Е. В. Тихонова английский язык для самостоятельной работы студентов учебное пособие Омск

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Омский государственный технический университет»

Л.К. Кондратюкова


Е.В. Тихонова


Учебное пособие


Издательство ОмГТУ


УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ

К 64

Новикова Т.А., д. пед. н., профессор, зав. каф.русского и инocтранных языков Омского государственного университета путей сообщения

ТкачеваТ.В., к. филол. н., доцент, зав. каф.английского языка факультета информатики Омского государственного педагогического университета

Кондратюкова, Л. К.
К 64 Английский язык для самостоятельной работы студентов: учеб.пособие / Л.К.Кондратюкова, В.И.Сидорова, Е.В.Тихонова – Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2012.–81 с.
Данное учебное пособие содержит оригинальные тексты на английском языке для студентов технических специальностей для самостоятельной работы. Каждый раздел содержит познавательный материал для обучения чтению, переводу, аннотированию.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Омского государственного технического университета

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ

© ФГБОУ ВПО Омский государственный

технический университет, 2012
Современный уровень научных контактов между отечественными и зарубежными учеными- международные конгрессы, симпозиумы, конференции, возможность публикации в зарубежных изданиях - все это резко поднимает роль изучения иностранных языков будущими специалистами. Знание английского языка позволит студентам и аспирантам находить и развивать коммерческие и деловые связи. При этом очевидна целесообразность использования комплексного пособия, в котором изучение лексико-грамматического материала проходило бы параллельно с развитием знаний и навыков профессионально ориентированного общения.

Учебное пособие "Читаем и говорим на английском" способствует развитию навыков чтения и говорения на английском языке.

Материал пособия включает оригинальные тексты направленного содержания: образование (общее и техническое), известные университеты и институты Англии и Америки; ученые и наука, новые отрасли науки и техники. Тексты пособия взяты из энциклопедических английских и американских изданий, а также журналов: «Nature»,«Endeavour», «Engineering».

Фонетические, лексические и грамматические упражнения направлены на закрепление навыков чтения и говорения на английском языке.

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями программы Минобразования,целеустановка которой - выработать у студентов умение читать оригинальную английскую литературы по специальности для получения нужной информации, а также научить студентов понимать английскую речь на слух, вести беседу и делать сообщения на основе изученного языкового материала.




Read the following groups of words and try to remember them:

  1. to educate - education - educational - educated

(образовывать, обучать; образование, образовательный,образованный)

  1. universe - universal - university

(вселенная, мир; всеобщий, всемирный; университет)

  1. tospecialize- specialty- specialist- special

(специализироваться, специальность, специалист, специальный)

  1. technique- techniques- technician- technical

(техника, метод; технические науки, техник, технический)

  1. numeral - numeration - numerator - numerous

(цифра, числовой; исчисление, нумерация; числитель, счетчик; многочисленный)

  1. commerce- commercial(торговля; торговый, коммерческий)

  2. course(-es) -as a matter of course -in the course of - of course (курс(ы), направление, ход; какдолжное, втечение, конечно)

  3. to advance - advanced - advancement - advantage - advantageous

(продвигаться, наступать, повышаться; передовой; прогресс, успех; выгода, польза; выгодный)

  1. tutor- tutorial–tutorials

(наставник; консультация; руководство)

  1. full-time education - дневное обучение

  2. part-time education - вечернее обучение

  3. sandwich courses - смешанный курс обучения

  4. to alternate - alternation (чередовать–чередование)


There are 46 universities, 30 polytechnics and numerous colleges for more specialized needs, such as colleges of technology, technical colleges, colleges of arts and agricultural in England and Wales. They all provide a wide range of courses from lower-level technical and commercial courses through specialized courses of various kinds to advanced courses for those who want to get higher-level posts in commerce, industry and administration, or take up one of a variety of professions.

Courses are a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory work. In a lecture the student is one of a large number of students. He listens to the lecturers, takes notes, asks no questions. In a seminar heraises problems and discusses them with his fellow students under the direction of one of teachers. In a tutorial he is accompanied by only a handful of students and discusses his personal academic problems with a teacher.

Study in courses may be full-time and part-time. Full-time education includes sandwich courses in which periods of full-time study (for example, six months) alternate with full-time practical work and training in industry. Full-time and sandwich courses now are an important part of higher education in England and Wales. Part-time education may be taken during the day (for example, one day a week or full-time for short periods) or in the evening only. Particular feature of the higher education is its strong links with commerce and industry.

The system of higher education permits students to get whatever qualification they need.


    1. How many universities are there in Great Britain?

    2. What kinds of colleges are there?

    3. What do they provide?

    4. What do courses combine?

    5. What are students at the lectures and seminars busy with?

    6. What do students need tutorial for?

    7. What is full-time and part-time education?

    8. What do you know about sandwich courses?

    9. What is a particular feature of the higher education in England?

I. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to thePassive Voice:

      1. A number of different problems are solved at our University.

      2. Theoretical work was followed by experimental work.

      3. This is the principle the electronic computer is based upon.

      4. This problem will be never solved.

      5. This process will be accompanied by a control.

      6. His lectures are always followed by discussions.

      7. At the University students are offered a curriculum of study which is followed by tests and exams.

      8. This method has been referred to in earlier paper.

      9. I don't think this instrument can be relied upon.

    1. This complicated data are obtained by means of new devices.

    2. The University was promised financial support.

    3. We have been given all the necessary information.

    4. The tutor was asked a lot of questions.

II. Define the functions of the words with the suffix -ed and translate the sentences

1. The methods applied improved the quality of production. 2. Electrification followed by a wider use of electrical devices was the foundation of automated production process. 3. The results obtained differed depending on the substance. 4. The electron discovered by Thomson paved the way to many exiting new discoveries. 5. After an exited discussion the laboratory applied the method improved by our scientist. 6. Automatized information modified the method applied. 7. The conference attended by scientists from different countries discussed new methods used in this field of research. 8. The dean of our department was asked questions formulated and agreed upon by a group of students. 9. Artificial satellites carried instruments and the information obtained were then returned back by radar to the ground. 10. The inventors are faced with difficulties having appeared during the experiment carried out.

Open University

The Open University was established in 1969 to enable people to study for a best degree at home. It started its first course in 1971 with 19,580students. Nowit is Britain'slargest teaching institution, with more than 100,000 men and women taking its various courses at any given time. About 6,000 students of all ages get degrees every year. Its degrees, diplomas and other qualifications are equal to those of any other university.

Apart from the well-known degree courses - from which more than 80,000 people have already graduated - there are a lot of other courses some lasting only a few weeks, others ten or twelve months Courses cover a wide range of subjects - from everyday topics through traditional university disciplines - history, chemistry, electronics and so on - to the latest manufacturing techniques.

There are nearly 200 courses and in all of them (except for higher degrees) there is one principle: they are open to everybody. You need no formal academic qualifications to enter them. You must be 18 or over and resident of the United Kingdom. And of course, you must have the desire to learn.

The OU operates by sending its educational materials to students in their own homes or places of work. It uses not only textbooks which can be bought at bookshops or by post from the Open University's centre at the new tow of Milton Keynes, but also video and audio cassettes and a variety of other equipment. Students of the OU receive their lessons and lectures in their homes by means of special TV and radio programmesThey also work with their tutors all over the country. Students write papers on the courses and discuss them with their tutors at meetings or by correspondence.

The OU's success is of great interest abroad and a number of countries have bought teaching materials produced at the University.

      1. to establish - создавать, устанавливать

      2. degree - звание, ученая степень

      3. institution - учебное заведение

      4. to be equal - быть равным

      5. apart from - наряду с

      6. manufacturing techniques - методы производства

      7. a variety of - разнообразное

      8. by correspondence - по переписке.

Ex. 1. Read the text В and give the answers.

        1. What is this text about?

        2. When was it established?

        3. What does it offer to everybody?

        4. How many people have this University graduated from?

        5. What subjects do students study?

        6. How does the Open University operate?

        7. What kind of equipment can it use?

        8. What is the student's duty?


Sandwich Courses

There are specialized courses in polytechnics, institutes and some universities. These courses are usually a year longer than normal full-time academic courses, and enable students to alternate full-time studies with one or more periods of practical work and training away from college.

There are two types of these courses - thick and thin. The students of the thick sandwich courses spend two years at college, one year in industry and then a final year in college.

A typical thin sandwich course provides greater variety of practice. Each of the first three years the students alternate equally between college and industry, the final year spent in college.

Sandwich courses help students to get used to working with others. They stimulate them to work better when they see the practical results of their studies. They give them better understanding of practical problems and an insight into industry, commerce and the professions. Practical orientation of their studies help the students choose their future job wisely.

          1. to enable - позволять

          2. to alternate -чередовать

          3. thick courses - изобилующие, насыщенные

          4. thin courses - ненасыщенные

          5. equally - в равной степени

          6. to get used to -привыкнуть

          7. togiveinsight- дать возможность лучше узнать

          8. to close wisely - разумно выбрать

After-Text Discussion

You have read about higher education in England. 1. What can you tell about this type of education? 2. Can you compare it with our Russian system of education? 3. Is there any difference between them? 4. How did you understand such names of courses as: sandwich, thick, thin? 5. What do they mean? 6. Can you explain it?


A degree is an academic qualification awarder at most universities and colleges upon completion of a higher educational course (a first degree) or a piece of research (higher degree). If students pass their final exam at the end of a three-year course, they get their first degree. Students with a first degree become Bachelors of Arts or Science, and can put B. A. or B.Sc. after their names. If they want to go a step further and become Master of Arts of Science, they have to write an original paper, or thesis, on some subject based on a short period of research, usually soon after graduation. If students wish to become academics and perhaps teach in a university, then they will work for a higher degree, a Doctor of Philosophy - a Ph.D. For this they will have to carry out some important research work.

1. Read the text and give the title.

            1. to award -награждать

            2. completion -завершение

            3. a piece of research - областьисследования

            4. to get a degree -получатьстепень

            5. Bachelors of Arts (Science)

            6. Master of Arts (Science)

            7. originalpaper (thesis) -реферат, научная работа, тезисы,диссертация

2. Name the degrees of academic qualification.


There is no single, universally accepted definition of what a university should be like. British universities are different.

In I960 there were only 23 British universities. Today there are 46, of which 35 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. They can be roughly divided into three groups.

Oxford and Cambridge: Scholars were studying in these ancient universities in the early thirteenth century. Since that time Oxford and Cambridge have continued to grow, but until the nineteenth century they were the only universities in England, and they offered no place to girls.

Four universities were founded in Scotland before Scotland and England were united: St. Andrews (1411), Glasgow (1450), Aberdeen (1494) and Edinburgh (1583).

The Redbrick Universities: In this group are listed all universities founded between 1850 and 1930 including London university. They were called «redbrick», because that was the favorite building material of the time, but they are rarely referred to as «Redbrick» today.

The New Universities: These were all founded after the Second World War. Some of them quickly became popular because of their modern approach to university courses.

The typical academic programme for university students in Great Britain is composed of a varying number of courses or subjects within a field of specialization.

The academic activities for each subject fall into three types: lectures, at which attendance is not always compulsory, tutorials and examinations. These three categories - lectures, tutorials and examinations - provide the means by which students prepare themselves in specialized field of knowledge.

However, universities have never had a monopoly on higher learning. In Britain most full-time higher education takes place outside the universities.
Read the text and try to retell it, using words:

              1. scholars - учение

              2. ancient - древний

              3. the only - единственный

              4. century - век, столетие

              5. to offer - предлагать

              6. to be founded - быть основанным

              7. to unite - объединять

              8. redbrick - красный кирпич

              9. to include - включать

              10. to refer to - ссылаться

              11. the academic activities - учебная программа

              12. to attend - посещать

              13. compulsory - обязательный

Try to understand this text without a dictionary:

The Universities in England can be grouped under six headings: Oxford and Cambridge, the Scottish universities, London and Wales, the civic universities and the former colleges of advanced technology. 45 Universities include the Open University whose degree courses are based on a combination of summer schools, local tutorial services, television, radio and correspondence tuition. The' famous English Universities are: Oxford and Cambridge which were founded in 1167-1201. The Scottish Universities are - St. Andrews (1411) Glasgo (1450), Aberdeen (1494), Edinburgh (1583), London (1983) and Wales are both federal universities. The civic universities have emerged in their full status only in this century: Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham and others.
Ex. 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to -ing- forms:

1. Scientists are moving forwards towards a better understanding of its laws. 2. Electrons do wonderful things in calculating. 3. It is hard to imagine our work without electronic calculating machines. 4. We hear of scientist's using computers in different field of science. 5. Some years ago it became possible to succeed in reading the language of ancient people of Mexico. 6. Advanced students are capable of conducting profound research. 7. This method of training scientists is very convenient for those who work. 8. This research institute was developing a new type of computing machines for two years. 9. Generally speaking the discoveries made by scientists in the nineteenth century laid the firm foundation for future generation. 10. Electronics plays the leading role in automation which is generating a second industrial revolution.
Ex. 2. 1. The new devices showing good results, we began to develop them at once. 2. Mendeleyev having arranged the elements in a table, the existence of yet unknown elements could be predicted. 3. All the necessary preparations having been made, the operator began assembling the engine. 4. The motor having been repaired, we could use it in our work. 5. Everything being ready, we can start making experiments.6. The processor entered the lecture hall, the assistant following him. 7. The plan was discussed in detail, many workers taking part in this discussion. 8. Computers represent a new branch of science, the first of them having appeared not so long ago.


There are more than two thousand institutions of higher education in the United States with the number of students ranging from fewer than a hundred to 40,000.

Young people who want to enter higher education must meet some requirements. They must have attended a high school for four years. No student is admitted to a college or university without having completed a four-year course in high school. This means that a student who wants to study at the university or college must begin by doing good work in high school. If his grades in high school are satisfactory, he is admitted to a university or college, where he may take a Bachelor's degree after a four- year course of study. About fifty three per cent of pupils who complete their high school course go on to a college or university.

The first two years in an American college or university differ somewhat from a similar period in a European one. These years in American college are a continuation of secondary education. During this time certain courses in English, social science, natural science and so on must be completed before a student may begin an intensive study of this special field.

Nearly all of colleges and universities in the United States are coeducational. This means both men and women attend the same university. It is common for students to leave home to study, and only about 15% of all university students live at home while they study. Students may live either on the university campus in one of the dormitories or in private homes in the city in which the University is located.

University life provides a wide variety of recreational activities. Although a great deal of time must necessarily be devoted to study, students find time for recreation. There are football, basket-ball, and baseball games, teams and dances, concerts, debates, club programs and plays to mention only a few of the many activities. Most recreational activities are not expensive for the student.

Read the following groups of words and remember them:

      1. institute- institution(институту учреждение, заведение)

      2. range–ranging(диапазон, предел, размах, ряд, изменяющийся в пределах)

      3. to require - requirements - to meet requirements (требовать, требование, удовлетворять требованиям)

      4. toadmit- admittance(допускать, принимать, доступ)

      5. tocontinue- continuation–continuous(продолжать продолжение, длительный, продолжительный)

      6. coeducational (совместное обучение)

      7. compus(университетский городок)

      8. dormitories (общежития)

      9. recreation (отдых)

      10. to devote to (посвящать)


                  1. How many institutions of higher education are there in the United States?

                  2. How many students study there?

                  3. What is the duration of education in U.S.?

                  4. What is the difference of higher education in America and Britain?

                  5. Where can students live?

                  6. What does University life for students provide?


University Studies

First-year students, or freshmen at universities and colleges are usually required to take certain subjects. Among these required courses are English history or government and physical education. In addition to the subjects which freshmen are obliged to take, they may choose from the following courses to complete their programs of study: history, mathematics,chemistry, physics, Spanish, French, German, Latin, geography, journalism, business administration, economics, and engineering. The courses which students select depend, of course, on the field of study in which he wants to major.

When he begins his second year in college, the student selects his courses so that he will meet the necessary requirements for graduation.

Question: What is the difference in educational curriculum at the universities in U.S. and Russia?

American and European Systems Compared

Education in America is largely the business of the individual State, not of the Federal Government. Each of fifty states has its own system of education. There is no Minister of Education such as exists in many other countries, no national system of education. In addition to public schools, academies, colleges and universities, there is a great number of private institutions of education. The Federal Government of the United States doesn't interfere in any way with public education within the States.

Americans tend to study a larger number of subjects than Europeans, in schools, and particularly at the university. Seven subjects are required for a first degree (Bachelor's degree) in many colleges. In the USA wide, and sometimes superficial, knowledge is often valued more than specialization.

The aim of American education is to create a good citizen, rather than a scholar. That is why great emphasis is placed on social duties and obligation, on communicating with other people, and obtaining varied information, which will be of practical use in life.

  1. private institutions - частные учреждения

  2. to interfere - вмешиваться

  3. within - внутри

  4. to tend to - стремиться к ...

  5. particularly - особенно

  6. superficial knowledge - поверхностные знания

  7. to value - оценивать

  8. to create - создавать

  9. to place on - уделять внимание

  10. social duties and obligations - общественные обязанности

  11. to obtain - получать

  12. tovary, varied- изменять, разнообразный



Read the words and remember them:

1. todesign - designer

(конструировать, создаватьконструктор)

  1. primarily - первоначально

  2. to provide - обеспечивать

  3. fundamental -основной

  4. mechanics - mechanical engineer

(механика, инженер-механик)

  1. engine - engineer - engineering

(двигатель, оборудование, инженер, техника)

  1. science - scientist - scientific (наука, ученый, научный)

  2. economy - economics - economical - economically (экономика, экономический, экономически)

  3. advance - advanced courses (продвигать, продвинутыекурсы)

  4. research - to do research - to carry out research - to undertake research (исследование, проводитьисследования)

  5. to develop - development - developing (развивать, развитие, развивающийся)

  6. toproduce- product- production(создавать, производить, издание, продукт, производство)

  7. to serve - service (служить, служба)

  8. to govern - government (управлять, правительство)

  9. branch of science - отрасль науки

  10. stream –поток

  11. to intend for -предназначать

  12. the former... the latter -первый... последний

  13. to support-поддерживать

  14. instrument- instrumental-прибор, инструментальный, служащийсредством

  15. to culminate - достигать высшей точки

  16. manufacture = industry -промышленность


The Birmingham University.Mechanical EngineeringDepartment

The courses given in the Department are designed primarily to provide a broad education in the fundamental mechanical engineering sciences and in economics and business studies. The advanced courses in the Mechanical Engineering Department lead to careers (in technical management) in the fields of design, research, development and production in industry; the government service; the national research laboratories and institutions of higher learning; and to those in some branches of teaching.

One group of courses serves the Industrial Engineering stream and the other serves the Engineering Science stream. The former is intended for students whose interests lie mainly in the design and production side of mechanical engineering, the latter is meant for those who are analytically minded and who wish to study in depth the theoretical techniques used by engineers. After following a common first year and before entering the second year, students are divided into two streams on the basis of their own choice. The courses of study include mechanical production and electronic and electrical engineering, metallurgy, mathematics and economics. There are supported by laboratory and drawing office exercises. The former includes electronic instrumentation, stress analysis, analogue and digital commutation, metrology, etc. The latter culminates in design projects in the final year which are manufactured by second year students during their second vacation course in industry. In both cases students are engaged in practical work with engineering firms during the summer vacation. Information:

Birmingham is one of the largest industrial cities of Great Britain.

Steam engines, gas engines, motor cars, railway carriages, bicycles, agricultural implements and other articles are manufactured in its factories.

The University of Birmingham was founded in 19th century. It has more than 7,000 students. The main faculties of the University are: Faculty of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine,

Faculty of Commerce and Social Studies and Faculty of Law.

The Faculty of Science and Engineering consists of about 30 different departments. Mechanical Engineering is one of them.

Pronounce the following international words:

    1. mechanical

    2. department

    3. primarily

    4. fundamental

    5. laboratories

    6. industrial

    7. production

    8. theoretical

    9. mathematics

    10. instrumentation

    11. diagram

    12. analog

Ex. 1. Translate these groups of words paying attention to themodel


broad education, technical management, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, theoretical technique, electronic instrumentation, digital computation, practical work, industrial city, drawing office, scientific research

N + N

business club, stress analysis, analog computation, design project, second-year student, vacation course, steam engine, motor car, gas engine, summer vacation
Ex. 2. Mind the example before translating the sentences: ex. The building you see is the most modern = The building which you see is the most modern.

l.The problem you have to solve is very difficult. 2. The journal they asked for is in the library. 3. The translation the students are writing is easy. 4. A powerful turbine is more efficient, more profitable to operate and the electricity it generates is cheaper. 5. The student asked the librarian to find him the book he needed. 6. The club I am a member of is a sports club. 7. The apartment he lives in has the most modern conveniences. 8. The University produces specialists our country needs today and will need tomorrow. 9. The number of electrons within the atom determines the basic properties the element will possess. 10. Dynamics produce most of the electric energy we use today.


The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton

The polytechnic, Wolverhampton, is a large institution in the West Midlands and provides Higher Education for thousands of students from the United Kingdom and beyond. There are only thirty polytechnics altogether in England and Wales and Wolverhampton was one of the first to be designated. The Polytechnic was originally created in 1969 by uniting the College of Art with the College of Technology. In September 1977 the Dudley College of Education, the Wolverhampton Teachers 'College for Day Students and the Wolverhampton Technical Teachers' College merged to form a Faculty of Education within the Polytechnic.

The Polytechnics thus is made up of six faculties: Art and Design, Engineering, Humanities, Science, Social Science and Education. Five of these faculties are located on the main campus in the center of Wolverhampton; the sixth, the faculty of Education, is located at Dudley.

A wide range of degree, postgraduate, diploma and professional courses are offered at all six faculties. All faculties undertake research and all are served by the Polytechnical library. Nearly 4,000 students are on courses for three or four years, ranging from engineering and computer studies to social work courses. These courses are full-time, part-time and sandwich.

The teacher on the courses is partly by lectures but much of time is spent in smaller group work, in seminars and tutorials.

In addition to the higher degrees of MPhil (Master of Philosophy), DPh (Doctor of Philosophy) and MSc (Master of Science) the courses lead to a wide range of first degrees and diplomas.

A high proportion of students live away from home; over 1,300 being accommodated in Polytechnic residential units. The main campus has hostel places for 600 students.

The Polytechnic Students' Union represents students on various Polytechnic Committees. It operates a number of national services for local students (such as accommodation, medical, financial, legal and other problems). The Students' Union organizes and supports a wide range of social, recreational and cultural activities. A large number of clubs and societies are organized by it, which arrange entertainment. There are film, music, drama, poetry, blues and folk societies; rugby, judo, cross-country running, badminton and horse riding clubs. In addition, there are academic, political and other societies at the Polytechnic.
1. Read the following words and try to remember them:

      1. to design - todesignate - designer - designing

(проектировать, определять, обозначать, конструктор, проектирование)

      1. tounite - unit - uniting - residentialunits

(объединять, единицы, часть; объединение, деталь, общежития)

      1. to create - создавать

      2. to merge to - сливаться, объединяться

      3. human- humanities- человеческий; гуманитарные науки

      4. postgraduate- аспирант

        1. postgraduate courses - аспирантура

        2. range-диапазон, предел, изменяться в пределах

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7


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