Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины

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Robbery attempt worth year in prison

Damon Rand Hillier, 29, of Bartre Court in North Kitsap has gotten a year in prison for the attempted robbery of a cab driver Jan. 13.

Hillier said that he changed his mind about the robbery after the driver swore at him when he grabbed the man. Hillier got out of the cab and into a car driven by his girlfriend who had followed him after he said he was going to «get some money.» She didn't know what he had planned, he told police.

The driver thought Hillier had a stun gun*, but none was found.

The driver followed the car and Hillier was arrested in the parking lot of the Olive Garden restaurant, where the girlfriend pulled over*.

Hillier's past convictions were for drugs and forgery.

Island Lake fire called arson

Derek Allen Dally, 18, of Breckenridge Lane in Silverdale, has been charged with second-degree arson* for allegedly setting a fire that did about $10,000 damage to the community center at Island Lake County Park.

He was one of four young men at the park Dec. 25 or 26, and tossed a burning paper towel into a trash can, then left, the charge* said.

The four returned later and saw heavy smoke, but didn't call for help. One of the others said he threw a rock through a sliding glass door hoping it would set off an alarm* and bring firefighters, the file says.

Japanese man accused* of stealing 440 left shoes

Police in southern Japan arrested a man for stealing shoes at a local hospital, then later stumbled* upon a collection in his home of 440 women's shoes — all for the left foot, an official said Sunday.

The private hospital in Usu city began receiving complaints two years ago from patients and employees that shoes removed* at the entrance hall were going missing*. In Japan, it is customary to take off one's shoes before entering homes and some public facilities.

The missing footwear* was always the left foot of women's shoes, a local police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

Police arrested Ichiro Irie, 45, Saturday on suspicion of stealing two shoes at the hospital. .

In a subsequent search* of his home, police found a box overflowing* with the left sides of 440 pairs of women's shoes, including high heels, patent leather pumps*, sandals and nurses' shoes.

When questioned, Irie told police he had «a penchant* for women's feet,» the major daily Yomiuri newspaper said. It wasn't clear why he seemed to prefer the left foot.

Irie was charged with theft. It wasn't immediately known what punishment he faces*.

Given* the number of shoes he allegedly* swiped*, police are investigating whether Irie may have been stealing from other locations. Usu lies about 505 miles south of Tokyo.


stun gun — оглушающее устройство (электрошокер)

to pull over - остановить машину, остановиться

second-degree arson — поджог второй степени

charge - обвинение

to set off an alarm — включить сигнализацию

to accuse (of s/th) — обвинять (в чем-л.)

to accuse smb. of telling lies — обвинить / упрекать кого-л. во лжи

to stumble (upon s/th) - натыкаться (на что-л.), споты­каться (обо что-л.) to stumble over a stone - споткнуться о камень

to remove shoes — снимать обувь

to go missing — пропадать

footwear — обувь

search — обыск

to overflow (with s/th) - быть переполненным

I was overflowed with joy. - Я был переполнен радостью.

patent leather pumps - туфли-лодочки из лакированной кожи

penchant (for s/th) - склонность, расположение, любовь (к чему-л.)

penchant for green — склонность к зеленому цвету penchant for Greek music — любовь к греческой музыке

to face — зд. ожидать

given — принимая во внимание

allegedly - по утверждению, как утверждают

to swipe — красть
Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

  • передумать, изменить своё решение

  • поджечь (что-л.)

  • причинить ущерб (чему-то)

  • густой дым

  • звать на помощь

  • по подозрению в чем-л.

Be prepared to answer your teacher's questions.


Adultery: the Intimate Fraud

Adultery is in the news again due to the murder-by-Mercedes trial of. Clara Harris, who allegedly ran over her adulterous husband three times after discovering him with another woman.

What is adultery? How many of us «cheat,» why is it wrong, and what should be done about it?

WorldNetDaily's* staunchly Christian* Joseph Farah writes of Harris: «Free her and let her be an example to every cheating husband and wife in America. There is a price to pay. Sometimes it's the ultimate price.»

For most people, the death penalty for adultery sounds too much like Arabic laws that call for stoning* sinful women.

If only because of its impact on families, the issue of adultery is too important to obscure with gut reactions*.

What is wrong about adultery?

Typically, marriage is based on an explicit under­standing* of monogamy: This means that the deceived spouse is lied to and betrayed. Such an affair is not merely immoral, it is an act of fraud and a breach of contract. The defrauded spouse acts in the belief that the marriage contract is being honored. He or she makes life-defining decisions and incurs obligations based on the contract: having children, buying a home, taking a particular job, sharing income, making mutual investments. The adulterous spouse reaps the benefits of the marriage contract while violating its terms.

What should be done about adultery?

Legally speaking, it should not merely be grounds for divorce, as it often is now, but also a determining factor in the divorce settlement*. Anyone who breaches a contract should pay a penalty.

If you do commit adultery, then have the courage to be honest about it. Take responsibility and don't hide behind excuses like «it just happened.» Ending up* in a motel room with someone isn't an act cloaked in mystery*. Nor does lying about adultery «just happen.»* These are conscious choices that result from a string of other decisions leading up to the affair, such as flirting, exchanging phone calls and having clandestine meetings. If you don't want sex to «just happen,» then don't lay the necessary groundwork.

If a friend is having an affair, try to reason him or her into either breaking it off or coming clean at home. At the very least, express disapproval. If you find out that a friend of yours is the betrayed party, then tell him or her about the affair, but only after giving the cheating spouse a fair chance to do so first. Don't give your moral sanction and co-operation to an act of fraud by keeping quiet. You wouldn't silently watch as a friend stole money or was stolen from. Don't tolerate the equally vicious dishonesty of adultery.

One of the reasons our society winks at adultery is because we romanticize it as forbidden fruit. Novels such as The Bridges of Madison County throw an idealistic glow* around infidelity. But there is nothing romantic about lying, sneaking and betraying trust. There is nothing ideal about destroying families with children.

We should stop winking and look adultery straight in the eye. In doing so, it will be revealed as an ugly phenomenon that good marriages need not fear. Marriages are not determined by statistics or the surveys found in women's glossy magazines, all of which seem to be entitled «How to Know If He's Wandering*.» Shut the magazine. You and your spouse are in control, not Cosmopolitan.


WorldNetDaily - название периодического издания, раз­мещенного в Интернете

staunchly Christian — непоколебимый христианин

stoning — побивание камнями (вид казни на Востоке)

gut reaction — инстинктивная реакция

explicit understanding — недвусмысленное понимание explicit assurances - недвусмысленные заверения explicit consent — ясно выраженное согласие an explicit statement of the problem — ясное изложе­ние проблемы

divorce settlement — судебное решение дела о разводе

to end up — оказаться в какой-то ситуации в результате каких-то действий. // you don't change your ways you'll end up in prison. — Если ты не изменишь своё поведение, то кончишь тюрьмой.

cloaked in mystery — перифраз известного высказывания У.Черчилля 1939 г.: «I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mistery inside an enigma.»

Nor does lying about adultery «just happen- Ложь о супружеской измене также не «случается сама собой».

to throw an idealistic glow around s/th — представлять что-л. в идеализированном виде

to wander —-«сбиваться с пути истинного»

to wander from proper conduct — вести себя неправильно

Найдите в тексте устойчивые словосочетания:

• попасть на страницы газет; оказаться в центревнимания

  • поступать, исходя из представления, что/думая, что

  • соблюдать контракт

  • нарушать контракт

  • нарушать условия контракта

  • жизненно важные решения

  • нести обязательства

  • извлекать выгоду из чего-л.

  • определяющий фактор

  • понести наказание

  • прятаться за объяснениями

  • сознательный выбор

  • заложить основу

  • полностью признаться (в чём-л.)

  • самое меньшее

  • выражать неодобрение

  • достаточная возможность сделать что-л.

  • молчать

  • запретный плод

  • смотреть прямо в глаза

What problem does the article highlight? What is the author's opinion on the problem? Do you share the author's opinion? What is the attitude towards this problem in our so­ciety?
Feature article

Old song and dance give history lesson a new twist* The illusion of a Gold Rush-era* hoedown* was pretty good considering the location: a 21st century Orange County elementary school.

As the kids flew through* intricate square dances*, their sneakers* squeaked on the cafeteria's vinyl floor. The 130 youngsters onstage belting out* «Clementine»* were just as lively as their mid-1800s predecessors, although those folks never wore T-shirts from Old Navy.

Through an Orange County Philharmonic residency* program with Heritage Elementary in Santa Ana, fourth-graders have spent the last five weeks learning the folk dances, songs and instruments that entertained early California settlers.

«It's a fun exercise for them in history,» said Laurie Gilmore, one of four teachers whose students participated. «These facts go into their minds a lot easier when they're reliving* the settlers' lives rather than just reading about it in a book.»

The program culminated Thursday with a performance for the school's second- and third-graders. The younger children bobbed* their heads and tapped* their toes while the fourth-graders do-si-doed*. And as is common at age 10, most of the girls towered* over the boys; all looked like they'd rather eat broccoli than hold hands.

«It was kind of weird* dancing with girls at first,» said Luis Cuevas, 10. «But I really liked the prome­nades*.»

This is the Philharmonic residency program's second year, and officials hope to expand it to three elementary schools next year. As budget cuts strain* the Philharmonic and local school districts, such residencies expose kids to music more economically than concerts that re­quire busing* and performance hall rentals*.

The arts also engage young minds and improve kids' memories and reasoning skills, said program coordinator Marilynn Manderscheid. The chance to sing and dance also heightens their enthusiasm for learning, she said.

«Music does their brains good, and it does their hearts good as well,» she said. «Their brains click* when they get a chance to create, and they learn how smart they really are.»

From the first day of the residency, when banjo player Gary Francisco pulled up* in a small covered wagon*, through the rehearsal and performance this week, the kids have been enthralled*, their teachers said.

«I can remember all the things they went through and what happened during the Gold Rush,» said Noel Soria, 10. «I don't know how I would have learned all the words so quickly if I wasn't singing them.»

twist - новшество, неожиданный поворот

Gold Rush-era - эпоха «золотой лихорадки»

hoedown - хоудаун (народный танец подобный кадрили)

to fly (through) — мчаться (сквозь/через что-л.)

The train was flying through the fields and forests. -

Поезд мчался через поля и леса.

square dance — кадриль

sneakers — кроссовки

to belt out - петь или играть очень громко; «наяривать»; распевать во всё горло «Clementine» - песня «Клементина» (Oh, my darling Clementine)

residency — a period of time during which a writer, poet, artist etc. is invited to work in a university or other institution; a period during which a musician or DJ works regularly in a particular place or club

to relive — вновь пережить; оживить в памяти

to bob - двигать вверх-вниз; двигать из стороны в сторону

to tap — легко ударять; стукать

to tap one's forehead — стучать себе по лбу

to do-si-do — танцевать или петь по нотам (до-си-до)

to tower (over) — выситься (над)

The skyscrapers tower over the city. - Небоскрёбы высятся над городом.

kind of - вроде; как будто; довольно-таки

I kind of thought so. — Я примерно так и думал.

The room was kind of dark. — В комнате было темно­вато.

weird - странный, необычный, фантастический

What a weird idea! — что за странная /нелепая/ мысль!

promenade — амер. студенческий или школьный бал

to strain — напрягать

to strain one's ears — напрягать слух, прислуши­ваться

busing — перевозка на автобусах

rental - плата за аренду

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