Paper formatting requirements

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НазваниеPaper formatting requirements
The paper must be printed on one side in English for foreign participants. The maximum size of the paper is 10 pages, including figures. The text must be typed in Word for Windows.

General layout:

  • Paper size: A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), portrait

  • Margins: top and bottom: 2 cm, left and right: 3.17 cm, 0 cm gutter, mirror margins

  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt

  • Line spacing: single

  • No page numbering

Formatting details:

Line 1: TITLE OF THE PAPER (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, uppercase letters, center justified, no hyphenation, no line indentation, single line spacing, no full stop at the end, no uncommon abbreviations, max. three lines)

Line 2: Empty line

Line 3: Names of the authors (A. B. Author) without affiliations, academic degrees and positions (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, lowercase letters, center justified, no hyphenation, no line indentation, single line spacing)

Line 4: Empty line

Line 5: Full reference of the lead institute (Times New Roman, 11 pt, lowercase letters, center justified, no hyphenation, no line indentation, single line spacing)

Line 6: Empty line

Line 7 etc.: Body of the paper (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, lowercase letters, fully justified, automatic hyphenation, 1.25 cm paragraph indentation,

Latin letters denoting physical quantities (A, I, d, h etc.) are typed in italics, and Greek letters, function names (sin, cos, exp), names of chemicals (H2O, H2C5OH) and measurement units (cm, MW/cm2, s) are typed using normal font. Formulas are numbered using round parentheses (2), and references are cited using square brackets [3].

The paper can include figures and tables with corresponding captions. Formulas, figures and diagrams must be inserted into text in black and white using Microsoft Word tools (Microsoft Equation, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Graph, Paintbrush, Word-integrated graphic editor). If a figure is made in a different application, it must be converted into TIFF or JPEG.

Figure captions: Times New Roman, 11 pt, lowercase letters, center justified. Example: Fig. 1 – Density profile. The figure caption must be typed in Microsoft Word, rather than in the application used to create the figure. All inscriptions (names of axes, legend etc.) must be in Russian (or in English for papers by foreign participants).

References (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold lowercase letters, center justified) are cited at the end of the paper.

Bibliographic references must be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text and formatted as follows:

For books: last name and first/patronymic name initials of the author(s), title of the book, place of publication, publisher, year. Example: Ландау Л. Д., Лифшиц Е. М. Квантовая механика. М.: Наука, 1988. Or: Elton R.C. X-Ray Lasers. Boston: Academic Press, 1990.

For publications in conference proceedings: last name and first/patronymic name initials of the author(s), title of the paper, title of proceedings, conference location, conference dates, pages. Example: Артемьев А.Ю., Башурова М.С., Делов В.И. и др. Пакет прикладных программ Д для решения нестационарных задач газодинамики в переменных Лагранжа и задач механики деформируемого твердого тела на регулярных сетках // III Забабахинские науч. чтения: Тез. докл. Кыштым, 14-17 января, 1992. С. 41-42.

For articles in journals, transactions, newspapers: last name and first/patronymic name initials of the author(s), title of the article, name of the journal (transactions), series (if available), year of publication, volume, issue, pages. Example: Полякова А. Л., Васильев Б. М., Куненко И. Н. и др. Изменение зонной структуры полупроводников под давлением // Физика и техника полупроводников. 1976. Т. 9, № 11. С. 2356-2358. Or: Афанасьев А. М. Оптимизация распределения энерговыделения в реакторе с помощью «советов оператору» // Вопросы атомной пауки и техники. Сер. Физика и техника ядерных реакторов. 1986. Вып. 2. С. 32-36. Or: Mezain I.H. Rolling circuit boards improves soldering // Electronics. 1977. Vol. 34, no. 16. P. 193-198.

For theses and synopses of theses: last name and first/patronymic name initials of the author, title of the thesis, degree, place (city) and year of defense. Example: Горшкова Т. И. Термодинамические свойства и применение некоторых сплавов церия: Автореф. дис. ... канд. хим. наук. М., 1976.

For preprints: last name and first/patronymic name initials of the author(s), title of the preprint, number of the preprint, place of issue, name of the issuing organization, year of issue. Example: Шмаков В.М., Орлов Г.В, Созинов Э.А. и др. Обеспечение константами расчетов динамических процессов в реакторах с жидкометаллическим теплоносителем: Препринт № 128. Снежинск: РФЯЦ-ВНИИТФ, 1998.

For patent documentation: type of patent document (inventor’s certificate or patent), its number, issuing country, international classification index, name of edition that published the claim, year and number of edition. Example: А.с. 100970 ОСТР МКИ3 В 25J 15/00. Устройство для захвата неориентированных деталей типа валов / В. С. Ваулин, В. Г. Кенайкин // Открытия. Изобретения. 1983. № 11.

In the titles of bibliographic references to publications having four or more authors, one can list all the authors or name the first three of them and add “et al.”
Full texts of papers can be sent by e-mail ( or submitted at the conference.


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