Сельскохозяйственный институт

НазваниеСельскохозяйственный институт
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Plants of Brassicaceae family include worldwide commercially grown crops. Among these plants white cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata) is the most common vegetable crop grown in regions with cold continental climate. Recently, in Western Siberia together with white cabbage another Brassica varieties have been cultivated including cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae L. var. botrytis) and red cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. rubra). In Western Siberia Brassica plants are seriously attacked by herbivores during vegetative period [1]. After planting in the field flea beetles, cabbage moth, diamondback moth, white butterfly and other herbivores infest plants and could dramatically decrease the yield. Among insecticides the preference should be done to the biological ones because fruits of Brassica plants are often consumed as fresh product. In Western Siberia biological insect control has been developed on white cabbage [2]. For development such environmentally friendly pest control on another varieties of Brassica oleraceae, the initial research on host plant – herbivore interaction is necessary. Therefore, the aim of this research is the influence of host plant on insect infestation of three Brassica oleraceae varieties.

Materials and methods

Seeds of white cabbage, red cabbage and cauliflower were sown simultaneously. The plants were growing in a greenhouse from the end of April to June. At the beginning of June seedlings were transplanted into the field site. A field experiment was conducted during the years 2008-2011near Novosibirsk. Twelve plots (20 m2) including three plant varieties were established using a randomized design. Each plot contained 25 plants. The number of individuals per herbivore species was counted on the 25 plants of a plot once in 7-10 days during all vegetation period. These values were used to calculate the total herbivore per 100 plants. The data obtained from field were subjected to an analysis of variance using Statistica 6.0 (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK), and the LSD test (p≤ 0,05) procedure was applied. The figures are performed by the Microsoft Excel software.

Results and discussion

Flea beetles infestation. Flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. are the first herbivore appeared on all host plants studied in this research. In Western Siberia the beetles are the most harmful herbivores in early season during 3-4 weeks after B.oleraceae planting (June). In period of 2008-2011 the herbivore abundance varied depending on weather conditions and Brassica oleraceae varieties. We observed heavy pest infestation of crops in 2008. Later, the infestation was significantly less (2009-2010) and in 2011 only single beetles were discovered. The highest insect abundance was observed in plant age of 7-9 leaves (4 weeks after planting). The flea beetles preferred to infest white and red cabbage compared with cauliflower and this preference increased at lower number of individuals per plant.

Plant infestation by cabbage moth. Mamestra brassicae is the most harmful pest insect of Brassica plants in the region. In 2008, we observed the highest level of the herbivore performance on host plants. Contrary to flea beetles, M.brassicae caterpillar preferred to infest red cabbage. In 9 weeks after planting when plants started to form heads the number of herbivores reached 2,3 individuals per plant. The infestation of white cabbage and cauliflower by caterpillars was lesser especially on the latter (1,3 individuals per plant) (Fig.1a). In 2009, M. brassicae larvae are observed only as single one and there was no difference in their performance on three plant varieties. In 2010, the number of individuals per plant significantly decreased and larvae appeared later in the season (Fig.1b). However, the most preferable host plant was the red cabbage like in 2008. In 11 weeks after planting we observed 8 times more individuals on red cabbage compared with white cabbage and no infestation of cauliflower was registered. In 2011, M.brassicae preferred to infest the red cabbage as well (data are not presented).

Plant infestation by Plutella xylostella L. The infestation of Brassica oleraceae crops by diamondback moth P. xylostella in 2009 was significantly more than in 2010. Both in 2009 and 2010, the preferable host plant for diamondback moth P. xylostella appeared to be the red cabbage.

Plant infestation by P.brassicae L. White cabbage butterfly P.brassicae was the latest herbivore infested the plants. Contrary to two other Lepidopteran species this one was not performed on red cabbage and preferred to infest the cauliflower. We suggest that in late period of vegetative season (12-15 weeks after planting) plant age and physical properties of plants become dominate. Covered leaves of cauliflower and two other cabbage varieties as main food of P.brassicae larvae differ in quality.


In this research we obtained the evidence of different infestation of white cabbage, red cabbage and cauliflower by the common herbivores in Western Siberia. Flea beetles as the earliest herbivores preferred to infest white cabbage. Contrary to those

УДК 159.923



I.O. Belous

Белоус И.О.

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

В статье освещается важность социально значимых качеств личности для гармоничной адаптации в обществе в разных социальных условиях и разных ситуациях межличностного общения и взаимодействия. Особое внимание уделяется рассмотрению интеллектуальной сферы личности и такого качества, как гибкость мышления и поведения.

In today's dynamic, rapidly changing society, a person must be highly adaptable. There are the qualities and skills that contribute to adaptation of the individual in the society, especially in changing conditions, allow being competent in the field of interpersonal relations and interpersonal communication, as well as make a person able to orientate in a situation of communication and interaction, to analyze it and to take an adequate role, and then to perform it successfully. Such qualities and skills are called socially significant characteristics of the personality.

Speaking more concretely, we must refer here not only such socially significant qualities of the personality as sociability, tolerance, kindness, self-reliance, we must necessarily consider business skills, volitional qualities of the personality, communicative culture, intellectual abilities, and peculiarities of thinking, as well as the person’s attitude to the world and to himself. In this article we will discuss some socially significant characteristics of the personality.

If we talk about the intellectual sphere of the personality, such skills as the ability to analyze, predict, summarize, think unconventionally and take non-standard solutions, the ability to respond quickly to any changes and innovations allow a person not only to achieve good results of his activity, but also to orientate in the situations of interaction and communication quickly and competently. It is important to perceive and analyze the situation of interaction and behavior of partners objectively and without bias. A width of views and thinking, absence of social stereotypes, and a critical attitude toward them, lack of bias and prejudice will help in it. Creativity in thinking and activity, a creative approach to any business also contribute to the flexibility of behavior and variability of a person’s response, which make him an effective partner in the process of interaction and communication, able to understand and accept another point of view and if necessary, to rethink his position. The developed capacity for reflection and introspection also helps. A person is constantly receiving some new information on the society and ways of behaviour in it, which he has to mentally process, analyze, correlate with his patterns of behaviour in order to behave more appropriately and effectively in the future.

It is very important to be critical to yourself, be able to analyze your actions, to notice those your qualities that are clearly not socially significant, but on the contrary, make it difficult to communicate and interact with people, such as self-centeredness, indecisiveness, prejudice, authoritarianism, intolerance, negative attitude to people, communication and so on. A person should get rid of these qualities, and to do this he needs the desire, the ability to see them in himself and knowledge how to transform these qualities into socially significant.

Responsibility as a socially important quality of a person makes a person better able to integrate into the society, gives inner strength to resist those negative influences of the society which prevent self-realization. If a person realizes that the responsibility for his success or failure is on him, then during the interaction with the people he will build his own line of conduct in this or that situation, will work at developing his abilities. Responsible people are generally more tolerant and friendly to others and more exacting to themselves.

We have already mentioned such a quality as flexibility, saying that a person must be flexible in his behavior and in the reactions, and then he will be effective in the process of interaction. Considering the flexibility as a socially significant characteristic of the individual more globally, we can say that it is the flexibility that helps people integrate into the society, especially in constantly occurring changes. Flexibility is certainly one of the most socially significant personality characteristics, and flexibility in everything: in thinking, behaviour and reactions, the ability to change the attitude, values, beliefs (except for the universal principles of morality and ethics). Flexibility says about a person's ability to self-development, self-improvement, willingness to change, as well as the ability to switch from one activity to another quickly and efficiently, from one social role to another, that is to perform effectively in any conditions and any roles.

Thus, all of these socially significant personality characteristics allow a person to integrate into the society harmoniously and be mobile in all social situations; that is to be able to analyze the situation of communication and interaction, to choose a role adequately and fulfill it effectively.

УДК 811.111




Zavyalova G. A.

Завьялова Г. А.

В статье описывается жанр детектива, его особенности и основной признак – загадка, вокруг которого строится сюжет классического детективного романа.

The article describes the genre of the detective novel, its features and its main attribute - the mystery around which the plot of a detective novel is developed.

The interest for studying a detective novel was aroused comparatively not so long ago, since its extraordinary popularity and general availability gave rise to the doubt about art advantages of works of this genre in many researchers and literary critics. The authors of detective stories were accused of stereotyping the portraits of the characters, simplifying the nature of the composite schemes, and absence of originality of author's style. However, as the researcher of detective stories N.N. Volsky believes, these features are necessary to create a good detective plot as in a detective story the plot is built around mystery, and that causes the displacement of accents the characters and stylistic features of the author's language to the mysterious crime and its solution.

Many Russian and foreign scientists - J.Markulan, A.Vulis, G. A. Anjaparidze, T. Kestheji, J. G. Cawelty, etc. were engaged in studying detective stories.

E. A. Poe is considered to be the creator of the genre of detective stories. In his novels, for the first time, the properties which earlier had been found separately in fiction were incorporated - the mysterious crime, the main character-investigator gifted with sharp observation and creative logical way of thinking, and the fascinating plot leading the reader from the crime to its solution.

N.N.Volsky defines a detective story as «a literary work in the plot of which the basic role is given to mystery» [1].

A detective story is characterized by a standard building of the plot in which it is possible to distinguish three basic elements: crime, investigation and solution. The exposition of a classical detective story is the heap of facts united with their singularity and visible absence of logic. The crime is surrounded by strange things and incidents – the actions of the characters are strange, the way of fulfilment of the crime is strange, the evidences are strange and, at last, the absence of motive is strange.

The basic properties of a classical detective novel such as stereotyped behaviour of the characters, absorption in everyday life for the reader, following to the “unwritten laws” of the detective genre - are, under N.N.Volsky's statement, the display of hyperdeterminancy of the world represented in a detective story in comparison with the real world.

In a detective story under the masks of an uncontrollable asocial will and reasonable social order one of the great antinomies comes to life – the antique opposition of chaos and space. At the same time the laws of the detective genre demand suppression of intervention of the chaotic beginning - solving the crime returns society to its initial balance, the norm of the order triumphs over chaos.

Criminal mystery, or a puzzle, plays the role of a mechanism providing the return of the society to the norm of existence.

Mystery is not the absence of information on something, but the dialectic contradiction, which thesis and antithesis are equally true. The detective in the novel is called to remove this contradiction. Having passed the way from the genre of a romantic short story to the genre of a detective story, secret, mystery have become its constitutive attribute. T.Kestheji maintains that «secret is a genetic code of a detective story» [3; 160]. Vital material of a detective novel is secret of a certain mysterious crime, and all the events in the plot are developed around this secret. In a classical detective story searching for the criminal is a fair competition between the detective and the reader since the author does not conceal the information, but allocates it so that the reader could suspect any character, but only not the true murderer. In this the moment of a game is concluded as, from time to time, the author points the reader at a false trace, “throws up” false evidences to him and by that suggests the reader to take advantage in dialectic thinking at the decision of the puzzle.

The authors of classical detective novels are E.A. Poe, A. Conan Doyle, G. K. Chesterton and, certainly, «the queen of detective stories» Agatha Christie. The subjects of her works are organically entered in canons of a classical detective story. The central theme of the majority of novels by A. Christie is the mystery of a murder or even several murders («ABC Murders», «Ten Little Niggers»).

In the plot of the novel «Ten Little Niggers», not only the motive of the following one after another murders and the personality of the murderer are mysterious, but also the connection between prisoners of the island, and the smallest details, such as the disappeared Emily Brent’s yarn, the red curtain in the bathroom, etc. All these small and big mysteries strengthen interest of the reader, making an intrigue of the novel even more fascinating.

The novel «The Mystery of King’s Abbot» is a classical sample of a murder in a closed room. The author solves the mystery by breaking one of the detective laws - interdicting the story-teller to be the murderer.

In the novel «ABC Murders» the main murder was committed by the criminal in row with other murders by the railway guide, to hide the basic motive and complicate the investigation.

Thus, we come to the following conclusion: mystery is the corner stone of a plot of a detective novel, its basic attribute. The absence of mystery transforms the novel either into a thriller or into a classical police novel where the plot is reduced to the rescue of the victim and the punishing the criminal.


1. Вольский, Н.Н. Загадочная логика. Детектив как модель диалектического мышления. Интернет // Н.Н. Вольский // http: // www.metodolog.ru/00936/www.ruthenia.ru/volsky.

2. Дайн Ван, С.С. Двадцать правил для писания детективных романов [Текст] // С.С. Дайн Ван // Как сделать детектив. – М.: Радуга, 1990. – 320 с.

3. Кестхейи, Т. Антология детектива [Текст] // Т. Кестхейи – Будапешт: Корвина, 1989. – 261 с.
УДК 374.18

Kotov R.M. Associate Professor, Ph.D., Dudova E.A. postgraduate

Котов Р.М. доцент, к.э.н., Дудова Е.А. соискатель

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

Деловые игры позволяют закрепить теоретические знания по той или иной дисциплине и получить практический опыт в принятии конкретных решений. Опыт применения игры Корпорация плюс при подготовке экономистов в КГСХИ показывает, что это очень удачный способ межпредметного обучения по ряду важных экономических дисциплин.
Use of business games in students’ training on economic specialities makes positive impact on quality of educational process in the higher school. Business games allow to fix theoretical knowledge on this or that discipline and to receive practical experience in acceptance of concrete decisions. So, business games give the opportunity to simulate conditions approached to a real life but in the limits of a seminar.

Computer business game Corporation Plus is one of the most successful forms of students’ active training on economic specialities. In Kemerovo state agricultural institute game the Corporation plus has been introduced in educational process simultaneously on the third and fourth courses. Game was played by students of the fourth course within the limits of discipline “Financial management” where the theoretical material on management of enterprise and its financial resources was worked out. And also the game was used by students of the third course within the limits of discipline “Computer technologies of acceptance of administrative decisions” where knowledge received by students in the field of micro-economics during the previous period of training was practically fixed.

Specificity of teaching in agricultural high school has demanded development of an especial technique of training and game carrying out. It is connected with a contingent of students. The most part of students are graduates of rural schools that leaves a certain mark on understanding of production process and enterprise functioning.

Within the limits of discipline “Computer technologies of acceptance of administrative decisions” before to start the game students had been considered features of economic activities of the enterprises for an industrial attribute.

The agricultural enterprises, trading, transport were analyzed. Features of schemes of the management, used resources, formation of the cost price of production, financial results were considered. Only after that students started the game. At the first stage the demo of Corporation Plus was used for the purpose of fast acquaintance with the program interface, principles and game rules. It was offered to players to generate commands from two persons and independently to choose a circle of the questions solved by one member of team on acceptance of certain decisions. However it was necessarily to conferring and consulting with each other. This stage took no more than 2-4 school hours with discussion of arising questions. After initial understanding of the game students had to write the report within 1-2 pages where they proved the decisions connected with the equipment purchase, raw materials, expenses on advertising, etc. and also specified not clear questions connected with the game. The analysis of these reports gave the chance to reveal themes for more detailed consideration. It is important to notice that each class began with interrogation on earlier set material for independent studying, for example the questions connected with functioning of joint-stock companies as game models joint-stock company, questions on a securities market, etc. that allowed to capture and fix fuller material.

After the analysis of reports and discussion of the game students started a network variant of Corporation plus. At this stage competition questions were staticized, strategy of development of firms and deduction in the market were considered. The network version replayed on some classes in the same way as at the first stage in a mode of trial game with development of certain strategy and a know-how and with discussion of interesting questions. After that students prepared the new report with the description and a substantiation of the chosen strategy of development and also described the nuances of game causing misunderstandings which were then shined with the general discussion.

Last stage consisted in a final variant of playing of the network version of Corporation Plus. Game was conducted by the commands consisting still from two persons with certain time for decision-making. At the end of the game students prepared the final report with public protection.

Experience of using the game Corporation plus for training economists in Kemerovo state agricultural institute shows that it is very successful way of interdiscipline training on a number of the important economic disciplines. Development and perfection of own technique of game teaching has allowed to apply possibility of the program for the fullest coverage and fastening of knowledge.

УДК 81:1



Stafiyevskaya L.

Стафиевская Л. Р.

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт»

В последние годы появилось много научных работ, посвященных проблемам взаимосвязи языка и мышления. В рамках этих работ делаются попытки определить основную единицу ментальности – концепт. В научной литературе еще нет общепринятого определения концепта. В настоящей работе концепт (вслед за М.В. Пименовой, В.П. Васильевым, А.П. Бабушкиным и другими исследователями) будет рассматриваться как совокупность признаков, отражающих определенные фрагменты действительности, характеризующих национальное мировоззрение, культурную специфику этноса, т.е. концепт «Германия» будет рассматриваться с точки зрения стоящих за ним фрагментов языковой картины мира.

In the recent years, a lot of researches dealing with the relationship between the language and thinking have been appeared. Within this work, attempts were made to define the basic unit of mentality – the concept. In the scientific literature, there is no generally accepted definition of the concept. In this work, the concept (after M. Pimenova, V. Vassiliev, A. Babushkin and other researchers) is treated as a set of attributes reflecting the certain parts of the reality that characterize the national outlook and cultural specificity of the ethnic group, i.e. the concept «Germany» is considered as standing behind it fragments of a language picture of the world.

In the recent years, scientists have been interested in language units, not only as linguistics units, but also as a cultural perspective. Here the lingoculturel aspect of the language stands forward. A person as a native speaker, as a native carrier of his culture draws attention in this research. The culture influences both the individual and the language. Therefore it is necessary to consider the language in its relationship with the culture, as it absorbs the national peculiarity, reflects the culture and the environment of the certain nation.

Since then a lot of researches dealing with the relationship between the language and thinking have been appeared. Within this work, attempts were made to define the basic unit of mentality - the concept.

Now there are several definitions of the concept.

Russian scientists A. Kirilina and Y.Stepanov consider the concept as a synonym for the word «notion».

A. Babushkin in his work examines the concept as a «unit of a collective consciousness, which is stored in the memory of native speakers in a verbally designated form» [Babushkin 2001: 53].

M. Pimenova in her article «The soul and life: peculiarities of conceptualization» considers the concept to be a set of attributes that represents a fragment of the world or part of such a fragment [Pimenova 2002: 131].

V. Vassiliev within the study of the semantic content of the word «град» considers the concept to be the sum of knowledge and information about actual or probable state of affairs in the real world [Vassiliev 2002: 21].

Thus, we see that at the moment there is no generally accepted definition of the concept, and many researchers - linguists offer different interpretations of the term «Concept». In any point of view the concept is a set of notions of the ethnicity on some or another phenomenon expressed in the language material and including the lexical meaning of the word on one hand, and the fragments of the reality, reflecting the country-speciality on the other hand. In this work, the concept (after M. Pimenova, V. Vassiliev, A. Babushkin and other researchers) is treated as a set of attributes reflecting the certain parts of the reality that characterize the national outlook and cultural specificity of the ethnic group.

In modern lingoculturel studyings there are various methods for studying concepts. The method of conceptual analysis has got the most significant development. On one hand it considers the ways of the linguistic expression of concepts, and on the other hand it considers the reconstruction of the concepts and fragments of a linguistics picture of the world standing behind them, through the language and cultural-linguistic data [Pimenova 2002:130]. In this work we hold to this method of research, i.e. the concept «Germany» is considered as standing behind it fragments of a language picture of the world.

In this study, signs of the concept «Germany» are identified on the basis of modern German and Russian taken from Russian and German press. The object of the study is 1176 contexts containing lexemes «Германия», «немец», «Deutschland», «deutsch», as well as data derived from these lexemes.

There are 10 signs of the concept «Germany» in Russian and German media, which are identified. They are «prosperity», «environmental situation», «national character», «education», «culture», «the relationships with immigrants», «military history», «unemployment», «extremism», «high quality».

Some of highlight features are acceptable only for one language. Only nine out of the 10 identified groups of signs of the concept «Germany» are represented in German press, in Russian one only eight are represented.

In German press the first degree of significance is the sign such as «unemployment». The unemployment problem is very relevant for Germany. Despite the fact that the Germans are a prosperous nation, the problem still remains unresolved. One of the reasons is the lack of education.

Although youth unemployment in Germany, due to differences of governmental delays and support programs at the international level is low, we speak of a great number of people: 500 000 persons under the age of 25 years are looking for work, and half of them haven’t got a certificate, a degree or a diploma (Zeit, 18 of March 2004, p.5).

In Russian press the sign «unemployment» is not identified.

Next in importance in German press is a sign such as:

  • «prosperity»

The sign «prosperity» in the structure of the concept «Germany» is considered as a high level of economic development. We can say that the Germans pay attention only at the negative aspect of the problem.

50 years ago that was the basis of the German economic miracle. Today they are being surprised by such a large economical simplicity (Zeit, 25 of .March 2004, p.1).

Of course, in Germany there are huge problems. The economy is «limping», investments are in the phase of stagnation; more than 4.5 million unemployed are supported by the national social programs and can not consume goods and services in full. According to early indicators, the situation does not like to improve this year (Zeit, 7 of April 2004, p.2).

The sign «prosperity» on the concept «Germany» is also reflected in Russian press. In the Russian language media Germany often appears as a prosperous country with high levels of economic development and an organized social support system. For example: 

Open your business in the country - the economic leader of the EU! Germany - is the best prospect for developing your business (Inostranets, 5.04.2004, p.2)

  • «education»

Frequently in German press the problems of education are touched. First of all they relate to the level of education in Germany.

After the studying urgent actions were feverishly taken: some education reforms were promised; but, first of all, attempts to find the responsible ones for the low level of education in German schools were taken (Presse und Sprache, July 2002, p.2).

For Russian native speakers education in Germany is not so relevant. Russian people are more interested in information about training opportunities abroad, particularly in Germany.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) within the postgraduate study offers scholarships for applicants who have already received one of the creative professions after 5 year studying at university (Inostranets, 3.11.2003, p. 14).

In Russian press, the sign «military past» takes the first place by quantity.

The Germans took a film about Stalingrad ... The creators of the film «Stalingrad» behaved most correctly at the press - conference, and explained us that for them, ordinary Germans, the second world war was the same tragedy as it was for us. And the fact that this film will be shown in Russia and Germany simultaneously may be, in their view, a sign of historical understanding (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 30.01.2003, p. 23)

In German press this attribute is not updated very often. It’s easy to explain: the Germans do not seem to like remembering the events of World War II.

The sign «national character» in the structure of the concept «Germany» is found only in the Russian language. It ranks the second in the grade of importance. There are signs of a national character such as «practicality», «sobriety», «backbone».

Practical Germans make a contract with their children on that their child will not touch cigarettes before 18 years old. If you hold on, get a good sum by your adulthood (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 20.12.2001, p. 14).

Representatives of the Russian ethnic group also noted such a quality of the Germans as «thrift».

Rooms for 80 dollars a day turned expensive for the German and Belgian cops - and they arranged tented camps. But then they clubbed one dollar together, rented one room to use the shower and the toilet (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 15.08.2001, p.5).

In general, there are similarities and differences in the perception of the two ethnic groups. The difference is, for example, that in the contrast to the Russians the Germans notice mostly negative developments in the economy of Germany. In the Russian language media Germany is represented as a country with a high level of economic development and an established social support system.

If for the Germans the problems in education are more important, the Russians are interested in this topic only as an opportunity to study in Germany.

As it was mentioned above, the sign «national character» is not detected in German press. But signs «unemployment» and «extremism» are shown, which are not expressed in Russian press.

The similarities in the perception of the two ethnic groups can be observed in examples, where a sign «quality» is updated.

The origins of the flight in space lie in the Second World War, and by today the military use of outer space has played a big role. Not long before the unconditional surrender, the German engineering had to ensure the «final victory» of Hitler. Such jets as «Messershmit-262» and the first intermediate-range ballistic missiles as «Fau-2» gave the first notion of the future wars. After 1945 the Americans and the Russians seized the arsenal of the German «miracle weapon» and took its designers immediately with them. Werner von Braun is the most famous of their representatives (Parlament, 11/18 of August 2000, p.10).

The comparison showed that although there are the same signs of the concept «Germany» in the two languages, however, different world pictures of the two nations are often meant under the similar features. And there are differences even in the same signs. Differences in language reflecting of the world are related with «inequality» of the German and Russian cultures, with different traditions, customs and world outlooks of the two nations.


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