B. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные сущест­вительные и местоимения в множественное число. There is a letter

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НазваниеB. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные сущест­вительные и местоимения в множественное число. There is a letter
  1   2   3

A. Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и вопроситель­но-отрицательную форму следующих предложений:

That’s good.

That isn’t good.

Is that good?

Isn’t that good?

1. That’s a good idea.

2. He could decide what to do.

3. It’s difficult to make a decision.

4. He was planning to go with her.

5. She’d like to go with you.

6. They were making an attempt to plan their future.

7. She would consider going back east.

8. There’s a chance he’ll go.

9. He spent a few days in the mountains.

10. It’s easy to make a decision.

11. That’s a practical idea.

12. They should try to plan for the future.
B. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные сущест­вительные и местоимения в множественное число.

There is a letter on the table.-There arc some letters on the table.

He is a manager.-They are managers.

1. I saw a boy in the street.

2. He is a businessman.

3. I received a letter from England.

4. There is a fish in the jar.

5. Send the fax to him.

6. Don't sign the contract.

7. The director is out.

8. A sales representative must be a creative person.

9. He works as a foreman at our company.

10. He became the president of a big company.

11. The delivery will be delayed for approximately 5 days.

12. The firm did not pay duty in time.
C. Вместо оборотов с предлогoм of образуйте обороты с су­ществительными в притяжательном падеже:

The car of the Commercial Commercial Director’s car.


1. A book of Mr. Sage. 2. A letter of my boss. 3. The hand of Mrs. Leondes. 4. The room of managers. 5. Names of salesmen. 6. The advice of Miss Jane. 7. Businessmen of Ukraine. 8. The proposal of our Director. 9. A receipt of a consignee. 10. A bill of lading of a ship. 11. A call from John Smithers. 12. The commission of Mr. Bell.
D. Вставьте там, где это необходимо, определенный либо неопределенный артикль.

1. One of... most exciting new developments in ... modems is ... ability of... modem to transmit... voice down ... telephone line at... same time as it is sending ... data. 2.... system of... commercial banks was created in ... Lithuania. There were ... 28 commercial banks in ... middle of 1994. 3. At... millions of ... offices, ... fax machines are boosting ... productivity mid cutting ... telecom costs. 4.... exhibitors have taken ... advantage of... enormous assembly of... international journalists at... exhibition. 5.... exhibition has always been... place for introducing ... new products and ... new technology. 6. The Internet provides us with ... reliable alternative to ... expensive and erratic telecommucations system of... Ukraine. 7. All of... large, multination­al corporations have built ... very attractive stands at ... exhibition. 8. To meet... goal of... plan, they have sought to clarify... future direc­tion. 9.... plan is... first step in preparing... company for ... 21th cen­tury. 10. ... software and services represent one of... fastest growing sectors of.,, computer market in ... Eastern Europe.


А. Найдите во втором столбце слова с противоположным значением (антонимы).

  1. incorrect

  2. interesting

  3. terrible

  4. last

  5. answer

  6. near-sighted

  7. unhappy

  8. clean

  9. indoors

  10. difficult

  11. safe

  12. cheap

  13. fast

  14. hate

  15. noisy

  1. dull

  2. first

  3. far-sighted

  4. dirty

  5. quiet

  6. dangerous

  7. outdoors

  8. easy

  9. correct

  10. expensive

  11. ask

  12. like

  13. happy

  14. slow

  15. wonderful

В. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Mr Brown is (tall) than Mr Smith.

  2. The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday.

  3. Tom is (clever) manager in the company.

  4. My secretary is as (good) as yours.

  5. My secretary is (good) than yours.

  6. My secretary is (good) of the three.

  7. The staff will be much (happy) in their new office.

  8. Му cold is (bad) today than it was yesterday.

  9. Athens is (far) from London than Rome is.

  10. Mr Robinson is (rich) than Mr Green, but I don’t think that he is (lucky) than Mr Green.

С. Замените прилагательные в предложениях их антонимами в столбце.

1. Bill is very tall.


2. Maiy is quite thin.


3. My hands are dry.


4. Why are you so sad?


5. He is an elderly man.


6.1 know he is right about it.


7. This is a very narrow street.


8. The weather is getting warm.


9. This water is too hot.


lO.They are the same.


11. It’s a terrible day.


12. He is going to be early today.


13. We took a short trip.


14. When did you get that new car?


15. What is the quickest way to the hotel?


16.1 bought a secondhand car.


17. That’s a very small suitcase.


D. Поставьте прилагательные или наречия в правильную

форму, дополнив их суффиксами или префиксами.

Mike is Very hardworking, {very)

  1. He is a lucky man. He has been(…)married for ten years, {happy)

  2. It was very(…)of him to give you a lift, {kind)

  3. Actors are(…)people, {create)

  4. He was fired from his job because he was(…). {efficient)

  5. The dancer was superb. He gave a(…)performance, {fault)

  6. The passengers were frightened when the driver drove(…)close to a house, {care)

  7. My husband likes the colour gray, but I find it(…) .{attract)

  8. She was stopped, even though she drove(…). {care)

  9. I doh’t like John’s boss. I find him most(…).{pleasant)


A.Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях и напишите их правильные варианты:

Му name Victor.-Му name is Victor.

  1. I want that he called me.

  2. Could you tell to him to call me?

  1. I get him for you.

  2. Hello. I’m Vladimir Ivanov speaking.

  1. I’m sorry. The line busy.

  2. Can I help to you?

  3. He not here at the moment.

  4. Can I take a massage?

  5. I’m sorry. He have a meeting.

  6. I’ll put you back immediately.

B. Вставьте пропущенные фразы:

  1. S. (…)

T. Yes, May I speak to Mr John Conners?

S. (…)

T. Yes, please tell him that Victor Smurov called.

  1. O. He is busy at the moment. Can you ring back later?

P. (…)

  1. Yes, that’s perfect, thank you. Goodbye.

  1. M. (…)

N. Yes, who is calling?

M. (…)

N. Good morning, Mr Ivanov. What can I do for you?

  1. I. (…)

J. Just a moment. I’ll find out if he is in.

O. (…)

J. This is John Smith, from Continental Equipment. I’d like some information.
С. Соедините линиями американские и английские эквива­ленты:


return ticket










city centre









round-trip ticket






one-way ticket





single ticket


booking office

D. Соедините линиями аббревиатуры и соответствующие им значения:


the same compare




important note


that is




this year


for example


for and on behalf of




see above


after noon


with the terms reversed


for each year




А. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями I или II .

  1. I have eaten all(…)sandwiches, can I have one

of(…) ?

  1. Peter has lost(…)pea Ask Mrs Brown if she will lend him(…)?

  2. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and a friend of(…)are coming to

see us.

  1. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of(…) .

  2. I have had(…)dinner, and Mary has had(…), so come and


  1. Have you heard from that friend of (…) who went to


  1. We have had(…)lunch. Have you had(…)?

  2. Susan wants to know if you have seen (…)file.

  1   2   3


B. Преобразуйте предложения, поставив выделенные сущест­вительные и местоимения в множественное число. There is a letter iconUnit 1
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