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«Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство»



иностранного языка

Семенко А.А





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Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs around your home. By planting in the cooler weather, you're allowing the plants to more easily establish the root growth they will need during the spring growing season and the hot, dry summer. It will also allow the plants to recover from the inevitable stress they experience during transplanting. 

Planting a new tree is an investment that can last a lifetime. Position the tree carefully since it will be in place for years. When planting a tree, know its maximum height and spread, information that's usually on the label. Plant it far enough away from houses, outbuildings, power lines, and other permanent structures so that even when mature, the tree won't touch them. Be sure to plant your new tree far enough away from other trees so that it won't grow leaning away from the others, trying to get maximum light.

Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

fall n. – осень am.

shrub n. - куст

establish v.

root n.- корень

growth n.- рост

grow v.- расти, выращивать

recover v.- восстанавливать, выздоравливать

inevitable a.- неизбежный

transplant n. – пересадка v.- пересаживать

investment n.- инвестиция

mature a.- зрелый, развитой

lean v.- наклоняться

1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

весенний сезон роста, размах, определите местоположение, пристройка, линия электропередачи, достаточно далеко от, получать максимальное количество света
2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

to plant… around, in the cooler weather, more easily, establish the root growth, dry summer, to recover from stress, last a lifetime, on the label, power lines, grow leaning away from
3. Find in the text synonyms to the following words

Unavoidable, contribution, adult, bend, outhouse, place, extension
4. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:

death, temporary, minimum, dark, cold, shrink, difficult, wet.
5. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the best season for planting trees?

  2. Do plants get stress during transplanting?

  3. What should one know when position the tree?

  4. Where can one get information about height and spread of a tree?

6. Find verbs in the text and define their forms

For example:

you're allowing – present continuous active



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Step 1: Things to consider

Here are some things to consider before selecting which trees and shrubs to purchase:

Will the shrubs or trees I have chosen flower?

Do they bear fruit or berries?

Will they attract birds or butterflies?

Are they purely ornamental or will they drop fruit on the ground?

Will this shrub or tree keep its leaves all winter?

Step 2: Tree planting preparation

When selecting the location for your tree, make note of the sun exposure for the area throughout the day. You should also consider the plants, shrubs or trees surrounding the location and try to envision the maximum canopy and height the new tree will eventually reach.

Will it brush up against your house? Are there overhead obstructions such as wires or eaves? What current plants and shrubs will be cast in shade once the tree reaches full height? These are all questions you should ask yourself before heading off to Garden Center. There you will find labeling on the plants and trees indicating their sun needs and expected size at maturity.

This will help you avoid the need to retransplant the tree later because it has outgrown its space.

Step 3: Location selection

Once you have selected a tree, it’s time to dig the hole. Begin by measuring the tree’s root ball. A common mistake made while planting a tree is to dig the hole too deep and not wide enough.

The hole should be dug at least three times the diameter of the root ball of the tree and no deeper than its root ball. This large diameter of loosened soil will allow the roots to spread and grow more easily.

It’s best to place the soil on a tarp or in a wheelbarrow to avoid killing any surrounding grass and to make back filling the hole easier.

Step 4: Dig the hole

If you’re digging in soil with high clay content, check the walls and base for glazing. This glazing will form a barrier that blocks water from seeping in. It can also make it more difficult for the roots to spread and grow into the surrounding native soil. Use a gardening tool such as a fork to scratch a few inches deep and break it up.

Dig a slightly deeper ring around the outer edges of the hole, leaving a higher ridge of compacted soil in the center. This will allow the root ball to rest on a pedestal of sorts and keep water from pooling at the base of the root ball.

You want the root ball moist but not soaking in water as this could lead to root rot.
Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

to purchase v. покупать

exposure n. воздействие

canopy n. тент

overhead obstruction n. надземное препятствие

eave n. карниз

maturity n. зрелость

tarp n. брезент

seep v. просачиваться

root rot корневая гниль

1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: солнечное освещение, отправляться в садовый центр, купол, ожидаемый размер, копать яму, в три раза больше корневого кома, с высоким содержанием глины.
2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations: to purchase, to flower, to bear fruit, ornamental, no deeper than its root ball, to avoid killing any surrounding grass, for glazing, blocks water from seeping in, root rot.
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from active vocabulary.

1. The couple wants to  a house.

2. These insects reach full … after a few weeks.  

3. All this TV and Internet  has led to a great many recruits to our cause.

4. They are removing wires and other … … .

5. Water was … through the walls.
4. Answer the questions.

1. What are things to consider before selecting which trees and shrubs to buy?

2. What information do plant labels give?

3. What should one measure before digging the hole?

4. Why is glazing so important?


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Step 5: Prepare the tree

If the tree you selected comes in a bucket, you’ll need to remove it and gently loosen the root ball with a shovel or by hand. The roots can become pot-bound and will continue to grow in a circular pattern if they aren’t loosened first.

 If your tree comes in a burlap wrap, remove any string or twine that may be present. Then cut away the burlap surrounding the roots. If it is natural burlap, it can be peeled back from the root ball and remain. If it’s synthetic or plastic burlap it must be removed entirely.

Step 6: Plant the tree

Trees should always be lifted by the root ball, never by the trunk. Lower the tree into the hole and place it on top of the raised center section. Lay the handle of your shovel across the hole to check that the crown of the root ball is level with the surrounding ground.

If the root ball is below the surrounding ground, remove the tree and add more soil. If it’s too high, remove more soil from the hole. It’s best in most regions to not amend the soil. Allow the root system to adjust to the native soil around it and spread.

If your soil is sandy and fast draining, add some peat moss to the excavated soil. Use that mix of native soil and peat to backfill the hole. The peat will act as a sponge and absorb water, keeping it at the level of the root structure.

Step 7: Backfill the hole

Backfill the hole just to the height of the ball or slightly lower to allow for settling. Don’t mound the dirt over the ball and up the trunk, it will prevent air from reaching the roots.

Be careful not to compress the soil too much or it will prevent water from reaching the deeper parts of the root ball. Mound dirt around the tree to form a moat that will help collect water.

Spread two inches of bark or wood chip mulch around the area to help retain water and control weeds. It’s very important that no mulch be touching the trunk of your new tree. Clear mulch back away from the base of the trunk. This will allow enough clear surface area for water, air and light to penetrate the soil.

Step 8: Water and maintain the tree

It’s critical in the early development of the root system to keep the soil moist. Newly planted trees should be watered at the time of planting and you should water it at least once per week during its first growing season. Water it more often during the height of summer as rainfall dictates.

Avoid over watering the tree because it will reduce the oxygen flow to the root system. It’s best to give the tree deep soakings rather than frequent, light watering. Getting the moisture down deep in the root system will encourage deep root growth.

Soaker hoses work well for deep watering. They release small amounts of water and can be left on for several hours.

Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

Pattern n. форма, шаблон

burlap n. мешковина

twine n. шпагат

raise v. поднимать, воздвигать

surrounding a. окружающий, близлежащий

adjust v. устанавливать, приспосабливать

sandy a. песчаный

moat n. ров

rainfall n. дождь, осадки

oxygen n. кислород

soaker hose n. шланг для полива
1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Убрать веревку или бечевку, приподнятая центральная часть, на уровне окружающей почвы, выкопанная почва, засыпать яму, впитывать воду, изменять почву, делать насыпь над корневым комом, уплотнять землю, сдерживать сорняки, поливать раз в неделю, частый легкий полив, способствовать росту корней вглубь.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations: pot-bound, in a circular pattern, trunk, remove entirely, add more soil, act as a sponge, to adjust to the native soil, prevent air from reaching the roots, to form a moat, avoid over watering, clear mulch away, reduce the oxygen flow, deep soakings
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from active vocabulary.

Where did you get the  for your new dress?

He … his head and looked around. 

The  hills protected the town.

We had a heavy  last night.

 is necessary for life on earth.
4. Answer the questions.

1. Must we remove burlap wrap if it is synthetic?

2. In what case must we add peat moss to the excavated soil?

3. Why must we not mound the dirt over the ball and up the trunk?

4. How often should we water newly planted trees?
5. Give instructions how to plant a tree. Make sure to use Imperative sentences. Begin with:

Lift the tree by the root ball.

Lower the tree into the hole…




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A colorful garden is truly a spring delight. Here, you can learn how to build a low-maintenance garden bed that has the added bonus of keeping its colors for three seasons. What do you need for this job?

The following tools: Shovel or pick axe, garden hose or rope, powdered chalk or marking paint, hoe, garden wall blocks, wall caps. And the following materials: 10 to 12 bags premixed garden soil, paver base or leveling sand, plants and flowers. Now let’s start.
Step 1: Select a location

First, pick a spot that gets lots of sun to help promote plant growth. Use a garden hose or rope to lay out the size and design of your garden bed. You can also choose to outline your design with powdered chalk or marking paint.

With a sharp shovel or pick axe, remove the top layer of turf in small, manageable sections. Relocate the cut turf to another part of your yard or flip it upside down for added compost material. Break up the soil beneath and remove any large rocks.

select a location
Step 2: Place wall blocks

Using a flat blade shovel or hoe, level and smooth the area where the garden wall blocks will go. Apply a 1-inch layer of leveling sand or paver base, and lay the first run of wall blocks. Stack the blocks to the desired height.

place wall blocks
 Step 3: Add soil

Now that the wall blocks are in place to define the space, add premixed garden soil to help your garden grow. Plants and flowers will naturally push up the soil up as they grow, so you may want to add more soil to give additional height to your garden bed.

Step 4 Add plants or seeds

We used the following plants to fill out our colorful Three Season Garden Bed. add plants or seeds
Tall yellow flowers: Daylilies
Tall orange flowers: Asiatic lilies
Purple flowers on left: Salvia
Red flowers: Roses
White flowers: Daisies
Pink flowers: Hydrangeas
Purple flowers on right: Phlox
Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

Shovel лопата

Spade лопата, заступ

Post Hole Digger ручной бур

Rakes грабли

Lawn Spreaders разбросная сеялка подкормки и подсева газонов

Weeders культиваторы

Garden Hoe мотыга

Pitchforks вилы

Tiller культиватор

Mulch мульча

Soil почва

Pot горшок
1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

низкие расходы на содержание и уход, цвести в течение трех сезонов, киркомотыга, каменное покрытие, убрать верхний слой, укладывать блоки, азиатские лилии, шалфей, розы, маргаритки, лилейники

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations: the added bonus, gets lots of sun, lay out the size and design, upside down, premixed garden soil, push up the soil up, give additional height, to fill out
3. Give instructions how to place wall blocks. Make sure to use Imperative sentences. Begin with: Use a flat blade shovel….


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London has more parkland than almost any other world capital. The Royal Parks belong to the monarch but are opened to the public during daylight hours. Besides these there are many smaller local parks, playgrounds and public gardens around London. The Royal Parks were first used as private royal hunting forests. Then they were opened to the public. Today hundreds of workers look after the Parks. There is a variety of wildlife in all the Royal Parks, especially birdlife, which changes with the seasons. There are usually lots of different kinds of duck around the ponds and lakes, and you may see grey squirrels or hedgehogs.

James’s Park and Green Park lie close together, with Buckingham Palace between them.

Saint James’s Park is famous for the variety of ducks, geese and other birds, which live on its lake, including pelicans. 

Hyde Park was once part of a wild and ancient forest, inhabited by wolves, wild bulls and boar. It was fenced off as a royal deer park in Tudor times, and later opened to the public. Kensington Gardens shares the Serpentine Lake with Hyde Park. The part in Kensington Gardens is called The Long Water.

Regent’s Park was originally a royal hunting forest. It was landscaped by John Nash in the 1820s for the Prince Regent (later George the Fourth). He surrounded it with elegant terraced houses, which you can still see today. The Park is the home of London Zoo.

Near Regent’s Park is Primrose Hill, once a thieves’ hideout. From the top there is a good view of London. You can hire boats on the lake in the Park. On one of its islands there is a heronry, where herons live and breed. In the early 1800s canals were built to link the London docks with other parts of the country. Regent’s Canal is one of these.

London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo. Some are very rare, such as the giant Panda. Many of the animals were born in the Zoo, or in other zoos around the world.

There are lots of other parks and open spaces around London. Many of them have sports areas and playgrounds, and hold annual fairs and festivals.
Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

Parkland n.парк, парковые насаждения

wildlife n.заповедник, живая природа

squirrel n. белка

hedgehog n. еж

boar n. кабан

share v.делить, владеть совместно

elegant adj.элегантный, adv. изящно

hideout n.убежище

heronry n. гнездовье цапель

breed v.размножаться

rare a. редкий

space n. пространство

hold v. проводить

annual a. ежегодный

fair n. ярмарка

festival n. празднество, фестиваль
1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

принадлежит королевской семье, в дневное время, королевские охотничьи угодья, находятся рядом, населенный, был огорожен, был благоустроен, убежище воров, взять на прокат, были построены, чтобы соединять, незагороженное место
2. Answer the questions

1. Are the Royal Parks opened to the public?

2. How were the Royal Parks first used?

3. What parks lie close to Buckingham Palace?

4. What park is the home of London Zoo?

5. Where is a heronry?

6. When was London Zoo opened?

7. How many animals are there in the Zoo today?
3. Translate into English

1. В Лондоне больше парков, чем в любой другой столице мира.

2. Во всех королевских парках много птиц.

3. Там вы можете увидеть белок и ежей.

4. Гайд-Парк когда-то был частью дикого леса.

5. Риджент Парк когда-то был королевскими охотничьими угодьями.

6. В парке вы можете взять лодку на прокат.

7. Многие животные родились в зоопарке.
4. Retell the text


Read the text
Moscow is famous as one of the greenest capitals in the world, with over 100 parks within the city limits, not to mention countless gardens, boulevards and squares. And it's not just the number of green areas in the city; it's their incredible variety that makes Moscow parklife so interesting. From the extraordinary Soviet pomposity of the All-Russian Exhibition Centre to the breath-taking beauty of the old Tsarist village of Kolomenskoe, Moscow's parks have something for everyone.

Nature lovers can inspect the vast array of rare and exotic plants on display at the Botanical Gardens, and the more active will be glad to hear that Moscow's parks offer a full range of outward-bound activities from yachting to paintball.

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is the most famous park of Moscow. You can spend time there by riding a bicycle or by sunbathing on green grass, playing volleyball or reading a book. In winter you can find there the biggest skating ring in Russia, so it’s always funny there. Also if you would like to hide from crowds of people and loud noise you can go along the Moskow river and find Neskuchny Garden where you can feel nature.

Just in the city center, you can find a cute park Patriarch Ponds with some funny sculptures and a small pond. The most interesting fact about this place is that some actions of Russian novel The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov actually took place there.

Tsaritsyno Park is the most beautiful park in Moscow with a big amazing castle, ponds and forest. If you want to have a lazy walk and feel like you are in XVIII century, you should immediately go there.

Botanical Garden is a big world of nature in a huge megalopolis. Russians take their Botanical Gardens very seriously - there are five in Moscow. The largest and most famous is The Russian Academy of Sciences' Main Botanical Gardens, located in the northwest part of the city, and adjoining the All-Russia Exhibition Centre. This 360-hectare (890-acre) park, which spans the valleys of three small rivers, was officially founded in 1945. The garden is now a botanist's treasure trove, with a rose garden containing 2,500 varieties including an ancient green Bengali rose. There is also an arboretum whose highlight is a glorious oak grove (home to squirrels who are tame to the point of impudence), a delightful Japanese rock garden, and a vast glass-covered orangery with a wide collection from the tropics and sub-tropics including numerous rare orchids and carnivorous plants.

But the Botanical Gardens are not just for experts. It’s a wonderful place to come to get away from the noise and stress of urban living. The gardens change their character and their attractions according to the season, and the enormous greenhouses mean that even in the depths of winter there's plenty to see.

Active vocabulary
Read and memorize

Incredible a. невероятный, потрясающий

Pomposity n. напыщенность, помпезность

breath-taking a. поразительный

array n. массив

inspect v. осматривать

cute a. милый, привлекательный

amazing удивительный

span v. охватывать, простираться

trove n. клад, находка

arboretum n. дендрарий, древесный питомник

highlight n. зд. главный элемент

impudence n. дерзость, наглость

carnivorous a. плотоядный

depth n. разгар

1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

В пределах города, не говоря о, невероятное разнообразие, захватывающая дух красота, царское село, развлечения на воде, не спеша прогуляться, принимать всерьез, примыкать к , дубовая роща, ручной, огромная теплица
2. Answer the questions.

1. How many parks are within the city limits?

2. What makes Moscow park life so interesting?

3. What is the most famous park of Moscow?

4. How can people spend time there?

5. What is the most interesting fact about Patriarch Ponds?

6. Where can one feel like in XVIII century?

7. How many Botanical Gardens are there in Moscow?

8. Which is the largest and most famous?
3. Translate into English

1. Москва - одна из самых зеленых столиц мира.

2. В пределах города находится более ста парков, не считая бесчисленных садов, бульваров и скверов.

3. Любители природы могут осмотреть огромный массив редких и экзотических растений в ботанических садах.

4. Там вы можете покататься на велосипеде, позагорать на зеленой траве, поиграть в волейбол или почитать книгу.

5. Патриаршие пруды-это милый парк с забавными скульптурами и маленьким прудом.

6. Царицыно самый красивый парк с удивительным замком, прудами и лесом.

7. Сад является драгоценной находкой для ботаника.

8. Оранжерея имеет большую коллекцию тропических и субтропических растений, включая редкие орхидеи и плотоядные растения.

9. Это чудесное место чтобы убежать от шума и стресса городской жизни.
4. Retell the text


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