Методические рекомендации для студентов по дисциплине дпп. 06. «Теория и методика обучения иностранному языку»

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Now prepare a conversation about the things you need to buy using the dialogue in 1 to help you. Act out your dialogue for the class.

4) Teacher or student picks a card and the others must guess which it is by asking questions based on a model given.

For example: (to practise the simple past)

T Guess what I did at six o'clock last night.

S Did you visit your sister?

T No, I didn't. '

S Did you go to the cinema? etc.

5) Class survey

Work in groups. Make a list of questions about talking risks, and then conduct a class survey.


Would you eat or drink something that you knew might be dangerous?

Which dangerous sports might you be prepared to try? Have you ever...?

6) Situation 1

Your company has made much larger profits than anyone expected. You have to decide how to spend this extra money. The basic choices are:

a. to improve the social facilities for the employees

b. to give all staff a three per cent bonus.

Situation 2

You want to try to raise money for charity and you are meeting to decide on the best way of doing this.

7) a. make sentences about the picture below following the pattern:

I saw -ing ...

E.g. We saw a girl waving at the people outside.

a. I heard people shouting for help.

b. When the boy telephones the fire brigade to tell them there is fire, what questions will the fire brigade ask him?

c. Make up a dialogue, in pairs, between the boy and the fire brigade.
8) Imagine you are an estate agent. Work with your partner and try to 'sell' an unusual home to your partner. Your partner must think of all the objections.

Example: An island house is just what you need. It is private and really quiet.

Yes, but it's very expensive, and what happens when the sea is rough?
Five elements of a good speaking class
9) Expand the following:

Fred / holidays / July

Where / he / go?

How much / fare / cost?

10) Listen and answer either "yes I do' or 'yes please' as appropriate.

Do you like apples?

Would you like an apple?

Would you like a biscuit?

Do you like biscuits?

Do you like coffee?

Would you like some?
11) 'Ali goes to school every day'.

  • yesterday

  • shopping

  • Mrs Moustapha

  • to town

  • every day etc.

12) Work in pairs. Read your roles, then listen to the second story again to check for any information you need. Take turns to be Student A.

Student A You are a reporter for a local newspaper and you are going to interview the man who survived the fall. Prepare four or five questions for your interview.

Student В You are the man who survived the fall. To prepare for the interview think about the kinds of question you might be asked, then answer the reporter's questions about your experiences.
13) Work in pairs. Look at me two pictures and discuss these questions.

a. What sort of people live in these rooms? What sort of characters do you think
they have?

b. Which of the two rooms would you feel more comfortable in? Why?
14) Work in pairs, but don't show each other your pictures.

Student A: Describe your room, saying exactly where your furniture and possessions are situated.

Student B: Draw a square to represent Student A's room. Mark where each item is situated according to his/her description.

Discuss the differences between your drawings.

  1. Your friend's parents have gone away for a few days, leaving your friend in
    charge of the house and family. You check that your friend has remembered to do
    everything (sweep the yard, tidy up, do the shopping, feed the chickens). You ask
    questions like, "Have you swept the yard?" etc. In an office situation, a boss might
    check on the secretary in the same way.

  2. Work in pairs. Can you think of any well-known legends about people or
    places in your country? Talk about:

  • who the person was

  • if he or she really lived

  • what he or she is famous for

  • where the legend takes place

  • what happened

17) (a) Make true statements comparing the things in the pictures, e.g., Cars are more expensive than bicycles.

  1. Say which you would rather have as a present, tell your neighbour why.

  2. Describes one of the objects to your neighbour (without naming it), until he/she guesses which it is.

The teacher …

* should insist on learners` speaking English

* should accept answers tactfully, even if they are wrong

The learners…

* need to be tolerant of each other

* should not laugh at each other

* should make an effort to speak English

The atmosphere…

* should be relaxed

* should encourage everyone to participate


* It is not necessary to correct every single mistake

* The teacher should not correct the learners rudely

* Learners can correct each other


* should have lots of pair and group work

* should include interesting discussion topics

* should be varied

* the learners get a lot of input

* the learners feel accepted and might contribute again in class

* they might be shy or embarrassed if they scared of other learners

*so that they will want to speak again

*they will participate more
* if the learners feel relaxed, they will contribute more

* if everyone participates, more English is spoken
* learners can sometimes be encouraged to speak fluently

* learners are also people!

They might feel less threatened if corrected by peers, if the teacher and fellow learners are supportive of this
*so that everyone gets a chance to speak

to motivate learners

to prevent boredom

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