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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Family Meal Times

The family meal time is one of the most valuable routines to establish in the life of a family. Research has proved that children who eat at least one meal a week with their families benefit greatly in terms of social skills and acceptance of shared responsibilities. They learn simply and directly through their own experience, the importance of family interaction and the value of close friendship, support and loyalty.

In theory and with practice, a shared meal can be the setting for peaceful conversation and allow each family member the opportunity to talk about his/her day, and possibly to discuss any problems or issues. Successful family meal times are primarily about talking and communication. In the modern age of 24 hour TV, computer games and computer social networking sites — the fact is that it is often easier to eat alone rather than together. Furthermore, if parents fail to establish these routines whilst their children are young it is very hard to implement them when the kids become teenagers. But it is not impossible. There are various strategies available for promoting shared family meals.

It is of first importance that every family member should be made to understand the possible benefits; namely that our lives really can be better in general if we make the effort to communicate more effectively. Next step - a weekly meal together can be set as a realistic first goal. The meal should be quite a tasty and popular one as an inducement to keep the kids away from computers and TV sets!

It is important that shared meals should not be the setting for trying to deal with family disputes. There will always be arguments from time to time — even in the happiest and closest families. But these should be kept away from the dinner table if possible. Parents are encouraged to set the tone by example. Light hearted banter, stories about the day and a joke or two can help set the tone. They can also help by being attentive listeners and appropriate responders. Successes should be marked by congratulation and bad news supported with commiseration. Quieter family members should be encouraged by asking what their opinion is on something, rather than about what they did or failed to do. It makes them feel more important and valued. Sometimes a good start can help a simple family meal go on to be a really enjoyable or even memorable experience.

The next stage in building this routine is to introduce more days. In our experience the best place to start is Sunday lunch. The second might be to establish Wednesday nights as family meal time. Of course flexibility and a bit of effort are required to set up helpful routines but the pay back can be immense for a family.

Dinnertime family routines, especially if established early on, have all kinds of other potential benefits. For example children can be encouraged to prepare one course (possibly on an agreed rota): They might even be encouraged to compete to produce maybe an exceptional soup or a truly sensational desert! This can be good fun.

Once established, family meal routines are also great for developing good table manners and “work” habits. Children can learn to set the table, help with clearing up and generally build good patterns of co-operation with their parents, friends and the people they meet with in daily life.

12. We know that children who eat with their parents benefit because

1) they have greater intelligence.

2) of the results of research.

3) they learn through experience.

4) they develop friendship and loyalty.

13. Establishing a routine family meal is

1) impossible because of computer games, TV, etc..

2) possible provided it begins when the children are young.

3) impossible as it is easier to eat alone rather than together.

4) possible with a strategic approach.

14. The most important thing in creating a new routine is to

1) achieve the first goal of one shared meal per week.

2) make sure everyone understands the benefits.

3) tempt everyone with a popular meal.

4) keep the kids away from computers and TV sets.

15. Shared family meals should

1) accept that even happy families sometimes argue.

2) involve telling lots of jokes.

3) be the setting for trying to deal with family disputes.

4) never be used to deal with family disputes.

16. Quiet family members should be encouraged by

1)asking their opinions.

2) inviting them to discuss problems.

3) asking what they have done.

4) congratulating them from time to time.

17. The next stage in building a meal sharing routine is to

1) introduce more days.

2) add Wednesday night to the schedule.

3) introduce cookery competitions.

4) be more flexible and try harder.

18. Once established, family meals also help

1) get the table cleared after a meal.

2) families to stick together.

3) develop good table manners and “work” habits.

4) to make the children more independent.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

A New Train Service

The 76-mile journey between Kettering and London might take the average motorist one hour and 48 minutes if the roads were averagely busy. A fit cyclist should manage the journey in about 6 hours. On foot, jogging along at around 6mph, it might be a 13 hour journey. But in the age of superfast trains and rampant technological progress, how long do you imagine the train journey might take?

Incredibly, the answer is 18 hours! This is not a one-off commuter’s nightmare journey beset by bad weather and broken trains. This is was the advertised service for the May Bank holiday weekend: An 18 hour journey provided there was no bad weather to spoil the timing.

It is all because of engineering works being carried out from Saturday 23 May. East Midlands Trains, which operates services between Kettering and London, is advertising a “service” which will involve the passenger in an epic 18-hour odyssey, requiring them to execute seven changes and endure five bus replacement services as they are taken on a 295-mile mystery tour. Those braving the journey will travel via Derby, Blythe Bridge, Crewe, Stafford and Rugby - virtually a tour of middle England. To cap it all the committed travelers will have the «pleasure» of a six-hour wait overnight in that 8th Wonder of the World — Milton Keynes Bus Station! After this «treat» they can board the final connection, and barring delays arrive in London in time for breakfast after an 18 hour journey.

The price of this trip, considering its extraordinary duration, seems suddenly quite reasonable when calculated at an hourly rate, beginning at J40.50 or a little over J2 per hour. But given that one can fly to Australia in the same amount of time seem to give the journey a poor efficiency rating. The journey is among a number of alternatives currently being advertised on the National Rail Enquiries website and on its telephone service.

The Kettering Rail Users’ Group spokesman said: “Engineering work must be carried out but unfortunately what seems to be happening more is that train providers are more concerned to look after their own arrangements rather than those of their customers.” One rail user, Danny Coles, 34, of Kettering, said: “This is completely crazy: Would they honestly expect people to stay overnight at a bus stop?”

A spokeswoman for East Midlands Trains said that travel on this particular itinerary was not especially recommended by the company but it was an option. She stated that in reality there were a number of alternative routes for travel to London that weekend which could get you to the capital in less than three hours. She added that a new timetable offering the “full range” of options was expected to be uploaded by the end of next week.

In the most recent National Passenger Survey, East Midlands Trains scored a satisfaction rating of 81 per cent. Whilst details of how this survey was conducted are not to hand, it still seems a promising vote of confidence in the train company. Passenger groups also agreed the company was meeting its commitments to its customers by offering other travel arrangements. Mr Ashwin Kumar, Passenger Focus director, said: “Passengers understand that engineering works need to happen to ensure a reliable and safe railway.”

Probably it could only happen in Britain: The mother country of national rail travel and the supporter of “services” that no other country in the world would ever accept.

12. The average car journey from Kettering to London is

1) more than 17 hours.

2) 6 hours.

3) less than two hours.

4) between 12 and 14 hours.

13. The Bank holiday service was 18 hours

1)unless there were engineering works.

2) regardless of engineering work or weather.

3) if the weather was very bad.

4) unless a train broke down.

14. The worst thing about the 18 hour journey was

1) having to change train 7 times.

2) the detour around middle England.

3) visiting Milton Keynes.

4) spending the night in a bus station.

15. The price of the journey was quite reasonable when

1) measured as an hourly rate.

2) compared to flying to Australia.

3) efficiency was taken into account.

4) compared to other journeys.

16. According to rail users the real problem was

1) the Kettering Rail Users' Group.

2) that no one wanted to spend a night in a bus station.

3) that train providers placed their needs above travelers.

4) that engineering works are sometimes necessary.

17. The train company believed there was no real problem because

1) the new time table was not yet uploaded.

2) there were plenty of convenient alternative services.

3) they recommended the new service.

4) the price was so reasonable.

18. In the Passenger Survey, the train company

1) showed that passengers approved of engineering work.

2) proved that other travel arrangements were unnecessary.

3) scored a satisfaction rating of 81%.

4) met its commitments to customers.

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Ключи к заданиям, представленным в работе

Первое задание (10). Понимание основного содержания текста

Тренировочное задание № 1

Тренировочное задание № 2

Тренировочное задание № 3




Тренировочное задание № 4

Тренировочное задание № 5


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Тренировочное задание № 1

Тренировочное задание № 2

Тренировочное задание № 3




Тренировочное задание № 4

Тренировочное задание № 5

7625 34


Второе задание (11). Понимание структурно-смысловых связей текста

Третье задание (12-18). Детальное понимание прочитанного текста








Тренировочное задание № 1








Тренировочное задание № 2








Тренировочное задание № 3








Тренировочное задание № 4








Тренировочное задание № 5









Образец бланка ответов № 1

(версия 2015 года)

Список используемых источников

Нормативные и справочные источники:

  1. Бланк ответа № 1

  2. Вербицкая М.В., К.С. Махмурян, В.Н. Симкин. Методические рекомендации для учителей, подготовленные на основе анализа типичных ошибок участников ЕГЭ 2015 года по иностранным языкам. – М., 2015.

  3. Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов единого государственного экзамена 2016 года по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ (письменная часть), спецификация и кодификатор

  4. Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. - МГЛУ, 2003.

  5. Примерные программы по иностранным языкам // Новые государственные стандарты по иностранному языку 6-11 классы / Образование в документах и комментариях. — М.: ACT. Астрель, 2004.

  6. Программы общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык для 10-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. — М.: Просвещение, 2010.

  7. Федеральный компонент государственных стандартов основного общего и среднего полного) общего образования, базовый и профильный уровень (Приказ Минобразования России № 1089 от 05.03.2004 г.).

Учебные пособия и материалы:

  1. ЕГЭ 2015. Английский язык. Типовые экзаменационные варианты: 10 вариантов. Под ред. Вербицкой М.В. – М.: ФИПИ, 2015.

  2. Открытый банк заданий ЕГЭ.

  3. Соловова Е.Н., John Harsons. Английский язык. ЕГЭ. Практикум. Чтение. – М.: Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2014.

Интернет – ресурсы:

  1. http://fipi.ru/

  2. http://www.ege.edu.ru

  3. http://www.alleng.ru/english/exam.htm

  4. http://anglyaz.ru

  5. http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/tsindex.htm

  6. http://www.delightenglish.ru/EGE.htm

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