Контрольная работа по английскому языку в профессиональной сфере

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ТипКонтрольная работа
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Написание контрольной работы предусмотрено учебной нагрузкой. Контрольная работа представляет собой лексико-грамматический тест на знание изученного материала, а также краткое (100-150 слов) резюме статьи, соответствующей рассматриваемым темам. Объем резюмированной статьи – не менее 2000 п.з. В контрольную работу также включается глоссарий, содержащий основную лексику из прочитанной статьи.

Структура контрольной работы:

1. Титульный лист

2. Выполненный лексико-грамматический тест

3. Резюме статьи с указанием источника

4. Глоссарий
Лексико-грамматический тест

The same word is missing from all these extracts. What is it?

There are debates whether

In practical business
Organization is the means by which
There are three



Indirecting operations






is an art or a science.

is the art and science of getting things done through other people.

coordinates the efforts of employees to attain the company’s objectives.


includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager.

includes department managers, plant managers, and production superintendents.

includes supervisors, foremen, etc.

seeks to obtain a high level of production from employees through motivation and proper guidance.

Choose the correct answer

  1. Could you ask her to call me ……… ?

  1. through b) back c) up d) though

  1. Is the electric domestic appliances ……….. difficult?

  1. turnover b) market c) brand d) competitor

  1. The company is hugely successful and the number of its stores is ………….. .

  1. increasing b) decreasing c) seizing d) missing

  1. These brands are successful. It means they ……….. .

  1. are doing good b) are doing bad c) are doing well d) are doing badly

  1. To be successful they spend a lot of money on ……….. .

  1. retailing b) operating c) providing d) advertising

  1. The company ……………. 165,000 people.

  1. employing b) employ c) employs d) is employing

  1. I ………………… him at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

  1. meet b) meeting c) am meeting d) met

  1. I’m afraid the line’s ……………….. .

  1. occupied b) engaged c) free d) vacant

  1. The company ……….. to expand its present market.

  1. wants b) is wanting c) wanting d) want

  1. At this moment thousands of customers ……………….. clothes online.

  1. buying b) buy c) buys d) are buying



In different countries, different conventions apply to the process of job application and interviews. In most parts of the world, it's common to submit a typed CV (curriculum vitae — British English) or resume (American English). This contains all the unchanging information about you, your education, background and work experience. Some personnel departments believe that the CV and application letter give a better impression of a candidate.

When a job opening is advertised in the United States, there are often a lot of people interested in applying. Many job hunters send in their resumes and apply for the same position. Sometimes a company will receive hundreds of resumes for a single job opening. The job interview, therefore, is very important. In the interview, an applicant must demonstrate that he or she is the best person for the job.

Because job interviews are so critical, some job hunters read books or take courses to help them make a good first impression. These books and courses are full of advice and suggestions to help job applicants prepare for their interviews. For example, successful applicants dress appropriately and have a clean and neat appearance. They take their resume or a sheet of paper listing their education and work experience with them to the interview. They also prepare a list of questions about the job or the company. They go to the interview alone and are always on time.

At the beginning of the interview, the applicant shakes hands firmly with the employer. The employer usually invites the applicant to sit down. During the interview, it is appropriate to smile often and to look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. The applicant doesn’t chew gum or smoke during the interview. The applicant is prepared to answer questions about education and previous jobs. More difficult questions are possible, such as: “Why did you leave your last position?” Sometimes interviewers also try to get to know the applicant better. They ask questions about the applicant’s personal background, family, and truthfully about their work experience, skills, goals, and abilities. When the interview is over, the applicant stands up, shakes hands with the interviewer, and says thank you the time the person has offered.

Job applicants who can show they are capable, well-prepared, punctual, polite, and honest have a better chance of getting the job they’re looking for.

2034 п.з.

(Электронный журнал Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com/)

Краткое резюме
The title of the article is “Job Interview” and the article says about the purpose of the interview and gives some advice. If you are an applicant it is very important to make a good first impression and demonstrate that you are the best candidate for that job.

There are a lot of books with advice and suggestions. You should be ready to answer some question. They can ask you about your education, work experience, family and background. You should also prepare some question to the interviewer about the position. The applicant should be dressed properly and have a clean and neat appearance. You also should smile often and to look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. Don’t chew a gum or smoke during the interview. Remember to be polite, punctual and honest and it will help you to get a job.

  1. abilities – способности

  2. advice – совет

  3. affect – влиять

  4. application form – бланк заявления о приеме на работу

  5. apply for – подавать заявление о приеме на

  6. candidate / applicant / job hunter – претендент на работу

  7. capacity – способность

  8. carry out – выполнять

  9. CV (curriculum vitae) = resume – резюме

  10. job interview – собеседование

  11. job opening – вакансия

  12. skills – умения

  13. suit for – подходить для

  14. vary – варьироваться, различаться

  15. way – способ, путь

  16. work experience – опыт работы


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