Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное

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НазваниеУчебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное
ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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  1. Составьте предложения, используя приведенные ниже слова.


like / to make / I'd / an /with /appointment/ Dr. Little.
you /louder /please /speak /could ?

I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Little.
Could you speak louder, please?

  1. Ms. Hillton /to schedule /like /a /with /meeting /I'd.


  1. Friday /on /be /in /He'll.


  1. schedule /His /is /Monday /all /open /day/on.


  1. free /She's /Wednesday /day /but /any.


  1. until /be /Dr. Milltop /away/ Monday/ will.


  1. is /her /Sorry /full/ Monday /on /calendar.


  1. be /Wednesday /will/She/on /out.


  1. doesn't /Tuesday /time /He /on/ have.


  1. 10:00 /be /Thursday /at/ fine/ will.


  1. 11:00/ sounds /at /good /Friday.


  1. me /is /at /8:00 /good /Monday/ not /for.


  1. possible /is /Wednesday/ not.



  1. you / best /is /What /for/ time?


  1. you /be /would /a /for/ good /When /time?


  1. okay /Tuesday /be /11:00 /on /Would?


  1. tomorrow/ be /Will /in /Mr. Rodgers?


  1. Wednesday /available /Is /next /he?


  1. time/ have/ Wednesday/ she /any /on /Does?


  1. 4:00 /about /Friday /How /at?


  1. Заполните пропуски, выбрав наиболее подходящий вариант ответа.

  1. Thank you for phoning Dental Clinic. Isabell_____.

    1. speaks

    2. speaking

    3. calls

  2. _____ Emma Smith calling.

    1. This be

    2. It's

    3. I am

  3. I was hoping Dr. Parker would have some time _______ me this week.

    1. call

    2. to see

    3. invite

  4. I'm _____ he's booked this week.

    1. afraid

    2. scared

    3. worried

  5. I can _____ _______ ________for 10 a.m. next Wednesday. How does that sound?

    1. put you in

    2. put you out

    3. withdraw you

  6. I'll have to give you the address of our new office. Do you have a(n) _____ ?

    1. pen handy

    2. the handy pen

    3. available pen

  7. Could you hold on a _____, please.

    1. buzz

    2. moment

    3. time

  8. _____ spelling that for me?

    1. If you could

    2. Please can you

    3. Would you mind

  9. Okay. _____ calling. See you then.

    1. Great for

    2. Pleased to

    3. Thanks for

  1. Заполните пропуски своими фразами и разыграйте разговор по телефону.

Модель: А: Good morning. Mr.Hopper’s office. How can I help you?

В: Good morning. Could I speak to Mr.Hopper?

A: Good morning. ..... office. How can I help you?

B: Good morning. Could I speak to Mr...

A: Who’s calling, please?

B: ... ... here.

A: I’m afraid, he is ... . Should I take a message for ……... ?

B: Yes, please. I would like to ...

A: Hold on, please, I’ll see if ……. .

B: When would you like to ... ?

A: I would like to……...

B: Mr ………..... . How about ... .?

A: That ………me.

B: All right. I'll tell him ... .

A: Thank you very much. Bye

B: Bye

  1. Разыграйте диалоги по телефону в следующих ситуациях общения. Используйте материал Приложения (стр. 18-21)

  1. Confirming the Appointment

Student A: You are Mr Kerrel’s secretary. Call Mr Harrison to confirm the appointment with your boss, refer to details (date, time).

Student B: You are Mr Harrison. Answer the call. Tell the secretary that you’re looking forward to meeting Mr Kerrel at your office.

  1. Being Unable to Keep an Appointment

Student A: You are invited to participate in the conference on November 25. Call Mr Stantly to tell that you won’t be able to participate in the conference due to your scheduled business trip.

Student B: You are Mr Stantly’s secretary. Write down the information and promise to pass it over to Mr Stantly

  1. Appointment with a Doctor

Student A: a parent of a sick child

Student B: a secretary at Dr Veinstein’s office

Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself and the clinic

Ask for the appointment with the doctor

Check the schedule of the doctor

Choose the suitable date and time (it’s an urgent matter)

Offer the available appointments

Tell the secretary the name and the age of the child

Have the personal data written down

Describe the problem (a high temperature, coughing, running nose, headache, rash)

Ask about complaints


to book tickets

to book a seat on the plane to

be totally booked

in advance

economy class / first class

the rate

reception desk

a flight leaving /arriving in


to make a reservation for

it suits my taste

a continental breakfast

to reserve

to order for dinner

to refund your deposit

to confirm the reservation

to do group bookings

to pick up your ticket


service charge

airport booking-office

inclusive of breakfast


non-stop flight

single room

going to the airport on your own

  1. Ознакомьтесь с информацией о способах покупки билетов через Интернет и по телефону на примере путешествия в Disney World (Florida (USA)). Обсудите в группах преимущества и отрицательные стороны данных двух способов и ответьте на вопросы после текста.

Disney Reservations: Book Online or Book By Phone?
Once you have decided when you want to go to Disney World, and have an idea of the type of lodgings you want, it is time to book your reservation. While you can use a travel agent, booking your own Disney vacation is simple. You can make your Disney reservations online, or call the Disney Travel Company at 407-W-DISNEY (407-934-7639) and work with a cast member trained to help you book your trip. There are advantages to both options and a few drawbacks as well.
Booking your Disney vacation online:

Booking your trip online allows you the convenience of planning your trip on your own time. The website is open and accepts reservations 24 hours a day. You can also get the latest information on Walt Disney World discount packages and specials with the click of your mouse.

Booking online allows you to easily compare resorts, and you will be able to see information on every resort that interests you. You can also use the online reservations system to quickly compare resort prices, check room availability, and find out more about the Disney theme parks and attractions.

There are a few drawbacks to the online system. It can be slow during peak hours, and it can be difficult to navigate with a slower computer. The online system can show you what you ask for, but is unable to handle special requests or questions.

The bottom line: Making your Disney reservation online may be a good choice if you are a Disney novice, or if you are not quite sure where you want to stay.
Booking your Disney vacation over the phone:

Making your Disney vacation reservation over the telephone allows you to speak to a live person trained to help you book your trip. The Disney reservations agent you speak to can quickly check resort availability, and give you both resort and vacation package prices.

Disney reservation agents are trained to answer your questions about resorts, theme parks, and transportation options. The person you speak to can also offer some alternatives if the particular resort you want is not available, or if the quoted total doesn't match your budget.

When you book your Disney vacation over the phone you may experience moderate to long hold times during peak hours. You may have to rely on the reservation agent's description of hotels and amenities, instead of looking at photos online.

The bottom line: Making your Disney reservation by phone is a good choice if you are a Disney pro and know exactly what you want, or if you have a lot of questions to ask as you plan your trip.

(from http://goflorida.about.com/od/whatyouneedtoknow/a/wdw_reservation_tips.htm)

How do you prefer to book? Why?

  1. Прослушайте запись разговора по телефону на сайте http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/5flights.shtml и ответьте на следующие вопросы, выбрав правильный ответ:

1) The man would like to enquire about flights to …

  1. Moscow

  2. Berlin

  3. New York

  4. Hong Kong

2) How much has the man to pay for the ticket?

  1. $830

  2. $70

  3. $900

  4. $760

3) How many full nights does the man plan to book a hotel room for?

  1. Four nights

  2. Five nights

  3. Six nights

  4. Seven nights

  1. Прослушайте диалог упражнения 2 и заполните пропуски:

Dolores: Hello! Dolores speaking…

Tim: Ah yes, hello. I’d like to enquire about flights to … … from Kennedy Airport in New York, please. I’m off to a conference at the end of the month - Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th. Could you tell me about the flight … and prices?

Dolores: Certainly. Do you want to go economy, business or first class?

Tim: Well, I’d like to go … class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy - company rules, you see.

Dolores: Yes, sure, I understand. How many of you will be travelling?

Tim: Ah, it’s just me.

Dolores: Okay, so that’s one seat … economy … New York - Kennedy to Hong Kong Airport.

Tim: And how much will that be?

Dolores: Let me see … to qualify for the discount rate, you need to stay over a Saturday, which you are doing … Yes, that’ll be $... .

Tim: Right, and does that include … …?

Dolores: No, tax is another $70 on top of that.

Tim: Okay. Can I … that, then?

Dolores: Certainly.

Dolores: Can I help you with anything else?

Tim: Yes, I'd like to book a … … too, for the full … nights. Could you check if the Regency Hotel has any rooms free?

Dolores: Yes, they do.

Tim: And is there a … … for conference delegates?

Dolores: Yes, there is. I think it's 10% but I can check that for you.

Tim: Okay, do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I'll call you back later to …? I just need to check one or two details.

Dolores: That's fine, sir. Can I help you with … else?

Tim: No, that's all for now. As I said, I'll call you back.

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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Бюджетное планирование и прогнозирование»
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Расходы бюджета»
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для бакалавров, обучающихся по направлению 38. 03. 01 «Экономика» профиль «Финансы и кредит»...

Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности...
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconРоссийской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное...
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие федеральное государственное автономное...
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие федеральное государственное автономное...
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебное пособие по дисциплине «Социология в строительной сфере» составлено...
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Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие для студентов-бакалавров, обучающихся...
Б39 Таможенное право: учеб метод пособие / С. В. Безуглов. – Краснодар, 2013. – 56 с

Учебно-методическое пособие Для бакалавров первого и второго года обучения, обучающихся по всем направлениям Москва 201 4 Федеральное государственное образовательное  iconУчебно-методическое пособие для студентов-бакалавров, обучающихся...
Б39 Таможенное право: учеб метод пособие / С. В. Безуглов. – Краснодар, 2013. – 56 с

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