Хватова Н. И. ст преп. Киселева А. В. Леденева Т. В. Пособие по домашнему чтению к роману С. Фрея «Поглощение»

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НазваниеХватова Н. И. ст преп. Киселева А. В. Леденева Т. В. Пособие по домашнему чтению к роману С. Фрея «Поглощение»
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You will hear a stock market specialist who is talking about the NASDAQ (North American Securitie Dearlers Automated Quotations), the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Listen and choose the correct answer to the following questions.
1. What percentage of American shares are traded on the NASDAQ?

a less than 25%

b about 40%

c over 70%

d more than 50%
2. How many companies are listed on the NASDAQ?

a nearly 550

b over 50,000

c about 5,500

d around 1,500
3. How is the NASDAQ different from other stock exchanges?

a sales take place on the trading floor

b transactions are done electronically

c prices are set by supply and demand

d orders are taken by a broker who makes bids for a customer
4. Which of the following is NOT true about the NYSE?

a dealers shout out bids and offers

b orders can be placed via computer

c Market Makers sell and buy stock from their inventories

d specialists handle transactions in a specific stock
5. What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average used for?

a to select the highest yielding stocks on the NYSE

b to determine the stock prices of 30 companies

c to measure different sectors of the economy

d to indicate how the US stock market is performing

1. Get ready to answer the questions in class, make a list of topic vocabulary for each question and use it in your speech:

  1. What danger did Lodestar Investment Management come in for?

  2. Describe Peter Lane’s thoughts and behaviour when he was asked awkward questions by Victor Farinholt. Give a character sketch of Peter Lane as a professional.

  3. Describe the ‘deal team’ for the takeover and comment on every person’s behaviour during the three days of the ‘largest takeover ever’.

  4. Give a detailed description of Scott Bartholemew. How did he differ from the others? What did Falcon like about him?

  5. Comment on the Penn-Mar share price fluctuation during that period.

  6. Explain the complications to the takeover caused by the ‘white knight’ emergence.

  7. Comment on Falcon’s phone conversation with K. Bhutto. Did he really deserve the applause?

  8. Sum up the FOMC discussion on the bidding war for Penn-Mar Chemicals.

  9. What sensitive information did Falcon disclose to Jenny?

  10. What details aroused Falcon’s suspicion about Jenny’s insincerity?

2. Find in the text colloquial style synonyms for the following formal style expressions:

(p.118) to get secret information

(p.119) to be wrong

(p.119) what’s wrong?

(p.119) to do lots of research
3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the word combinations given below and recollect the context in which they were used:

  1. (p.119) основание для

  2. (p.120) с головой погрузиться во ч-л

  3. (p.121) занять позицию

  4. (p.126) легкомыслие

  5. (p.127) безмятежный

  6. (p.129) отменить

  7. (p.129) усердие

  8. (p.130) возвращать потерянное

  9. (p.132) благоразумие, предусмотрительность

  10. (p.133) противостоять

  11. (p.133) односторонний

  12. (p.133) неправильный

  13. (p.133) безупречный

  14. (p.134) быть уведомленным о чем-либо за короткий срок до начала

4. Fill the gaps with topic vocabulary

1. Bartholomew added a good deal of _______ to some otherwise boring hours. 2. Investors were hoping to ____________ some of their losses. 3. They had _________ ed a fortune worth about $5 billion in today’s money. 4. Andrew shot a quick glance at Chambers. To his surprise the older man re­mained calm, almost ___________. 5. He owes his success rather to his __________than to his talent. 6. You have all seen that I don't have a problem _____ing ____ _____ tyrants. 7. But I will promise you that if I get even a whiff of anything _______at NASO, my people will be in there like storm troopers. 8. The country’s leaders are calling for ______________ and moderation. 9. Smith was __________ reproach now.
5. Translate into English:

1. Он старался скрыть внутреннее смятение под напускным хладнокровием. 2. У него не было никаких реальных оснований для того, чтобы вкладывать президентский капитал в Пенн-Мар. 3. Мы не можем допустить, чтобы столь крупный банк, как NASO, инвестировал такой большой капитал и набрал такое количество займов. Все мы знаем, какую огромную роль он играет на фондовом рынке. 4. Уоллес Борман, председатель правления NASO, является одним из самых уважаемых людей в Нью-Йорке. Я не знаком с ним лично, но в финансовом мире он имеет репутацию человека весьма благоразумного. Я знаю, что он никогда не поставит свой банк под удар. Мои помощники заверили меня, что он надежно контролирует ситуацию. 5. Заверяю вас, что г. Борман не является тираном. Он в высшей степени компетентен. Плюс под его руководством работают очень талантливые люди, и, как мне доложили, он практикует согласованное принятие решений. Он большой сторонник коллективного согласия. Он никогда не принимает односторонних решений. Это не театр одного актера. Кроме того, совет директоров принимает очень активное участие в работе NASO. Он никогда не допустит, чтобы банк пошел на неоправданный риск.
6. Write a formal letter in Victor Farinholt’s name where he explains the reasons for investing the President’s money in Penn-Mar.

1. Complete the sentences with one of these words: down, to(2), by, from, of, at, up

Name of the share

Yesterday’s closing price

Today’s closing price




British Airways

Marks & Spencer



Stanley Leis






















  1. Shares in Boots fell _______ 1049p _______ 1035p.

  2. British Airways shares rose 2p _____ 404p.

  3. Sainsbury’s shares were _________ 11p at 522p.

  4. Shares in Stanley Leis stood _________ 261.5p

  5. Shares in Pearson increased _______ 23p.

  6. Barclays shares were ________ 52p at 1451p.

  7. There was a drop _________ 6p in Marks & Spencer shares.

2. Listen to a radio stock market report and complete the table. Calculate any prices which are not given.

Name of the share

Yesterday’s closing price

Today’s closing price


Avis Europe



British Energy












1. Get ready to answer the questions in class, make a list of topic vocabulary for each question and use it in your speech:

  1. How did Falcon learn about Winthrop’s involvement in the takeover?

  2. How did Penn-Mar eventually submit to the Veens?

  3. What questions did Falcon feel like asking Chambers and why didn’t he do it?

  4. Why was Falcon approached by Cassandra Stone and how did he feel about it?

  5. What kind of place was Sparks Steak House and why did Falcon favour it?

  6. What is your impression of Cassandra Stone? What do you like and resent about her?

  7. Comment on Falcon’s attitude to Cassandra Stone. Does he trust her? What makes you think so?

  8. Describe Henry Landon, the president of Penn-Mar.

  9. Describe Lex Sotos, the Penn-Mar’s CFO.

  10. Comment on the remark: “If Landon was Mr.Inside, then clearly Sotos was Mr.Outside.”

  11. How did Falcon interpret Landon and Sotos’ inner feelings during the meeting?

  12. How did Falcon feel about breaking bad news to Lex Sotos? Do you agree that the man deserved to be fired like that?

2. Revise topic vocabulary from Units 5-7 and get ready for a quiz.
3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the word combinations given below and recollect the context in which they were used:

  1. (p.139) поднять ставку

  2. (p.139) уступить, признать

  3. (p.139) подтверждать, поддерживать

  4. (p.141) сдерживать к-л

  5. (p.141) покорный, безропотный

  6. (p.142) отдернуть

  7. (p.143) глазеть

  8. (p.144) украшать

  9. (p.145) притягательный

  10. (p.146) различить

  11. (p.147) переиграть

  12. (p.147) упрек

  13. (p.148) поверять, доверять (секреты)

  14. (p.149) острый, как гвоздь

  15. (p.152) божья коровка

  16. (p.152) высокомерный

  17. (p.154) едко, язвительно

  18. (p.155) презрение

4. Fill the gaps with topic vocabulary

1. You would think Bhutto would have waited a couple of days to raise the________. 2. ‘All right’, he ___________ed, ‘I probably made a mistake.’ 3. Everyone ___________ed the treaty as critically important to achieve peace. 4. Lex Sotos’ manner of speech was bitter and ___________. His eyes were filled with _________. 5. We could hardly __________ a small figure moving towards us. 6. Lex Sotos was arrogant to the point of being ___________. 7. One doesn’t have too many people to ______ _____ in and one desperately needs at least one. 8. The autographed pictures of sports celebrities ___________ the walls.

5. Translate into Russian in writing:

1. This tele­phone call did mean two very important things. First, Penn-Mar management was going to embrace or en­dorse Veens's higher bid, which would significantly lower the odds of success of any other competing bid. Second, it meant that DuPont was backing out, and they were the only real competition.

2. "As you both are well aware, National Southern is not only a coequity investor with Veens in the transaction. We are also the agent for the consortium of domestic and international banks that provided twenty-eight billion dollars for the deal. We felt it was important to get out here and meet face-to-face as quickly as possible. So, here we are."

"Yes, here you are." Sotos' tone was sarcastic. "What percentage of the shares did you get in the ten­der?"

"Ninety-eight point six percent." Falcon offered the detail. "We closed out the other one point four percent with a back-end merger yesterday."

"That's an appropriate term." Sotos laughed causti­cally. "Back-end merger." His tone was bitter.
6. Write a character sketch of Cassandra Stone in 120-180 words. Compare her to Jenny and Alexis.

You will hear several short talks. For each talk you will read three questions, followed by four answers ((a-d). Choose the best answer to each one.

  1. Who is this radio commercial aimed at?

  1. business students

  2. travel agents

  3. business executives

  4. professional athletes

  1. What advantages does the Business Travel Club offer?

  1. membership in the local Chamber of Commerce

  2. cheaper air travel

  3. discounts on computer equipment

  4. special rates on accommodation

  1. What facilities are NOT mentioned?

  1. on-line connection

  2. video conferencing

  3. exercise facilities

  4. office-style suites

  1. Where was the survey conducted?

  1. on Wall Street

  2. in the top 500 US firms

  3. in universities

  4. in economic departments

  1. What did the results of the survey find?

  1. that more students were majoring in mathematics

  2. that fewer students were getting degrees in economics

  3. that more business graduates were enrolling in PHD programs

  4. that business students preferred theoretical courses

  1. Which of the following reasons was NOT given for the decline in enrollment?

  1. an increase in university tuition fees

  2. a lack of interest in abstract subjects

  3. an unwillingness to spend the time required to obtain a doctorate

  4. higher salaries earned by business school graduates

  1. Who would NOT be likely to attend this conference?

  1. advertising executives

  2. marketing managers

  3. media planners

  4. financial controllers

  1. What will Wednesday’s featured speaker be presenting?

  1. the convergence of broadcast media and the Internet

  2. on-line advertising

  3. secure payment systems for e-commerce

  4. automated database marketing

  1. What must you do if you want to attend the conference?

  1. send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your check

  2. request an application form

  3. register by email to their web site

  4. call to reserve a place

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8


Хватова Н. И. ст преп. Киселева А. В. Леденева Т. В. Пособие по домашнему чтению к роману С. Фрея «Поглощение» iconУчебное пособие по домашнему чтению для студентов II курса
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П62 Пособие по домашнему чтению к практическому курсу английского языка. – М.: Изд-во владос-пресс, 2001. 160 с. – (Практикум для...

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Хватова Н. И. ст преп. Киселева А. В. Леденева Т. В. Пособие по домашнему чтению к роману С. Фрея «Поглощение» iconУчебно-методическое пособие по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению
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