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Healthy lifestyle

It is widely known that life expectancy is increasing. But the reason why the average figures are higher than they used to be, say, hundred years ago is not that all people live longer than before. One reason is that, due to medical research, many illnesses were eliminated; the second one is that fewer people die in wars. Generally, the life of modern man is endangered by many factors. One is the increasing pollution of the environment by industry and transport; another one is sedentary lifestyle of people living in cities and towns, that is, the majority of the population of the planet. The third one is the quality of food we eat and water we drink which results in a lot of diseases. The fourth one is that living in big cities leads to epidemics, and even pandemics of many catchy illnesses

To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. In my opinion, smoking and drinking too much alcohol, are the worst ones. It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases, such as pneumonia, emphysema and cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Fortunately, in recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people smoke nowadays. Some companies don't employ people who are smokers. Smoking has been banned in most public places because everyone agrees it does harm to our health. I don't smoke, because I don't want to have unhealthy skin and teeth and die young.

Smoking and drinking are joined by less dangerous habits, such as skipping meals, eating unhealthy food, or even overeating. Of course, they are not quite as deadly as smoking or drinking alcohol, but they also affect our health.
If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to serious health problems. A lot of people like drinking coca cola and coffee, and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat, that's why Americans are the fattest people in the world.
In recent years eating habits have undergone a change. People are encouraged to eat less fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. High fibre and low fat foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets. Salads, beans, and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice cream. The fashion for health food is growing all the time.

The only possible way of preserving your health is, therefore, healthy way of life which includes keeping fit, balanced meals, and giving up unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, and, of course, drugs.

Physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, fitness has become an integral part of their lives. The fitness boom resulted in a rise in the numbers of people participating in sports and sports activities. It is a well-known fact that even moderate physical activity can protect you from heart diseases and strokes, obesity and influenza. There are many ways of keeping fit. Firstly, you could visit health and fitness clubs. A lot of health and fitness clubs, public leisure centres, huge indoor water parks are very popular among people of all ages. Secondly, regular exercise is necessary. People of different ages can choose or design exercises that will fit them. Some people do aerobics or yoga; others prefer weight training in a gym. Many people prefer walking or jogging which are the cheapest and most accessible sports. Doing some sport or other on a regular basis is the best way of keeping fit. In Russia a number of sports activities are popular among the old and the young: football, swimming, cycling, skiing, skating, fishing, hunting, roller-skating, etc. Mass running competitions gain popularity with Russians. City marathons have become sporting events reported on the radio, television and in the press.

Tell what is healthy lifestyle.

What to do to keep fit

Bad habits

Good habits

Nineteen year old Jamie Fraser-Mackenzie is a student at Oxford University. He is studying engineering. He finished school in May last year and started at Oxford in October. When he was at school he was interested in most subjects, especially maths and science. He was also very interested in sport and enjoyed cross country running and cricket, however, when he was sixteen he decided to try rowing. Rowing is not really a popular sport in Africa, however, his family and teachers supported and encouraged him. He trained for the competitions 4 to 5 hours every day. Now at the age of nineteen, he is both a student and a professional rower. In 2010 he captained the Zimbabwe junior team at competitions in France and the Czech Republic and in 2011 he came second in the World junior Championships in Alexandria, Egypt. This result qualified him for the 2012 Olympic Games, where he was one of the youngest competitors.

Jamie is different from most rowers, because when he trains for competitions he faces many problems. He lives in Zimbabwe and in a typical training day he has to avoid crocodiles and hippos. Sometimes he has to kill dangerous snakes such as the Black mamba. A large number of these snakes live in the long grass around the lake where Jamie trains.

Jamie takes every opportunity to train. Last year, his family went on holiday to Lake Kariba on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and he rowed every day. At lake Kariba he saw one crocodile that was six meters long. It is a dangerous place to do sports. So his father went with him in a motor boat and watched for “eyes in the water”.

Jamie had a fantastic time at the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, he didn’t win a medal. In his first race he finished thirty seconds behind the Swedish winner. He rowed three more times and improved his time in every race. He is very pleased with his results. Jamie is now concentrating on his education, as well as his rowing career. He received a rowing scholarship to go to Oxford University, so rowing will now play a major part of his time there. He also hopes to represent Zimbabwe in the 2016 Rio De Janiero Games.
Task 1.

  1. What is Jamie studying at Oxford university?

  2. Which countries has Jamie rowed in?

  3. Where did Jamie go on holiday last year?

  4. How long was the crocodile he saw there?

  5. Is it challenging to do rowing?

Task 2.

Pluses of rowing for Jamie

Minuses of rowing for Jamie

Does a lot of money really make you happy?

Nathan Gittings is the most honest boy in Britain. Nathan ______________ at a bus stop when he found over £10,000 in cash in two shopping bags. STAND

At first he didn’t do anything. He thought that someone _____ for them. RETURN

But the following day, the bags were still there. Nathan picked them up and ran home.

He showed his mother what he ___________ and called the police. Nathan said, ’I _______ believe it when FIND, NOT CAN

I found the money. I’d never seen that much in my life.

But it wasn’t _______, so I knew I _____hand to it in’. I, MUST

The Gwent police were happy and surprised at Nathan’s honesty.

It ______ later that the money belonged to a ’confused’ man’. DISCOVER

It was his life savings.
Mark Larsen won over nine million pounds on the lottery two years ago. At first, life was fantastic and Mark had some fun - he spent a lot of money on a big new house and five new cars. Then the problems 5 started. Some friends began to ask him for money. He had a lot of arguments with his wife and they divorced. Now he says, I haven’t got any friends and I feel lonely. Life was better when I didn’t have much money.’
Task 1.

How much money do Mark and Nathan have?

Who is happier: Mark or Nathan?
Task 2.

Pluses of having 1 million $ for Nathan

Minuses of having 1 million $ for Nathan

Pluses of having 1 million $ for Mark

Minuses of having 1 million $ for Mark

Would you return money If you found it in the street?

Игра «Брейн – ринг» в 4 классе

Гущина Анюта Петровна, учителя английского языка МБОУ СЭЛ №45.
Положение о конкурсе «Брейн-ринг

по английскому языку»

Цели и задачи:

Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, приобщение учащихся к активному участию во внеурочной деятельности по иностранному языку, творческое развитие учащихся, выявление талантливых учащихся, содействие личностному развитию школьников.


В брейн-ринге принимают участие учащиеся 4-х классов. Каждый класс представляет одна команда, состоящая из 8-10 участников.

Домашнее задание:

Каждый класс готовит домашнее задание – песню на английском языке. В выступлении могут принять участие не только участники команды, но и учащиеся всего класса. Критерии оценки домашнего задания: техника исполнения, выразительность, артистизм, внешний вид выступающих.

Песни для конкурса распределены между классами в ходе предварительной жеребьевки песни следующим образом:

4 а – In my house, 4 б – Hokey, cokey, 4 в – Five little ducks, 4 г – Daisy, Daisy, 4 д – My Bonnie

Ход конкурса:

После проверки домашнего задания, участников ждут разнотипные задания, которые покажут уровень знаний учащихся по английскому языку.

Добрый день, дорогие друзья! Сегодня мы с Вами собрались на брейн-ринг по английскому языку, чтобы узнать, какой же из 4 классов лучше всех знает английский язык. А начнем мы с домашнего задания. Каждая из команд подготовила для мероприятия музыкальный номер – песню на английском языке.

Итак, мы приглашаем на сцену команду 4 а класса.

4 а - in my house

Отлично! Давайте поддержим 4 а класс аплодисментами. А сейчас на сцене выступит 4 б класс.

4 б – Hokey, cokey

Итак, сейчас на сцену выйдут учащиеся 4 в класса. Давайте встретим их дружными аплодисментами.

4 в – Five little ducks

А сейчас пришла очередь выступления 4 г класса. Просим на сцену.

4 г – daisy

Завершает конкурс домашних заданий выступление учащихся 4 д класса.

4 д - Бонни

Все участники выступили замечательно и заслуживают аплодисментов. Давайте познакомимся с теми, кто будет оценивать наши конкурсы - членами жюри.
А теперь пришла пора проверить, насколько хорошо, вы знаете грамматику английского языка. Сейчас вы должны выполнить несколько разных заданий. На каждое задание вам отводится 3-5 минут. Сдаем уже сделанные задания нашему жюри. Подходите, пожалуйста, по одному из класса за заданиями.

  1. Divide words into groups (Разделите слова по группам): животные, части тела, описания, действия.

Elephant, wonderful, fox, dance, nose, kind, look, hand, write, good, camel, eye, pig, nice, feed, leg.

  1. Which word is different (Уберите лишнее слово)

  1. green, ago, grandfather, giraffe

  2. daughter, grandmother, mum, father

  3. December, March, January, February

  4. Sofa, teacher, chair, carpet

  1. Find mistakes (Найдите ошибки в тексте)

Sasha is a russian boy. He like to English. In the lesons he and his friends speaks English, write letteres, song sing.

Sometaimes they play games. Next yaer Sahsa wil vissit Londone.

  1. Make up sentences from the words (Составьте предложения из предложенных слов)

Nice, little, Winnie-the-Pooh, bear, is

In the forest, lives, he, a lot of, has, and, friends

His, rabbit, one of, friends, best, the, is
В Великобритании у школьников в это время в самом разгаре пасхальные каникулы. Давайте проверим, что вы знаете о Пасхе -

  1. True or false?

  1. Изначально Пасха в Великобритании была языческим праздником? (true)

  2. В Пасху принято надевать только старую одежду (False! В этот день принято надевать новую одежду, что символизирует конец сезона плохой погоды и наступление весны)

  3. Сейчас в Великобритании не принято дарить настоящие крашеные яйца на Пасху (true. Жители Великобритании предпочитают дарить друзьям и родственникам не настоящие яйца, а шоколадные, внутри которых карамель или какие-то другие сладости, а также различные сувениры в виде пасхальных яиц)

  4. В пасхальное воскресенье англичане приносят в церковь пасхальные корзины (Easter baskets), наполненные яйцами, хлебом и другой едой.(true)

  5. Один из символов праздника – Лисица. (false! Кролик)

  6. Тем ребятам, кто хорошо себя вел, Пасхальный кролик дарит разноцветные яйца и сладости. (True)

  1. Divide words into groups (Разделите слова по группам): животные, части тела, описания, действия

Elephant, wonderful, fox, dance, nose, kind, give, hand, write, good, camel, eye, pig, nice, feed, leg.


части тела



  1. Which word is different (Зачеркните лишнее слово)

  1. green, ago, grandfather, giraffe

  2. daughter, grandmother, mum, father

  3. December, March, January, February

  4. sofa, teacher, chair, carpet

  1. Find mistakes (Найдите ошибки в тексте)

Подчеркните слова с ошибками

Напишите эти слова правильно

Оценки жюри

Sasha is a russian boy.

He like to English.

In the lesons he and his friends speaks English, write letteres, song sing.

Sometaimes they play games. Next yaer Sahsa wil vissit Londone.

  1. Make up sentences from the words (Составьте предложения из предложенных слов)

Nice, little, Winnie-the-Pooh, bear, is
In the forest, lives, he, a lot of, has, and, friends
His, rabbit, one of, friend, best, the, is

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