Методические рекомендации для студентов по подготовке к практическим занятиям

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Глава государства – королева.

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    4.Write 10 sentences with new words (Homework).
    «Выдающиеся деятели науки и культуры страны изучаемого языка»

    1. Read the text.

    Joseph Mallord William Turner


    Joseph Mallord William Turner is one of the greatest English romantic painters and the most original of English landscape artists. Turner» was born in London in 1775. His first drawings are dated 1787, when he was only twelve. His childish sketchbooks are still preserved in the British Museum. He received almost no general education but at 14 he became a student at the Royal Academy of Arts and three years later was making drawings for magazines. In 1791 he exhibited two watercolors at the Royal Academy for the first time. He became famous for visionary interpretations of landscape, making experiments with light and colour

    In 1802 he went to the Continent, where he painted his famous Calais Pier (now exhibited in the National Gallery, London). Later he often travelled in England or abroad, using every opportunity to make sketches for his studio paintings in oil and watercolour. His works were exhibited regularly, and in 1807 he became professor of the Academy Turner showed a remarkable ability to choose the best from the tradition of landscape painting. Among his paintings are Dido Building Carthage (The National Gallery, London) and Crossing the Brook (The Tate Gallery, London).

    Despite his early and continued success Turner lived a very quiet life. As his fame grew, he bought a large gallery in London for exhibition of his work, but continued to live very modestly with his old father. His painting became increasingly abstract, as he wanted to portray light space, and the elemental forces of nature. He showed atmospheric effects with bright colours, for example, in The Grand Canal (The Metropolitan Museum, New York) and Approach to Venice (The National Gallery, Washington, DC). In his will he left more than 19,000 water colours, drawings, and oils to the nation. Most of these works are in the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery, London. In watercolour he is unsurpassed.

    2.Find the following words in the text and memorize them:

    painter; to exhibit; to portray;

    romantic; watercolour; light;

    landscape; visionary; colour;

    artist; studio; space;

    drawing; oil; unsurpassed;

    sketchbook; abstract; to paint;

    art gallery

    3.Choose the words from the list which characterize:

      • Turner;

      • Turner's paintings;

      • what an artist does;

      • where an artist works and exhibits his paintings.

    4.Say to which facts the following figures refer in the text:

    1775; 1802;

    1787; 1807;

    14; 19,000;

    1791; 1851

    5.Answer the following questions:

    • What is Joseph Mallord William Turner famous for?

    • When did he begin to draw?

    • At what age did he become a student at the Royal Academy of Arts?

    • What kind of experiments did he make?

    • He often went abroad, didn't he?

    • Prove that Turner lead a modest life.

    • Name the most famous of Turner's paintings.

    • Where are his paintings exhibited?

    6.Speak about Turner.

    7.Speak about your favourite artist. Use the following as an outline (Homework).

    • The artist's childhood.

    • The artist's first experience in painting/drawing.

    • The artist's academic education in painting/drawing.

    • The artist's most outstanding work/works.

    • Where are the artist's works exhibited.

    Тема практической работы: Путешествие по своей стране и стране изучаемого языка.

    Цель: сформировать навыки студентов подбора информации по заданной теме экскурсии; сформировать умения разрабатывать и проводить экскурсию в любом городе России и страны изучаемого языка.

    Коды формируемых компетенций: ОК4, ПК 5.1, ПК 5.2, ПК 5.3

    Рекомендация по выполнению задания

    1. Write down the words. Read them.

    cover – покрывать

    loсate – располагаться, находиться

    wash by– омывать

    border on – граничить

    supply – поставка

    mountain chain – горная цепь

    forest – лес

    several – несколько

    vast – обширный

    moderate climate – умеренный климат

    distinct season – отличный сезон

    differ – различаться, отличаться

    include – включать

    fertile lands – плодородные земли

    iron ore – железная руда

    copper – медь

    lead – свинец, графит

    executive power – исполнительная власть

    legislative body – законодательный орган

    to be proud – гордиться

    I’d like to speak – Я хотел бы рассказать….

    occupy – занимать

    border – граница

    the demographic policy – демографическая политика

    by the way – к тому же

    thanks to - благодаря

    vast – обширный

    agriculture – сельское хозяйство

    engineering - разработка

    region – область, регион

    govern – управлять

    policy -политика

    hold by – руководить

    1. Translate the sentences.

      • I live in this good country.

      • The ocean covers all part of the earth.

      • I don’t know where it locates.

      • The city is washed by long deep river.

      • Russia borders on Belarus.

      • In our country are many mountain chains.

      • I don’t like walk in the forest.

      • In this part is the moderate climate.

      • He holds us.

      • The summer is the distinct season.

        1. Read the text.


    I’d like to speak about the largest the country in the world I am proud of – Russia. It occupies about one-seventh part of dry land in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers with borders on Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and other countries. The population of is about 150 million people. And thanks to the demographic policy of our President V. V. Putin the population will be increasing.

    Russia is washed by many seas of 2 oceans: the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Arctic Ocean in the north. The main rivers are the Volga, the Yenisei, the Ob and the Amur. But I can’t mention the unique lake – the Baikal Lake with the deepest fresh water. The highest mountain chains are the Urals and the Altai. By the way, the centre of Russian is just here in the Altai. On the vast territory of Russia you can find four climatic zones: the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate and the subtropical. Russia is very rich in natural resources, for example: coal, oil, iron ore, gas, copper, gold and diamonds, but it’s a pity they are not always used for its benefit. Russia is a progressive country with a highly developed black metallurgy and other branches of industry and agriculture, and especially with high results in science and engineering.

    Russia is a federal republic, divided administratively into regions and governed by the President and Parliament or Duma. Our flag’s colors red, blue and white symbolize power, independence and peace.

        1. Complete the sentences.

    • ….the deepest fresh water….

    • ….including vast areas of forest.

    • The population…..

    • …is the Head of State.

    • Russia is…..

    • ….four climatic zones.

      1. Answer the questions.

    • What is the Russia?

    • How many climatic zones are in our country?

    • On what countries borders Russia?

    • Is the population of Russia 200 thousand people?

    • What name has the deepest lake of Russia?

    • Is Russia a developed country?

    • Who is the Head of State?

    • What is the highest legislative body of Russian federation?

    • Name the main rivers and mountains of Russia.

      1. Answer the questions

    What is the biggest country in the world?

    What did mention the man?

    How much seas and oceans are washed Russia?

    Has Russia big river? Name them.

    Are the natural resources always used for its benefit?

    What kind of industry’s branches can you call?

    Where is center of Russia?

    Call colors of our flag?

    What and how much climatic zones has Russia?

    How can you characterize the political system in Russia?

      1. Write to it retelling in 10 sentences (Homework).

    «Путешествие по стране изучаемого языка»

    Write down the new words.

    to consist of – состоять из

    an island - остров

    to wash - омывать

    an ocean - океан

    a mountain - ropa

    mountainous - гористый

    to be situated – быть расположенным

    urban - городской

    vast - огромный

    surface - noвepxность

    vary - отличаться

    plain - равнина

    aircraft - самолеты

    navigation - судоходство

    equipment - оборудование

    shipbuilding – кораблестроение

    constitutional monarch – конституционная монархия

    to succeed to the throne - взойти на трон

    to have true power - иметь настоящую власть,

    to be in power - править, быть у власти

    to reign - править

    to introduce bills - вводить законы

    the House of Commons (Lords) - палата общин (лордов)

    approval - одобрение

    to sign a bill - подписывать закон

    MP - член парламента

    a law - закон

    to represent - представлять

    to elect - избирать, выбирать

    elections - выборы

    the majority/ minority party - партия большинства\ партия меньшенства

    the majority of seats - большинство мест

    particular area of government – определенная сфера управления

    the Shadow Cabinet - теневой кабинет

    to be responsible for - твечать за что - либо

    the Minister of Defense - минист обороны

    the armed forces - вооруженные силы

    hereditary - наследственный

    peer - nэp

    1. Fulfil techniques of reading of words and the given place names.

    • Great Britain

    • The United Kingdom

    • Northern Ireland

    • The British Isles

    • England

    • Scotland

    • Wales

    • Eire

    • Ireland

    • London

    • The Atlantic Ocean

    • The North Sea

    • The Irish Sea

    • Irish Republic

    • The English Channel

    • The Lowlands

    • The Highlands

    • The Gulf Stream

    • The Severn

    • The Thames

    1. Hear to the text "Great Britain"

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain

    The U.K. (short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. The large island is Great Britain, which consist of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales, and the smaller are Ireland. Southern Ireland, now called Eire or the Irish Republic, is independent of the U.K.

    The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea, which is between Great Britain and Ireland. The territory of U.K. is about 244,000 square kilometers; it takes the 75 place among other countries in the world. The population is more than 57 million. About 80% of the population is urban. The capital is London. Great Britain is separated from continent by the English Channel which is 34 km wide.

    The surface of Great Britain varies greatly. The northern and western parts of the country are mountainous and called the Highlands. All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not high. The rivers are not long. The most important are the Severn, the Themes, and the Trent. There are main beautiful lakes in the mountainous parts of the country. The climate is mild the whole year round, because the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence it.

    The U.K. is a highly - developed industrial country. It exports machinery, motors, iron, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

    1. After listening the text answer questions under the text:

    • What is the official name of Great Britain?

    • Where is it situated?

    • What parts does G.B. consist of?

    • Are there any big rivers and lakes in G.B.?

    • Is G.B. a highly developed industrial country?

    • What goods does the British industry produce?

    1. Complete the sentences.

    • The territory of the UK is….

    • The population is over…

    • The capital of the UK is….

    • There are 3 main political parties in G.B…..

    • The most educational centers are….

    Тема практической работы: Достопримечательности страны изучаемого языка.

    Цель: сформировать навыки студентов использовать методические приемы показа экскурсионных объектов на иностранном языке, знать объекты экскурсионного показа и критерии отбора объектов экскурсионного показа.

    Коды формируемых компетенций: ОК4, ОК5, ПК 5.1, ПК5.2, ПК 5.5
    Рекомендация по выполнению задания

    1. Write down the new vocabulary:

    Lud Hill — Лад Хилл

    church — церковь

    frontage — фасад

    prehistoric — доисторический

    order — орден

    priest — священник

    Tintagel — Тинтэйджэл

    Canterbury Cathedral Archbishop — архиепископ Кентерберийский

    antiquity — антиквариат; древность

    mummies — мумии

    wax — воск

    1. Translate the sentences into English.

    Он священник этой церкви.

    Мумий можно увидеть в гробницах в Египте.

    Она увлекается антиквариатом.

    Фасад здания необходимо покрасить.

    Восковые фигуры – это очень интересно.

    1. Read and translate the text.

    Places of Interest in Great Britain

    Britain is rich in its historic places which link the present with the past.

    The oldest part of London is Lud Hill, where the city is originated. About a mile west of it there is Westminster Palace, where the king lived and the Parliament met, and there is also Westminster Abbey, the coronation church.

    Liverpool, the "city of ships", is England's second greatest port, ranking after London. The most interesting sight in the Liverpool is the docks. They occupy a river frontage of seven miles. The University of Liverpool, established in-1903, is noted for its School of Tropical Medicine. And in the music world Liverpool is a well-known name, for it's the home town of "The Beatles".

    Stratford-on-Avon lays 93 miles north-west of London. Shakespeare was born here in 1564, and here he died in 1616.

    Cambridge and Oxford Universities are famous centres of learning.

    Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument, presumably built by Druids, members of an order of priests in ancient Britain. Tintagel Castle is King Arthur's reputed birthplace.

    Canterbury Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England.

    The British Museum is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753 and contains one of the world's richest collections of antiquities. The Egyptian Galleries contain human and animal mummies. Some parts of Athens' Parthenon are in the Greek section.

    Madam Tussaud's Museum is an exhibition of hundreds of life-size wax models of famous people of yesterday and today. The collection was started by Madam Tussaud, a French modeller in wax, in the 18th century. Here you can meet Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, Picasso, the Royal Family, the Beatles and many others: writers, movie stars, singers, politicians, sportsmen, etc.

    1. Answer the questions.

    1. What is the oldest part of London?

    2. What is Westminster Palace?

    3. What is called "city of ships"?

    4. Why is Stratford-on-Avon famous?

    5. What are the famous centres of learning?

    6. What is Stonehenge?

    7. Who is the head of Church of England? What is his seat?

    8. What is the largest and the richest museum in theworld? What unique collections does it contain?

    9. What can one see in Madam Tussaud's Museum?

    1. Write the plan to the text.

    1. Retell the text by this plan.
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