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Tyumen Region

Geographical and geopolitical situation.

Tyumen region represents an administrative and territorial formation being the part of the Russian Federation. The region is included into the Ural federal District.

Tyumen region is located within the West Siberian plain and has borderlines with Kazakhstan, the republic of Comi, the Krasnoyarsk kray, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Omsk and Tomsk regions.

The main rivers are Irtysh, Ob, Pur and Nadym.

The area of the region, including the autonomous districts makes up 1464, 2 thousand km. The region extends from the north to the south for 2100 km. and from the west to the east for 1400 km.

The population of the region is 3345,1 thousand people. The population density comprises 8,2 people per 1 km.

The administrative centre is Tyumen. The distance from Tyumen to Moscow is 2144 km.

Tyumen region is one of the largest districts of the Russian Federation. It comprises the Khanty-Mansi and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts.

The legal status of Tyumen region is determined according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and the Charter of Tyumen region, which was adopted by the Duma of Tyumen region on June 15, 1995.

State and local government

Tyumen region comprises 319 municipal formations that include 5 city okrugs, 5 urban settlements and 21 municipal districts.

The largest cities are: Tyumen (700,000 inhabitants), Tobolsk (147,000), Ishim (64, 300), Yalutorovsk (36,800), Zavodoukovsk (25,000).

The supreme legislative authority in the region is the Government of Tyumen region, headed by the Governor.

The Duma of Tyumen region represents the legislative power. It consists of 34 deputies to be elected for 5 years term. The Duma has five permanently active committees dealing with budget, taxes and finances; human resources; economics and natural resources use; the state construction and local self-government; agriculture and land relations. Besides, a commission on ethics and regulations is active in the Duma.

Landscape and raw materials potential

Tyumen region is located within the West Siberian plain and makes up 11,3 % of its territory.

Tyumen region is rightly considered “the energy heart” of Russia. A major part of the country’s oil and gas reserves is concentrated here in the unique Samotlor, Kholmogorsk, Krasnoleninsk, and Fedorov oil fields and the Urengoi, Medvezhye, and Yamburg gas deposits.

Practically all strategic transport main roads, including the Main Trans-Siberian Railroad and highways of federal value, pass through the territory of the region.

The largest in the Russian Federation and all over the world peat resources are concentrated in Tyumen region.

IV. Answer the following questions;
1. Where is the Tyumen region situated?

2. What is the area of the Tyumen region?

3. What autonomous districts does the Tyumen Region comprise?

4. What is the population of the Tyumen Region?

5. What city is the centre of the Tyumen Region?

6. What natural resources have the Tyumen region?

7. What can you say about the extraction and export of oil and gas?

8. Can you name the greatest gas-bearing deposits?

9. Is there the petrochemical plant in Tobol’sk?

10. What branches of industry are developed in the region?

11. Where is the agriculture of the region concentrated?

12. What economy has entered the Tyumen region?
V. Translate without a dictionary.
Тюмень - первый русский город в Сибири. Основан как острог в 1586 г. воеводами И. Мясиным и В. Б. Сукиным в устье р. Тюменка (приток Туры), на месте возникшего в XIV в. татарского города Чинги-Тура ("город Чингиса"; возник в XIV в.), взятого Ермаком в 1581 г. Первыми его жителями были 300 казаков и стрельцов. Город расположен в Западной Сибири, на берегах р. Тура (приток Тобола), в 2144 км к востоку от Москвы. Речной порт и крупная перевалочная база грузов с водного пути на железнодорожный, узел ж/д линий.

Название Тюмень русские заимствовали из местной топонимии: ещё задолго до основания города они знали о татарском царстве Тюмень. Топоним из тюркского, монгольского тюмэн, тюмян "десять тысяч". Так обозначалось и войсковое соединение в 10 тысяч человек, и племя, снаряжавшее такое войско, и вся территория этого племени. Название территории и было взято русскими в качестве названия нового города.

Историческая часть города расположена на берегах Туры и её правого притока - р. Тюменка, на клиновидном мысу между которыми в конце 1580-х гг. была отстроена русская крепость (разрушилась в XVIII в.), ставшая ядром города. Напротив крепости - т. н. Царёво городище с остатками татарского города (вал и ров). Тюмень развивалась в основном на юго-восток от крепости, вдоль берега р. Тура, правого берега Тюменки и Сибирского тракта.

В северной части Тюмени - архитектурный комплекс Троицкого мужского монастыря (первоначально Преображенский, основан в 1616), включающий Троицкий собор (1709-15), Петропавловскую церковь (1755, ныне Музей истории города), 2-х этажные настоятельские покои (1739), высокие каменные стены (1741). Исключительное историко-культурное значение имеет уцелевшая деревянная застройка Тюмени XIX - начала XX вв.

Во время Великой Отечественной войны в город было эвакуировано тело В. И. Ленина. В феврале 1944 года тюменская милиция в течение двух недель собирала по городу котов и кошек для отправки в Эрмитаж (г. Ленинград), где за время блокады развелось множество грызунов, представлявших угрозу для произведений искусства. 238 «усатых стражей» было отправлено в северную столицу, где они дали начало новой популяции ленинградских кошек.
VI. Insert the right article.
1. It had not occurred to her before that .......... rich could be daft in the head. She had always thought it was the prerogative of .......... poor. 2. He was a man who lives his life to .......... fullest. 3. She stepped back and viewed the fir-tree with a critical eye.

It was a healthy young fir, .......... rich dark green. 4. She tried to remember only .......... good and .......... best. 5. I felt claustrophobic all of .......... sudden. 6. Come in, don’t stand outside in .......... cold. 7. She laughed, and a slight flush tinted her face .......... pretty pink. 8. It felt like flying into .......... unknown. 9. Escape .......... ordinary. 10. How clever of you to help .......... helpless and .......... homeless. 11. .......... more a man knows, .......... more he is inclined to be modest. 12. He is leaving the country for .......... good. 13. They did it for .......... good of their country. 14. There are some changes for .......... better in her condition. 15. His eyes were of .......... brown so dark that they were almost black. 16. Do you believe in .......... supernatural?
VII. Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. I have never seen your kids. I wish you (have) a picture of them with you. 2. The police wish they (be) better equipped to work more efficiently. 3. They wished their daughter (be) more careful in choosing friends. 4. Susan wishes she (go) to college instead of leaving school and getting a job. 5. I wish we (buy) a house of our own long ago and not (live) with our grandparents all these years. 6. Melanie wished she not (say)

she was going to the party. 7. He wished his mother still (live) nearby. 8. The Dixons wish their son not (marry) that punk girl. 9. We wish you (can wait) to see him then. 10. I wish I (be) nicer to my parents when I was a teenager. 11. Ted wishes he (follow)

his tutor’s advice. 12. How I wish I (can play) some musical instrument! 13. I wish people (be) more honest. 14. People wish the government (do) something about unemployment. 15. I wish I (start) learning English much earlier.
VIII. Paraphrase the sentences using It’s time .......... .
1. Marina should think of her future. 2. Oleg must consult a specialist. 3. The family ought to have a holiday. 4. The house needs to be given a new coat of paint. 5. We need to call an electrician. 6. I must become independent from my parents. 7. The children should go to bed and switch off the light. 8. You ought to feel responsible for your family. 9. Will you stop asking me provocative questions about my personal life? 10. Why should you live throwing your parents’ money around? 11. I’m sorry, I have to say goodbye and leave. 12. How can you watch that boring programme? 13. You are a modern woman. Don’t you want to learn to drive a car? 14. Your parents need your

support. Why don’t you help them? 15. Will you get down to business, all of you!
IX. Independent work:

1.Семантизация лексического материала. Активизация грамматического материала: страдательный залог. 2. Найдите дополнительный материал по изучаемой теме в интернет-источниках: «Tyumen»

Unit 7

Additional texts

I. Curling at the Olympics

For a long time the curling event at the 1924 Games was considered a demonstration event. It was not until 2006 that the IOC decided that curling was officially part of the program and retroactively awarded medals to the 1924 curling teams. Curling was also a demonstration sport at the Winter Games of 1932 and 1988. Curling was next officially on the Olympic program in 1998, and has been since. Therefore, curling has been part of the Winter Olympics for the following years: 1924, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. There is a men's and women's event.

II. About Curling

Curling (also known as Kurling in Europe, and sometimes referred to curling as 'chess on ice'), is a technical sport played by two teams or four players on a rectangular sheet ice with large heavy, polished granite stones. The teams take turns sliding the stones down the ice towards the target. Two sweepers with brooms also accompany each stone to help direct them. The aim is to get the stone to stop in 'the house', a target at the end of the ice track. Basically, the team with the most points in the match wins, with a point awarded for every stone closer than the other team's best effort.

curling, winter sport, similar in principle to bowls and quoits (see horseshoe pitching), played on an ice court by teams of four. Each player hurls a squat, circular stone-weighing 38 lb (17.2 kg), dished on bottom and top and having a top handle for the player's grip-at the tees, or fixed goals, which are placed 38 yd (35 m) apart. Around each tee a circle is drawn with a radius of 6 ft (1.8 m). Each player is provided with a crampit, or spiked metal plate, to get a foothold on the ice, and a broom to sweep the ice in front of the swerving stone-one of the eye-catching features of the game. The players on both teams alternately send the stones toward one tee; the stones lying nearest the tee at the end of play count toward the score. The play is then made toward the opposite tee. A curling tournament is called a bonspiel. Curling is a major winter sport of Scotland, where it was played perhaps as early as the 16th cent. The Royal Caledonia Curling Club, founded in 1838, is the governing body of the sport. Curling is also very popular in Canada, is played to some extent in the United States and other countries, and is a winter Olympic sport.

III. Analysis of the structure of a newspaper article.

The structure of a newspaper article is very important. A well-structured article should be helpful for the reader to follow and understand the story, and most importantly, it should engage the reader, encouraging them to read on. The following articles, ‘Germany grieves for a hero who dared not admit struggle with mental illness.’ from the newspaper, The Times, and ‘“It was a real thrill”, says tourist nearly eaten by 18ft great white shark.’ Taken from The Guardian, will be compared to each other and analysed.

The headlines of both articles are similar in the way that they both use dramatic, eye-catching words to grab the attention of the reader. The headline of the Germany article uses the words ‘hero’ and ‘mental illness’ which would make the reader question how they could be linked and persuade them to read on. In the shark article, the sentence ‘18ft great white shark’ and quote, “it was a real thrill” are included. This is interesting for the reader, and would make them want to find out more about their experience. The opening paragraph of an article should briefly include who was involved, what happened, why it happened and where and when it happened. The Germany article includes all five of these points, whereas the shark article only includes who what and where. However, by not including all the information, the reader is more likely to read on to find more about the story as the detail becomes more developed in the following paragraphs.

The closing paragraphs of the articles are similar in the way that the less important and less necessary information is added towards the end. They have both been written using the inverted pyramid structure, meaning the information is arranged in descending order of importance. The most important material is placed at the beginning of the story and the less important information follows. It is effective because it tells the reader quickly what they want to know.

IV. Oprah Winfrey

Billionaire Oprah Winfrey is best known for hosting her own internationally popular talk show from 1986 to 2011. She is also an actress, philanthropist, publisher and producer. Media giant Oprah Winfrey was born in the rural town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954. In 1976, Winfrey moved to Baltimore, where she hosted a hit television chat show, People Are Talking. Afterward, she was recruited by a Chicago TV station to host her own morning show. She later became the host of her own, wildly popular program, The Oprah Winfrey Show, which aired for 25 seasons, from 1986 to 2011. That same year, Winfrey launched her own TV network, the Oprah Winfrey Network.

American television host, actress, producer, philanthropist and entrepreneur Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954, in Kosciusko, Mississippi. After a troubled adolescence in a small farming community, where she was sexually abused by a number of male relatives and friends of her mother, Vernita, she moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon, a barber and businessman. She entered Tennessee State University in 1971 and began working in radio and television broadcasting in Nashville.

In 1976, Oprah Winfrey moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she hosted the TV chat show People Are Talking. The show became a hit and Winfrey stayed with it for eight years, after which she was recruited by a Chicago TV station to host her own morning show, A.M. Chicago. Her major competitor in the time slot was Phil Donahue. Within several months, Winfrey's open, warm-hearted personal style had won her 100,000 more viewers than Donahue and had taken her show from last place to first in the ratings. Her success led to nationwide fame and a role in Steven Spielberg's 1985 film The Color Purple, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Winfrey launched the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program. With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125 million by the end of its first year, of which Winfrey received $30 million. She soon gained ownership of the program from ABC, drawing it under the control of her new production company, Harpo Productions ('Oprah' spelled backwards) and making more and more money from syndication.

V. Hippie

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world. The word 'hippie' came from hipster, which was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district. The origins of the terms hip and hep are uncertain, though by the 1940s both had become part of African American jive slang and meant "sophisticated; currently fashionable; fully up-to-date". The Beats adopted the term hip, and early hippies inherited the language and countercultural values of the Beat Generation. Hippies created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and some used drugs such as cannabis, LSD, and magic mushrooms to explore altered states of consciousness.

In January 1967, the Human Be-In in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco popularized hippie culture, leading to the legendary Summer of Love on the West Coast of the United States, and the 1969 Woodstock Festival on the East Coast. Hippies in Mexico, known as jipitecas, formed La Onda and gathered at Avándaro, while in New Zealand, nomadic housetruckers practiced alternative lifestyles and promoted sustainable energy at Nambassa. In the United Kingdom, mobile "peace convoys" of New age travellers made summer pilgrimages to free music festivals at Stonehenge. In Australia hippies gathered at Nimbin for the 1973 Aquarius Festival and the annual Cannabis Law Reform Rally or MardiGrass. "Piedra Roja Festival", a major hippie event in Chile, was held in 1970.

Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music, television, film, literature, and the arts. Since the 1960s, many aspects of hippie culture have been assimilated by mainstream society. The religious and cultural diversity espoused by the hippies has gained widespread acceptance, and Eastern philosophy and spiritual concepts have reached a larger audience. The hippie legacy can be observed in contemporary culture in myriad forms, including health food, music festivals, contemporary sexual mores, and even the cyberspace revolution.

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