Рабочая программа внутреннего экзамена по английскому языку (1 курс) для направления 38. 03. 01«Экономика»

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НазваниеРабочая программа внутреннего экзамена по английскому языку (1 курс) для направления 38. 03. 01«Экономика»
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8.2.1 Учебно-методическая литература для самостоятельной работы студентов

Для самостоятельно работы студентов предназначена литература, описанная ниже, как основная, в пункте 10.1. Она является базой для подготовки студентов, и составляет основу для комплексного формирования всех необходимых навыков.

Студент вправе подобрать индивидуально материалы для образовательного процесса из списка дополнительно литературы или привлечь свои собственные материалы.

6. Оценочные средства аттестации студента

Примеры заданий

Раздел 1. ЧТЕНИЕ

Read the text and decide whether the following statements (1-5) agree with the information in the text? Mark them:

T(True) if the statement agrees with the text

F (False) if the statement does not agree with the text

NG (Not Given) if there is no information about this in the text

  1. Women love shopping, while men hate it.

  2. Addiction to shopping can have negative impact on one’s life.

  3. People tend to buy more when they are not content with their lives.

  4. A lot of people use credit cards as this simplifies budget management.

  5. Shopaholics are more difficult to cure than people with alcohol or drug addiction.


  1. For a lot of people, shopping is a chore, something tedious, yet necessary – like housework. For others, shopping is fun, a release from the world of work. For a minority, however, shopping can be as dangerous as consuming too much alcohol or abusing drugs. For these “shopaholics”, a trip to a department store can become a way of fueling an addiction.

  2. How does this happen and why? Psychologists believe that the “shopaholic” views spending money as a form of escapism and a means of achieving happiness. The real problem starts, however, when the constant need to buy new things starts interfering with a person’s life. People who become addicted to the excitement of shopping believe that buying something new will make their lives happier and more fulfilling.

  3. People frequently become shopaholics because their lives are emotionally empty. It is often a sign of chronic depression. People fill their lives with “things” because they can’t face their own unhappiness. Shopping then becomes a form of therapy. According to experts, women are particularly prone to this sort of behavior. This may be because so much advertising is targeted at women. Magazine and television advertising aimed at them as career women, wives and mothers, puts women under a lot of pressure to buy.

  4. Buying your way out of an emotional crisis is not a healthy option, though. Spending can get out of control. People get caught in a situation in which the “high” of spending money is soon replaced by disappointment, and finally depression, as the debts pile up. New things quickly lose their attraction and then the desire to shop and spend starts all over again.

  5. The widespread use of credit cards has led to a marked increase in the number of shopaholics. According to experts, the banks have made credit cards too easy to obtain,

  6. with the result that more and more people are using them. Using a credit card gives one the illusion that no money is being spent. People can go on for years, spending vast sums on credit without realising it. As a result, they end up either with huge overdrafts or in court, filing for bankruptcy.

  7. Unlike a dependency on alcohol or drugs, an addiction to shopping and spending money is less easy to detect but, as with other forms of addiction, the “shopaholic” is also in need of professional help. It seems, then, that the solution to the problem lies with the therapists who specialize in this disorder, and with the patients themselves. Getting to the root of the shopaholic’s depression and helping the shopaholic to face up to and cope with the real problems that trigger their shopping mania is the only practical approach. Buying yet another dress is not the answer.


Read the text below and complete the questions (questions 6-10). Write no more than three words for each answer.

  1. Scientists believe that there is a number of ways to think about time, which are distributed equally among the past, the present and the future: 2…………….. time zones each.

  2. People who keep family records and remember good times are called .……………past positive thinkers

  3. Present hedonists live for pleasure …………….. , trying to seek sensation and avoid pain.

  4. People who prefer work to play and don’t give in to temptation make decisions on the ground of potential consequences ………………

  5. Future fatalists have a strong belief in life after death and importance of

success…………….. in life.

  1. According to social psychologists, there are six ways of thinking about time, which are called personal time zones. The first two are based in the past. Past positive thinkers spend most of their time in the state of nostalgia, finely remembering moments such as birthdays, marriages and important achievements in their life. These are the kind of people who keep family records, books and photo albums. People living in the past negative time zone are also absorbed by earlier times, but they focus on all the bad things: regrets, failures, poor decisions. They spend a lot of time thinking about how life could have been.

  1. Then we have people who live in the present. Present hedonists are driven by pleasure and immediate sensation. Their life model is to have a good time and avoid pain. Present fatalists live in the moment too, but they think this moment is a product of circumstances entirely beyond their control. It’s their fate; whether it’s poverty, religion or society itself. Something stops these people from thinking they can play a role and changing their outcome in life. Life simply is and that’s that.

  1. Looking at the future time zone we can see that people who classify this future active are the planners and go-getters. They work rather than play and resist temptation. Decisions are made based on potential consequences, not on the experience itself. A second future- orientated perspective, future fatalistic, is driven by the certainty of life after death and some kind of a judgment day when they’ll be assessed on how virtuously they’ve lived and what success they’ve had in their lives.


Listen to the dialogue between two students discussing development proposals for the University Sports Centre. For questions 11-15 decide whether the opinions expressed by only one of the speakers, or whether the speakers agree. NB: You may use any letter more than once.
Write A for Adam

E for Emma

or B for Both, where they agree.

  1. The Sports Centre should have social areas for people to have a coffee and chat. B

  2. Sauna is considered to be dangerous if people don’t use it wisely. E

  3. If there is a hospital or a medical centre nearby minor injuries could be treated off- site. B

  4. Sports science lectures should have an opportunity to give lectures inside the Sports Centre. A

  5. A state-of-the-art sport centre should have a couple of Jacuzzies on-site. B

Listen to the recording again. Decide where, at present, are the facilities for the sports mentioned below (letters A-G). Complete the chart. Some gaps are filled for you.

    1. Basketball

    2. Football

    3. Rugby

    4. Squash

    5. Swimming

    6. Table tennis

    7. Volleyball

In the Sports Centre

Elsewhere in the University

In the city





Table tennis

Раздел 3. ПИСЬМО

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

  1. Write a paragraph (100-150 words) to explain the reasons for increase in demand when the price falls.

  2. Write a paragraph (100-150 words) about different types of goods in economics.

Раздел 4. ГОВОРНИЕ

Общее время ответа 5-6 минут.

TASK 1. In 1 minute be ready to describe someone you know who is popular in your neighborhood.
You should say:

  • who this person is

  • when you first met this person

  • what sort of person he/she is

and explain why you think the person is popular.
TASK 2. Answer the following questions. Express and justify your opinion.

    1. Do you think it’s important to have good communication skills to do a job well? (Why? / Why not?)

    1. Some people think it is best to plan their lives carefully; others prefer to make spontaneous decisions. What is your opinion? (Why? / Why not?)

    1. Do you prefer to get the news from newspapers, television or the internet? (Why?)

  1. Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины

    1. Основная литература

Michael Black, Wendy Sharp. (2011) Objective IELTS Intermediate, Self-study student’s book and audio CDs. Cambridge University Press

Hugh Dellar. Andre Walkley. (2012) Outcomes. Student’s Book уровень Advanced. Heinle Cengage Learning

Carol Nuttall, Amanda French. (2012) Outcomes Workbook. Advanced with CDs. Heinle Cengage

Walenn Jeremy (2009) English for Law in Higher Education Studies. Garnet Education
    1. Дополнительная литература

Sam McCarter«Ready for IELTS» (2010) Coursebook. Macmillan: Oxford

Sam McCarter, Barry Cusack (2007). «Improve Listening and Speaking Skills». Macmillan: Oxford

Sam McCarter, Norman Whitby (2007) « Improve Writing Skills». Macmillan: Oxford

Diana Hopkins (2008) Grammar for IELTS. CUP: Cambridge

McCarthy, M., & O’Dell F. (2009) Academic vocabulary in use. CUP: Cambridge

L.Harrison, C.Cushen, S.Hutchinson 2010Achieve IELTS Grammar & Vocabulary Marshall Cavendish
В Программное обеспечение и Интернет-ресурсы:
Дисциплина в LMS Иностранный язык (английский)

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online http://www.ldoceonline.com/

Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/


http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/ - practice on-line



  1. Список литературы

  1. Федеральные государственные общеобразовательные стандарты высшего профессионального образования (электронный ресурс). http://fgosvo.ru/fgosvpo/7/6/1/8

  2. Образовательный стандарт федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Национального Исследовательского Университета «Высшая Школа Экономики» по направлению подготовки 080500.62 «Менеджмент» Уровень подготовки: Бакалавр, Москва 2011

  3. Единый классификатор компетенций НИУ ВШЭ (http://www.hse.ru/studyspravka/ekk)

  4. Соловова Е.Н. Учебная программа дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский) для НИУ-ВШЭ.

  5. Суворова Ю.А. Программа дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский) (1 курс), интенсивный курс английского языка для начинающих. Уровень подготовки: Бакалавр, Москва 2014
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