Учебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А

НазваниеУчебное пособие по практической грамматике казанцев С. А
ТипУчебное пособие
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30. 1. ФОРМУЛА: S + (adv) + V + О (adv) (домашняя работа)
Я ем три раза в день, каждый день я ем горячую пищу, он обычно обедает один, студенты всегда обедают в два, я редко обедаю дома, мы пьем чай три раза в день, они обычно не ужинают, мы не пьем чай вечером, мои родители обычно завтракают рано, я всегда завтракаю в 11, на ней сегодня новое платье, я одет в костюм, я играю на пианино, он играет на гитаре, я играю в футбол по воскресеньям, она выглядит хорошо в этом платье (to look good), посмотри на него, он всегда ищет свои вещи по утрам, она не присматривает за детьми, я просматриваю газеты по вечерам, они выглядят усталыми, ты выглядишь больным, она похожа на свою сестру, после школы я иду домой, они добираются до работы автобусом (поездом), мы поехали на автобусную экскурсию (trip), он обычно приходит домой поздно, она приезжает в Париж каждый месяц.

31. Read the following /a/ in the negative /b/ in the interrogative. (дом. раб.)

  1. You know the answer 19. She plays chess very well.

  2. He has breakfast at 8.00. 20. He worries about her.

  3. He loves her. 21. These thieves work at night.

  4. Some schoolgirls wear uniform. 22. He leaves home at 8.00 everyday

  5. He trusts you. 23. Ann arranges everything.

  6. He tries hard. 24. She agrees with you.

  7. The park closes at dusk. 25. Their dog barks at night.

  8. He misses his mother. 26. Their neighbours often complain.

  9. The children like sweets. 27. Tom enjoys driving at night.

  10. He finishes work at 6.00. 28. He engages new staff every spring.

  11. He lives beside the sea. 29. Tom looks very well.

  12. He bullies his sister. 30. They sell fresh grape juice here.

  13. This stove heats the water. 31. He charges more than other plumbers.

  14. She has a cooked breakfast. 32. She cuts her husband's hair.

  15. She carries a sleeping bag. 33. They pick the apples in October.

  16. He usually believes you. 34. The last train leaves at midnight.

  1. She dances in competitions. 35. He relaxes at weekends.

  2. You remember the address. 36. She refuses to discuss it.

32. Сделайте упражнение по образцу.
A: I earn $50 a week.

B: How much does your brother earn? (stress on brother)
A: I live in Westminster.

B: Where does your brother live? (stress on brother)
Make questions using how, where, when, how much, how many, how often, what.

  1. I live in Tunbridge Wells.

  2. I smoke twenty cigarettes a day.

  3. I have toast and coffee for breakfast.

  4. I read detective stories.

  5. I go to York for my holidays.

  6. I spend $2 a week on fares.

  7. I drive a Mini.

  8. I wear rubber boots.

  9. I employ twenty men.

  10. I pay by cheque.

  11. I like comedies best.

  12. I clean my flat at weekends. (Use his for my, and stress it slightly.)

  13. I keep my bicycle in the hall. (See above.)

  14. I sing folk-songs.

  15. I play the bagpipes.

  16. I phone home every week.

  17. I always sit at the back of the class.

  18. I collect coins.

  19. I write sentimental novels.

33. Переведите на английский язык

  1. Она говорит по-английски очень хорошо.

  2. Мой друг сотрудничает с английскими фирмами.

  3. Он курит очень много.

  4. Она хорошо ведет дом.

  5. У Петра (Петр имеет) двоих детей.

  6. Мой шеф ездит за границу редко.

  7. Она рекламирует товары нашей фирмы.

  8. Я хорошо говорю по-французски.

  9. Н. обычно заходит к своей коллеге, когда бывает в Петербурге.

  10. Я езжу в центр города на метро.

  11. Он всегда покупает продукты в этом магазине.

  12. М.ездит к морю каждый год.

  13. Летом я всегда хожу в порт встречать корабли.

  14. Он не понимает, что вы имеете в виду.

  15. Они иногда приходят с большим опозданием на репетиции.

  16. Илья изучает два иностранных языка.

  17. Мой сын играет на гитаре. 4.

  18. Н. никогда не пропускает занятий по музыке.

  19. Как часто ты ходишь в кино?

  20. Олимпийские игры проходят каждые четыре года.

  21. Какие книги ты любишь читать?

  22. Как ты произносишь это слово?

  23. Мой друг играет в футбол почти каждый день.

  24. Моя сестра работает по вечерам в библиотеке.

  25. Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером.

  26. Мой друг живет на севере.

  27. Моя сестра учится в медицинском колледже.

  28. У них два занятия иностранным языком в неделю.

  29. Он всегда навещает нас, когда бывает в Москве.

  30. «Сколько времени вы тратите на дорогу домой?» — «Как правило, я трачу на дорогу домой тридцать минут».

  31. Он теперь редко путешествует.

  32. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда приходит вовремя.

  33. «Вы чувствуете что-нибудь?» - «Нет, я ничего не чувствую».

  34. Его отец инженер. Он строит мосты.

  35. Я не учу французский язык, я учу немецкий.

  36. Теперь мы редко с ним встречаемся.

  37. Ее муж часто ездит в командировки.

  38. Каждый вечер он выходит на прогулку в парк.

  39. Я люблю читать английские журналы, а мой брат любит решать кроссворды.

  40. Растения хорошо растут в теплом климате.

  41. Никто не знает, где он живет.

  42. Этот профессор говорит на пяти языках.

  43. У него есть что-нибудь поесть?

  44. В Лондоне часто идет дождь.

  45. М-р Колби владеет этой фирмой.

  46. Когда у вас обычно каникулы?

  47. Во время лекции у нас нет перерыва.

  48. Ваш сын всегда обедает в институте, не так ли?

  49. Зимой в России идет снег.

34. Запомнить: How do you know? (Wrong: Why do you know?)

What do you call this? (Wrong: How do you call this?)

35. What you do in the summer to earn some money.

Sweep streets mend roads teach swimming act as a guide sell ice-cream serve in a shop dig drains wash windows pick fruit build houses put up tents paint railings collect rubbish work in a factory deliver mail repair TVs make cakes polish cars

36. What you do to help your parents about the house.

  1. Hoover carpets and dust furniture.

  2. Make beds and clean rooms.

  3. Answer the door and answer the phone

  4. Do the flowers and polish the silver

  5. Buy fruit at the market and carry it home

  6. Take the children to school hurry home afterwards

  7. Collect the children from school and supervise their homework

  8. Talk to the children and teach them French

  9. Go to the beach with the children and play in the sand

  10. Put the children to bed and tidy up after them

  11. Give the baby his bath and wash his clothes

  12. Walk the dogs and brush them.

37. My brother...

Sings in a choir, but hardly ever sings solo. Talks... listens / drinks at parties... dances / spends money... saves it / phones...writes Listens to the radio.. .watches TV / mows the lawn.. .weeds the garden / Paints the pictures... takes photographs / takes taxis... waits for a bus / cycles...walks Drives... lets me drive / eats out... cooks for himself / stays at home for his holiday... Goes abroad / takes people to restaurants.. .invites them to his house.


Neville and Rachel are happily married, and they get on well together, but they are very different kinds of people. Rachel is a cheerful, outgoing woman who enjoys talking to people; Neville is very reserved, though he likes the company of his friends.

Rachel is interested in sport — especially tennis and swimming - while Neville is more of an indoor type who prefers reading and listening to music. Neville likes cooking, and makes delicious meals for the family; Rachel can t stand housework.

However, in spite of their differences, they do have one thing in common: they are both gifted and enthusiastic photographers, and they have organized several successful exhibitions of their work.

Describe how you usually spend your day. What is enjoyable about your daily routine? What is unpleasant?
39. Do you know the opposites of all these words?
Agree always awake beginning buy cheap dark dead dirty early easy empty fast female find first generous happy heavy high honest hot indoors intelligent interesting into laugh left long love most new nice north-east optimistic outside pull question quiet remember rough safe shallow sharp shy soft stop strong take off tall thin top true up upstairs warm wet win wrong young

40. What your mother does every day
Does housework / lives economically / shops around / looks after the children / mends their clothes / takes them to school / helps them with their homework / reads to them / answers their questions / watch them play football / go swimming with them / give children s parties / meets her husband at the station / listens to her husband s office stories / entertains her husband s colleagues / irons shirts / knits pullovers / weeds the garden/ cuts the grass.
41. Think about learning English in class and outside class. How often do you do these things?

  1. Speak in English

  2. Read something in English

  3. See a film or TV programme in English

  4. Write something in English

  5. Use an English dictionary.

42. Answer the questionnaire. If none of the answers is correct, give your own answer.

  1. When you work or study at home, do you do it: A. in a lounge? B. in a study? C. in you bedroom?

  2. When you study at home, do you: A. sit at a desk? B. sit in an armchair? C. sit or lie on the floor?

  3. Do you like to study: A. alone and in complete silence? B. alone but with background music? C. with others you can talk to?

  4. Do you mostly write: A. with a pencil? B. with a ballpoint pen? C. on a word processor?

  5. Do you prefer to study: A. early in the morning? B. in the afternoon? C. late at night?

  1. Do you study: A. with a fixed routine? B. when you feel like it? C. only when you have to?

  2. When you study, do you work: A. for 20-30 minutes and then have a break? B. for about an hour and then have a break? C. for long periods without interruptions?

  3. When you study, do you: A. smoke a lot? B. Drink a lot? C. eat a lot?

  4. When you study, is your place of work: A. neat and tidy? B. a bit untidy, but you know where everything is? C. a mess?

  5. When you concentrate, do you: A. bite your nails or the end of your pencil? B. scratch your head? C. tap your foot on the floor?

43. How do you work? How does your partner work? Discuss your answer.

I'm a bit / very / quite disorganized / inefficient / untidy / lazy


I'm quite / very / organized / efficient / tidy / hardworking

44. Jeffrey Archer
I don’t want anything on my desk which is unnecessary. The pencils are in their place to my right, the sharpener is next to them and the script is in the centre. Simplicity is the secret for me, so all I’ve got on my desk apart from the phone, the clock, and of course a family photo, is my work.

I like felt-tip pens. At the moment, I’m writing the first draft of a new book. As always, I put out seven pens a week to the right of my script, and I use one a day and throw it away at the end of the day. These are silly things, but they are all part of making it easy. I even have an electric pencil sharpener so that I can’t complain that I had to waste time sharpening a pencil.

Before I go to bed at night, I check that the table is perfect for the following morning, so when I walk in the door at 7.00, everything is there. There is no excuse for me not to work apart from my own laziness.

Sally Beauman
I like to go into my office and shut the door with coffee and cigarettes and start by about 9.00. I always start in the same way – by rereading yesterday’s work. On the left-hand side of the desk I keep the pages of that day’s work, and on a notepad, I make lots of notes and doodles and drawings with arrows and stars everywhere.

I work on an old Adler typewriter. I used it when I was a Journalist. I’m not very good at looking after it and it does get dusty, but I’m very fond of it. I’m learning to use a word processor, but I don’t like it as much.

I like to work in a mess, so there is a lot of stuff on the desk; correspondence, ashtray, coffee mugs, etc. A clean desk gives me no protection against the blank sheet of paper I have to write on.

1) Написать рассказ о своем рабочем месте дома.
2)Describe how you usually spend your day.

GRAMMAR: Указание на смену темы разговора.
Иногда в ходе разговора возникает необходимость изменить его тему. Для этой цели употребляются особые слова (адъюнкты): actually, anyhow, anyway, by the way, look, now, now then, so, then, well, well now, you know.

Перечисленные слова встречаются в начале предложения. Однако некоторые из них могут быть помещены в другие позиции, например, если вы хотите сделать паузу или привлечь внимание слушающего к тому, что вы вводите новую тему разговора. Слова actually, anyhow, anyway, by the way, you know могут употребляться в конце предложения.
Actually, Dan, before I forget, …

Well now, we’ve got a very big task ahead of us.

What do you sell there anyway?

That’s all right then.

Are you fond of her, then? (Then всегда стоит в конце предложения)

GRAMMAR: The Present Continuous (настоящее длительное время)
Настоящее длительное время употребляется, когда:

1. действие происходит в настоящий момент, в момент разговора;

  1. It is raining.

I am not wearing a coat as it isn’t cold.

Why are you sitting at my desk?

2. описываемая ситуация – временная (действие может быть в настоящий момент, но не в момент разговора)

  1. I am reading a play by Show.

He is teaching French and learning Greek.

She’s spending the summer in Europe.
3. ситуация отражает происходящие перемены, тенденции развития;

  1. The village is changing.

His hand writing is improving.

World energy demand is increasing.
4. действие организовано и произойдет в ближайшем будущем (время действия, как правило, указывается)

  1. I’m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre.

Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? – Yes, I’m playing tennis with Ann.

5. речь эмоционально окрашена (всегда с always в утвердительных предложениях)

  1. He is always losing his keys.

I am always making that mistake.
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