Контрольная работа №1 Задание к контрольной работе Составьте свое резюме согласно образцам

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1.Задание к контрольной работе 1.

Составьте свое резюме согласно образцам

  1. Выпишите из текста 10 неправильных глаголов и образуйте причастие настоящего и прошедшего времени. Переведите их на русский язык.

    1. To be – быть, being - been

  1. To flow – течь, flowing - flown

  2. To build – строить, building - built

  3. To grow – расти, growing - grown

  4. To take – брать, taking - taken

  5. To see – видеть, seeing - seen

  6. To have- иметь, having - had

  7. To run- бежать, running - run

  8. To keep-держать, keeping-kept

  9. To hold – держать, hоlding - held


  1. Поставьте глагол сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Perfect Continuous, произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения.

Образец: He has been translating the text since 5 o clock.

He had been translating the text for 2 hours when we returned home.

When we returned home at 5 o clock, he will have been translating the text for 2 hours.
They have been travelling by motorbuses since early morning.

They had been travelling by motorbuses for some time when their colleagues started to work.

When their wives made supper at 8 p.m. they have been travelling for an hour.

  1. Поставьте глагол сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Continuous и Perfect, произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения.

Образец: The text is being translated by the student now.

The text was being translated by the student when the bell rang.

The text has already been translated by the student.

The text had been translated by last Friday.

The text will already have been translated by the student by next Friday.
This part of the city was getting deserted when the cab appeared.

This part of London has been deserted yet.

This part of London had been deserted by 6 o’clock.

This part of London will have been deserted by next Saturday.

  1. Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

One of the largest cities – один из самых больших городов,

which flows into the North Sea – которая впадает в Северное море,

London’s business centre – деловой центр Лондона,

runs across London Bridge – лежит через Лондонский Мост,

one of the most interesting monuments – один из самых интересных достопримечательностей,

the great English architect – великий английский архитектор,

after the Great Fire of 1666 – после Великого Лондонского пожара в 1666 году,

it took him 35 years – на это ушло у него 35 лет,

a great number of monuments – большое количество памятников,

luxurious mansions – роскошные особняки,

elegant shops and restaurants – бутики и рестораны,

one of the busiest thoroughfares – один из самых оживленных магистралей,

magnificent parks and mansions,

famous red double-deckers – знаменитые красные даблдекеры,

green one-storeyed buses – зеленые одноэтажные автобусы,

the traffic keeps to the left – движение левостороннее.

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже:

1. London is a big port and the capital of Great Britain.

2. London is situated on the river Thames which flows into the North Sea.

3. The Tower fortress which was built nine centuries ago now serves as a museum .

4. The City, the ancient centre of London, now is its business centre .

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most interesting monuments in the City.

6. There are many monuments to generals and admirals inside the Cathedral.

7. The West End is a residential district with lovely parks, luxurious mansions, elegant shops, theatres, museums and hotels.

8. Industrial and dock workers live in the East End .

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is a big port and a major industrial, commercial and cultural centre.
2. What is its geographical situation?

London stands on the river Thames which flows into the North Sea.
3. Which is the oldest district of London? What can you say about its appearance?

London grew out of the ancient centre known as the City.It is a big port and a major industrial, commercial and cultural centre.

  1. Are there any contrasts in the appearance of the capital?

London is very different, it has many faces. While the West End is a residential district of the wealthy, the East End is the place where chiefly industrial and dock workers live there. In the East End there are no magnificent parks and mansions and far from all the men here have a steady job.

  1. What kind of buses is London famous for?

The London is famous for red double-deckers that have two decks for passengers.

7. Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы №2 на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо-русским словарем.

London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is a big port and a major industrial, commercial and cultural centre. London stands on the river Thames which flows into the North Sea. For centuries entry to London from the sea was guarded by the Tower fortress. The Tower was built 9 centuries ago. It once served as a royal residence and later as a prison. Now it is a museum. London grew out of the ancient centre known as the City. The City is London’s business centre. Banks, offices, and trusts are centred there. Employees and businessmen steam toward the City in the morning. They travel by motorbuses, on bicycles or by the underground. The road to the City runs across London Bridge. By 6 o’clock in the evening this part of the city is almost deserted. The streets in the City are narrow and the traffic is very slow. One of the most interesting monuments in the City is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is the finest Renaissance church in Europe. All other English churches are mostly medieval Gothic. The Cathedral was designed by the great English architect Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of 1666. It took him 35 years, and when he was an old man of 90, he was carried here once a year so that he could see his beautiful work. Inside there is a great number of monuments to generals and admirals. Admiral Nelson and Duke of Wellington are buried there among other great Englishmen.

The West End is the most pleasant residential area of London. There are lovely parks in the West End, among them one of the most popular is Hyde Park with its Speakers’ Corner where speakers from various political parties often hold public meetings. There are also luxurious mansions and elegant shops and restaurants as well as theatres, museums and hotels. Oxford street is one of the busiest thoroughfares in the West End.

While the West End is a residential district of the wealthy, the East End is the place where chiefly industrial and dock workers live there. In the East End there are no magnificent parks and mansions and far from all the men here have a steady job.

London is very different, it has many faces. There is a lot of traffic in the streets of London: endless lines of buses, motor cars and taxis. Most of London buses are the famous red double-deckers that have two decks for passengers. Bright-red, they look very nice in the grey streets of London. There are also green one-storeyed buses, they run from London to the countryside. In London as everywhere in Great Britain, the traffic keeps to the left.


Столица Великобритании Лондон является одним из самых больших городов в мире. Это и порт и главный промышленный, экономический и культурный центр. Лондон расположен на берегу реки Темза, которая впадает в Северное море. На протяжении веков вход в Лондон со стороны моря защищала крепостью Тауэр. Ее построили 9 веков назад. Сначала она была королевской резиденцией, а потом служила тюрьмой. Сейчас это музей. Лондон произошел от древнего центра, известного как Сити. Это деловой центр Лондона. Здесь сосредоточены банки, офисы и предприятия. Утром рабочие и бизнесмены направляются в Сити. Они добираются туда на автобусе, велосипеде или метро. Дорога в Сити лежит через Лондонский Мост. К 6 часам вечера эта часть города практически пустынна. Улицы Сити узкие и движение замедленно. Одна из самых интересных достопримечательностей в Сити – храм Святого Павла. Это лучшая церковь эпохи Возрождения в Европе. Другие английский церкви, в основном, средневековые готические. Храм спроектировал великий английский архитектор сэр Кристофер Рен после Великого Лондонского пожара в 1666 году. На это у него ушло 35 лет, и будучи 90-летним стариком, его привели сюда, дабы он смог увидеть свою прекрасную работу. Внутри храма стоит большое количество памятников генералам и адмиралам. Среди многих других великих английских деятелей здесь были похоронены адмирал Нельсон, князь Веллингтон.

Уэст-Энд – это наиболее благоприятный населенный район Лондона. Здесь много чудесных парков, самый популярный среди них - Гайд Парк, где спикеры разных политических партий проводят народные собрания. Также помимо многих роскошных особняков, бутиков и ресторанов, здесь большое количество театров, музеев и отелей. Оксфорд стрит – одна из самых оживленных магистралей в Уэст-Энд. В то время как Уэст-Энд – это населенный район для богатых, Ист-энд – место, где живут рабочие предприятий и портов. В Ист-Энд нет великолепных парков и особняков, и далеко не у всех есть стабильная работа.

Лондон – очень разный, и у него несколько лиц. Его улицы очень оживлены бесконечными потоками автобусов, машин и такси. Большинство автобусов в Лондоне – это знаменитые даблдекеры с двумя пассажирскими этажами. Ярко-красные автобусы выделяются на фоне серого Лондона. Также от Лондона до сельских районов здесь ездят зеленые одноэтажные автобусы. В Лондоне, как и во всей Великобритании, движение левостороннее.
Составление резюме. – Resume (Curricular Vitae)

                Резюме играет огромную роль. Хорошо составленное резюме должно давать полное представление о вашем трудовом опыте, образовании и других деловых качествах, чтобы потенциальный работодатель мог судить о вашей квалификации. От четкости и информативности резюме во многом зависят ваши шансы быть принятым на работу.

                Резюме составляется по следующему образцу:

1. Имя, фамилия, адрес и телефон.

2. Должность, которую вы хотите получить.

3. Трудовой опыт (начните с последней работы и перечисляйте в обратном порядке).

4. Образование.

5. Личные данные.

6. Рекомендации.

                В ряде случаев полезно привести краткое описание опыта и достижений.

                Даты начала и окончания работы в том или ином учреждении, годы учебы в институтах или университетах могут быть указаны либо слева перед соответствующим названием. Либо после него.


1. John Smith

1234 Sacramento Street,

California, CA-94118

Tel. (876) 543-2100

OBJECTIVE                        To attain a position as senior architect with a multi-national architectural

Design firm.

SUMMARY                         24 years experience in architecture

1996 Third Place, Western Plaza Redesign Competition

Familiar with the use of industrial engineering techniques


1998 - Present                           Davidson Associates Baltimore, MD

Condominium project, Cambridge, Massachusetts; designed

addition for Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, MD;

various office and hotel projects.


1992-1998                          Jack Maudlin Inc. Washington, DC


Projects include residential work, office tenant renovations,

embassy projects, and presentation services.

1992                      Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

M.A., Architecture

Emphasis: Urban Planning

1989 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

B.A., Architecture

PERSONAL                         Was born in The United States August 1989.

                                               Permanent US resident.

                                               Married, three children

REFERENCES    Available upon request


                The term "higher education" is not often used in Britain. When it is used it refers to degree courses at universities after 12 years of elementary and secondary schooling.

In order to get higher education school leavers may hand in applications to different universities. The final decision is taken by Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UСAS) which, in accordance with the students’ results of the "A" level exams, offers a place to this or that university. The better results of the exams are the better university or college place can be offered.

After three years of studies at the university a student may get the first degree, it is Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. The first degree is usually an honours degree. The letters BA or BSc are often added after the graduates' names. However, the title of a degree does not necessarily reflect the field in which the student has studied. For example  at some universities the Bachelor of Arts  is  awarded to students in all, or almost in all, disciplines – Science,  Engineering, etc., as well as  Arts subjects.

Those graduates who want to continue their studies at the university may work for a Master's degree or a Doctorate. To get a master's degree a student needs one more year of study. After that he or she gets the degree of Master of Arts, Master of Science or Master of Business Administration. Doctorate is the highest degree in Britain's universities. The letters "Dr" before a person's name indicate that he or she has the title of "Doctor", the highest title at the university - PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).

University teaching combines lectures, practical classes (in scientific subjects) and small group teaching in either seminars (discussion groups) and tutorials or supervisions (run by tutors or supervisors). The teachers at the university may be: a professor (a senior member of the staff or the person in charge of a department), lecturers (teaching and research staff) and research associates (junior academic staff).

The oldest and most famous universities in Britain are Oxford and Cambridge. Other not less famous and respected universities are London, Durham, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and some others.

                At most universities in Britain the academic year is divided into three terms.  Examinations are not necessarily taken annually. At many universities students study one or two main subjects throughout their degree course. Most courses end in a series of exams called finals. At some universities the student’s work may be assessed at regular intervals, and the   results of these assessments are taken into consideration in determining the degree classification. If the student's results are not up to the standard for an honours degree this student may be awarded a pass degree.

University education may be not only full-time but also part-time. Some people want to get a degree but they need only evening or correspondence courses. At some universities there is a department of continuing education which runs four, five or even more year courses for students combining their work and education.

There is no single body or organization responsible for the planning and development of university education in Britain. All the universities and colleges are independent, self-governing institutions, although they receive substantial aid from the state through the University Grants Committee.

British universities are known to have high standards of professors and lecturers. Technical equipment, made on a solid production base, different kinds of visual aids, the internet service, TV and computers are widely used in university teaching. Students have every opportunity for discussing, brainstorming, critical thinking and self-assessment   so necessary for a person with university education.


Exercise 1. Match the words in pairs:

A person  in charge

the title of “Doctor”

run by tutors

throughout the degree course

responsible for planning work

Exercise 2. Find English equivalents.

Не менее известные и популярные университеты - Other not less famous and respected universities,

государственные экзамены - finals,

в соответствии с результатами - in accordance with the results,

на протяжении всего курса на получение степени - throughout their degree course,

младшие научные сотрудники - junior academic staff,

самоуправляемые учреждения-self-governing institutions,

наглядные пособия - visual aids

Exercise 3. Use the correct preposition.

1) an application … a university 2) the academic year is divided into 3 terms 3) in accordance with the results 4) a decision taken by a university 5) a degree awarded to the students 6) to work for a Master’s degree 7) classes in scientific subjects 8) in charge of a department.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences:

1. In order to get higher education school leavers may hand in applications to different universities.

2. A student may get Bachelor of Science degree after three years of studies at the university

3. The letters “Dr” before a person’s name indicate that he or she has the title of "Doctor".

4. In most English universities the academic year is divided into three terms.

5. The results of the student’s work assessments are taken into consideration in determining the degree classification.

6. English universities receive aid from the state through the University Grants Committee.


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