Сельскохозяйственный институт

НазваниеСельскохозяйственный институт
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In Tyazhinski und Yashkinski Bezirken gibt es eine Tendenz zur Erhöhung der Zahl der in der Wirtschaft Beschäftigten (in Tjaschinski Bezirk um 800 und in Jaschkinski Bezirk um 700 Menschen). Anzahl der Studierenden mit der Unterbrechung der Berufstätigkeit erhöht sich in allen Bezirken. Die Zahl der Erwerbspersonen, die nicht in der Wirtschaft tätig sind, sank um 800 Menschen in Tyazhinski Bezirk und 600 Menschen in Jaschkinski Bezirk und stieg um 400 Menschen in Jajski Bezirk.

Betrachten wir die Tabelle 2.

Tabelle 2

Arbeitslosenquote je nach Region







Durchschnittliche Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit (Monate)




Registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit (in%)




Spannungskoeffizient (Personen 

pro Vakanz)





Durchschnittliche Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit (Monate)




Registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit (in%)




Spannungskoeffizient (Personen 

pro Vakanz)





Durchschnittliche Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit (Monate)




Registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit (in%)




Spannungskoeffizient (Personen 

pro Vakanz)




In allen Bezirken sinkt die registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit. Das kann man dadurch erklären, dass der Höhepunkt der Krise schon vorbei ist. Auf dem Arbeitsmarkt entstehen neue Arbeitsplätze, d.h., dass die Maßnahmen, die von der Staat und regionalen und lokalen Verwaltungen getroffen waren, um die steigende Arbeitslosigkeit zu bekämpfen, fungieren. In Jajski Bezirk ist die Arbeitslosenquote am niedrigsten, 22 Personen pro Vakanz. 

Für die nachhaltige Entwicklung des Landes, Anwerbung von jungen Fachkräften und deren weitere Beschäftigung sollen im ländlichen Raum folgende Maßnahmen getroffen werden: 
1. Man muss ein neues Konzept der Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft nach der Krise ausarbeiten; 
2. Auf dem Lande soll nicht nur die landwirtschaftliche Produktion sondern auch die nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten entwickelt werden; 

3. Der Staat und die örtliche Verwaltung sollen junge Berufstätige unterstützen (Umzugsgeldauszahlung, Löhne, einschließlich der Mittel der Beschäftigungsfonds);
4.  Das Arbeitsentgelt muss erhöht werden;
5. Man muss geeignete Rahmenbedingungen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen schaffen (Steuererleichterungen für Kleinstunternehmen, die Subventionierung des Steuersatzes).
In den modernen Bedingungen ist die Frage der Ausbildungsqualität besonders wichtig. Sie muss nicht nur durch den Erlernungsgrad von Bildungsprogrammen, durch die Nachfrage nach Absolventen und erfolgreiche praktische Realisierung des Fachwissens beurteilt werden. 
Für die jungen Fachleute ist es sehr wichtig, reale Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft, im sozialen Leben des Dorfes zu sehen. Sie müssen verstehen, dass die landwirtschaftliche Produktion heute eine interessante und vielversprechende Geschäftsidee ist.

УДК 37.016:64



Antipova A.P.

Антипова А.П.

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

В статье рассматривается значимость альтернативных форм урока в процессе обучения, их влияние на результаты обучения, на повышение учебной мотивации учащихся, активизацию их познавательного интереса, развитие творческих способностей, формирование личностных качеств и т.д. Также автор затрагивает вопрос о возможности применения альтернативных форм обучения с учащимися разных возрастных групп и разным уровнем развития интеллектуальных способностей.

Our society, having entered the third millennium, faced with a situation when education should prepare a new generation of people to live in the conditions that haven’t yet fully formed, and to solve problems which haven’t yet been formulated clearly.

At school, "Technology" is an integrative subject synthesizing scientific knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and showing their use in industry, energetics, communications, agriculture and other areas of human activity. But the scope of the impact of the lessons in technology is considered much wider than technical and natural-science education. It is the transforming essence of the subject "Technology" that makes a priority of the following tasks in the teacher’s work: to create a social position of students being rightful and responsible owners of life; to help them adapt in the future to the strict requirements of market economy; to become "authors" of the forming socio-economic circumstances in Russia .

The importance of the studies in the whole educational process is caused, primarily, by the fact that learning activity itself aimed, as it’s traditionally understood, at mastering the basic curriculum by a group of students, without being connected with creative activity, can, paradoxically, lead to inhibition of the intellectual development of students. Getting used to perform standard tasks which are aimed at consolidating the basic skills, have the only solution and, as a rule, the only predetermined and based on some algorithm way of achieving it, the children have little or no possibility to act independently, to use and develop their own intellectual potential efficiently. Thus, one of the main reasons of using developmental exercises is to raise the creative activity of students. It is important both for students whose development corresponds to the age norm, or is ahead of it (for the latter the standard curriculum is simply narrow), and for students requiring special remedial courses, as their developmental lagging and, consequently, poor progress in most cases are associated with insufficient development of basic mental functions.

The lesson in technology can be defined as a specially-organized process of developing students’ ability of independent solving the problems having a special and personal significance in various fields. The above understanding of the essence of the lessons in technology provides the prerequisites for the solution of many urgent problems of teaching practice, namely the problem-based teaching, the use of active and interactive methods in technology teaching. Recent years have been marked by search and extensive use of techniques that can significantly increase the effectiveness of lessons in technology at schools.

The purpose of education is not only the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the preparation of a student to be the active person of his own educational activity. But the objectives remain the same for decades: these are that very education and personality development, which are done in the process of educational activity. A large part in creating the educational activity of students is assigned to the so-called alternative forms of lessons. The process of modern education development requires the use of various models of lessons and methods of active developmental education. Alternative forms of the lesson help to build the basic concepts of technology, to adapt the material to the age peculiarities of students, to apply their knowledge in life. Alternative forms of the lesson develop intellect and erudition, broaden the mind. Today, the school should form people with a new type of thinking, and personalities who are initiative, creative, competent, and bold in making decisions. It means that we need changes, including the methodology of school education. Life itself dictates the new forms of lessons, you only need to see and comprehend them. Any teacher of technology uses, at least occasionally, alternative forms of learning. They are presented both as fragments of a lesson, and as the whole lesson built up with the help of one of the methods.

Alternative forms of the lesson are based on considering students to be the active persons in the educational process and aimed at developing the personality of students, their creativity, motivation, and values. In this regard, teaching material is chosen according to the criteria of containing a problem, and an alternative, giving a possibility to integrate knowledge from various scientific disciplines.

Alternative forms of the lesson have a great variety and it’s very difficult to classify them, but they can still be grouped according to the following positions: a training game, a training discussion, a training research. They are based on the criterion of the key activity of students. The nature of the students’ activity at alternative lessons (playing, combining assessment and discussion, and reflective) includes the use of "direct access methods", stimulation of students’ interest and motivation.

This is achieved through the collaboration and creative activity of teachers and students in goal setting, planning, analysis (reflection) and evaluation of the results of training activities. The teacher becomes the coordinator of this activity. Its mission is to foster the development of the creative potential of students.

Alternative forms of lessons provide an opportunity to give a qualitative evaluation of the results. In this regard, a compulsory step in organizing such lessons is the analysis, with the results of teaching being internalized by an individual. The principles that alternative forms of lesson are based on (active position of the student, interactivity, development of the creative person) contribute to the development of the students’ personality.

The use of alternative forms of lessons, including training games, excursions, is a powerful stimulus for studying; it is diverse and strong motivation. Through these lessons the cognitive interest is aroused much more active and quicker, partly because people like to play by nature, another reason is that the number of the motives in the game is much more than that of the usual training activities. Some teenagers take part in the games to realize their abilities and potential not realized in other types of training activities, while others - to get a high assessment, and others - to show themselves before the team, the fourth solve their communication problems, etc. At the alternative lessons students’ mental processes (attention, memory, interest, perception, and thinking) work more actively.

This problem remains urgent for many years. The experience has been accumulated, numerous articles and books have been written by both Russian and foreign teachers. This really helps teachers and trainers in understanding the goals and objectives, in a more rational and precise planning of lessons and extracurricular activities, in searching for new methods and techniques for organizing the educational process.


  1. www.uchportal.ru

  2. www.pedsovet.ru

  3. www.openclass.ru

УДК 001.12:57



Barkova A.I., Kaisarova M.S.

Баркова А.И., Кайсарова М.С.

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

Статья посвящена проблеме клонирования, отношение к которой в обществе является достаточно противоречивым и неоднозначным. Авторы затрагивают технический, этический и философский аспекты клонирования человека и животных.

Films and science fiction books have often played with the idea of reproducing exact copies of people. Today, science fiction has become a scientific fact. We have our first real clones, though they are not human beings — yet!

What is cloning: a new frontier of human freedom or a trap dooming humanity to self-destruction and death?

The term "cloning" is derived from the Greek word “klon”, which means "twig, sprout, and stalk" and relates primarily to vegetative reproduction, that is to asexual reproduction. As a result of such reproduction an organism has the same set of the chromosomes as the parent has. And since it is the chromosomes which contain all the information determining the shape, the size and the structure of the organism, clones are identical to their parents, and look like them as twins.

In nature, the way of propagation, in which the descendants genetically repeat their parents, exists millions of years. Many plants, bacteria, fungi, and even animals reproduce asexually. As for animals this is gemmation, as a rule, when an organism gemmates from the parent’s organism. This new organism is identical to the parent but smaller on size.

The possibility of cloning was first shown in the early 1950-s in the experiments on frogs. These experiments gave hope that it will be possible to clone mammals as well.

In 1977 there was the first sensational report about seven adult female mice, five of which had only a maternal genome and two - a paternal one. In the 1990-s the number of successful experiments on the cloning of embryos allowed to talk about the possibility of obtaining genetically identical copies of mammals. However, in spite of many methodological repeats, a true sensation was the publication of the work by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues in the beginning of 1997 who reported about the birth of the sheep Dolly from the donor mammary gland cell nucleus of the mature animal.

As a far-reaching consequence, these experiments provide the prospect of growing genetically engineered human donor organs inside the animals such as pigs, for subsequent transplantation. And the organs obtained in this way may have the given parameters and a low probability of rejection. Scientists hope to get genetically modified pig clones in the near future.

An example of the superficial and "easy" attitude to the problem is the recent news that one of the Hollywood stars is not averse to having her genetic copy to use it for promotional purposes. Really it seems to be good to repeat our youth – even in another body!

Thus, the problem of possibility of human cloning has three aspects: purely technical, ethical and philosophical. As for a technical aspect of cloning, it remains open and requires further investigations.

From the ethical point of view, human cloning raises even more questions and objections. Firstly, the identity of the genetic set doesn’t mean the identity of the personality. The forming of a person is affected by upbringing, education, social environment where he lives, the epoch when he lives, and something else which can be barely sensible. Even two twins developed from one ovum who are brought up in the same family, study in the same school and then in the same Institute may differ from each other very much. And a cloned man as a personality may differ from his genetic prototype indefinitely.

Secondly, from the evolutionary point of view, a clone as a result of agamogenetic propagation is in a less advantageous position. Strictly fixed genotype presents less variety of interactions between a growing organism and changing environmental conditions in comparison with syngenetic propagation when the organism is formed from two genomes which interact with each other and the environment in a complicated and unpredictable way.

The third side of this problem is less referred to the science, as it is connected with the mystery of birth. And at present only an inveterate dogmatist can claim that everything is clear in this question. This latter side is closely connected with the philosophical aspect, which can be formulated in the following way: what is a human being and what do we produce making a genetic copy? In many philosophical religious conceptions a human being is considered as “something” consisting not only of the physical body but also of more delicate substances the existence of which is the mystery of life itself. In Christianity such substances are called Spirit or Soul and we have no right to dispose of it. The Eastern philosophical tradition is based on the idea of reincarnation that is a cyclic incarnation of the soul in the physical body. According to this, a human body is only a temporary place of the soul’s refuge, and the soul passes a long way of perfecting through the earth ordeals. If it’s really so at least not literally but symbolically, then won’t man-made creating of human copies be a crime against nature caused by simple ignorance and neglecting of the principles which the science doesn’t understand yet? Won’t, as a consequence, our world be full of monsters-biorobots without soul and, therefore, love, sympathy, kindness, a sense of the beauty and justice?

Summing up, we may say that cloning is a controversial issue. On the one hand, it opens exciting medical possibilities:

  • Cloning can help solve the problem of childless married couples which are not physically able to have children.

  • The achievements in cloning can be used to help people suffering from severe genetic diseases.

  • Many people are in need of tissues and organs for transplantation. But it isn't so easy to get such organs as, for example, heart, liver or kidneys. Cloning can solve this problem.

  • Many animals are on the brink of extinction. Cloning can be used to preserve them.

  • Scientists can create animals which produce more milk, meat and wool, or animals which don't catch certain diseases. This can save the lives of starving people.

On the other hand, some people are ready to eat cloned fruits and vegetables, but many people are against cloning of animals. They think it is morally unacceptable. The question of human cloning is even more controversial.

Let’s suppose we have cloned a man. Are we really sure he will be a man? Who will be responsible for him? Who will bring him up? Will he be happy? Will he have the same rights as we have? What will happen if such a dictator as Hitler clones himself? Will we be able to survive?

Nevertheless, the idea of human cloning seems very exciting. 


  1. http://engmaster.ru/topic/3627

  2. http://mukmin.narod.ru/klon.html

  3. http://prezentacii.com/biologiya/36-prezentaciya-po-biologii-klonirovanie.html

УДК 366.77.067

Problem-oriented valuation procedures


Проблемный характер оценочной процедуры в области кредитного риска

Dubrovskay E., Guseva I.

Дубровская Е.И., Гусева И.А.

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

Summary: The study of the valuation procedures problems for credit risk. The identifying of the relationship between the problems of information security, legislative basis, conceptual apparatus as well as the methodological and economic problems.

Резюме: Изучение проблем оценочной процедуры в области кредитного риска. Выявление взаимосвязей между проблемами информационного обеспечения, законодательной базы, понятийного аппарата, методическими и экономическими проблемами.

In market terms the notion of risk becomes more relevant because of uncertainties the outcome of any financial transaction, which reflects the contradiction between the threat of losses and possible gains of the economic entity, which reflects the problematic nature of research.

The problem serves as a catalyst of development theories, as the process of identifying and exploring is a prerequisite for the development of theoretical and practical mechanism to resolve problem situations.

In view of the purpose is to study the problems of valuation procedures for credit risk and to study their interactions.

We studied and grouped the various problems. In the first instance are the problems of the conceptual apparatus. They are characterized by a variety of approaches to the risk nature, use of different terminologies, many structural elements of credit risk; a variety of interpretations of the credit system terms.

The problems of information security, are distinguished considerably such as inaccessibility and insufficiency of information material, the difficulty of obtaining substantial information about borrowers, as well information is not representative of historical retrospectives in the market conditions.

The problems of the legislative basis can be represented by the contradiction between the legal and economic interpretation of the system terms credit and the lack of a unified approach to the choice of the number and list of financial indicators for the valuation procedure.

Economic problems are a large number of overdue credit and debit debts, increasing the number of enterprises having debts to suppliers, and a considerable excess of credit debts over debit ones.

Methodological issues are accentuated related to the fact that is the investigating evaluation procedure is based on different methodic approaches, financial showing, systems, qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc. Methodological problems are as follows:

- Complex structure of a credit risk;

- The lack of a unified approach to the use of normative indicators values ​;

- A variety of credit analysis methods;

- The duality of the valuation procedure;

- Different approaches to a defining of quantification risk criterion;

- The lack of a mechanism for a long-term solvency analysis$

- The subjectivity of qualitative analysis;

- Improvement mechanism for the quality valuation of the borrower’s credit history;

- Overestimation of the quantitative factors, high perceptibility to the information perversion within the quantitative analysis methods;

- Un-systematic valuation parameters of a credit risk;

- The presence of influencing factors with the impossible quantification;

- The lack in methods of taking into account regional and branch features of the enterprises activity;

- Multifactor of credit risk valuation;

- The lack of a regulated mechanism for credit risk valuation.

In terms of methodological issues there are particular problems of the borrow solvency valuation, as the main factor of a credit risk.

Firstly, the choice of the number and list of credit risk valuation indicators is difficult because of the lack of a unified approach to the problem. The practice of analytical work in the sphere of a credit risk reflects several dozens of financial coefficient which should identify as the "necessary" (which analysis is considered obligatory) and subsidiary (which analysis is carried out under specified conditions). It follows from this that the effectiveness of the valuation procedure depends on the choice of indicators.

Secondly, the moot points arise when using the "normative" or "critical" values ​​of the coefficients. Standards used in the valuation procedure may be common and special. In view of different are used in the practice of financial analysis: a comparison of the actual coefficients values with the average, branch indicators, with the regional average, the study of the enterprise activity indicators in the dynamics of several years, a comparison with the calculated normative level.

Thirdly, any method of a quantitative analysis used in decision-making is only a support tool and it can not play the role of a sole decision-making criterion. Credit risk valuation should be based on a system approach for the qualitative and quantitative analysis.

In our opinion, it is necessary to accentuate attention on methodological issues and provide for their dependence on the problem areas of conceptual apparatus and information, legislative, economic problems. Thus, the presence of many structural elements of credit risk as a problem of conceptual apparatus generates difficulties in the valuation procedure, in case of need, the valuation of each element that is methodological problem.

Information inaccessibility and insufficiency (the problem of information security) is projected onto a high perceptibility to the information perversion within the quantitative analysis methods (methodological problem).

The lack of a unified approach to the choice of the number and list of financial indicators for the valuation procedure, to the establishment of the normative indicators values ​​ as the problem of legislative basis makes the lack of a regulated mechanism for credit risk valuation that is methodological problem.

An enormous amount of overdue debts of national economy enterprises (economic problems) is directly associated with the need to improve the mechanism for the quality valuation of the borrower’s credit history (methodological problem).

Thus, the complex nature of credit transaction requires a particular approach to the valuation procedure. Hence, it is necessary to identify an optimal set of methods for assessing credit risk valuation, taking into account the problems identified.
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