Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык»

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Технический колледж

крученкова наталья васильевна

Контрольная работа

по дисциплине Английский язык

Методические указания

Автор: Н.В. Крученкова– преподаватель английского языка

Н.В. Крученкова

Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык»: Методические указания. – Северодвинск: технический колледж, 2017. – 40с.

Данные методические указания включают контрольные задания, практические рекомендации по их выполнению и оформлению, краткий грамматический справочник, а также список источников для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Методические указания предназначены для студентов 3 курса заочной формы обучения специальности 26.02.06 «Эксплуатация судового электрооборудования и средств автоматики».


© Крученкова Н.В.., 2017.

© Технический колледж

Усл. печ. л. 2,5

Рекомендации по оформлению и выполнению контрольной работы 4

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант 1 6

Вариант 2 14

Грамматический справочник 22

Список источников 28

Рекомендации по оформлению контрольной работы
Контрольная работа оформляется в соответствии со стандартом организации СТО 89-03.5 – 2013 «Общие требования к оформлению и изложению документов учебной деятельности обучающихся».
1. Текстовый материал работы оформляют на белой бумаге формата А4 на одной стороне листа, соблюдая следующие размеры полей: правое – не менее 10 мм, левое – 25 - 35 мм (в зависимости от переплёта), верхнее – 20 мм, нижнее – не менее 20 мм.
2. Контрольную работу выполняют с использованием ПК и принтера. Шрифт Times New Roman; кегль (размер шрифта) – 13; междустрочный интервал 1,5; выравнивание – по ширине; цвет шрифта – чёрный. Абзацы в тексте начинают отступом 12,5 мм. Расстояние между заданиями, а также заголовком и текстом – одна пустая строка
3. Текст документа должен быть оформлен одним цветом. Опечатки, описки и графические неточности, обнаруженные в процессе выполнения документа, допускается исправлять зачеркиванием или закрашиванием белой краской с нанесением на том же месте исправленного текста рукописным способом.
4. Страницы текстового документа нумеруют арабскими цифрами, соблюдая сквозную нумерацию по всему тексту документа для всех структурных элементов. Титульный лист и задание включают в общую нумерацию страниц текстового документа. На титульном листе номер не ставят. Номер страницы проставляют в центре нижней части листа без точки.
5. Обязательными элементами контрольной работы являются

1) Титульный лист. Титульный лист является первой страницей текстового документа. Оформляется на специальном бланке, образец которого приведен на сайте САФУ.

На титульном листе указывается

  • ФИО студента полностью, курс, группа, код и наименование специальности,

  • номер контрольной работы, дисциплина, тема контрольной работы, вариант (в строке «На тему»),

  • ФИО преподавателя.

2) Основная часть (выполненные задания в соответствии с рекомендациями).

Все без исключения задания выполняются письменно. Для вашего удобства вам лучше брать контрольные работы в электронном виде и сразу в них работать.

Выполненная контрольная работа должна содержать формулировки всех заданий и полные ответы на поставленные вопросы. Задания выполняются в той последовательности, в которой они даны в работе.

Внимательно читайте задания и выполняйте их точно по образцу. (Образец выполнения представлен в задании).

3) Лист для замечаний.
6. Выполненные контрольные работы сдаются для проверки на отделение в строго установленные сроки. Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указаний или не полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.

Получив проверенную преподавателем контрольную работу, внимательно прочитайте лист замечаний и проанализируйте отмеченные в работе ошибки. Все предложения, в которых были обнаружены грамматические ошибки или неточности перевода, оформите заново в исправленном виде на отдельном листе, приложите данный лист к вашей работе и снова сдайте на отделение.
7. Контрольная работа брошюруется в скоросшиватель.
Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 1

  1. Применяя свои знания по специальности, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос или правильное окончание предложения. (Правильный ответ подчеркните)

  1. A wattmeter shows the:

  1. Voltage

  2. Amperage

  3. Combined volts and amps of load delivery

  4. Resistance

  1. An ammeter is connected in a circuit in:

  1. Series parallel

  2. Parallel

  3. Series

  4. Contact

  1. A voltmeter is connected in a circuit in:

  1. Parallel

  2. Series parallel

  3. Series

  4. Relay

  1. If the needle of a megger does not return to zero, what is the cause?

  1. Out of calibration

  2. Needle bent

  3. Normal operation

  4. External adjustment is necessary

  1. A galvanometer is used to measure:

  1. Small voltage

  2. B. small currents

  3. Large currents

  4. Both A and B

  1. A megger measures:

  1. Volts

  2. Amps

  3. Resistance

  4. Insulation resistance

  1. A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of a ship is a:

  1. Short circuit

  2. Closed circuit

  3. Series circuit

  4. Grounded circuit

  1. An ohmmeter measures:

  1. Voltage

  2. Insulation resistance

  3. Resistance

  4. Amperage

  1. Current measuring instruments must always be connected in:

  1. Series with the circuit

  2. Parallel with the circuit

  3. Series parallel connection

  4. Shunt

  1. The following formula is used to compute power:

  1. P=ER

  2. P=RE

  3. P=IR

  4. P=ER

  1. If the resistance of a circuit is doubled and the applied voltage kept constant, the current will:

  1. Be increased fourfold

  2. Be doubled in value

  3. Be cut in half

  4. Remain the same

  1. The state of charge of a nickel-cadmium battery is determined by the use of a (an):

  1. Hydrometer

  2. Volt meter

  3. Ammeter

  4. Potentiometer

  1. Batteries are rated for capacity in terms of:

  1. Voltage

  2. Rage

  3. Watt-hours

  4. Ampere-hours

  1. How is a lead-acid cell tested:

  1. Hydrometer

  2. Hygrometer

  3. Hogometer

  4. Megometer

  1. A 24-volt –acid storage battery consist of:

  1. 8 cells

  2. 6cells

  3. 12 cells

  4. None of the above

  1. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Electric currents and their properties

Conduction is the name normally given to a movement or flow of charges. The charges are usually electrons, but may also be ions when the conduction takes place in gaseous or liquid conductors, in which the ions are mobile.

How does the current flow through a wire? A metal is made up of tiny crystals which are visible under a microscope. A crystal is a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms. As it was explained, an atom is a complex particle in which tiny electrons move around nucleus. When the atoms are tightly packed as they are in a metallic solid, some of the electrons move freely between the atoms. These are called free electrons. Ordinarily, the free electrons move at random through the metal. There must be some driving force to cause the electrons to move through the metal conductor. This driving force tending to produce the motion of electrons through a circuit is called an electromotive force or e.m.f. that moves electric charges from one point in the circuit to another.

When an electromotive force is applied to the ends of a wire the free electrons move in one direction. It is the movement of the free electrons in a conductor that induces an electric current. The greater the number of participating electrons, the greater is the flow of current.

No one has ever seen an electric current. We only know of the existence of a current by its effects. A current can heat a conductor, it can have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect. We can measure currents by observing their heating, their chemical, or their magnetic effects.

There are some kinds of current, namely: a direct current (d.c., for short), an alternating current (a. c.) a pulsating current.

  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

  1. We don’t know the girl standing at the window.

  2. Using your methods he will manage the task.

  3. When playing with a child my brother tries to think up new games.

  4. Having finished the experiment the engineers started a series of new tests.

  5. While using a needle you should be careful not to pick your finger.

  6. Having obtained the necessary compound, we could finish our experiment.

  7. The scientists following this technique investigated some phenomena of radioactivity

  8. They were looking at the children playing in the garden.

  1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

  1. Dinner being over, we assembled in the drawing-room.

  2. There being little time left, they hired a cab to get to the theatre in time.

  3. Radio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian scientist A.S.Popov.

  4. The wolf having been killed, they could now sleep in peace.

  5. The electrons move with varying velocities, their velocity depending on the temperature and nature of the material.

  6. It was very dark, there being no stars in the sky.

  1. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив является:

  1. Galileo was the first to perceive that Jupiter has four moons (определением).

  2. Many ores to be found in this district are of great value to the industry (определением).

  3. He made a number of experiments in order to produce a perfect optical glass (обстоятельством).

  4. His main task was to find out the nature of electricity and magnetism (дополнением).

  5. To carry out this work successfully requires special knowledge (подлежащим).

  6. We have to investigate this process (частью сказуемого).

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции Complex Object / Complex Subject

  1. I believe my brother to have forgotten to send her flowers.

  2. I don’t want you to be late.

  3. I like her to sing.

  4. I saw him open the door and leave the room.

  5. The boy felt the doctor to touch his leg.

  1. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physics.

  2. They appear to have lost the way.

  3. Roberta was known to be an honest and hard-working girl.

  4. Clyde was expected to arrive at the week-end.

  5. Becky and Tom were supposed to have stayed at the widow Douglas’.

  6. This work seems to take much time.

  1. Я слышал, как он открывает дверь.

  2. Я знала, что он великий ученый.

  3. Наш учитель любит, когда мы задаем вопросы.

  4. Говорят, что он работает на заводе.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов и союзов.

  1. By means of this device we can carry out more operations in less time.

  2. The work is going on according to the schedule.

  3. The engine didn't operate well because of bad fuel.

  4. In order to protect the surface from heat and cold it was covered with special substance.

  5. The shorter the lever (рычаг) arm, the greater effort is needed to lift the weight.

  6. Both the bridge and the dam will be completed before the navigation season.

  7. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by the underground.

  8. As soon as all the calculations are completed, we will begin the tests.

Вариант 2

1. Применяя свои знания по специальности, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос или правильное окончание предложения. (Правильный ответ подчеркните)

  1. Counter electromotive force is measured in:

  1. Amps

  2. Ohms

  3. Volts

  4. Coulombs

  1. With other factors remaining constant, when applied voltage is doubled, current flow in a given circuit will:

  1. Double

  2. Remain the same

  3. Be divided by two

  4. Be divided by four

  1. Which of the following formulas would solve for amperage?

  1. R divided by E

  2. R times E

  3. E divided by R

  4. R minus E

  1. Which of the following expressions correctly states Ohm’s Law?

  1. Volts equal amps times resistance

  2. Amps equal volts divided by resistance

  3. Resistance equals volts divided by amps

  4. All of the above are correct

  1. In a parallel circuit which of the following is the same throughout the circuit?

  1. Impedance

  2. Current

  3. Voltage

  4. Resistance

  1. When using Ohm’s Law, E divided by R would solve for:

  1. Amperage

  2. Voltage

  3. Watts

  4. Resistance

  1. When using Ohm’s Law, E divided by I would solve for:

  1. Amperage

  2. Voltage

  3. Resistance

  4. Watts

  1. The unit of electrical current flow is the:

  1. Amp

  2. Volt

  3. Watt

  4. Ohm

  1. The unit of electrical resistance is the:

  1. Amp

  2. Watt

  3. Volt

  4. Ohm

  1. Volts times amps equals:

  1. kilowatts

  2. watts

  3. ohms

  4. watt-hours

  1. In a series circuit the total current is:

  1. the same as that of the largest branch circuit

  2. the same throughout all parts of the circuit

  3. the same as that of the smallest branch circuit

  4. none of the above

  1. Static electricity is most often produced by:

  1. pressure

  2. heat

  3. magnetism

  4. friction

  1. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always:

  1. larger than that of the branch with the greatest resistance

  2. equal to the sum of the individual branch resistance

  3. equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the individual branch

  4. smaller than that of the branch with the lowest resistance

  1. If the resistance of a circuit is doubled and the applied voltage kept constant, the

current will be:

  1. doubled

  2. quadrupled

  3. the same

  4. cut in half

  1. Dielectric strength is the:

  1. opposite of potential difference

  2. ability of a conductor to carry large amounts of current

  3. ability of an insulator to withstand a potential difference

  4. strength of a magnetic field

2. Переведите текст на русский язык.
Measuring devices

Ammeters and Volt meters. - Ammeters measure the current flowing in a circuit and normally have scales which are graduated or calibrated in amperes, milliamperes or microamperes.

Voltmeters are used to measure the potential difference between two points in a circuit. The calibration of voltmeters is usually in volts, millivolts or microvolts.

The main difference between the two instruments of the same type or design is in the
resistance of the operating coil, identical moving units may be used for either meter. An ammeter is connected in the positive or negative lead in series with a circuit and, therefore, must have a low resistance coil, otherwise the readings will be incorrect as the coil would absorb an appreciable amount of power.

A voltmeter is connected in parallel across the points of a circuit where the difference of potential is to be measured. The resistance of the operating coil must, in this instance, be as high as possible, to limit the amount of current consumed by it, or else a drop in potential due to the meter would occur and the pointer indication would not represent the true potential difference across the circuit.

Wattmeters .- The measurement of the power in a D. С circuit at any instant can be achieved by means of an ammeter and voltmeter as the power in watts is the product of the current and the voltage. With A.C. circuits, however, the instantaneous values are always changing. To measure A.C. power correctly, therefore, it is necessary to use the third instrument to measure the phase difference. The normal practice, however, is to combine these three instruments in one which will give a direct reading of power in watts.
3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

  1. I see a man walking around your car.

  2. Doing many exercises we learn English grammar.

  3. Got ready the equipment was shipped on the platform. While crossing the road she dropped her phone.

  4. Metals being used in industry in the form of alloys have better properties than pure metals.

  5. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter.

  6. The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful.

  7. The tree struck by lightening was all black and leafless.

  8. Having become familiar with the main laws of statics, we can study the laws of dynamics.

  1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

  1. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker.

  2. The resistant being very high, the current in the circuit was very low.

  3. All the preparations having been finished, the tourists went on a hike.

  4. The fifth of June arriving, they departed.

  5. The situation being urgent, we had to go ahead.

  6. The girl wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  1. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив является:

  1. The distance to be covered was equal to ten miles (определением).

  2. To answer this question requires much knowledge (подлежащим).

  3. She is to help you in your work (частью сказуемого).

  4. Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space (определением).

  5. We study to become good specialists (обстоятельством)

  6. This is the text to be translated for the next lesson (определением).

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции

Complex Object / Complex Subject

  1. I think him to have left for Moscow.

  2. We know your uncle to be an excellent mathematician.

  3. I expect him to understand my problem.

  4. He likes children to laugh.

  5. They saw the ship sail away from the shore.

  1. He is said to be a good translator.

  2. A hare is known to run very fast.

  3. This type of rocket is supposed to have many advantages.

  4. The poem is believed to have been written by Byron.

  5. This appeared to amuse the policeman.

  6. The operation seem to be a very complicated one.

  1. Он наблюдал, как мама моет посуду.

  2. Бабушка любит, когда Лена играет на рояле.

  3. Она знала, что он очень добрый человек.

  4. Полагают, что эта поэма была написана в VIII веке.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов и союзов.

  1. Due to the establishment of new trolley-bus routes the passenger service in the city was mproved.

  2. The monument was restored in spite of many difficulties.

  3. Who can repair the apparatus instead of him?

  4. No planes took off on that day on account of low clouds.

  5. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by the underground.

  6. As soon as all the calculations are completed, we will begin the tests.

  7. These children know neither German nor French.

  8. You can stay here as long as the room is free.

Вариант 3

    1. Применяя свои знания по специальности, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос или правильное окончание предложения. (Правильный ответ подчеркните)

  1. A wattmeter shows the:

  1. Voltage

  2. Amperage

  3. Combined volts and amps of load delivery

  4. Resistance

  1. An ammeter is connected in a circuit in:

  1. Series parallel

  2. Parallel

  3. Series

  4. Contact

  1. A voltmeter is connected in a circuit in:

  1. Parallel

  2. Series parallel

  3. Series

  4. Relay

  1. If the needle of a megger does not return to zero, what is the cause?

  1. Out of calibration

  2. Needle bent

  3. Normal operation

  4. External adjustment is necessary

  1. A galvanometer is used to measure:

  1. Small voltage

  2. B. small currents

  3. Large currents

  4. Both A and B

  1. A megger measures:

  1. Volts

  2. Amps

  3. Resistance

  4. Insulation resistance

  1. A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of a ship is a:

  1. Short circuit

  2. Closed circuit

  3. Series circuit

  4. Grounded circuit

  1. An ohmmeter measures:

  1. Voltage

  2. Insulation resistance

  3. Resistance

  4. Amperage

  1. Current measuring instruments must always be connected in:

  1. Series with the circuit

  2. Parallel with the circuit

  3. Series parallel connection

  4. Shunt

  1. The following formula is used to compute power:

  1. P=ER

  2. P=RE

  3. P=IR

  4. P=ER

  1. If the resistance of a circuit is doubled and the applied voltage kept constant, the current will:

  1. Be increased fourfold

  2. Be doubled in value

  3. Be cut in half

  4. Remain the same

  1. The state of charge of a nickel-cadmium battery is determined by the use of a (an):

  1. Hydrometer

  2. Volt meter

  3. Ammeter

  4. Potentiometer

  1. Batteries are rated for capacity in terms of:

  1. Voltage

  2. Rage

  3. Watt-hours

  4. Ampere-hours

  1. How is a lead-acid cell tested:

  1. Hydrometer

  2. Hygrometer

  3. Hogometer

  4. Megometer

  1. A 24-volt –acid storage battery consist of:

  1. 8 cells

  2. 6cells

  3. 12 cells

  4. None of the above

    1. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Electric currents and their properties

Conduction is the name normally given to a movement or flow of charges. The charges are usually electrons, but may also be ions when the conduction takes place in gaseous or liquid conductors, in which the ions are mobile.

How does the current flow through a wire? A metal is made up of tiny crystals which are visible under a microscope. A crystal is a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms. As it was explained, an atom is a complex particle in which tiny electrons move around nucleus. When the atoms are tightly packed as they are in a metallic solid, some of the electrons move freely between the atoms. These are called free electrons. Ordinarily, the free electrons move at random through the metal. There must be some driving force to cause the electrons to move through the metal conductor. This driving force tending to produce the motion of electrons through a circuit is called an electromotive force or e.m.f. that moves electric charges from one point in the circuit to another.

When an electromotive force is applied to the ends of a wire the free electrons move in one direction. It is the movement of the free electrons in a conductor that induces an electric current. The greater the number of participating electrons, the greater is the flow of current.

No one has ever seen an electric current. We only know of the existence of a current by its effects. A current can heat a conductor, it can have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect. We can measure currents by observing their heating, their chemical, or their magnetic effects.

There are some kinds of current, namely: a direct current (d.c., for short), an alternating current (a. c.) a pulsating current.

    1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

  1. When reading your translation I found some mistakes.

  2. The documents lost in the park are of great importance.

  3. While having dinner we discussed many questions.

  4. We were demonstrated an operating engine.

  5. Having made many experiments scientists proved that electricity had an atomic character.

  6. While crossing the street one should first look to the left and then to the right.

  7. The room facing the garden is much more comfortable than this one.

  8. Having discovered the law of periodicity of the chemical elements, Mendeleyev become very famous.

    1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

  1. He started about five, Riggs having informed him that the way would take him three hours.

  2. This material being a dielectric, no current can flow through it.

  3. They continued their way, the boy sobbing quietly, the man ashamed.

  4. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed.

  5. The underground station being not far, we walked there.

  6. The packings having been done, the girls left for the station.

    1. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив является:

  1. His task was to complete the work in time (дополнением).

  2. To extend the main street they had to destroy some old buildings (обстоятельством).

  3. The new channel to be constructed here will be the longest in the country (определением).

  4. The dog was the first to feel danger (определением).

  5. To operate the new carne is not easy (подлежащим).

  6. Energy may be transported be many different ways (частью сказуемого).

    1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции

Complex Object / Complex Subject

  1. He knows my mother to be a very kind woman.

  2. She expected her brother to bring the book.

  3. He hates us to be late.

  4. I noticed Henry go up and speak with the stranger.

  5. I felt Nick put his hand on my shoulder.

  1. The number of unemployed is reported to be increasing with every year.

  2. The Londoner Underground is known to be the oldest in the world.

  3. The flood is reported to have caused much damage to the crops.

  4. She appeared to be an excellent actress.

  5. This device was known to have been designed in that laboratory.

  6. She doesn’t seem to want to do anything.

  1. Мать наблюдала, как ее маленький сын чистит зубы.

  2. Папа любит, когда я говорю по-английски.

  3. Мы рассчитываем, что вы нам поможете.

  4. Вы, кажется устали.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов и союзов.

  1. By means of this device we can carry out more operations in less time.

  2. The work is going on according to the schedule.

  3. The engine didn't operate well because of bad fuel.

  4. In order to protect the surface from heat and cold it was covered with special substance.

  5. The shorter the lever (рычаг) arm, the greater effort is needed to lift the weight.

  6. Both the bridge and the dam will be completed before the navigation season.

  7. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by the underground.

  8. As soon as all the calculations are completed, we will begin the tests.

Вариант 4
1. Применяя свои знания по специальности, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос или правильное окончание предложения. (Правильный ответ подчеркните)

  1. Counter electromotive force is measured in:

  1. Amps

  2. Ohms

  3. Volts

  4. Coulombs

  1. With other factors remaining constant, when applied voltage is doubled, current flow in a given circuit will:

  1. Double

  2. Remain the same

  3. Be divided by two

  4. Be divided by four

  1. Which of the following formulas would solve for amperage?

  1. R divided by E

  2. R times E

  3. E divided by R

  4. R minus E

  1. Which of the following expressions correctly states Ohm’s Law?

  1. Volts equal amps times resistance

  2. Amps equal volts divided by resistance

  3. Resistance equals volts divided by amps

  4. All of the above are correct

  1. In a parallel circuit which of the following is the same throughout the circuit?

  1. Impedance

  2. Current

  3. Voltage

  4. Resistance

  1. When using Ohm’s Law, E divided by R would solve for:

  1. Amperage

  2. Voltage

  3. Watts

  4. Resistance

  1. When using Ohm’s Law, E divided by I would solve for:

  1. Amperage

  2. Voltage

  3. Resistance

  4. Watts

  1. The unit of electrical current flow is the:

  1. Amp

  2. Volt

  3. Watt

  4. Ohm

  1. The unit of electrical resistance is the:

  1. Amp

  2. Watt

  3. Volt

  4. Ohm

  1. Volts times amps equals:

  1. kilowatts

  2. watts

  3. ohms

  4. watt-hours

  1. In a series circuit the total current is:

  1. the same as that of the largest branch circuit

  2. the same throughout all parts of the circuit

  3. the same as that of the smallest branch circuit

  4. none of the above

  1. Static electricity is most often produced by:

  1. pressure

  2. heat

  3. magnetism

  4. friction

  1. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always:

  1. larger than that of the branch with the greatest resistance

  2. equal to the sum of the individual branch resistance

  3. equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the individual branch

  4. smaller than that of the branch with the lowest resistance

  1. If the resistance of a circuit is doubled and the applied voltage kept constant, the

current will be:

  1. doubled

  2. quadrupled

  3. the same

  4. cut in half

  1. Dielectric strength is the:

  1. opposite of potential difference

  2. ability of a conductor to carry large amounts of current

  3. ability of an insulator to withstand a potential difference

  4. strength of a magnetic field

2. Переведите текст на русский язык.
Measuring devices

Ammeters and Volt meters. - Ammeters measure the current flowing in a circuit and normally have scales which are graduated or calibrated in amperes, milliamperes or microamperes.

Voltmeters are used to measure the potential difference between two points in a circuit. The calibration of voltmeters is usually in volts, millivolts or microvolts.

The main difference between the two instruments of the same type or design is in the
resistance of the operating coil, identical moving units may be used for either meter. An ammeter is connected in the positive or negative lead in series with a circuit and, therefore, must have a low resistance coil, otherwise the readings will be incorrect as the coil would absorb an appreciable amount of power.

A voltmeter is connected in parallel across the points of a circuit where the difference of potential is to be measured. The resistance of the operating coil must, in this instance, be as high as possible, to limit the amount of current consumed by it, or else a drop in potential due to the meter would occur and the pointer indication would not represent the true potential difference across the circuit.

Wattmeters .- The measurement of the power in a D. С circuit at any instant can be achieved by means of an ammeter and voltmeter as the power in watts is the product of the current and the voltage. With A.C. circuits, however, the instantaneous values are always changing. To measure A.C. power correctly, therefore, it is necessary to use the third instrument to measure the phase difference. The normal practice, however, is to combine these three instruments in one which will give a direct reading of power in watts.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

  1. When driving my car I pay attention to the traffic signs.

  2. The area of the car works built on the Kama river is almost 1000 hectares.

  3. While translating the article I didn’t use the dictionary.

  4. A neutron is a particle having the same mass as a proton but carrying no electrical charge.

  5. The broken arm was examined by the doctor.

  6. Having prescribed the medicine, the doctor went away.

  7. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

  8. While isolating and separating radium, Mary Curie found other radioactive elements.

4.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

  1. The clock striking 10, we went to bed.

  2. The children having come from school, we sat down and began to eat.

  3. Our horses being weary, it was agreed that we should come to a halt.

  4. It being pretty late, they decided to postpone their visit.

  5. Any moving object can do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity.

  6. Our efforts to start the car having failed, we spent the night in a nearby village.

  1. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив является:

  1. To increase the speed of trains is a complicated problem (подлежащим).

  2. To detect broken parts in time a new device was developed in our shop (обстоятельством).

  3. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of new design (определением).

  4. Our aim is to study this phenomenon (дополнением).

  5. The designer is to vary the properties of the metal (частью сказуемого).

  6. Steam engines were the first to be tried in airplanes (определением).

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции

Complex Object / Complex Subject

  1. My mother wants me to study Spanish.

  2. I know my friend to be a just man.

  3. We expected the weather to change.

  4. I like my brother to play guitar.

  5. She felt tears roll down her cheeks.

  1. The new methods of work appear to be very effective.

  2. Many new text-books are expected to be published soon.

  3. His invention is considered to be of great importance.

  4. That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River.

  5. The house appears to have not been lived for a long time.

  6. The devices seem to be in excellent condition.

  1. Я ожидал, что она пришлет мне письмо.

  2. Она знала, что он очень добрый человек.

  3. Мама любит, когда я читаю стихи.

  4. Мы она не слышала, как он вошел в комнату.

  1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод составных предлогов и союзов.

  1. Due to the establishment of new trolley-bus routes the passenger service in the city was mproved.

  2. The monument was restored in spite of many difficulties.

  3. Who can repair the apparatus instead of him?

  4. No planes took off on that day on account of low clouds.

  5. You can get to that part of the city either by bus or by the underground.

  6. As soon as all the calculations are completed, we will begin the tests.

  7. These children know neither German nor French.

  8. You can stay here as long as the room is free.

Грамматический справочник


Состоит из -) существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в именительном падеже);

-) причастия;

-) при этом существительное/местоимение выполняет роль подлежащего

по отношению к причастию, не являясь подлежащим всего предложения.

Пример: The weather being fine, the airplane started. (Так как погода была хорошая,

самолет вылетел.)
В тексте можно узнать по следующим признакам:

-) перед причастием стоит существительное без предлога или местоимение

в именительном падеже;

-) независимый причастный оборот всегда отделен запятой.

  1   2   3


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