Н. Г. Егошина the realm of authentic values

НазваниеН. Г. Егошина the realm of authentic values
ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Марийский государственный университет»

Факультет иностранных языков


Н.Г. Егошина
Учебно-методическое пособие
Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности

050100 «Педагогическое образование» по профилю

«Образование в области иностранного языка»



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О.Б. Шестакова, канд. фил. наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии ФГБОУ ВПО «Марийский государственный университет»;

В.Н. Цепелев, канд. пед. наук, зам. директора по УВР «МБОУ Гимназия № 14 г. Йошкар-Олы»

Печатается по решению

редакционно-издательского совета МарГУ

Егошина Н.Г. The realm of authentic values. Сборник текстов и тестовых заданий для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов языковых вузов / Н.Г. Егошина. – Йошкар-Ола: МарГУ, 2013. – 127 с.

Пособие включает семь разделов, в каждом из которых содержатся тексты этнокультурной направленности, задания на понимание прочитанных текстов, а также лексико-грамматические задания и переводные упражнения. Восьмой раздел “Test yourself” содержит перечень вопросов для проверки усвоения фактического материала.

Сборник предназначен для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов языковых вузов, для самостоятельной подготовки выпускников общеобразовательных школ, лицеев, гимназий к итоговой аттестации, а также в помощь преподавателям и методистам, использующим в своей работе тестовый способ контроля знаний.
© Егошина Н.Г., 2013

© Марийский государственный

университет, 2013


  1. Предисловие …………………………………………………………………. 4

  2. Раздел 1. Марийская живопись и архитектура ……………………………..5

  3. Раздел 2. Марийская литература ………………………………………… 28

  4. Раздел 3. Марийская музыка и танцы …………………………………… 53

  5. Раздел 4. Марийские народные промыслы ………………………………. 76

  6. Раздел 5. Марийская национальная кухня ……………………………… 103

  7. Раздел 6. Марийские праздники и традиции, мифы и легенды ………. 112

  8. Раздел 7. Проверь себя …………………………………………………….137

  9. Литература ………………………………………………………………….140


Данное пособие адресовано всем, кто интересуется английским языком. Оно может быть полезно студентам языковых вузов для дальнейшего развития навыков чтения и совершенствования лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Моя малая Родина – Республика Марий Эл». Пособие может быть использовано выпускниками средних общеобразовательных и специализированных школ, лицеев и гимназий для определения уровня владения английским языком и установления степени подготовленности к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку; а также всеми, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно.

Пособие состоит из семи разделов, каждый из которых включает ряд текстов для чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного и тексты для извлечения основной информации, а также задания для повторения видовременных форм глаголов и задания на словообразование. Раздел 8 содержит вопросы для контроля усвоения фактического материала по темам.

Интересен, на наш взгляд, подбор текстов. Они содержат богатый материал этнокультурного характера: знакомят с особенностями национальной культуры, с марийскими традициями и обычаями, особенностями мировосприятия; а также с жизнью, творчеством, общественной деятельностью известных марийских писателей и поэтов, художников и скульпторов, музыкантов и композиторов.

Надеемся, что тексты и задания окажутся интересными и помогут расширить, упорядочить и закрепить знания по английскому языку.

Unit 1. Mari painting and architecture

Ex. 1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the necessary word-forms.

The Mari painters

Many Mari painters devoted their masterpieces to the theme of the Great patriotic war.

B. I. Osipov made an important … (1) to the … (2) of the Mari Art during the years of the war. In his painting “The Mari women are giving out their silver decorations to the … (3) Fund” he depicted the … (4) level of patriotism of the ordinary people. In his other canvas “The women-patriots from Sernur” we can see the soldiers marching … (5) the street of Sernur, the … (6) center. In the foreground – the young Mari girls … (7) in military uniform with rifles in their hands. The painter … (8) depicted the atmosphere of the hard war-time which demanded … (9) both from men and … (10).

The topic of war also … (11) in the canvases painted by another Mari artist B. M. Kozmin. In his pictures “Lieutenant Enkin”, “The soldiers’ bathhouse”, “The earth-house”, “The soldiers at rest” we can … (12) feel the author’s desire to convey the … (13) of every day way life.

1. to contribute

2. to develop
3. to defend

4. height

5. long

6. to locate

7. a dress

8. a skill

9. a hero

10. a woman


12. easy

13. to imagine

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

A. I. Butov was a five-year-old boy … (1) the war began. It went through his childhood leaving terrible reminiscence for… (2). That’s … (3) his first picture “Heavy thoughts” (1962) seems … (4) autobiographical. In the foreground we see a boy and a man sitting … (5) on a bench. The man lost his right leg at war. But it’s clear … (6) his personal drama didn’t break his will to live. In this or … (7) way he resembles Andrey Sokolov, the main character in Sholokhov’s story “The fortune of a man”. The author wants to underline the strength of the hero who has come back to his native land and who feels responsibility ... (8) the future life of this single boy and the ... (9) country. The artist tries to depict the main idea of the canvas not through the direct action … (10) through the inner world of the man. Feeling great sympathy … (11) the characters, creating the definite psychological mood, the painter portrays the sincere image… (12) the Russian soldier.

  • Choose the most appropriate heading for the text:

  1. A favourite canvas

  2. A strong character

  3. The first picture about the war

  4. A.I. Butov – a famous Mari artist

Ex. 3. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb.

Famous Mari artists about the war

Z. F. Lavrentyev (1. to create) a big portrait-gallery of his fellow-countrymen – veterans of the Great patriotic war. The impressive images of women (2. to depict) in the paintings “Twice a widow” (1961), “Gloves for the soldiers” (1975). The most emotional (3. to be) his picture “Here the soldiers died” (1970). One can’t help (4. to cry) looking at the pictures “The sacred land” and “The monument to the war” (1967).

I. V. Efimov (5. to be born) after the war in 1946. Before he (6. to take up) the military theme, he (7. to study) a lot of official documents, articles, private letters. In 1979 he (8. to finish) the picture “Are seeing off to the front”. In the hall where it was exhibited the large canvases (9. to cry) by the voices of the wounded or dying soldiers; the mines and shells (10. to explode) loudly, the bullets (11. to whistle) terribly. But the painting of the young Mari artist (12. to attract) the viewers by the piercing silence. No death, no blood, no moans (13. to depict) there. Near the village fence the relatives are seeing off a young man to the front. On their sorrowful faces we can (14. to see) both pain and hope, grief and belief in the victory. In harmony with their feelings (15. to paint) the dead sky, the stunted grass, the broken country-road. Everything (16. to unite) into one strict solemn melody – the hymn to the future victory.

  • Try to find the reproductions of the pictures mentioned above. Describe one of them in detail.

  • Find some more pictures devoted to the theme of the Great patriotic war. Organize a class art exhibition. Try to be a guide in this gallery.

Ex. 4. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

War monuments and sculptures in the Mari Streets

The farther in the past are the events of the Great patriotic war the more we understand the significance of the heroic deeds of the Soviet people who saved the world from fascism.

The battle fields have become the cornfields again. Time has ploughed the former trenches and ditches but it is impossible to reduce people’s memory about our brave and staunch compatriots. The names of the heroes of that war are immortalized in the monuments, memorial boards, in the names of the streets, villages, cities. In such a way people revere the memory of the Mari fallen heroes.

In Yoshkar-Ola there are streets named after Z. Prokhorov, S. Suvorov, M. Lebedev, N. Ryabinin, A. Yanalov, K. Serov, A. Shumelev, V. Solovyov, Kh. Khasanov, K. Kutrukhin; in the city of Volzhsk – Z. Prokhorov; in Sernur - A. Yanalov; in Yurino – K. Kutrukhin; in Kokshaisk – M. Kologrivov; in Paranga – Kh. Khasanov, A. Gaisin.

The streets are marked with memorial boards. In 1975 a memorial plaque was placed on the building where the Writers’ Council sits. Here you can read the names of 27 writers who lost their lives in the fronts of the Great patriotic war.

On the building of the railway station you can watch the memorial plaque devoted to Kh. Khasanov; on the building of the Mari Teachers’ Training Institute – a memorial board in honour of V. Arkhipov.

There are also a lot of monuments which glorify heroism of the Soviet warriors. On 17 July 1971 a war monument was unveiled in Zvenigovo, near School № 1. It is in honour of teachers and students who participated in the Great patriotic war. On the pedestal you can see a young soldier in a greatcoat and a field cap. In his hands he is holding a gun and a half-read book. He is staring at the Volga-River. He looks as if he has just stood up from behind the school desk; has taken the gun and is going to defend his Motherland.

In Medvedevo there is a monument “Mother’s departure with her son” (the author – V. Kozmin). In the 4-metre figures of Mother and her son the architect expressed not only the sadness of the moment, but also the firm belief in our victory over fascism.

In 1973 in Orshanka was opened a monument called “The monument to Mother in grief”. The architect V.M. Kozmin created the image of Mother who is crying over the dead sons. The sculpture “Widows” (architect G. Medvedeva) was erected in Kilemary in 1977. It is devoted to all women who lost their husbands during the war. In 1970 in Yoshkar-Ola was put the monument – bust to a courageous nurse Olga Tikhomirova. In Kozmodemyansk at the bottom of Pugachev’s Hill, high above the Volga is raised a 22-metre tall obelisk built in honour of those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of victory (1975, the author V. Ivanov). In Volzhsk in the central park you can see a 13-metre tall stele (1971, V. Druzhinin). The monument embodies the sorrow about the fallen heroes – fellow-countrymen.

In 1980 in Morky the list of the fallen fellow village men and the letter to the descendents were placed into the pedestal of the monument. The capsule will be opened in 2045. On 5 November 1973 a Monument of Military Valour (author A. Shirnin) was unveiled in Yoshkar-Ola. The monument is carried out in granite, concrete and forged copper. The 20-metre-high pylon is crowned with the figure of a soldier. His highly-raised hand with a sub-machine gun in it, the fluttering water-proof cape-tent behind his back give the image the more heroic character. In this monument the author embodied the idea of heroism of the Soviet people, the high feeling of civic courage and pride for our Motherland.

The monument “Eternal Fire” and the Alley of Heroes are attached to the Memorial Complex (author – N. Vedernikov). At all-Russia exhibition of war monuments in 1975, the Memorial Complex in Yoshkar-Ola was recognized among the best. The architects were awarded with gold and silver medals.

The memory of the fallen soldiers is sacred. “It is necessary not for the dead, it is important for those who are alive”, wrote a famous poet R. Rozhdestvensky. And it is really so. Our duty is to pass the truth about that war to the succeeding generations.

  • Fill in the table

    The name of the monument

    The author

    The description of the monument

  • Retell the text in your own words.

Ex.5. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

Zosim Lavrentyev – a prominent Mari artist

To look at Z. Lavrentyev’s canvases is very pleasant but to learn his creativity is a complicated matter as the world on his paintings is many-sided and volumetric. The painter depicts the people of the Mari village, the war veterans, the scenes of the Mari nature. All his canvases are united by one, vividly expressed motif – love for his native land. This feeling dates back to his childhood, when as a boy he used to live in the country, admired the modest rural landscape, the green spring grass, the apple and cherry trees in blossom, the clean springs at the bottom of the ravines by which his native village is surrounded. He always liked the coolness of the transparent streams, the shadow of branchy willows bending above the water, the aroma of meadow herbs and flowers, the free vast space of the Mountain Mari Land.

Zosim Fyodorovich was born on 6 April 1933 in a small Mari village Esyanovo on the right bank of the Volga. His Dad was often out, he built roads, served in the army, participated in the war. It was his Mum who taught children to work – to work hard and honestly.

In summer evenings, when the day noise got quitter, Zosim together with his brother Mephody liked to watch the sky. They believed it was very unusual. Hardly had a cloud appeared, it transformed into an animal or a magic creature. Sometimes the boys acted short performances: their imaginary heroes became alive and started to move. The boys believed into a magic ward and while running along the road or the meadow, they tried each and every twig: would it realize their deepest wishes and desires?

So, brothers’ life was closely interlaced with a fairy-tale and probably since that time Zosim’s unlimited imagination woke up his interest to the world of colours and images and let him see something that can’t be seen by every man. Later it was expressed in his paintings. For all his life Zosim remembered the calm nights under the full Moon, the birds’ songs, the croak of the goggle-eyed frogs, the tender sighs of a summer breeze and the long sirens of the steamboats going along the Volga River. And the smell of a smoke which was coming from the Mari summer kitchen “kudo” where his favourite milk soup with vegetables was cooking.

In 1965 Z. Lavrentyev painted his first canvas as a professional artist. It was entitled “Holiday in the Mari village”. It attracted the attention of the spectators and critics at once. The picture has a very fair and cheerful palette and due to it makes an impression of moral purity. It is very emotional and we can compare it to a beautiful poem. Looking at the canvas you feel the strong desire of the author to characterize each person brightly, realistically; to create an unforgettable image.

The vortex of pink, yellow, blue, white national dresses and multicoloured aprons catch the spectator’s eye immediately. The girls are whirling in a dance. In front of us there are special people: after hard work in the field or on the farm they are full of bright kind feelings. You can notice various faces: sun burnt, weather-beaten, naughty jolly eyes and broad smiles. But especially expressive is a delicate face of a young girl with psaltery in her hands in the left part of the canvas. The artist has created an amazingly exact image: a pretty oval face, the sparkling black eyes and snowy white cambric kerchief. She looks as if the author himself is impressed by her beauty, charm and purity. Her romantic image gives the holiday some extra exultant force.

Zosim Lavrentyev managed to find such a complex and rich combination of colours in his painting. The golden hue of cozy and quiet dry autumn covers the dancers with its last warmth, the white trunks of the birch trees are in full harmony with white and blue colours of the clothes. Tender pastel colours intensify the atmosphere of a holiday. So the painting is very emotive but at the same time it conveys the inner world of the people, such qualities of national mentality as the spirit of freedom and ethnic self-consciousness.

  • Answer the questions:

  1. Where and when was Zosim Lavrentyev born?

  2. Who in the family was responsible for his upbringing?

  3. Was Zosim a dreamy person in his childhood?

  4. He developed his artistic imagination since his childhood, didn’t he?

5. When did Z. Lavrentyev paint his first canvas as a professional artist?

6. Can we compare the canvas “Holiday in the Mari village” to a beautiful poem?

7. Whom did the painter depict in the picture?

8. What gives the holiday in the painting some extra exultant force?

9. What intensifies the atmosphere of a holiday?

10. Does the picture convey the inner world of the people?

11. All his canvases are united by one, vividly expressed motif, aren’t they?

  • Read the text again and try to describe the picture “Holiday in the Mari village” in detail. If possible, try to find its reproduction, then add some details not mentioned in the text.

  • Find some more canvasses by Z. Lavrentyev and describe the one you like most.

Ex.6. Read the text and do the tasks after it.
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