Урок страноведения в 11 классе Тема: Рабовладельческая система в Америке

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Урок страноведения в 11 классе
Тема: Рабовладельческая система в Америке. Предпосылки и начало гражданской войны 1861-1865 г.


Практическая: ознакомление обучающихся с некоторыми фактами истории США - страны изучаемого языка; отработка правильного произношения названий американских штатов-участников гражданской войны 1861-1865 г.; формирование целостного представления об определенном этапе развития страны; формирование устойчивых страноведческих знаний по истории США.
Развивающая: развитие информационно- коммуникативной и социокультурной

компетенции; когнитивных и познавательных способностей учащихся; развитие умения

суммировать информацию, систематизировать получаемые знания, определять отношение разных людей к одним и тем же событиям и фактам, поддерживать познавательную

Воспитательная: воспитывать умение работать в группе, слушать и взаимодействовать с товарищами, ценить помощь товарищей.
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала
Оборудование (инструментальная часть): мультимедийная установка, Manage Mats,

карточки с письменным заданием, карточки с текстами про аболиционистов,

карты Соединенных Штатов Америки, цветные маркеры (розовые, голубые, желтые),

цветные листы с номерами столов, презентация “The Slave System and the Civil War”,

записи песен “Pick a Bale of Cotton”, “John Brown’s Body”.
Ход урока:

I. Организационный этап: приветствие, беседа с дежурным.
II. Фонетическая зарядка: названия штатов: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,

Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Delaware, Maryland,

West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Arizona.
Can you say what our lesson is going to be about? No? I’ll try to help you. Let’s check your

hometask (text p. 133 – 135)
III. Проверка домашнего задания и целеполагание: a) чтение текста “The Slave System” p. 133-135

(РАБОТА С КАРТОЧКАМИ в малых группах)

Task: Put the words in the right order to have sentences
1. the / Columbus / at / Europeans / of / Africa / first / travelled / to / time
2. bringing / Europeans / to / made / Africans / World / by / business / New / the

3. ships / captured / chained / put / and / Africans / together / into / were


4. at / were / auctions / slaves / public / sold


5. the / Africa / outlawed / 1830 / trade / Congress / slave / on / with


b) Самопроверка: обменяйтесь своими листочками, передайте их на другой стол, проверьте правильность выполнения задания, исправьте ошибки и оцените работу, наклеив стикер.

Сделайте это дважды (если работают три стола).
Checking and self esteem: exchange your answer sheets, check them, correct mistakes if there are any, estimate them by putting stickers.
IV. Актуализация знаний.

Now you can guess that we are going to speak about slavery in the USA and its

consequences. Please describe what it was like to be a slave on a large plantation in the South.
Предполагаемые ответы: Possible answers:
1. To begin with, I'd like to mention that about 10 mln Africans were brought to the New World

as slaves. They were sold at public auctions as cattle. Very often families were divided to be sold to different owners. Little children were sometimes taken from their mothers.
2. Moreover, slaves could not meet together in public. They could not travel without permission.
3. I’d like to add something. It was illegal to teach a slave how to read or write. I guess, slave

owners weren’t interested in having literate workers who might learn that slavery trade was outlawed by Congress in 1808.
4. The life of slaves was very difficult. They worked from early morning till late at night, and sometimes at night, too. They were watched by a boss who was called an overseer.
Teacher: Well, I am satisfied with your answers and want you to listen to the song “Pick a Bale

of Cotton”. Cotton and slavery were interrelated factors in the growth of the American South.

Cotton was a valuable raw material foe export. Slaves were a valuable source of energy for picking the tiny (one inch in diameter) balls of cotton off the low bushes and for digging up the

weeds between the rows. It was back-breaking work under a blazing sun.
“Pick a Bale of Cotton” became widely known in the late 1940s thanks to folksinger Huddie

Ledbetter. He learned the song while he was growing up in southern Louisiana. He had also been the lead man on a cotton-picking crew during his six years as an inmate in a Texas prison.

(Southern prisoners were hired out as work crews in those days). Introducing this song to audience later in his life, Ledbelly (as he was known) would explain that to pick an entire bale of cotton in one day, you really had to jump around.
Teacher: So, why were cotton plantations very important to the economy?
Student: The US was providing Britain with over 40% of its wheat and cotton from Southern States of the USA.


Teacher: In the North focused enterprises of engineering, metalworking and light industry. Here

the main labor force were immigrants from different countries who worked in the factories. The industrial North had enough workers, the demographic situation was stable and the standard of living was relatively high.

The situation was different in the South. In the result of Louisiana purchase in 1803 and the Mexican-American war in 1847 the US received a huge territory in the West, where slavery was legal. Those territories were occupied by the planters who received huge land holdings. The land in the South is very fertile, the climate is favourable for agriculture. Such crops as tobacco,

Sugar cane, cotton and rice were grown there.

However, the South lacked the manpower. The majority of immigrants went to the North, so since the 17th century slaves – the negroes were imported from Africa. By 1860 one-fourth of the population of the South were slave owners. The North needed the raw materials from the South especially cotton, and the South – machines from the North. So for a long time the two regions co-existed peacefully. But gradually contradictions increased.
V. Ознакомление с новым материалом: аболиционисты.
Teacher: By 1830 the Northern States had outlawed slavery, but the Southern States

remained slave states.

More and more people in America were beginning to understand that slavery was shameful,

that there should be no place for slavery in the democratic society. There appeared people who demanded to abolish slavery. These people were called abolitionists. They held meetings and made speeches, wrote articles about the evils of slavery. Some of these people helped slaves to escape from the South. They were called “conductors”.
Now I’d like you to work in groups according to the Singapore technique. Here are three texts about abolitionists.
Card 1. Harriet Beecher Stowe

With time, the abolitionist movement grew stronger. It gained many supporters in 1851, after a

New England woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, a story

about slavery. In the story, an old slave named Uncle Tom is killed by a cruel overseer named

Simon Legree. All over the country people discussed the book. It convinced many people that

Slavery was an evil that had to end. Years later, when war broke out between the North and the South, President Lincoln called Harriet Beecher Stowe “the little woman who started this great war”.

Card 2. John Brown was a fanatic abolitionist who wanted to establish a republic of escaped slaves in the Appalachian Mountains. In 1858, he led a troop of 13 white men (including two of

his own sons) and five black men in a hopeless raid on the Federal arsenal. Only Brown and four of his men survived the raid; he was hanged for his part in it.

Brown became a hero in the North and a verse was to the song devoted to him: “John Brown died that the slaves might be free.”
Song “John Brown’s Body”

Card 3. Harriet Tubman. There was a secret route to help slaves to escape from the South to

Freedom in the North and Canada. It was called the “Underground Railroad”. Despite its name, it did not use trains and did not follow an underground route. Blacks and whites worked on the

Underground Railroad. People who knew the way guided slaves along a footpath. They travelled at night to avoid being seen. In the daytime the slaves were hidden in the homes of supporters.

These homes were called “stationa”, and the people who led the slaves out of the South were called “conductors”.

The most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad was an escaped slave, a woman

whose name was Harriet Tubman. She was born on Maryland plantation in 1821 and escaped in

1849, so she was 28 then. For 15 years she worked as a conductor and led over 300 slaves to freedom. She risked her life many times traveling back into the South to rescue other slaves.

Slave owners offered a reward of 40,000 dollars for her capture, dead or alive. But no one could catch her.

VI. Ознакомление с новым материалом: начало гражданской войны. (Presenting the new material).

The Civil War (1861 – 1865) (у учащихся незаполненные карты США и Highlighters

на столах.

Учитель пишет на доске: secede [ ] –выйти из состава государства или партии
The Confederate States of America – Конфедерация штатов Америки
Fort Sumter – Форт Самтер
Teacher: In the next part of our lesson I would like to tell you about
a) The contradictions between the North and the South. Prerequisites of War were as follows:

1. Taxes on imported goods (the North wanted to make them higher to protect its own industry, and the South wanted to trade with the whole world freely.
2. Problems around slavery (was it possible to consider fugitive slaves free in the free states, whether to punish those who provided refuge (shelter) to slaves, if the southern states could prohibit free blacks to live in their territories).
3. The question of extension of slavery into new states: the US annexed new territories and therefore, there was a debate whether a new state ought to be considered free or slave-owning.
После рассказа учитель предлагает учащимся подытожить всё сказанное. Ученики могут записать это в свои тетради. ( Let’s summarize what has been said. The students may write this down into their copy-books).
The contradictions between the North and the South:

1. taxes on imported goods,

2. problems around slavery,

3. the question of extension of slavery.
b) We can’t help speaking about Abraham Lincoln. Open your books on page 139. Let’s read about A. Lincoln.
c) Now the next task. You can see clocks on the tables. The exercise is called

Clock Buddies”. Choose the time you’d like to speak to your partner (12, 3, 6 or 9).

After you have read the text, one of the partners will ask questions and the other will answer them. Try to ask various kinds of questions.
Possible questions and answers:

1. What party did Lincoln belong to? -- He was the candidate of the Republican Party.
2. Was A. Lincoln a popular man? – Yes, he was.
3. Was A. Lincoln a lawyer or a journalist? -- He was a lawyer.
4. Who wanted A. Lincoln to be elected President? – The Northern states were on the side of Lincoln.
5. The result of Lincoln’s becoming President was the splitting of the nation into two parts,

wasn’t it? -- Yes, it was.
d) Confederate States of America. Work with the blank maps.

Teacher: South Carolina was the first to secede from the United States. By February 1, 1861,

Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana . They decided to form their own nation.

Lincoln didn’t agree to the division of the United States. He didn’t want a war. But soon he saw that there was no choice. The Confederacy occupied seven federal forts in the Southern states.

Fort Sumter in the harbour of Charleston, South Carolina, was held by Union ( Northern ) troops. But on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops opened fir on Fort Sumter. The Union troops had to surrender the fort. It was the beginning of a civil war – a war between people of the same nation.

Between April and June, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Texas joined the Confederacy. Now it consisted of eleven Confederate states.

Frontier areas were: West Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri.

For you to know: Arizona was an Indian territory.
VII. The impact made by the Civil War on the new ideas in literature, the cinema, and music.

VIII. Home task: to read about the war years p. 142-149
IX. Feedback. Рефлексия.

1. How well can you do these things in English now? Give yourself a mark from 1 to 4.
1- I can do it very well 2 – I can do it quite well 3- I have some problems 4 – I can’t do it
a) I can talk about past events from the history of the USA
b) I can show Confederate States on the map of the USA
c) I can speak about the contradictions between the North and the South
d) I can tell about the abolitionists
e) I can describe the life of the slaves on cotton plantations
2. Now decide what you need to do to improve.
a) Look again into my text- book and copy-book

b) Read some stories or novels about the Civil War

c) Other: …………………………………………………………………………………
X. Giving marks.


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