from the point of many people’s view? 8. What are the real consequences of global warming?

Exercise 2. Найдите эквиваленты в тексте.

Важнейшая проблема экологии, приводить к указанию, жить все лучше и лучше, стиль жизни, пути развития производства, основанная на гидроисточниках энергии экономика, иметь расход энергии, находиться в условиях второго мирового кризиса потребления нефти, дефицит нефти, основное направление энергетики, израсходовать, практически по любому объективному показателю, иметь меньшее значение, обрести стратеги-ческое значение, всеобъемлющие усилия по исследованию, жестокие последствия, с точки зрения многих людей.

Exercise 3. Расставьте в логической последовательности названия абзацев.

– Our fears about global warming

– A new energy direction

– Our lifestyle threatens the climate

– Third world war

Exercise 4. Выделите в каждом абзаце предложение, наиболее полно отражающее основное содержание абзаца.
Text B. The basic greenhouse effect
The main concern of climate change is global warming and the predicted warming is based on the so called greenhouse effect. The fundamental principle of the greenhouse effect is really quite simple and entirely uncontroversial. Several types of gases can reflect or trap heat, including water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH2), laughing gas (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gases and ozone. Together they are known as greenhouse gases.

The greenhouse gases trap some of the heat emitted by the Earth, rather like having a blanket wrapped around the globe. The basic greenhouse effect is good   if the atmosphere did not contain greenhouse gases the average temperature on the Earth would be approximately 33° C (59 °F) colder and it is unlikely that life as we know it would be able to exist.

The problem is that man has increased the quantity of greenhouse gases, CO2 in particular, in the atmosphere. About 80 percent of the extra CO2 comes from the combustion of oil, coal and gas whereas the other 20 percent comes from deforestation and other land changes in the tropics. About 55 percent of the released CO2 is absorbed again by the oceans, by northern forest regrowth,
and generally by increased plant growth (plants use CO2 as fertilizer), but the rest is added to the atmosphere, such that the concentration of CO2 has increased by 31 percent from preindustrial times to the present day.

If the extra greenhouse gases, and among them CO2 reflect heat, more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will (everything else being equal) lead to an increase in the temperature on Earth. This is the so called anthropogenic greenhouse effect, the extra, man-made greenhouse effect. This effect is our main interest. We will in the following just call it the greenhouse effect.

uncontroversial  неоспоримый

laughing gas  веселящий газ

to trap  удерживать

to wrap  заворачивать

vapor  пар

antropogenic  антропогенный

methane  метан

main  основной
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the predictions about future warming based on? 2. What is the fundamental principle of green house effect? 3. Is the basic green effect really good? 4. Why has the greenhouse effect become to affect the climate negatively? 5. Where does extra carbon dioxide come from? 6. What part of the released carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere? 7. Explain please what does the so called anthropogenic greenhouse effect mean?

Exercise 2. Найдите эквиваленты в тексте.

Предсказываемое потепление, так называемый, быть известным как, основной принцип, средняя температура, известная нам форма жизни, способная к существованию, возобновление роста, представляющая для нас основной интерес, другие изменения состояния земель, дополнительные газы, в дальнейшем.

Exercise 3. Составьте фразы, соответствующие содержанию текста.

1. More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will lead to

an increase

in the temperature on Earth.

a decrease

the stability

2. About 80 percent of the extra CH2 comes from

combustion of oil, coal and gas.


other land changes in the tropics.

3. The considerable part of the released CH2 is absorbed again, and generally

by the oceans.

by northern forest regrowth.

by increased plant growth

(plants use CH2 as fertilizer).

4. Several types of gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH2), laughing gas (N2O), CFC gases and ozone are known

as greenhouse gases.

as climate change gases.

as easy gases.

5. The greenhouse gases


some of the heat emitted by the Earth.



6. The main concern of climate change is

global warming.

global cooling.

global stability.

Text C. The long-term development of the climate
In order to understand what will happen with the global temperature, it is necessary first to look at what has happened. We have only used thermometers systematically and globally over the past century and a half (the world’s longest record in Central England only goes back to 1659). If we want to know about the long-term development of the climate, we have to look for other ways of measuring temperature.

We can get a grip on the development of temperature by studying how it has affected other objects that we can measure today – the so called proxy indicators. For instance, temperature has in many ways affected the ice that has accumulated in polar regions. When we drill out an ice core, we can count the layers backwards in time and measure the fraction of melted ice, the concentration of salts and acids, the load of pollen or trace gases trapped in air bubbles. Equally, we can estimate temperature by looking at tree rings (because trees grow wider rings in warn weather), corals (measuring growth rings or trace elements), lake and ocean sediments, boreholes etc.

Throughout the past one million years there has occurred a series of eight glacial/interglacial cycles, driven by the changes in earth’s orbit around the sun. The last interglacial period – the Holocene, which we still live in – began about 10,000 years ago. The melting ice caused the sea to rise some 120 m while the early temperatures were generally warmer than the twentieth century. The records seem to indicate substantial temperature swings throughout the Holocene on a millennial scale. Some indicators even show changes of 5 to 8 degrees C over 1,500 years. When looking over the long 400,000 years of ice cores, the Holocene appears the longest warm and stable period, which has naturally had profound implications for the development of civilization.

Basically, there is no disagreement that the centuries before 1900 were much colder. This phenomenon is well known in history as the «Little Ice Age», broadly stretching from 1400-1900. Evidence from a wide range of sources shows colder continents where glaciers advanced rapidly in Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, and the Alps. Many European springs and summers were outstandingly cold and wet. Crop practices changed throughout Europe to adapt to a shortened and less reliable growing season, causing recurrent famines. Likewise in China, warm weather crops, such as oranges, were abandoned in the Kiangsi Province, and in North America the early European settlers reported exceptionally severe winters.

Summing up, there is no doubt that the temperature of the late twentieth century is greater than many previous centuries. However, this cannot be taken as a simple indication of overwhelming global warming as we are also coming out of a Little Ice Age. The temperature is higher now than at any time throughout the past 1000 years. This claim seems less well substantiated, as the data essentially exclude ocean temperatures, night temperatures and winter temperatures and are based almost exclusively on North American data.

thermometer  термометр

borehole  скважина

to get a grip  ухватить

interglacial  межледниковый

proxy indicator  заслуживающий доверия

recurrent  периодически повторяющийся

to accumulate  накапливать

substantial  сильный

to drill out  бурить

swing  колебание

core  среднюю часть

millennial  тысячелетний

backwards  назад

scale  масштаб

fraction  крупица

profound  глубокое

pollen  пыльца

implication  последствие

trace  след

stretching  растянувшийся

bubble  пузырек

broadly  широко

sediment  осадок

holocene  голоцен

overwhelming  огромный

to substantiate  делать реальным

driven  управляемый

evidence  свидетельства
Exercise 1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is it necessary in order to understand what will happen to the global climate? 2. When did people use thermometers systematically and globally? 3. What are the other ways of measuring temperatures? 4. What objects did the temperatures development affect? 5. How many glacial/interglacial cycles have occurred throughout past one million years? 6. Which interglacial period do we still live in? 7. Which are the main characteristics of the Holocene? 8. Were the centuries before 1900 colder or warmer? 9. Why did the crop practices change throughout Europe? 10. What phenomenon is known in history as the Little Ice Age? 11. Why does the claim that the temperature is higher now than at any time throughout the past
1000 years seem less substantiated?

Exercise 2. Найдите эквиваленты в тексте.

Для понимания, в течение прошлых полутора веков, долгосрочное изменение температуры, влиять на другие объекты, так называемые проверенные индикаторы, вызванный изменениями, значительные колебания температуры, в масштабе тысячелетия, естественно имевший глубокие последствия, не иметь разногласий, известный в истории как, нельзя рассматривать как простой показатель, не включать в эти данные, практика ведения земледелия, вегетативный период.

Exercise 3. Составьте фразы, соответствующие содержанию текста.

1. We have only used thermometers systematically and globally

over the past century and a half.

many centuries ago.

over past 20 years.

2. We can get a grip on the development of temperature by studying how it has affected other objects that we can measure today

– the so called proxy indicators.

– the main indicators.

– the unimportant indicators.

3. For instance, temperature has in many ways affected

the ice.

the pollen.

the land.

4. Equally, we can estimate temperature by looking at tree rings, because trees grow

wider rings in warm weather.

wider rings in cold weather.

more narrow rings in warm weather.

5. Throughout the past one million years there has occurred a series of


glacial/interglacial cycles, driven by the changes in earth’s orbit around the sun.



6. We still live in the last interglacial period which began about 10,000 years ago

– the Holocene.

– the Homo Sapience.

– the Homoclimate.

7. When looking over the long 400,000 years of ice cores, the Holocene appears

the longest warm and stable period.

the longest cold and stable period.

the longest warm and unstable period.

Text D. The ozone hole
Following the publication of an article in the British reputable science journal Nature in 1985 a new environmental problem was suddenly on everybody’s lips – there was a hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic. At ground level, ozone is a pollutant, but in the upper atmosphere a thin ozone layer protect people, animals and plants from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet
(UV-B). Ozone depletion is also linked in several ways to climate change, but the links are fairly weak and can be disregarded here.

Although the ozone hole of 1985 appeared over an essentially uninhabited area, its finding marked a crucial turning point in public awareness, because observations for the first time confirmed what had until then only been theoretical speculations. Since then, it has been unequivocally corroborated that the ozone layer over the inhabited mid-latitude also has declined – 1998 by about 3-6-precent below 1979 levels. This is important since a thinner ozone layer lets more UV-B rays through increasing eye disease (cataracts), skin cancer and photoaging (wrinkling and premature aging of skin).

The ozone depletion was caused by man. Already in 1974, two researchers at the University of California, Irvine, who later earned a Nobel Prize for their work, had suggested that the so called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could be breaking down the ozone layer. Much research has later confirmed this basic link. CFCs had become ubiquitous since the 1930s, because they were cheap chemically stable and completely non-toxic. During the 1960s the use of CFCs exploded; they were used among other things in refrigerators, spray cans and air-conditioners and as foam blowing agents and solvents. CFCs are mixed into the atmosphere, some reaching the stratosphere, where they are broken down by high-energy solar ultraviolet radiation into free chlorine. Through complex interactions, these chlorine atoms react with ozone, essentially breaking down thousands of ozone molecules for each chlorine atom.

The shocking prospect of increasing skin cancer and cataracts caused politicians to react quickly. The Montreal protocol was signed in 1987, followed by the London (1990), Copenhagen (1992), Vienna (1995), another Montreal (1997) and Beijing (1999) protocols. The aim of these international agreements was initially to halve the consumption of the five main CFC gases in relation to 1986 figures and later to ban them almost entirely.

The international cooperation has rapidly born fruit: total production in 1996 was down below the production in 1996 was down below the production in 1960. At the same time, the total combined abundance of ozone of ozone depleting compounds in the lower atmosphere peaked in about 1994 and is now slowly declining – actually faster than was predicted by the UN just four years earlier. The concentration of the ozone depleting chlorine and bromide was predicted to peak in the stratosphere before the year 2000. The latest synthesis report of the UNEP ozone assessment predicts that “the ozone layer will slowly recover over the next 50 years. Likewise, the Antarctic ozone hole will slowly recover. Thus, today we have pretty much done what we can, ozone depletion is at its maximum and it will recover within the next 50 years.

Although the skin cancer rate has increased dramatically over the twentieth century, the long latency period means that the increases we see today are due to much more mundane causes.

That the ozone layer has damaged and now is at its lowest level, allowing in more UV-B radiation, is equivalent on the mid-latitudes to moving approximately 200 km (124 miles) closer to the equator – a move smaller than that from Manchester to London, Chicago to Indianapolis, Albany to New York, Lyons to Marseilles, Trento to Florence, Stuttgart to Düsseldorf or Christchurch to Wellington.
Exercise 1. Выпишите незнакомые слова и составьте словарь, аналогичный предлагаемому в предыдущих уроках.

Exercise 2. Переведите текст и составьте по одному вопросу к каждому абзацу.

Exercise 3. Дайте названия абзацам.

Exercise 4. Выделите главную идею каждого абзаца и прочтите предложение, которое является главным для каждого абзаца.

Exercise 5. Перескажите текст.

Text A. Particles
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   14


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