Методические указания для студентов всех технических специальностей заочного отделения

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Вариант 5

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering. It was invented by Professor A. S. Popov, the talented Russian scientist, who demonstrated the first radio-receiving set in the world on May 7, 1895. And it is on this day that we mark the anniversary of the radio.

By this invention Popov made a priceless contribution to the development of the world science.

Nearly at the same time an Italian inventor G. Marconi, who moved to Great Britain in 1896, got an English patent on using electromagnetic waves for communication without wires. As A.S. Popov had not patented his invention by that time yet, the world considered Marconi to be the inventor of the radio. But in our country it is A.S. Popov, who we by right call the inventor of radio.

A.S. Popov was born in the Urals on March 16, 1859. For some years he had been studying at the seminary in Perm and then went to the University of St. Petersburg. In his student days he worked as a mechanic at one of the first electric power-plants in St. Petersburg which was producing electric lights for Nevsky prospect.

After graduating from the University in 1882, A.S. Popov remained there as a post-graduate at the Physics Department. A year later he became a lecturer on Physics and Electrical Engineering in Kronstadt. By that time he had already won recognition among specialists as an authority in this field.

After Hertz had published his experiments proving the existence of electromagnetic waves, A.S. Popov thought of a possibility of using Hertz waves for transmitting signals over a distance. Thus the first wireless (radio) receiving set was created. Then Popov developed his device and on March 24, 1896 he demonstrated the transmission and reception of a radiogram consisting of two words: Heinrich Hertz. On that day the radio-telegraphy was converted from an abstract theoretical problem into a real fact. A.S. Popov did not live to see the great progress of his invention.

Popov’s invention laid the foundation for further inventions and improvements in the field of radio engineering. Since that time, scientists all over the world have been developing the modern system of radio-telegraphy, broadcasting, television, radiolocation, radio navigation and other branches of radio electronics.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. Why did the world consider Marconi to be the inventor of radio?

a) because he got an English patent on using electromagnetic waves for communication

without wire connection

b) because A.S. Popov had not patented his invention by that time yet

c) because Marconi demonstrated the transmission and reception of radiograms

2. Why do we mark the anniversary of the radio birth on May 7?

a) because A.S. Popov demonstrated the first radio-receiving set in the world on May 7, 1895

b) because A.S. Popov patented his invention that day

c) because A.S. Popov demonstrated the transmission and reception of a radio telegram this day

3. What results of the experiment did Hertz publish?

a) the experiments connected with the waves usage for transmitting signals over a distance

b) the experiments proving the existence of electromagnetic waves

c) the experiments on the transmission and reception of radiograms
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию текста.

4. In his student’s days A.S. Popov worked as ….

a) a driver

b) a mechanic

c) an engineer

5. A.S. Popov had not patented …yet.

a) his discovery

b) his invention

c) his creation

6. By that time the world considered Marconi ….

a) the greatest physicist

b) the inventor of radio

c) the inventor of radio-telegraphy

7. A.S. Popov, the talented Russian scientist, demonstrated the first radio-receiving set in the world ….

a) in the 19th century

b) on May 7, 1895

c) on March 8, 1896

8. He worked as a mechanic at ….

a) the plant

b) one of the first electric power plants

c) the power station

IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову.

9. изобрeтение

a) invent

b) inventor

c) invention

10. развитие

a) developed

b) development

c) developing

11. производство

a) producer

b) production

c) productive

12. использование

a) user

b) use

c) used

13. создание

a) creator

b) creation

c) created

14. ученый

a) science

b) scientific

c) scientist

15. техника

a) engineer

b) engineering

c) engine

V. Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание предъявленного.

16. Popov’s invention laid the foundation for further improvement in the field of radio-engineering.

a) Изобретение Попова связано с дальнейшим усовершенствованием в области радиотехники.

b) Изобретение Попова заложило основы для дальнейших усовершенствований в области радиотехники.

с) Изобретение Попова будет иметь большое значение для дальнейших изобретений в области радиотехники.

17. Nearly at the same time an Italian inventor Marconi got an English patent on using electromagnetic waves for communication without wires.

a) Итальянский ученый изобрел радио.

b) В то же время итальянский изобретатель Маркони получил английский патент на использование электромагнитных волн для передачи сообщения без проводов.

с) Маркони использовал волны для передачи сигналов на расстояние.

18. A.S. Popov thought of a possibility of using waves for transmitting signals over a distance.

a) А.С. Попов демонстрировал передачу и прием радиограмм.

b) А.С. Попов использовал радиоволны для передачи на расстояние.

с) А.С. Попов думал о возможности использования радиоволны для передачи сигналов на расстояние.
VI. Выберите английское предложение, наиболее точно передающие содержание предъявленного.

19. Popov’s invention laid the foundation for further inventions in the field of radio engineering.

а) By his invention A.S. Popov made a priceless contribution to the development of world science.

b) Popov’s laid the foundation for the invention of television.

c) A.S. Popov made a great contribution to the development of radio.

20. The talented Russian scientist demonstrated the first radio receiving set in the world on May 7, 1895.

a) A.S. Popov, the talented Russian scientist, created the first wireless receiving set.

b) A.S. Popov, the talented Russian scientist, invented radio-telegraphy.

c) A.S. Popov, the talented Russian scientist, invented radio on May 7, 1895.

21. A.S. Popov has won recognition among specialists in the field of radio-engineering.

a) In our country A.S. Popov, by right, is called the inventor of radio.

b) Popov’s invention laid the foundation for further inventions in the field of radio-engineering.

c) Since Popov’s invention scientists all over the world have been developing modern systems of radio-telegraphy, broadcasting, television and etc.
VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

22. Radio … one of the leading places in modern engineering.

a) occupied

b) will occupy

c) occupies

23. Radio … by A.S. Popov.

a) invents

b) invented

c) was invented

24. As A.S. Popov … his invention by that time yet, the world considered Marcony to be the inventor of radio.

a) didn’t patent

b) doesn’t patent

c) hadn’t patented

25. For some years he … at the seminary.

a) had been studying

b) studies

c) studied

26. The first receiver set … by Popov.

a) creates

b) created

c) was created
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