Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению no speak English Часть I

НазваниеУчебное пособие по домашнему чтению no speak English Часть I
ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6

Where You Have Been,

Where You Are Going.
Mark Steven Hess

(born 1966)


1. Here are some answers .Write down your questions.


Colorado's High Plains


During the summers.


4.--------------------------------------------------------------------? “Biitdiggers”

The Best of the West

6.----------------------------------------------------------------------? 1989


41 years earlier


”tall tale’

2.Fill in the chart of events in M.S.Hess’s biography.




(Date, Age)

Life event

(with some details)

3. Retell his biography. Use 1st person singular. Use 3rd person singular.
4. Match the words with their definitions. Translate into Russian and put them into sentences of your own.

1. Prairie

a. area of level country

2. Plains

b. area of land-grassland for cattle or land for crops

3. Field

c. wide area of level land with grass

4. Farmland

d. extensive, grassy treeless plains of South America

5. Desert

e. land for growing crops, raising animals

6. Pampas

f. large waterless and treeless land

7. Savanna

g. treeless grassland of the South African plateau


h. treeless grassy land in tropical and subtropical America and Africa

5. Translate into English:

1) Сегодня леса сохранились лишь в редких местах.

2) Некоторые растения выживают в засуху, накопив воду в

стеблях и листьях.

3) В пустынях осадки выпадают крайне редко.

4) Саванна - обширные пространства, поросшие высокими травами.

5) На склонах Альп можно встретить альпийскую астру, эдельвейс и горчавку.(Gentiana)

6) Вблизи пустынь саванна уступает место иссохшей степи, где

произрастают лишь пучки сухой травы.

7) На больших открытых равнинах вам могут повстречаться

грациозные антилопы.
6. What do you suppose the title of the story means?
7. Why do you think the author uses the flashback technique?
8. Explain the meaning of “Tall Tale”


Vocabulary and Grammar
1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and

Прерия, бурые сорняки, безоблачное небо , загорелые люди, густой крем для бритья, полосатый зелено-белый тент, черные ковбойские сапоги, ветряная мельница, стараться идти медленно, пригорок(холм), кричать, вся краска на ноже стерлась, щербинка на самом длинном лезвии, жареный картофель, слоеный торт с клубничной начинкой, вигвам, выстрелить из двустволки, охота на уток, ухватить утку за шею, набить табаком трубку, стоять на пути, проверить в кармане нож, рассказывать о гремучих змеях, ковбоях.
2. Give Russian literary translation, comment on their use in the story.

-brown plains of brown dirt-------------------------------------------------

-brown road slashing across them------------------------------------------

-he kneaded my shoulder-----------------------------------------------------he wrestled me close to him-----------------------------------------------

-each smell is like a tiny horizon--------------------------------------------the Indians dance all night, and the next day it rains a thunderstorm-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it was as if the ground didn’t know what to do with all that water, dotted all over with small lakes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------throaty duck noises-------------------------------------------------------------an hour of crouching, springing and twisting passes before the Indians relax. The result is a pile of a dozen ducks with broken necks lying on the ground beside the Indians.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for an instant my body, neck, and head shrivel together, my trachea constricts and I cannot breath; for an instant I want to let my body fall, fold together, and collapse on the prairie.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Who says these words? Fill in the chart. Transform into the Reported speech.

1) Yes. Those are very fine boots.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) When you see the windmill we will be there------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) My feet hurt.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4) Bad Indians?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5) He could name all the tribes: Sioux, Cheyenne, Papoose, Squaw, Hermoso.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6)It was two weeks, two weeks and then the sheriff let me go.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7) Watch the horizon, that next swell, maybe there will be that grave on the other side.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8) Dad. I really want to see that Indian grave.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9) Yes…Yes…so did I.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Unjumble the underlined words:
1) I am ounsurdred by waves.

2) Just watch for the lliwnidm.

3) Getting lost out here was just as ougersnad.

4) His nragnioce about duck hunting.

5) In his hand is a fepkoctenik.
5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form:


He -------------my hand and we ----------- north.

A. a)was taking b) had taken c) takes

B. a)had walked b) walks c) walk


It -----------------to rain for 12 days.

A. a)was continuing b)has been continuing c) continues


Grandfather---------------only for a week

A. a)has been staying b) had stayed c)stayed


Dad ---------------he ------- ----------- to hurry

A. a)was saying b)says c)had been saying

B. a)would had b)had been c)will have


He -------------,-----------------,-------------indicating the horizon

A. a)stopped b)was stopping c)stops

B. a)had pointed b)points c)had been pointing

C. a)is turning, b)had turned c)turns
6. Re-write using the Past tense forms, from

“Dad says he wants to show me something-----------up to ------------were real cowboys and real Indians.”

1. As the title suggests, we must remember the past in order to understand the present and anticipate the future. Comment on it.
2. Retell the story on the part of

A. Grandfather B. Indians C Little boy D Father E Sheriff
3. Which of the characters of the story appeals to you more?

Least? Why?
4.What do you know about American West? Search the Internet - prepare your Presentation with the help of some visual aid.
5. Give a sketch-portrait of

A. Grandfather B. Indians C. Little boy
6. Render into English:

“Дорога шла между красными пемзовыми горами с плоскими срезанными вершинами. Цвет их удивительно походил на цвет

кожи Агапито Пина: спокойно-красный, старинный, потемневший красный цвет. Краснота индейской кожи совершенно особенная.

Это цвет их пористых скал, цвет их осенней природы. У них сама природа краснокожая.”
“ Внезапно Агапито запел индейскую песню, притоптывая в такт ногой. Комната была крошечная, и Агапито танцевал, совсем рядом с нами. Он заглядывал нам в глаза и, окончив одну песню, немедленно начал другую. На глиняном выступе лежали фотографии индейцев, исполняющих военные танцы.”
И.Ильф Е.Петров Одноэтажная Америка.
7. Think about an alternative ending of the story. Report in class
8. How do you feel about the behaviour of

A. Grandfather

B. Dad

C. Indians

D. The author

E. Sheriff
9. Translate into Russian(on the spot)
New Mexico got its name from "old" Mexico, the country to its south. Mexico itself is named after the war god of the Aztec Indians,

Mexili. The New Mexico region was inhabited by Indian peoples

as early as twelve thousand years ago. When Spanish explorers arrived from Mexico in the 1500s, they found Indian groups that farmed the land, made pottery and cloth, and lived in communities that resemble small cities. They gave them the name Pueblo, which is Spanish for town. Nicknamed The land of Enchantment, New Mexico is not only a blend of peoples-Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo-it also has a dramatically varied landscape, which includes 12-thousand-foot forested mountains in the north and the 8-hundred-foot-deep fantastical world of Carlsbad Caverns in the south.

1.Write an imaginary diary of

A) Indians

B) The author

C) Grandfather

Tuesday 15th November---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunday 4th December----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Imagine you are the real Grandfather. Write a letter to your friend

describing your life (100-120 words)
3. Translate into Russian

“The windmill has stopped turning………………………….dancers

too much whiskey”
4. Choose the sentence you least agree with and write a few lines explaining your reasons.
5. Write a brief summary of the story (60-70) words .Add more words to enlarge it up to 130-150 words.
6. Render into English.
“Едва ли можно найти на свете что-либо величественнее и прекраснее американской пустыни. Целую неделю мы мчались

по ней, не уставая восхищаться. Нам повезло. Зима в пустыне - это то же светлое и чистое лето, только без удручающей жары и пыли. Край, в который мы заехали, был совершенно глух и дик, но мы не чувствовали себя оторванными от мира. Дорога и автомобиль приблизили пустыню. Красота, созданная природой, дополнена красотой, созданной искусными руками человека. Любуясь чистыми красками пустыни, со сложной могучей архитектурой, мы никогда не переставали любоваться широким ровным шоссе, серебристыми мостиками, аккуратно уложенными водоотводными трубами, насыпями и выемками. Даже газолиновые станции, которые надоели на Востоке и Среднем Западе, здесь, в пустыне, выглядели гордыми памятниками человеческого могущества.

Дороги в пустыне - вероятно, одно из самых замечательных достижений американской техники. Они так же хороши

как и в населенных местах. “

И.Ильф Е.Петров Одноэтажная Америка
7. Write a short paragraph describing an early childhood memory

using words and phrases from the story ( When I was a child-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Write 5 different alternative endings (4-5 sentences each). Choose the most funny, sad, serious, dull, comical.
9. Explain the meaning of the last line. Write 3-4 sentences.


Uncommon Words or Meanings
1. Read, translate, find in the text, translate into Russian and

compose 3-4 sentences with them.
-a rest home - a residence for older people who need housekeeping

services(meals, sheets and towels, laundry) but not extensive

medical treatment

-to kneed - to massage firmly

-girl-craziest - when said to a four-year old boy, this is a form of

good-natured teasing

-a swell - a long wave that moves without breaking, in the story

the prairie is described in the terms of the ocean

-a homestead - in the19th century US, land granted by a state government

to any settler who would build a home, dig a well for water, and clear and farm the land

-Papoose, Squaw, Hermoso-American Indian words for ”baby”(papoose), ”woman”(squaw) and the Spanish word for “beautiful”(hermoso); only “Sioux” and ”Cheyenne” are real tribal


-even - unchanging

-a bird dog - a dog used to hunt game birds.

2. Search the Internet for the meaning of

mugquomp, totem, squaw, tomahawk, moccasin,pecan, chipmunk,

terrapin, pemmican, pow-pow, eggplant, squash, prairie, popcorn.
3. 26 States in the USA have Indian names: Massachusetts, Dakotas,

……..(give some more)
4. Compose a story about the origin of some borrowed words. Use

reference materials.
5. Colorado is Spanish for “colored red”. Spanish visitors of the

1500s gave this name to the Colorado River.
A. What is the nickname of Colorado? B. When did it join the Union?

1   2   3   4   5   6


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