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  1. Hunger is the best sauce.

If you get up and go as I do, often forgetting breakfast, just keep telling yourself: “Hunger is the best sauce, hunger is the best sauce!” and your next meal will be all the yummier for it.

I left Saturday morning, hitting the road at 6:40 AM. The first leg of the trip to Santa Cruz was five hours, but I had a good motivator: hunger. I called my cousin who went to college in the town and could recommend a delicious sandwich/bakery/coffee shop, which I immediately entered into my iPhone.


  1. I am not my brother’s keeper.

Reality TV World: Do you think in the meantime you should maybe advise your brother not to be presenting [your trip] as a Guinness record [on his petewadeshow.com website]?

Coach: You know what, I don't have any control over my brother's website and I actually told my brother 'There's some things on there that you need to change' but I am not my brother's keeper and I don't have any control what he puts on there. I certainly have not once made the claim that it was a Guinness Books of World Records [record].


  1. I came, I saw, I conquered.

I came. I saw. I conquered.” Those words are attributed to Julius Caesar, but they fit so much better coming from Jesus Christ. He came in the flesh. He witnessed sin and death. And he dealt it the ultimate blow on Calvary. It's the Gospel in 3 words.


  1. If it’s not one thing, then another.

After all, who's heard of sleeping in on a weekend? Certainly not me. If it's not one thing, then another, but there's always something going on at our house.


  1. If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.

I once heard: “If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.” That is exactly what the educators from the Morgan Library and Museum graciously did for the students at Brooklyn Charter School. After cancelling our visit to the museum due the inclement weather and then the bus strike, the educators brought their passion and replicas to give a compelling presentation on the history of writing. Students got to explore a variety of writing tools and supports: cylinder seal, parchment paper, quill, stylus and much more. Students were captivated and asked for more.


  1. If you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

I hear often people say, my kids have to go to this club, that club, dancing, football, soccer, baseball, wrestling, chess club, and ten others. My head is literally spinning. I am pulling my hair… Well, clubs are good, I guess, but are they all mandatory? Who is in control here? I know, I know, somebody will be throwing tomatoes at me right now. That’s fine, I expect that! But if you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. It is great to do so many things, but for me, I would choose to simplify my daly and weekly schedule if necessary, and remove some of the commitments. At least for a while, until everything gets back under control.


  1. If you do not like it you may lump it.


  1. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Now when it came to the puddings we were told outright when we were seated that there were a few things on the menu that were not available that day due, such as the waffles and the pancakes, to a delivery issue and they apologised outright. So when it came to pudding our server called ‘Huggy’ was brilliant with recomendations (hence my husband going straight for the triple burger!) told me I would not be disappointed with the pecan pie. This is actually something I have never tried before, so in for a penny in for a pound I took his advice and ordered it. My husband on the other hand was completely stuffed from his almost ‘Man V Food’ mains could not even contemplate anything else. As Huggy had said I definitely was NOT disappointed by my pecan pie. So in ‘Huggy’s’ words… ‘Always trust a chubby waiter’!


  1. In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

That summer, though, I worked really hard at math, and I did very well, scoring something like a 96% score. But I ascribed my success to the people I was competing with rather than to my own hard work. The class, after all, was entirely composed of other failures, and in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


  1. It is easy to be wise after the event.

She admits that she was not the only one to make mistakes, especially in having allowed herself to be a doormat and allow both husbands to be so flagrantly faithless. It is easy to be wise after the event. Yet she acknowledges that if given her life again she wouldn't have changed anything, having known some amazing people and had some amazing experiences. In short, this was one of those books which I found hard to put down.


  1. It is more easily said than done.

The last piece of advice

Relationships are done, undone and at times done over again. Heartbreaks happen everyday but help in shaping the character of a person and preparing him/her for better and more mature relations. If you are not sure that the person really and sincerely loves you, you should play safe, especially when you sense that you are vulnerable. It is more easily said than done but one should not invest oneself totally in a relationship that very probably would ultimately end up in a break.


  1. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

It is no use crying over spilt milk now. But it would be very wise if we look at the future, determined to avoid the mistakes of the past. One of the most important aspects of the relationship between the environment and development is the question of land use. Too many mistakes leading to waste of land have been made in the past and therefore we must be more careful on how to use our land in the future.


  1. It is not worth powder and shot.

We cooperate with professional authors who have great experience in Research Paper preparation. They are willing to provide you with the excellent written work in any subject. Sometimes students start their Research Paper but then realize that it is not worth powder and shot. Moreover, all students are always very busy with their tasks, so it is hard for them to find time to conduct deep research. Some students just don’t have enough knowledge for a definite task. And it is ok as not everyone should know everything. But the task should be done in any case.


  1. It never rains but it pours.

IT NEVER rains — but it pours. That’s the kind of gardening crisis that occurs too often when a serious drought finally breaks.

Until a week ago, the last decent rain to drench our garden was during August last year. Never before have we experienced such dry conditions.


  1. It’s a small world.

And lastly, always showcase your passion, motivation, and enthusiasm in what you do. This can’t be understated, as it really does go a long way. It’s a small world, so make sure you always strive to make a great impression and leave people feeling inspired by your experience and expertise.


  1. It’s going from bad to worse.

Who will Teach our children?

By Sara Templeton

At the moment there is a drought affecting the teaching profession and, if industry experts are to be believed, it's going from bad to worse.

As discussed in my previous careers article on teaching, it started when younger Australian teachers began leaving the country for better paid positions.


  1. It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.

HTC Sense 4 tweaks this too. In Honeycomb and native Ice Cream Sandwich, the recent apps view presents thumbnails that will scroll up and down the page vertically. HTC Sense 4 turns this into larger screen grabs that scroll horizontally. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other: the HTC approach perhaps looks better, but the native Android approach fits more on the display, so is arguably faster to use.


  1. It’s too good to be true.

Too good to be true?

Most people who hear about this for the first time think it’s too good to be true. We are glad to say it’s all true and quite simple. If you share our beliefs and like everything you have read please contact us today. We have Liberty HealthShare employees ready to talk and answer any questions you may have.


  1. It’s up to you.

It's up to you, you can watch it streaming via the Internet, or through a television at home.


  1. Learn to walk before you run.

My point is, that you needn't try to launch the biggest, flashiest site possible. But that simple interactive tools you can live up to are a good way to start. Learn to walk before you run. Do a little at a time and adjust your processes to complement every interaction you ask for. Be responsive.


  1. Let bygones be bygones.

Someone said to me to "let bygones be bygones". How does one do that if the people that you the problem with are still being mean and disrespectful to you?

I know we are supposed to move on but it's hard when you feel like no one cares about how you feel.


  1. Life is not all beer and skittles.

When you experience life for what it is, and your desires for what they are, you are going to be disenchanted at times. Life is not all beer and skittles. In order to experience the spiritual growth you desire, you must grow. In order to grow, you must face challenges.


  1. Like father, like son.

Like Father, Like Son: The Man Ted Cruz Calls 'Hero' <…>

This seems to be a classic "like father, like son" scenario: two generations of passionate Christians who overcame huge odds, with the son - an almost unknown candidate - becoming a U.S. senator, thanks in part to a father who had it even tougher.


  1. Like master, like man.

"The trainer must develop to its highest perfection - provided the breeder has done his duty - whatever the individual dog possesses as a natural endowment physically and mentally. "Like master, like man" says the proverb, and thereby expresses the fact that man makes his impression on his surroundings. If anything in these dependents of man displeases us, it is only man's own fault. Thus the dog is the reflection of his master: the foundation is laid by his trainer.


  1. Live and learn.

Know how to provide the files <…>

Best way to send most files to a client for proofing are pdf because you can send that same exact file, (usually) to a printer who can convert it to whatever they need. However, I have run into a situation where someone was using a printer overseas and that printer did not know what to do with a pdf. So live and learn.


  1. Long time no see!

Well, hello! Long time, no see. I know it’s been months, but I’m still here. Are you? I don’t have anything much to say; just checking in and doing some blog maintenance. I’ve added a widget that links to my Instagram feed; that’s fun, I think. I’ll be back shortly.


  1. Look before you leap.

Look before you leap” – wise words when it comes to many facets of our everyday life. The expression rings true in the business world as well. For associations that have decided to deploy an association management solution (AMS), it is important to keep them in mind prior to implementation. Associations need a refined course of action if they want to experience the full benefits of utilizing AMS software, including streamlined business processes, centralized insight across the organization and improved member engagement.


  1. Love is blind.

Why called it blind we have the eyes and we have the heart to feel more than our naked eyes see. The moment I reached the age of being aware of it every time the person ask what is love they simply said "love is blind"... is there no other word to define what really love means? why people so easy to answer that way... till now ...

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