“Company’s Profile” “Компания, в которой я работаю”

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Securities are bought and sold in securities markets of two types: primary markets, which issue new securities, and secondary markets, where previously issued securities are bought and sold. If a company wants to sell a new issue of shares or bonds, it usually negotiates with an investment bank, or underwriter, who sells the securities for it. The underwriter buys the securities from the corporation and resells them to the individual investor through the secondary market.

Organized stock exchanges have developed to make the buying and selling shares easier. The stock exchanges consist of the individual investors, brokers, and intermediaries, who deal in the purchase and sale of securities. Stock exchanges do not buy or sell securities; they simply provide the place and services for the brokers who buy and sell.

Stock transactions are handled by a stockbroker. A stockbroker buys and sells securities for clients. Stockbrokers act on the client’s orders. Stockbrokers receive a fee and are associated with a brokerage house. To trade on the exchange, a ‘seat’ must be purchased. A seat is a membership. The members represent stockbrokers. When a stockbroker calls in order to sell, the member representing that broker looks for a buyer at the price requested. When a broker calls in order to buy, the exchange member looks for a seller at the price offered.

The largest and best known exchange in the USA is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) also called the “Big Board”. There are 1300 seats on the NYSE, and approximately 2000 shares and 3400 bonds are traded daily. In order to be listed on the NYSE, a firm has to meet the following requirements:

  1. Pretax earnings of at least $2.5 million in the previous year.

  2. Tangible assets of at least $16 million.

  3. At least 1 million shares held.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.

1. What kind of place is a stock exchange?

a) a market where food and other goods are bought and sold

b) a place where shares and bonds are changed

c) an organized market where securities are bought and sold under fixed rules

2. What guarantee is given by a bank being an underwriter?

a) to sign securities

b) to buy a new issue of shares that is not bought by the public and resell it

c) to pay the cost of shares that are not sold to the public

b) 25 – 30

3. What services are provided by a member representing a stockbroker?

a) paying commissions

b) doing transactions with other brokers

c) finding buyers and sellers of securities at the stated prices
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.

4. “Big Board” is the name of ________.

a) the first largest American stock exchange located in New York

b) the second largest stock exchange in the USA

c) a regional stock exchange

5. A firm is not allowed to be listed on the NYSE if _________.

a) pretax profit was at least $2.5 million a year before

b) tangible assets amount to $16 million

c) it holds less than 1 million shares

6. Nearly 2000 shares and 3400 bonds are bought and sold on the NYSE ________.

a) annually

b) every day

c) weekly
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию .

7. первичный рынок ценных бумаг

a) secondary market

b) primary market

c) single market

8. поручитель, гарантирующий размещение ценных бумаг

a) underwriter

b) stockbroker

c) dealer

9. фондовая биржа

a) stock exchange

b) securities market

c) brokerage house

10. посредник

a) member

b) middle manager

c) intermediary

11. ценные бумаги

a) valuable papers

b) securities

c) banknotes

12. регистрировать акции на бирже

a) to list shares

b) to issue shares

c) to trade shares

13. материальные активы, реальный основной капитал, основные фонды

a) intangible assets

b) share capital

c) tangible assets

V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным терминам.

  1. share b) pretax earnings c) stockbroker d) bond e) fee

f) secondary market g) brokerage house h) membership

14. a payment or commissions for professional advice or some special services

15. a particular part or portion into which the company’s capital is divided

16. the state of being a member of an organization or a company

17. total income, before tax is deducted

18. the market for previously issued shares

19. a document issued by the government or a company borrowing money from the public and stating the amount of debt and the interest to be paid at a certain time

20. a firm or company that carries on the business of brokers

21. a broker who is employed by his clients to buy and sell and securities in return for commissions
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если не соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ примером из текста.

22. Securities of a new issue are bought and sold in the secondary market.

23. Stock exchanges were founded to facilitate the process of buying and selling shares.

24. A broker has to purchase a uniform to trade on the stock exchange.

VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

25. A stock exchange ……… services and a place for brokers.

a) is providing

b) is provided

c) provides

26. Securities…… regularly …… … …… by the underwriter through the secondary market.

a) resold and bought

b) are resold and bought

c) sell and buy

27. The stockbroker ……………. commissions yet.

a) has charged

b) hasn’t charged

c) doesn’t charge

28. After the Second World War the government …… lots of bonds to raise funds for the restoration of the economy.

a) issued

b) issues

c) had issued

29. Dividends on Shell Oil shares ……….constantly ………….

a) increase

b) are increased

c)are being increased

VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

30. A member has to look …… a buyer if a broker wants to sell shares.

a) for

b) after

c) at

31. A client has to refer to a stockbroker …… order to buy or sell securities.

a) at

b) on

c) in

32. The shares were resold ……higher prices.

a) for b) with c) at
IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием в нужной форме.

33. The company has issued much _______ bonds than a year before.

a) the most

b) more

c) many

34. Pretax earnings grow ……….

a) gradually

b) gradual

c) more gradual

35. Common stocks of oil extracting companies take the ……. risk.

a) little

b) the least

c) more little

X. Переведите текст письменно.

Preferred stock is a stock which bears some resemblance to a bond. A preferred stockholder is entitled to dividends at a specified rate, and these dividends must be paid before any dividends can be paid on the company’s common stock. In most cases a preferred dividend is cumulative, which means if it isn’t paid in a given year, it is owed by the company to the preferred stockholder. If the corporation is sold or liquidates, the preferred stockholders have a claim on a certain portion of the assets ahead of the common stockholders. Many preferred stocks are listed for trading on NYSE and other exchanges. For the individual buyer, a bond may often be a better buy. Unlike a stock, a bond is evidence not of ownership, but of a loan to a company or to a government. It is a debt obligation. When you buy a corporation bond, you have bought a portion of a large loan and your rights are those of a lender. You are entitled to interest payments at a specified rate and to repayment of the full amount of the bond at the specified date. Many corporate bonds are traded on the NYSE, and newspapers carry a separate daily table showing bond trading.

Контрольная работа № 3

по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей

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