Английский язык

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Healthy life-style

Nowadays healthy life-style is gaining more and more popularity. Lately people have finally realized that whatever a person would do and whatever post he would hold, health is the most valuable wealth in our life. (*The greatest wealth is Health). People became more health-conscious. Now everyone understands that healthy nutrition is not a mere name. Even developing countries began to take GMO, colorings and unnatural additives with caution. Now buying only organic and healthy food, eating more fruits and vegetables, as well as going in for sports and keeping fit are in. Sport is as important as the quality of food. Many people are still lazy and do not want to take up any sports, because they think that sport is only weights and bulky exercise equipments. In fact, sport is an active approach to life and desire to improve a body. We are not talking only about the gyms and professional sports centers. The alternative of any exercises can be dancing, walking and jogging in the open air. Healthy lifestyle is not only a sound body but also a sound mind. Faith, optimistic approach to life, ability to keep even temper and calm - these things are also equally important.

2. Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be”и “ to have” в правильной форме.

1.We…students. 2. He… a daughter. 3.You… pupils. 4.They… students.
3. Дополните предложения пропущенными местоимениями.

1. They're going to live with …parents. 2. Are you going live with … parents?

4.Напишите следующие количественные числительные прописью

15 25; 28; 97;

5. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола.
1.I … (maynot/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring. 2.We’ve got a dishwasher, so you … (couldn’t/needn’t) wash-up. 3.You look very pale, I  think you … (need/should) stay at home.

4.… (Could/Might) you, please, pass me the mustard?
6.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1.She _____  (buy)  some really nice rollerblades! 2.Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my money! 3.My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table. 4.Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!

7.Раскройте скобки, поставив предложенное прилагательное в нужной степени.

1.Jill’s a far________ (intelligent) person than my brother. 2.Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family. 3.Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before. 4.This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.

8.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

Пример: Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

1. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 2. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 3. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 4. A boy showed her the way. 
9.Вопросы в косвенной речи. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений и видовременных форм глаголов.


1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. She asked __________. 2. "How are you?" Martin asked us. Martin asked us __________. 3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?" He asked __________. 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. The mother asked her daughter __________.

Вариант 6
1.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его общее содержание. Переведите на русский язык.

The lifestyle is a psychological concept in the study of the individual human personality, designed by Alfred Adler, Austrian physician and psychologist that has given rise to a branch of psychology called «Individual Psychology». The way of life can be defined as a way to play themselves in the reality in which human personality is naturally included, that is, life is considered as a set of biotic and a biotic factors. It is an individual concept, which varies from person to person.  Therefore, attention is given to many social factors, such as the complex of inferiority / superiority, the meaning of social discrepancies linked with a sense of dignity. The social issues are of priority importance in the concept of lifestyle as the main problems of the human being, including that of satisfaction of individual needs, are reflected in problems relating to others, without which man cannot be considered as a whole. From the practical point of view, there are different schools of thought to define a healthy lifestyle. Many people are convinced that follow the correct way of life. But people have different point of view often do not coincide, since each has its own requirements. However, based on some scientific data can arrive at a fairly accurate definition of «healthy lifestyle». It is in life expectancy.

2. Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be”и “ to have” в правильной форме.

1. She… a student too. 2.We …a good flat. 3. He…a new book. 4. They …the best friends.
3.Дополните предложения пропущенными притяжательными местоимениями.

1. I left … car in the garage. 2 . Mary hung … coat on the peg.  3 . Jack hadhair cut.  4 . Neil and David atesupper. 

4. Напишите следующие количественные числительные прописью

14; 30; 74; 100.

5. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола.

1.Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year. 2.Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber. 3.What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station? 5.Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.

6.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1.I’m tired. I  _____ (watch) three X-Files videos. 2.Hurry up! They  _____ (start) the film! 3.Mary  _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams. 4. Oh no! She  _____  (drop) the plate!

7. Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.

1.This jacket is small for me. Show me a ________ one. 2.What is the __________ thing in life? 3.A crocodile is _________ than a water snake. 4.Helen is the ________  girl in our class.

8.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

Пример: Mother waters the flowers in the evening. The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

1. They will send us a box of fruit. 2. Five or six small children followed them. 3. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 4. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 

9. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений и видовременных форм глаголов.

1. They said, "We were in London last week." They said __________. 2. He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow." He said __________. 3. He said, "They won't sleep." He said __________. 4. She said, "It is very quiet here." She said __________.

Вариант 7

1.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его общее содержание. Переведите на русский язык.

Everybody says your youth is probably the best time of your life, that being young means romance, love, new discoveries and so on. But it is also the most difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions which will influence all your future life.
Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teenagers who have to find their own place in society, it's very difficult. It is necessary not only to adapt to your society, but also to be confident about your position in five, ten or twenty years time. For your future it is essential to have a good job. And to get a really good job you have to be well-educated. Every girl or boy leaving secondary school should choose an institution of higher education or, if he or she doesn't want to study any more, choose a job straight way. In planning your future you have to think about the possibility of finding a job after finishing your education. But even if you are studying, you need some money of your own. Your parents probably will provide you with home, food and necessary clothes, but you will have your own tastes, and your parents won't pay for them. To pay for extra clothes, tapes, books, things necessary for your hobbies, you have to work, and in our country it is very difficult for a teenager to find a job without any qualification. You're lucky if you can do something that others can't; for example, if you're good at Maths or English, you can give lessons. Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than financial ones. The typical teenager problem is that «nobody understands me». The parents often continue to treat their teenage children as if they were infant, when they probably consider themselves to be grown up. Youth is also the time to meet your first love. It is, of course, wonderful, but, as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end, this also encreases young people's problems. Even friends cannot always stay friends. When young people begin to understand themselves a little bit better, old friends sometimes just grow apart.
So, as you see, it is very difficult to be young nowadays, as, indeed, it always was. But you only can be young once, and some wonderful things can happen only when you're young. So, it is better to enjoy youth while it lasts. 

1.Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be”и “ to have” в правильной форме.

1.How old…you? 2. I…a miner. 3. We …a fine flat. 4.She …in the kitchen.
3.Дополните предложения пропущенными притяжательными местоимениями.

1. I hope you enjoy … holiday.  2 . We’ll invite you round to … house sometime and complete these by addig a possessive with own.  3 . You must make up … own mind. 4 . The children had to cook … own supper. 

4.Напишите следующие количественные числительные прописью

5; 21; 52; 83;

5. Выберите в скобках правильный вариант модального глагола.
1.The fridge is full, so we … (must not/needn’t) go shopping. 2.Our employees … (can/must) sign this agreement. 3.We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there. 4.I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.
6.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1.The garden is very green. It  _____ (rain) a lot this month. 2.These are my favourite trousers. I  _____ (have) them for five years. 3.Tom's my best friend. I  _____ (know) him for three years. 4.They _____  (live) in Miami for two years.

7. Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.

1.A train is ___________ than a bus. 2.This text is the ___________ of all. 3.I was ill last week but today I am________ 4.Park Street is _______ than Market Street.

8.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

Пример: Mother waters the flowers in the evening. The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

1. The waves carried the boat away. 2. We shall do the translation in the evening. 3. They water the flowers regularly. 4.  You promised me these books long ago.
9. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений и видовременных форм глаголов.

1. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." He said __________. 2. You said, "I will do this for him." You said __________. 3. She said, "I am not hungry now." She said __________.

4. They said, "We have never been here before." They said ________

Вариант 8
1.Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его общее содержание. Переведите на русский язык.

Problems of Youth

Life used to be fun for 'teenagers'. They used to have money to spend, and free time to spend it in. They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. There's not so much money around. Things are more expensive, and it's hard to find a place to live.

Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics, and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try to spend less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

For some, the answer to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in one of Britain's big cities. Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs. Some find work, and stay. Others don't find it, and go home again, or join the many unemployed in London. There used to be one kind of teenage fashion, one style, one top pop group. Then, the girls all wore mini-skirts and everyone danced to the music of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

But now an eighteen-year-old might be a punk, with green hair and chains round his legs, or a skin head, with short, short hair and right wing politics, or a 'rasta', with long uncombed hair and a love for Africa. There's a lot of different music around too. There's reggae, the West Indian sound, there's rock, there's heavy metal, country and western, and disco. All these kinds of music are played by different groups and listened to by different fans.

When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, it's easy to get the idea that British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble.

But that's not true. Three quarters of them do more or less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kind of work in the end, and get married in their early twenties. They get on well with their parents, and enjoy family life. They eat fish and chips, watch football on TV, go to the pub, and like reading about pop stars. After all, if they didn't, they wouldn't be British, would they?

2. Заполните пропуски глаголами” to be”и “ to have” в правильной форме.

1.My sister …no children. 2. She …at school tomorrow. 3. Do you …a cousin? 4. Mr. Brown…a daughter.

3. Дополните предложения пропущенными притяжательными местоимениями.

1. Bill borrowed Jenny’s car … own can was being repaired. 2 . I’ll bring … own sheets and towels.  3 . Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in. 4 . You should do … own washing up. 
1   2   3   4


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